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Adventures in Edassa Information Thread (RP Ongoing!)


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I'm freaking stoked for this to get off the ground.


One little thing has been bothering me but I might have misunderstood it. When you said that they had basically NO knowledge of star movements, what did you mean by that? I'm curious because every culture has some knowledge of the stars, no matter how old they were. In most cases, the stars are a very significant part of the local religion and creation beliefs. Also, ancients had relied on the movements of the stars to determine when it was time to plant and harvest as well as a way to navigate at night whether at sea or on land.


I know it's something small and in all probability, pointless, but you seem to be keen for details and I thought that this would help a little bit. 


Definitely true about the ancient star knowledge. I was referring to the knowledge of the common people, which in this setting ranges from medieval peasant-level to dark-age barbarian level.


If we are going to talk about the small highly educated class, then that's a slightly different story. The priests and shamans are often notorious star watchers, and the elites in certain cultures might have relatively high levels of astronomical knowledge (approaching Babylonian or Mayan levels of expertise), but the knowledge almost never filters down to the common people. There certainly isn't any realization of the modern concepts of solar systems or galaxies, but the models are similar to Classical concepts. Some few are even heliocentric (and so jump from Classical to late medieval and early Renaissance), and there are one or two folks that speculate that the other planets that are visible are inhabitable spheres like their own. (The idea of a habitable zone is definitely not developed yet.) But for every one that has insights ahead of his time, there are twelve that argue that the conjunctions of the planets control magic, or that the sky and the visible heavens are the incorruptible dwelling places of the gods. (It should be noted that this is a brilliant description of the outer realms, and is therefore true in some meaningful sense, but it completely lacks basis as a scientific theory to describe their solar system and local star cluster.)


About terrestrial geography, by "they have no idea of the existence of other continents," what I mean is that no believable report has come back to them about the existence of other continents. Other continents are, to them, like the existence of the Americas to Europe in 1450. Sure, Leif Ericson had come across the ocean. Sure some other ancient cultures may have had some limited contact with the continent, allowing for limited exchange of plant species. But there are no historical records. Nothing is believable or demonstrable about it. Modern sailors treat it as legend, if they think of it at all. It exists in concert with a thousand other imaginary lands, and no way to distinguish that this one actually exists.


And wow. That was what we in the business call an info-dump. Sorry about that. But thank you for pushing harder on the subject. Pushback tells me either where my concepts are weak or where the explanations are weak. Both are extremely valuable.


Voidus is quite right. You put Roshar-levels of world-building into this world. The Magic system reminds me of a cross etween Investiture and Sympathy from the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothuss.  :D


Can you only Ascend to another Class by being invested in by a higher being?


Thanks for the compliment. And yes, you can ascend to a higher class by being invested. In fact, it is the most common means of such ascension.

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Forgive me if you've answered this somewhere I missed, but here's another question.


What kind of natural fauna and flora can be found on Edassa? Terran inhabitants like wolves, pigs, and oak trees, or wildly different and possibly magical creatures like you'd find on Roshar?

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Sorry about that vague comment earlier. 

I think that your tiers of creatures are developed, and the magic is good, but the realms themselves don't have enough detail. What stage is the world in? Are they on the verge of gunpowder, or just discovering steel? What are the countries like? How do the people adapt to the creatures? 

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If it's not too much to request, can I request an Order of Inquisitors to be in this world? Thanks.  :D


Sorry about that vague comment earlier. 

I think that your tiers of creatures are developed, and the magic is good, but the realms themselves don't have enough detail. What stage is the world in? Are they on the verge of gunpowder, or just discovering steel? What are the countries like? How do the people adapt to the creatures? 


Seonid is still working on those features, and he did say the Material Realm is set Medieval Age - Mid Renaissance.

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Forgive me if you've answered this somewhere I missed, but here's another question.


What kind of natural fauna and flora can be found on Edassa? Terran inhabitants like wolves, pigs, and oak trees, or wildly different and possibly magical creatures like you'd find on Roshar?


The world is largely Earth-like (within 5% on most of the relevant parameters.) The species are imported, and so Terran ecosystems are the primary modes of life. I haven't closed the door on non-Terran species (either imported from other planets or native to this world), but none of them have yet been major plot points in any of the stories I've explored. But then again, I haven't focused much on the landscapes in any of those either, so that's not saying much.


