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1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

Aet needs to get back to work and stop getting distracted by forum mafia lol


33 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Certainly this is consistent with your takes! 😄

Araris is not a player you expect to get emotion off unless he tells you outright. Happy to learn how you have ostensibly played this long and still do not know this. In other words, an obviously ??? moment from Araris is IMO an invitation to try to extrapolate what made him do it. One explanation I considered is a Villager pounce, having done that before. I argue the first statement alone invalidates every single piece of post-reading you claim to be able to do - it doesn't work on Araris.

Araris plays differently than the typical player from me, I do agree on that, but at the end of the day, the name of the game is "Elimmy = Elim" (If it looks like a swan, quacks like a swan, and flies like a swan, sometimes it's just a coral swan).

5 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Oh but later down you do have more elim points for Araris, it just does NOT match up nicely to me and I dislike that




6 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

The compulsion?



7 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Why Kas not Araris here?

Because you and kas are both +wolf equity w/ araris, but are not necessarily e/e w/ each other


8 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

In retrospect, it makes sense to assume 2 elims - just the way you said "yes there is" felt weird.

Okay I don't see why this is still something worth bringing up but okay


40 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Anyone who @s me about aggression, I hate it when people are overconfident but can't put up things to remotely support your confidence. You just come across as tacky and arrogant and I am thoroughly okay biting back.

I'm confused why you'd be defensive over this (Araris, not your tone) though. Do you really townread Araris that much?

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

I'm confused why you'd be defensive over this (Araris, not your tone) though. Do you really townread Araris that much?

I'm not defensive over Araris - I just detest it when people are arrogant over poor conclusions and also think you have a history of pushing reads with extreme confidence that are unwarranted. As I pointed out:

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

If I know that there's about 90% of the rules I didn't look at and didn't want to look at, I submit it is eminently reasonable to hold I don't know what the rules do. You may disagree - if so, then you are simply overconfident and did not read the rules as you claim you did.

You are welcome to demonstrate how a line of reasoning that it is inconsistent to ignore 90% of the rules and yet saying I don't know the rules gets off the ground. I'll wait.

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

but at the end of the day, the name of the game is "Elimmy = Elim" (If it looks like a swan, quacks like a swan, and flies like a swan, sometimes it's just a coral swan).

I can't really disagree with this since it's my known weakness with regard to reading players - I don't tend to just accept it on face value and then it bites me when it comes to newer players.

1 hour ago, Aeternum said:

but at the end of the day, the name of the game is "Elimmy = Elim" (If it looks like a swan, quacks like a swan, and flies like a swan, sometimes it's just a coral swan).

The Forsaken's vote never counts. To cover this up, Araris is suggesting they will be forced to use a Compulsion weave to shift someone's vote to theirs, pushing the no-vote elsewhere. Since the Forsaken auto-succeeds on a weave of their choice, it's better for us to force them to burn it on Compulsion than other things. I don't disagree with this tactically because I would rather the auto-success be burned on Compulsion. But it does mean as a result of Araris's call that we are going to play IKYK with the missing vote later on - Forsaken or framed?

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Okay, so what are your conclusions?

I’d say I’m suspicious of Mat for his comment that he wasn’t defending CadCom, and for mentioning the extra life thing. CadCom’s statement wasn’t significant enough for me to sit out and listen when there was active discussion to engage with. Nobody else really commented in between.


1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Do you really townread Araris that much?

The question is, why doesn’t everyone else?

I’ll note that if I wanted to do “solve repression” I’d go for you or Mat or Kas or Stick… or I’d realize that tactic might be hopeless with the players in this game. Besides, role/rule analysis =/= solving, so I don’t know where you are coming from anyways.

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3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I’ll note that if I wanted to do “solve repression” I’d go for you or Mat or Kas or Stick… or I’d realize that tactic might be hopeless with the players in this game

Cannot believe I am saying this to you of all people.

This is literally what the NK is for...c'mon...

Since when do SE Elims aggressively thread control. Hasn't happened since peak Aman and even Archer trends opportunist when Evil.

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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Cannot believe I am saying this to you of all people.

This is literally what the NK is for...c'mon...

Since when do SE Elims aggressively thread control. Hasn't happened since peak Aman and even Archer trends opportunist when Evil.

