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Hello everyone,

I'm Tem and I started reading The Way of Kings last year after becoming a mother for the first time and needing something to read during the times my baby was sleeping in my lap. After years of barely reading anything that wasn't connected to my studies I got reminded of my teenage love for fantasy. I used my parental leave from work to go through almost all of the cosmere (only missing Dawnshard, Elantris and the secret projects right now).

I have been a fan of many things in my life, but I never participated in a fandom. When the backerkit campaign was announced, I decided that I wanted a leatherbound of my new favorite book. I imagined it like ordering from a shop, only with a slightly longer waiting time. What I wasn't expecting was the great fun I had with the trivia challenge and the community interaction. So here I am, joining my first ever forum, looking forward to exchange thoughts with all of you.

I identify as an Elsecaller and/or a Rioter ;)

When I'm not spending time with my daughter or reading I love playing roleplay games like DnD and trying (and mostly failing) to draw characters from various books or games.

Nice to meet you!

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Thank you! 
I tend to love sidecharacters more than the main characters. One of my favorites overall is actually Breeze. I love his interactions with Ham and later on with Allrianne and I really enjoyed the little hints at his backstory.

In Stormlight Archive my favorites are probably Jasnah, Renarin and Rlain, so I‘m already quite hyped for the back five books :)

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Hello! If you could have top-tier powers in any magic system from the Cosmere, which would you choose? (ie. would you be a Radiant, an Awakener, a Mistborn, a Feruchemist, etc. etc.)

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5 hours ago, strmblsd said:

Heyyyy welcome... What so your opinion on hemalurgy?

As a story element, it‘s fantastic. I‘m with Khriss, of all the metallic arts this has the most interesting implications for the Cosmere at large. Would I personally want to use this or live in a world where it could potentially be used on me? Storms, no!

5 hours ago, Ookla said:

Hello! If you could have top-tier powers in any magic system from the Cosmere, which would you choose? (ie. would you be a Radiant, an Awakener, a Mistborn, a Feruchemist, etc. etc.)

Interesting questions. Though I do think that metalminds could be very usefull to have, I think I would prefer to be a Radiant. I prefer powers that come with an advisor how to use them responsibly. I would love to have a Spren with me :)

3 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Hey there! Welcome to the Shard!

If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you be and why?

(also drawing is so fun! have you drawn any cosmere characters?)

I would go to Azir. I think their way of handling things like succession is a bit overcomplicated, but much fairer than the Alethi way. And I would love to witness what happens to a country where the ruler and his advisors are influenced by Lift.

I have not drawn Cosmere stuff, but it‘s on the list of things I want to try. If I‘m happy with anything I might post it.

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13 hours ago, Block said:

Welcome to the shard! If I can ask, what's your daughter's name? Also, who's your least favorite cosmere character?

Thank you :) I‘d prefer not to share her name online. It‘s not fantasy related, if that was the question ;) but here‘s a fun fact about her: my husband and I tried to fill out the Radiant Quiz for her as we imagined she would answer based on her behavior. She got Lightweaver. I think it fits her well, she always makes everyone around her smile :)

Least favorites is hard to answer. There is no one I heavyly dislike. I think least interesting to me to read is Dalinar, I just don‘t resonate as much with that archetype of a character. I feel similar about Wax, so I think these two might be my least favorites if it comes to their POV-chapters. I still enjoy their storylines though.

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1 hour ago, The cheeseman said:

Welcome to the Shard! What's your favorite D&D class?

Hi :) I Like Charisma based characters best, though I am not a fan of Paladins. Favorite might be Warlock. I also have a Rogue I like a lot, but I never had much opportunity to play him.

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2 minutes ago, Tem said:

Hi :) I Like Charisma based characters best, though I am not a fan of Paladins. Favorite might be Warlock. I also have a Rogue I like a lot, but I never had much opportunity to play him.

My favorite warlock was a V human with intelligence as his dumpstat, and he very firmly believed he was a wizard. His 'spellbook' was "this real freaky looking book I found in a cave."

Rogue's are so much fun. I see them get bashed a lot for sneak attack damage not scaling well (among other things), but I've noticed that while not every class is perfect, they're all pretty good if the DM sets up encounters in a way that all of a class's features can be useful over the course of the campaign.


Assassin rogue is still the best. That auto-crit on surprise attacks deals absurd amounts of damage.


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1 hour ago, The cheeseman said:

My favorite warlock was a V human with intelligence as his dumpstat, and he very firmly believed he was a wizard. His 'spellbook' was "this real freaky looking book I found in a cave."

Rogue's are so much fun. I see them get bashed a lot for sneak attack damage not scaling well (among other things), but I've noticed that while not every class is perfect, they're all pretty good if the DM sets up encounters in a way that all of a class's features can be useful over the course of the campaign.

That‘s so fun. My Warlock was blind (the Campaign was Greek Mythology inspired and I was going for a blind seer kind of character). The DM and I had agreed on what sorts of limitation that would bring (could not cast spells that said  „a target you can see“ and so on), so it really wasn‘t a strong character. But the vibes she gave of were so creepy that the rest of the group was convinced that she was insanely powerful.

Absolutly agree regarding the usefulness of class features. It all depends on the kind of Campaign your playing.

Do you plan to play the Stormlight RPG when it‘s released? My usual group for Pen and Paper doesn‘t read SA, so I have to see if they like the setting anyway.

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4 hours ago, Tem said:

Do you plan to play the Stormlight RPG when it‘s released? My usual group for Pen and Paper doesn‘t read SA, so I have to see if they like the setting anyway.

I might. I'm already looking at other TTRPGs (not that I don't like 5e, I just want to try out other things), and I've looked into the systems from Free League Publishing, and Pendragon 6e by Chaosium. 45-60 dollars for core rulebooks, plus any peripherals I might need, for ~3ish different systems adds up to a lot. That said, SA does take preference over the others, so I'll at least go to my local game store and flip thru the rules.

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