Sorry about that vague comment earlier. 

I think that your tiers of creatures are developed, and the magic is good, but the realms themselves don't have enough detail. What stage is the world in? Are they on the verge of gunpowder, or just discovering steel? What are the countries like? How do the people adapt to the creatures? 


I'm glad you feel that way, on all counts. This particular corner of the material realm is, like Lightsworn Panda points out, running roughly in the medieval/renaissance period. Other planets during the time period of interest have interstellar drives (which is how humans and other Terran species got here in the first place), but they don't feature into the plot. In fact, none of them are even aware that humans live on this world. Nobody cared enough about the refugees (the original human settlers of this world) when they left to take note of where they were going, and nobody remembers them now to wonder what's happened to them.


As far as countries and kingdoms and politics and cultures and religions and histories and other such wonderful things, look for updates to the OP. There's placeholders there for a lot of content I hope to put in. Eventually, I hope to take all of the clarifying statements I make in the comments here and work them into the OP, so that newcomers don't need to go through the whole thread to find things out. But it's not like I have huge amounts of time right now to do that.


If it's not too much to request, can I request an Order of Inquisitors to be in this world? Thanks.  :D


Well, here is my response to BreathTaker's character idea of a magical bounty hunter.


As far as your character, he would certainly work. Magic during this period is dominated by religion, but is not exclusively religious. So your character could be a bounty hunter in the service of, say, the Court of the Gods, or an Inquisitor of the Church of the Martyr (or one of the other religions, though those two would be the most likely to actively train that skillset). Or you could have left a religious order or gotten powers outside of one and work in the service of a government or as a mercenary. Any of these would be consistent with the world.


So the Church of the Martyr has a whole Inquisition, that has even ruled nations at some points in the religion's history.


The Tribunal (think vaguely Greek-type gods with Roman Catholic-level theological and organizational sophistication) has an order of Paladins in their service; at times this order has functioned at an Inquisitor-level.


There are likely some political organizations that have similar functions as well. The Navaran Empire definitely has Inquisitor-like political structures that help maintain control of the populace. So I think that you'll find more than one organization to suit your fancy.

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Inquisitor's? Hmmm... I think that the Dark Alley might corner the market on those. You know, to protect everyone and everything and no we're definitely not unloading a truck full of spikes to Edassa oh look over there a tier IV being!

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Ah, real life. Such a distraction.  <_<



Well, here is my response to BreathTaker's character idea of a magical bounty hunter.



So the Church of the Martyr has a whole Inquisition, that has even ruled nations at some points in the religion's history.


The Tribunal (think vaguely Greek-type gods with Roman Catholic-level theological and organizational sophistication) has an order of Paladins in their service; at times this order has functioned at an Inquisitor-level.


There are likely some political organizations that have similar functions as well. The Navaran Empire definitely has Inquisitor-like political structures that help maintain control of the populace. So I think that you'll find more than one organization to suit your fancy.


Thanks and yay! Multiple Inquistion Orders! I was thinking of creating an Inquisitor character that's a Class II or so mortal.


I think this has been asked before, and I apologize if I'm repeating the question, but when is the game going to start.

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Inquisitor's? Hmmm... I think that the Dark Alley might corner the market on those. You know, to protect everyone and everything and no we're definitely not unloading a truck full of spikes to Edassa oh look over there a tier IV being!



Ooh boy. Spiked Inquisitors of the Church of the Martyr. I knew that the Metallic Arts had to be behind the fall of the Corentine Patriarchate somehow.


I'm really regretting having a RL. There are so many Good RP's on this Site alone now. You've put a huge amount of Work into this World, and if I ever get the Time, I'd love to Join. Sadly I can't yet. But I just wanted to say how Amazed I am at this.


It's Ok. My RL is getting more hectic than I expected. See below.


Ah, real life. Such a distraction.  <_<




Thanks and yay! Multiple Inquistion Orders! I was thinking of creating an Inquisitor character that's a Class II or so mortal.


I think this has been asked before, and I apologize if I'm repeating the question, but when is the game going to start.


This is an excellent question that deserves a good answer.


So when I originally posted this thread, I intended to try to get it started about two weeks from then (so sometime this week, from now). However, I just got hired on for a new job that I start next Monday. Double the hours, about 2 and a half times the pay I'd been getting. Good gig all round. Except for the fact that, between that new job and my full-time university schedule, I'm going to be a bit time cramped.


So the bottom line is this: I hope that I will be able to start this in the next week or so, but I won't know until Monday how well I'll be able to work in homework and my new job. If it works out, we'll get startedd sometime next week. If not, I'll postpone it until Dec. 12, when I finish the semester. (I'm only going to be going to the university half-time in the spring semester, so there won't be any time worries after the end of finals week.)


Hope that that works out for all y'all.

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Should we put up a character template so that we get some uniformity in details across characters?


Sounds like a good idea. As this is my first forum RP (other than being a player in the Oregon one), are there any preferences for style? We could run this as an open universe like the Oregonverse, or we could do a bit more structured of an adventure, like a D&D game, complete with dice rolls and everything (I prefer 3.5/Pathfinder, but that might just be because those are the books I have access to), or somewhere in between.


I rather like the idea of an open world, freestyle sort of game like Oregon, especially as on the Internet, dice rolling can get to be somewhat of an impediment - and the mechanics in general can sometimes get in the way of the storytelling - but I worry that the setting won't be quite familiar enough to most people to make that a live option. What do you guys think?


And the time periods are here! I essentially chose 6 interesting events that had continent-wide ramifications (or at least close to that), and picked a year or two after them. Most of them  Hope you enjoy the descriptions! All of them except the last one also have suggested cities, and the blurbs are focused around them.


Winter, 1088 S.E. - Kingdom of Corento

It is a cold winter in the far northern city of Corento (capital of the eponymous kingdom), but the fires of revolution are burning in the hearts of the citizenry. Erthron Terabinsk, priest of the god Taris, has been burned at the stake as a heretic. He fled from the Court of the Gods after a series of visions that convinced him that the very religion he was teaching and practicing was grossly mistaken. Denouncing the worship of all gods save Taris (who he refused to call by name, decrying the practice as blasphemous), he began gathering a following from the common people who felt disenchanted by the political maneuverings in the Court of the Gods. Under the increasingly heavy yoke of public persecution, he and his followers fled the sacred city of Al'Lidne to the northern plains of Corento, where they were accepted with open arms by the half-pagan populace.


But the arm of the Tribunal is long, and the legions of the Sacred Temple laid waste to the countryside, finally taking Erthron captive at Afcer and leading him back to the sacred city, where he was killed on a hill outside the walls. A garrison was left behind in Corento, after massacring every follower of the apostate priest they could find, as a demonstration of the might of the Tribunal. However, they have misjudged the power of a martyr's blood, and the investment of a god. Tensions are already high in the city, with demonstrations almost every night - repeatedly put down with brutal measures by the Tribunal soldiers. One spark will be enough to light this city on fire - a spark kindled by the flames of the Martyr. Tonight, the news will reach the city, and tomorrow, the world will be changed.


Summer, 1199 S.E. - City of Corle

The hot sun shines down on the Middle Sea, and on the port city of Corle. Haman, son of the sea-city of Chironaos, finds himself on the throne of his people's greatest rival. A mercenary in the Royal Guard, in the cool winter of last year, he staged a coup, murdering the king and the whole Royal family in their beds, and asserting his control over the city. His kingdom is much reduced from its former glory, its best lands stripped away to the Imperiate of Navar, a heavy tribute sent to the Imperial city on the distant Malidin River. Navar is distracted, however, by a rebellion among the city-states of the Delta, north on the Jade Sea. And Haman's ambition is far from sated. His eye rests on the jewel of the Middle country, Alcorazim. City of Kings. City of Emperors. Occupied, its glory overthrown, its banners torn, its armies scattered and the last remnants of its leadership exiled to this city on the sea.


This is the genesis of the Denvali Emperors, the line that will grow to become the most powerful rulers on the continent. At their command, rulers from distant Kanraed to the north and Riod to the south will bow down, and under their banner, the Empire of Alcorazim will rule more of the known world than any nation has ever dreamed of.


This summer, the tribute will be withheld. This summer, Haman will have himself crowned by a High Priestess of the Great Mother, the Life-giver herself. This summer, a title will be claimed that has not been seen in nearly a century. This summer, an Emperor will reign in Alcorazim.


Spring, 1299 S.E. - Malach Crossings

The snows are melting on the plains of Caedros, and the new crocuses are beginning to show their faces in the hollows of the streams that feed the river Aron. But it is a joyless spring for the peasantry of these central plains. The war between the Empire of Kalon and the Empire of Alcorazim ended seven years ago, but the Kaloneri treasury is still exhausted from that conflict. To face the increasing demands from the Imperial throne at Kanraed-upon-Eieten, the provincial governors have increased the already crippling taxes. The craftsmen of Lushbeck groan under the burden, and only the presence of the Academy of War in the city keeps them in line.


The eastern marches of the Imperial lands in this area have only recently been conquered, and the commoners wistfully long for their old feudal lords and masters, who were tied to the land they tilled, not to distant Kanraed. The largest of these, the Duchy of Caedros, abuts the still-free Lordship of Harleon and the Earldom of Feravut. Here, the heir to Caedros, Gaelet of the House of Wyst, has been living in exile.


But the time is come for the duke to inherit his own. Under cover of stealth, he has entered his ancestral lands, visiting the Oracle of the Grove, in hiding from the Imperial authorities. With the promise of military support from Harleon, Feravut, and even distant Menkor, and with the blessing of the gods, he rides towards Malach Crossings with a few trusted men to overthrow the garrison and rouse his people. The discontent here is rising to a fever pitch. Here, at the meeting of East and West, the pebble started in motion by the events of this day will cause an avalanche that will lead to the end of the mighty empire and its throne. And from the ashes will rise a new nation. The air itself waits silently for the first blow to fall.


Autumn, 1375 S.E. - City of Menkor

The falling leaves coat the city of Menkor, washing it in beautiful colors for a few weeks. The festival of Harvestmoon is underway, the common folk and nobility alike celebrating another harvest, and the life it sustains. But all is not well in the Atani kingdoms, and not everyone is celebrating. Only 10 years ago, this would have been the festival of Yann, god of the fields, to be followed shortly by the ritual of supplication to Garyth, god of the snow, for a mild winter and a quick spring. The last five winters have been brutally cold. Many are convinced that it is no coincidence.


It has only been 20 years since the Emperor of Alcorazim knelt at the Throne of the Tribunal, pledging his service to the Court of the Gods. 10 years ago, under threat of the Imperial legions, the Emperor was proclaimed chief priest of the High God Taris, the highest religious and political authority. When the king of Al'Lidne protested being forced to swear fealty, he was summarily executed in his own palace.


The kings of Menkor chose conversion to the Church of the Martyr over allegiance to the southern Emperor, but the common folk are restive. Hidden under the veneer of orthodoxy are multiple heresies, fusions of the old religion and the new, and the blatant worship of the old, pagan gods. Even worse, the Inquisition has risen to power in Corento, in the far north, and are enforcing orthodoxy in all of the kingdoms protected by the Martyr. The popular Archpriest of Menkor, Father Julian Mathienne, has been seized and imprisoned for being overly sympathetic to the heretics. The entire priestly hierarchy in the city waits with bated breath, afraid that they might be next. The commoners suffer under the oppression of the Inquisitors, who seek out suspected heretics without mercy, and without regard for collateral damage. Public opinion against the Church is rising fast.


Fearing political domination from the north as well as the south, and fearing for the life of his old friend, Father Julian, the king of Menkor makes a bold and startling move. He divorces himself from the Corentine Church, rejecting the authority of the Inquisition and claiming a broken line of succession. The Inquisitors and their soldiers are ordered to depart under threat of war, and Father Julian is led in his chains from the dungeons to be annointed the new Patriarch of the Church of the Martyr. Newly authorized, and still with the manacles of captivity on his wrists, Father Julian addresses the people of the newly created Menkoran Patriarchate...


Summer, 1416 S.E. - City of Leoned

The sun beats down on the sweltering city of Leoned, city of merchandise. The stench of sweat and unwashed bodies rises early from the auction blocks, where slaves - the city's lifeblood - are sold to the highest bidder. Black-skinned savages from the Jyid and coppery unfortunates from the Sorniss cities of the south mingle with their white-skinned Taravoy masters. These smells mingle with the smell of gunpowder from the ships cannon and the discharge of pistols as drunken sailors begin fighting. Above them all floats the smell of the jungle, intoxicating and rich. Ripe for exploitation.


But the jungle will exact its own revenge. On the horizon lie the sails of a fleet of war. The house of the Great Tree has a new master in distant Sorniss, one who was once a slave himself, and he will abide the selling of men no longer. He has gathered a thousand ships and nearly a hundred thousand warriors of the People of the Jaguar, and they will bring the foul vermin who make a living from their vile trade home as sacrifices to the Lord of the Underworld, or they will die trying. The order of the world will shudder today.


Spring, 1424 S.E.

The world is in chaos. In mid-summer of 1423, the sacred mountain of the Lady of the Fire (Katuko'iphireia in the native language) in the Taravoy Islands began erupting, spewing ash and lava for months. On the first day of winter, it exploded, sending enough particulate matter into the upper atmosphere that it caused snow through the summer as far south as the Jade Sea. Tsunamis have ravaged the eastern coastline, destroying or severely damaging nearly every major port city. In the south, the Empire of Alcorazim, struggling to respond to a northern invasion, wavers on a knife edge between stability and chaos. The Lyusan Protectorates have been devastated, with nearly half of their entire merchant fleet destroyed in the harbor. The Taravoy cultural and political centers have been destroyed, and the surviving merchant fleets have turned pirate and, in some cases, even become invaders to maintain their livelihoods. The hard times have seen a large upsurge in the worship of the Life-giver, with many of the peasantry convinced that the ascendance of the Tribunal (especially the Emperor's patronage of the Court of the Gods) is the cause of their misfortune, and the harsh winter is evidence of the Great Mother's wrath.


The ashes of the slave city of Leoned, burned by the Atzal invaders less than 10 years ago, have been washed away. The Atzal fleet was destroyed in harbor at Khirasun, but the People of the Jaguar still maintain their hold over Riod and the desert trade routes.


In the north, the nation of Gaelet finally collapsed under the consistent pressure of Alcorazimai armies, but the king in exile rallied a coalition of northern kingdoms and invaded the Empire, driving all the way to the Delta before he was killed and the coalition fractured over leadership disputes. The northern kingdoms suffered a severe famine, and the political structures are decimated. The Menkoran Patriarchate of the Church of the Martyr is flexing its muscles, instituting socialized economic programs aimed at equally distributing what small food stores have survived the brutal winter. The organized forces of the Martyr Guard provide the only structure in the north that most of the common folk - the ones who haven't starved - have seen. The nobility, locked up in their castles, have not fared much better. Many of them have succumbed to the famine as well, and their turrets stand empty in the cold spring.


The biting cold of the far northern winters also intensified, driving the Svalding tribes out of the mountains and disturbing the nomadic patterns of the Nessei. Hardly non-violent neighbors in the best of times, the kingdoms of the extreme north now find themselves under heavy raids in addition to popular unrest due to the famines. The Inquisition's power is crumbling in Corento, and there are rumblings of a full-scale revolt against the Mother Church.


The eastern seaboard as far north as Osan was decimated. The Senlii Empire is no more, the Imperial Court and family lost to the wrath of a tsunami and the imperial forces weakened by famine and overwhelmed by the barbarian incursions of the Svaldings and Nessei. The Emirate of El'Hassan has fallen to Taravoy invaders, and the Kingdom of Ecline is under heavy pressure. Only the Rakalli kingdoms have escaped the devastation of the angry sea. Although times are still hard, reliance on the ocean for their food needs has also lessened the effects of the famine for the followers of As-Salah.


These are just brief blurbs, designed to give an overview of the year and the time period. My recommendation, based solely on the character ideas posted so far, is Autumn, 1375. But most of the characters could be made to work with any of the dates. (Inquisitors of the Church of the Martyr will work with any but the first, as that is the founding event of the religion.)


As you may have noticed, I haven't actually gotten around to posting the cultural information. I'm working on it, but there's a lot more than I expected. This should give you a taste of the world, though, and several of the different cultures. As always, I'll be on point to answer any questions you have.

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I'm leaning towards the Malach Crossings one, since a potential war is always fun, especially for a Panda Priest and an Inquisitor (yes, I'm doing two characters, and one is a Panda Priest). However, like Voidus, I'm fine with any.


Your world just gets richer and richer in detail, