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2 hours ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

Just a reminder to get your actions in!

Good luck with Hangman, may it be good practice for tomorrow. 

IDK, has anything so far in this game given you reason to believe we have difficulties tryna exe someone? :P 

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Day Three - Wards, Untriggered, Are Bloody Useless


The night was quiet. All stood still in their rooms, except for one woman. Despite the hour, the Amyrlin was awake, discussing with the man who the Forsaken had attacked. He was the only one she was sure she could trust. 

Surely the Forsaken wouldn't attack one of her allies. Surely. Perhaps he wasn't the only one she could trust. Perhaps she couldn't trust anyone. 

She had made precautions. All of the rooms, including the one she was in, were bright. No corner lay in shadow. There was no way to circumvent the wards she had personally placed on every room. They would alert her the moment anyone went in or out. 

It was the only way to be certain of the last Dark Friend's identity. As the night grew long, none of the wards were set off. She began to doubt. Had she made a mistake?

The sun rose, and no wards were set off. She and the man checked every room. No one was dead. This had just gotten complicated. 


Any day you wake up, maybe you die.


No one has died. They were not anything of anywhere.

Some things to note:

  • PMs are essentially closed. You may only use any Warder PMs you may have been sent, though you can send in your actions to be able to PM next turn. Previously opened PMs may continue to be used only if one member has used the action

  • There is a two vote minimum, the top player must have two votes to die

  • Ties of the vote will be resolved by a coinflip, make your sacrifices or, if you're not on good terms with the gods, I do take bribes

  • This cycle will end at 7:30 AM Mountain Time on Wednesday the 5th of June

  • I will shorten this cycle by a day if everyone wishes

  • Please send in any write-up requests you might have

  • Try not to die intravenously, and have fun!

Rules doc for your convenience:


Player List:

  • @Aeoryi
  • AeternumForsaken
  • RoyalBeeMage Warder
  • @Stick.
  • @Mat
  • CadCom Aes Sedai
  • @Kasimir
  • Wierdo Aes Sedai
  • Araris Valerian Lord of Luck

Ask me things in a couple hours when I wake back up.

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22 minutes ago, The Unknown Ajah said:
  • I will shorten this cycle by a day if everyone wishes

In light of this cycle's result, I'm not going to request this just yet, on my part.

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Aeo for the moment.

Really shouldn't be likely to change but Archer waltzed into Maili and then Az so I kind of just want to think through again.

Honestly Aeo's just outright behaving the most sus out of everyone. Playstyle is one issue, but it was actively unhelpful yesterday and needed to stop yesterday if she is Village. That's as pointed as I'm going to be on the issue.

Bracketing that, cui bono?

A. If Mat is truthful about being an E!BM, then Mat really has a solid PtV here I think. E!Mat knows Stick is demonstrably a channeller, i.e. severed and vulnerable. He knows as well I'm demonstrably the Amrylin Seat and even if I were lying about my Air stat, Heals require you to target someone else, not yourself. In other words, I'm a guaranteed kill. Kill me, go 2v1 into the Day. Likelihood is Mat won't need to exert himself too much for an Aeo ML to happen in this world. Aeo ML -> 1v1 into the Night. A Severed Stick is pretty vulnerable to the NK, and E!BM or E!Faceless Mat neatly kills her to win here with an extra life still unscathed. I can't really see why E!Mat would bother leaving me alive in this world because it's just a waste of tempo.

B. I guess the main E!Stick world here is one in which Stick is lying about being severed. But there are so many unanswered questions here: did the balefire come from Aet then? If not, couldn't Stick have killed me and Aeo and then votejacked Mat today with Concentration to win tonight? Suppose Stick doesn't have a VM and is actually say, a Faceless. Not killing last Night -> 3v1 into the Day, we exe Aeo, 2v1 into the Night, she kills me, but then is back to the Mat 1v1 again. V!Mat here in this landscape is a hard Village force to overcome and I can't really see what earning tempo by refusing to exe does here unless she leads a pivot onto Mat.

In any world E!Stick is a channeller, Aet just doesn't die that way. This is completely bracketing everything I've said about their interactions not being E/E.

C. But why the hell doesn't Aeo just put in a kill last Night? I Shielded her, and Shield only stops weaves, not physical actions.

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