I totally agree about the NK. Though I think there are folks in this game that could run aggressive thread control if they wanted.


15 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

But it does mean as a result of Araris's call that we are going to play IKYK with the missing vote later on - Forsaken or framed?

Well, or at least we threaten to. It’s up to the folks left alive to decide whether it’s worth pursuing later. What we don’t want is to completely ignore the mechanic.

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15 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Well, or at least we threaten to. It’s up to the folks left alive to decide whether it’s worth pursuing later. What we don’t want is to completely ignore the mechanic.

I fundamentally think the IKYK is worth looking at or being aware of at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But YMMV.

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Funny to me that Aeo implies knowing my meta enough to apparently get an e!metaread off my joke opener, yet later implies that e!me (in an e!CadCom world) would make the sequence of CadCom posts at all. Moot point because Aeo v reads me but anyways.

I do agree with Aeo regarding Araris-- Kas's post calling Aeo out on a bunch of stuff is all valid but also is in regards to Kas himself and not Araris. The whole thing of "I don't explain conclusions, just point them out" + "I wanted to see other reactions [while being the first voter]" still is weird.

Araris's own explanation is /plausible/ though and I've been wrong on Araris more than enough times to, uh, continue to cowardly stay off his train :P.

2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

If a player's argument/view on another player washes to a null, I don't take that to be a negative case - citing that as a negative suggests you're not convinced by the nulling and yet you also want to cite it as your entire reason for your read. Doesn't make sense to me.

Yeah, I would say I e!read Araris, not null read him. I still don't want to vote him though. Call that elim TMI if you want idrc

2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Edited to add: Oh yeah, @The Unknown Ajah - Aet. Feels 180 from Drake's QF.

Could you help a friend out and elaborate on this a bit-- never played with Aet and mostly have just been appreciating their posts without any real consideration on my part.

2 hours ago, Aeternum said:

In retrospect, it makes sense to assume 2 elims - just the way you said "yes there is" felt weird.

That's just Aeo, I think. That whole post gives me v!Aeo vibes quite strongly. Scattered, a lot of good takes, more than a few questionable ones, written in earnest and in confidence, etc. Normal things.

50 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I’d say I’m suspicious of Mat for his comment that he wasn’t defending CadCom, and for mentioning the extra life thing.

...Am I really going to have to explain this again lol

What extra life thing?

50 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

The question is, why doesn’t everyone else?

Should we? /shrug


Stick, Aeoryi
Aeternum, Weirdo
Kasimir, RoyalBeeMage
CadCom, Araris Valerian

Do any of yall do the thing where you make a reads list and realize you don't think either of the two people you read the most elimmy are actually going to flip red or is that just me

Edited by Mat
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Edited to add:

I mean sure I'll give you another freebie behind why I feel Aeo's confidence is eyebrow-raising:

So this argues I'm E/E with Araris, having set out to defend Araris in thread and then decided halfway through to half-take it back by going back to sussing Araris on zero provocation with Araris having attracted exactly zero votes apart from a mid comment from Mat.

This is an insanely bad picture of the game. It's incoherent on the face of it because it requires I both deliberately set out to tie myself tightly to Araris and then immediately realise it is a mistake and distance in a halfarsed way without remotely thinking through where ambivalence looks. So it assumes I am making posts in a deliberative way (cf. Stick's comment on distance and commentary) but also that...I'm not.

So which is it? You can't have it both ways. Bringing up the fact law class is killing me as an excuse doesn't wash away the fundamental contradiction in your assumptions. Also side-eyeing Stick here for ignoring an explicit part of my E!play she's mentioned before. Would be comfortable with a vote there. (This is just to say that if you've used it as a spec to clear me before, then I question why you have conveniently forgotten it here.)

I'm not even bothering to bring up Araris's Elim doctrine here.


I'm mostly on Aet because I feel Aet isn't really in gear here compared to his thread-driver role in Drake's QF but acknowledge it's a borderline case given Aet's mentioned work. I don't feel I've gotten enough out of RBM to make a read and have also gotten RBM wrong before.

@Wierdo What's your current take?

There's a thing E!Mat does that I've not quite seen yet. I'm watching for it, but in any case, would not push CadCom or Mat D1. Not-seeing the E!Mat thing is making me believe V!Mat for now. With asterisks.

Oh yeah for 'you're defending Araris' people:

Have you considered the easiest, nobrainer defense here is "hey, Araris hasn't played in over a month and I am not in favour of C1ing him"?

Edited to add 2:

4 minutes ago, Mat said:

Could you help a friend out and elaborate on this a bit-- never played with Aet and mostly have just been appreciating their posts without any real consideration on my part.

Yeah just explained it. Am on a class break rn so get to say more but essentially, Aet took a major role in thread solving and pushing in QF71. Right now, Aet kind of feels disengaged. I accept/appreciate Aet has work but I'd note that disengaged!Aet is synonymous based on my current experience with E!Aet. I agree you can also make that argument for me but I shrug and say it anyway - Aet was basically out of things in Sart's LG99 and on the ball in Drake's QF. The shift was visceral and helped a provisional V!read of Aet early on.

I don't think, as a result of those games, Aet will ever be allowed to just sit on the sidelines in a game again, which is why I am in a ? place about Aet atm.

Edited to add 3:

6 minutes ago, Mat said:

Yeah, I would say I e!read Araris, not null read him. I still don't want to vote him though. Call that elim TMI if you want idrc

I mean that's a you-thing :P I can't dispute your own Araris beliefs, and it's good to hear an explicit position on your part, but I do think that your set-up of it read more null than pointed, hence my question to Stick.

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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I mean sure I'll give you another freebie behind why I feel Aeo's confidence is eyebrow-raising:

So I agree with your points regarding Aeo but idk if I'd call it eyebrow-raising as much as normal Aeo. Sorta what I got at earlier. Maybe I don't have as good of a grasp of Aeo's meta as I think I do but when I see an overly confident read that doesn't hold together all that well from them I kinda just don't think anything of it :p.

6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

There's a thing E!Mat does that I've not quite seen yet. I'm watching for it, but in any case, would not push CadCom or Mat D1. Not-seeing the E!Mat thing is making me believe V!Mat for now. With asterisks.

Bro ;-; Just promise me that when I finish my last game in a couple months you'll tell me what this thing is lol cause I'm insanely curious

8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Aet was basically out of things in Sart's LG99 and on the ball in Drake's QF. The shift was visceral and helped a provisional V!read of Aet early on.

Got it, thanks. Aet was elim in LG99, I take it? I might go and look at those later.

Vote Count:

  • CadCom (1): Araris Valerian
  • RoyalBeeMage (2): Stick., Mat
  • Mat (1): CadCom
  • Araris Valerian (1): Aeoryi
  • Aeternum (1): Kasimir

@Araris Valerian you voted CadCom based on his first post, which was the second post of the entire game. I know you're the stab vote guy but is there anything about his posting since then that has made you keep your vote? Mostly you've just talked about that first one iirc

@RoyalBeeMage hi you have the most votes

@CadCom still wondering why you picked Kas over the other zero vote people, initially. I know that you're now voting me and included a reason with that vote but am still curious about your first one.

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Edited to add 4 aka Will I Be Ninjaed Chicken:


Here's some digging I did to substantiate what I mean a little. Drawing from QF71 first because it's closest on my mind.


Not first post - QF71 C1 is 7 pages so I am doing a selection, but this is a tactical comment worth highlighting because Aet follows it up IMO with a useful subsequent call to discussion:

Here, on the central mech.

Calls for more engagement.

Global readslist, which identifies Aet's thoughts and reasons for some reads quoting exchanges.

Interacts with players he cannot read.

I know Neil would say #selfmeta but it's worth noting Aet acknowledges the meta difference. The extent to which he can overcome it is the question here IMO.

Even more engagement with one-off players.

Even more engagement/thought.

Skipping a bunch of tactical posts to go to this exchange here which starts with:

Engages with other players seriously to understand views and converge on an exe target that makes sense. Cites posts in defense of Weaver to me when I ask given I sus Weaver. Genuine sense Aet is trying to sensemake here.

tldr; I'm not saying there should be no difference - again, Aet has cited circumstances that might make a difference so I'm not necessarily sold on this train, but IMO this is just selective (rather than all!) posts from C1 and the rest of Aet's game was in this vein. It all points to a thoughtful discussion-driver player, and Aet is taking a backseat here in comparison.


Pretty much a meme/nothing opening.

Selectively reactive.

Spores/rules comment.

Pushing TJ for aggression.


That's D1. I don't recall Aet getting much more active in this LG, and while it's small enough to scroll through the rest, I definitely don't feel there's much of a difference here that I noted.

I took all of Aet's D1 posts, btw.


I'd argue current Aet is sort of an in-between point. Not really engaged but not obviously hiding the way E!Aet was. I currently E!lean but it's not strong - my contention here is that E!Aet probably would be required to make some form of thread presence because any kind of passivity would get him killed after his QF performance and he's aware of it. But I could also genuinely see V!Aet just being too busy to get into things. As I said, I certainly was there.

The re-read is making me also okay with going for RBM. RBM is in another weird meta place for me but it's just a bit similar to where I ended up on RBM mentally in Drake's QF - not doing things E!them did, not quite, but also not really doing things V!them did.

Edit because I did in fact get ninjaed by Mat 😔

38 minutes ago, Mat said:

So I agree with your points regarding Aeo but idk if I'd call it eyebrow-raising as much as normal Aeo. Sorta what I got at earlier. Maybe I don't have as good of a grasp of Aeo's meta as I think I do but when I see an overly confident read that doesn't hold together all that well from them I kinda just don't think anything of it :p.

K I'll be honest it's not an E!Aeo point. She asked me why I was aggravated - my response is that this is a pet peeve. I don't take it to be AI and tbh I'm okay with V!Aeo for now. I was not so happy with her early game, but she's entered and for me, that's something I'm fine running with for now.

38 minutes ago, Mat said:

Bro ;-; Just promise me that when I finish my last game in a couple months you'll tell me what this thing is lol cause I'm insanely curious

Remind me then and I'll tell you! If it makes you more curious/helps jog my memory several months from now, I'll note it's actually a similar thing to what E!TUA does and what I was looking for last game from him.

Rough thoughts atm:

-Ok with V!Mat, V!Aeo
-? on Stick, Araris
-Not voting CadCom D1
-Squint on Aet, RBM
-Need more from Wierdo but also understand Wierdo's difficulties (QF71 stuff.)

If there's anyone else I forgot, you go right into squint for me forgetting you existed though tbh this line of reasoning is less compelling when I'm checking in between classes.

Edited to add WHATEVER:


@Araris Valerian Given the last iteration involved a Vorros/Devo - BM/Forsaken team and Devo and you 1v1ing in weaves, is there a reason you think this is not actually balanced? 2 channellers IMO gives the Elims free access to linking, which creates more problems depending on their stats, e.g. fireball. You could certainly argue TKN probably ensured their collective stats don't do this, but giving Elims free linking next to Forsaken auto-weave success still feels like a power upgrade to me I'm not confident would exist.

Final edit I promise:

If there's a way to prove our three ta'averen near endgame, I think this is worth going for with a mass claim, in asterisks. I don't really believe we will be so lucky as to get them all as it'd be what, a 1/3 autoclear in this game population? But nevertheless, getting an autoclear is still helpful for us.

I broke my promise EDIT:

Wrt the Araris @ - the point I am driving at is that linking and auto-success with a decent compulsion risk appetite or even just making a single compulsion weave in the Day as the other Evil channeller means that you get a free potentially killing or still annoying weave at Night e.g. a Shield or whatnot via linking and the ability to confirm that one succeeds. To me, that suggests way more volatility in a 9 player game. That's kind of weird to me, hence that feels like a distro view that doesn't make sense.

Consider that Compulsion is complexity 3, meaning that it can automatically succeed as long as it is the only weave you do in the day.

That kind of bites against your 'force the Forsaken to burn an auto success' point tbh.


Concentrating will restrict you to a single weave, and physical actions will not be permitted. Concentrating will then increase your chances of success. Weaves with a complexity of 3 or lower will automatically succeed.

Sure, they don't get physical actions but lbr, what physical action was an E!channeller gonna use in the Day anyway??? (There's possibly a play here about mass PMing to block that off which is not the worst but I also kind of think it has implications for any physical role. YMMV on whether that's worth it.)

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Vote Count that totally wasn't stolen from Mat but that I'm pretty sure is right except for maybe the Aeo on Araris vote but maybe I just didn't see it cause my eyes are tired:

CadCom (1): Araris Valerian

RoyalBeeMage (2): Stick., Mat

Mat (1): CadCom

Araris Valerian (1): Aeoryi

Aeternum (1): Kasimir

I'll be heading to bed. See all of you a half hour before rollover. Make sure to get your actions in.

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

"hey, Araris hasn't played in over a month and I am not in favour of C1ing him"?

You know, I was going to jokingly say that you were defending me because this is the first game in a while that I’m not stuck IMing. 


1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

@Araris Valerian Given the last iteration involved a Vorros/Devo - BM/Forsaken team and Devo and you 1v1ing in weaves, is there a reason you think this is not actually balanced? 2 channellers IMO gives the Elims free access to linking, which creates more problems depending on their stats, e.g. fireball. You could certainly argue TKN probably ensured their collective stats don't do this, but giving Elims free linking next to Forsaken auto-weave success still feels like a power upgrade to me I'm not confident would exist.

That is a valid point. I think a Forsaken/Myddraal teams would work. But it could also be high power on both sides, especially with the village only roles that exist.

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46 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

You know, I was going to jokingly say that you were defending me because this is the first game in a while that I’m not stuck IMing. 

I can't deny that's a motivating factor but in general E!you knows and abuses the fact I never really want to exe you until the evidence is screaming at me in the face so it's not like this was particularly new.

46 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

That is a valid point. I think a Forsaken/Myddraal teams would work. But it could also be high power on both sides, especially with the village only roles that exist.

Fair, but I feel that puts us in a "we can't make distro speculation without full sight of distro" position which I commonly chant at Mat anyway :P Like...the problem here is that if we're not playing with a full Village-only roster, and I already mentioned my doubts about the ta'averen all being in because we get 1/3 free clears, then we're not looking necessarily at those kinds of power levels.

Edited to add:

1 hour ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

Vote Count that totally wasn't stolen from Mat but that I'm pretty sure is right except for maybe the Aeo on Araris vote but maybe I just didn't see it cause my eyes are tired:

CadCom (1): Araris Valerian

RoyalBeeMage (2): Stick., Mat

Mat (1): CadCom

Araris Valerian (1): Aeoryi

Aeternum (1): Kasimir

I'll be heading to bed. See all of you a half hour before rollover. Make sure to get your actions in.

Tallybot agrees with this, just for the record.

Edited to add 2: Tbh @Araris Valerian my current take on you is "I won't help you kill him." It's very much a null sort of space because I don't fundamentally disagree with Mat's reaction. I just think that E!you would park more subtly as you tend to do.

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14 hours ago, Stick. said:

RoyalBeeMage is probably an ok exe for today in my opinion. this is not to say im now villa reading araris but royalbeemage's take on araris reads like potential TMI on a villager

also what makes you say that about me?

9 hours ago, Aeoryi said:
22 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

well. i am now online. first thoughts. i don't think anyone has given me much to work with. i think that I sleep through the turn over so I don't know how much more I will be able to post this round. i don't think that araris is that suspisios. they are just pointing out the obvious.

@RoyalBeeMage Curious why you don't find that suspicious?


as far as i am aware(though i could easaly have mised something) all they did was post about the armalyn role and some mis understood information.

18 hours ago, Stick. said:

Do you think that makes the people pushing araris suspicious? 

i already gave an answer for this...

8 hours ago, Mat said:

There’s the Aeo I know and love! :P Will respond when I’m at a computer. Won’t be for a few hours. Aeoryi. I like how we came to some similar conclusions. I’d also noted Kas/Araris as a pairing but hadn’t said anything cause I wanted to see how it progressed.

I wasn’t protecting you, CadCom, I was disagreeing with Araris. I already said that. I don’t really agree with your mech analysis and don’t see much of a reason to read you either way, but Araris’s push didn’t make sense. Besides. So what if I do v read you, I’m allowed to defend my trusts :P.

That being said, I still really don’t understand your reasoning for your Kas vote. You’re trusting Araris’s (who notably e reads you) offhand comment, when you don’t even really know what he means?

And besides, my first question was why you picked Kas over anyone else with no votes. You didn’t even answer that.

Edit: RoyalBeeMage

@The Unknown Ajah

can I ask why you put me? i don't see much reason for it in your thinking.

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11 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

Clarification which probably means that Cadcom is not the Amyrlin Seat or the Compulsion

nice angleshooting 🗿

but ok villagery post for the most part


Mat is also villagery


7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Also side-eyeing Stick here for ignoring an explicit part of my E!play she's mentioned before. Would be comfortable with a vote there. (This is just to say that if you've used it as a spec to clear me before, then I question why you have conveniently forgotten it here.)

hmm? im genuinely drawing a blank here lol


@Aeternum do u play mafia elsewhere? just curious


2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

as far as i am aware(though i could easaly have mised something) all they did was post about the armalyn role and some mis understood information

yea, but it just feels to me like u didnt consider his alignment deeply enough and kinda just rushed to provide a game-related thought for the sake of it. esp bc araris didnt just post about mech, he used it to push cadcom (initially, at least). it's easy for an elim to see a bunch of villas jumping on another villa and just go 'honestly idk that guy seems fine whatd he do to deserve this?' 



1 thing in royal's favour is that they havent voted yet and they seem to love using their vote as an elim (sample size: 1 game)




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16 minutes ago, Stick. said:

1 thing in royal's favour is that they havent voted yet and they seem to love using their vote as an elim (sample size: 1 game)


I used it to apathy clear in LG99 and was wrong. Not remotely buying.


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ok im not moving off royalbee, looking at qf70 (v!royal game) they used their vote a lot even if it was just early d1 poke voting so i retract the 1 thing they seemed to have going for them



oh nice lol

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Just now, Stick. said:



ok im not moving off royalbee, looking at qf70 (v!royal game) they used their vote a lot even if it was just early d1 poke voting so i retract the 1 thing they seemed to have going for them



oh nice lol

To be clear I apathy-cleared E!Bee for not voting in self-defense. NOPE.

Response to your q when not hopping trains and off mobile 

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if i get voted out simply because I did not bother to read through some of araris's posts. why do you guys post such big posts? 

1 hour ago, Stick. said:


i can already tell you that I am not a forsaken(isn't the forsaken a elim only role?). all I am is a warder. though to who I am not saying as I am not sure how comfortable they would be with me saying so... 

edit: I doubt any of you belive any of what I just said. i know I wouldn't. if there is anything that I can do to potentially save grace I am trying to think of something. 

still want to hear back from @Wierdo...

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6 minutes ago, Stick. said:

help that is so sus

Help me with what you're thinking? On my part I'm just still sort of in the ehhhh place but this wants to make me do a re-read of the QF real quick as a comparator.

1 hour ago, Stick. said:

ok im not moving off royalbee, looking at qf70 (v!royal game) they used their vote a lot even if it was just early d1 poke voting so i retract the 1 thing they seemed to have going for them

I should add that in addition to LG99, they also did not vote to save themselves with Cash in QF71, which we just came off. Voting with Cash would've at least made it a 50/50 and potentially split the vote and would not have seemed sus, since it was self-pres. Basically I'm saying E!Bee is not really about self-pres.

@Stick. As an addendum I have thought more about it and while I can't deny it's making me still side-eye you, I'm trying to bracket it as I'm concerned I'm doing a Drake on you where I kinda tacitly sussed him from Araris's RP game. If it matters and the suspicion doesn't go away, I'll bring it up later on. Otherwise I kind of feel bringing it up in thread (key word) right now is a bit of a distraction.

10 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

if i get voted out simply because I did not bother to read through some of araris's posts.

Why would you be voted out for that? Conversely, if you didn't bother to read through, how could you confidently say he's not that suspicious?

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Help me with what you're thinking?

"all i am is a warder" i believe theyre a warder but i dont believe that's "all" they are. forsaken can be warders too. also the immediate 'no one will believe me' is kinda pingy 


also they still arent voting 

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Just now, Stick. said:

"all i am is a warder" i believe theyre a warder but i dont believe that's "all" they are. forsaken can be warders too. also the immediate 'no one will believe me' is kinda pingy 

I am pretty sure Forsaken can't, you are thinking of Darkfriends here unless this is meant to be a multi-role game???

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

I am pretty sure Forsaken can't, you are thinking of Darkfriends here unless this is meant to be a multi-role game???

in the book a forsaken could be a warder though its extremely likely that they would be able to undo that. idk how it works here.

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