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1 minute ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

It makes perfect lore sense doesn't it. :P

Sword > One Power > Darkspawn 😔

All things are possible when you embrace death.

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14 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Did you know a Faceless dies instantly to balefire but not a Blademaster? 🤔

Lol, yeah in my personal opinion aeo is probably myrddraal so the balefire should be an insta kill 

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2 minutes ago, Stick. said:

Lol, yeah in my personal opinion aeo is probably myrddraal so the balefire should be an insta kill 

It's been my theory given her Mat comment, but I've considered an Illuminator world because IMO that's the only one where you can kind of say "yeah it justifies a two channeller theory." Anything else and Lord of Luck is honestly better grounds for it.

Either way, I'm of the view that in an E!you world, yesterday doesn't happen - even an Elim team preparing a sacrifice doesn't go for 'catching the player on a ridiculously specific rules-based lie'; this sort of thing is more spontaneous than planned, you'd likely have torn Aet on posts, and in an E!you world, you have more options than what did in fact go down, including a hammer on Aeo, knowing I can't stop you with my stats.

In an E!Mat world, I have a hard time seeing Mat this checked out and short on agenda, or pushing Aet this much to begin with. Again, Aet exe was not a foregone conclusion. Aet was basically the only player he cased extensively, and he ended up with the worst kind of Aet read in that longpost from a "I don't wanna get exed next" E!Mat perspective: it looks real bad if your main contribution is a post that kind of softdefends but also E!reads Aet and goes /shrug exe this guy.

PoE pushes me to Aeo here.

Even without PoE, I think Aeo trying to play role breadcrumbing at near-lylo is just a bad look, and that's without the longpost I did looking at her interactions with Aet and specifically how Aet treats Mat, you, and Aeo.

I'm aware I'm mostly preaching to the choir here but never let it be said I don't re-tread old ground.

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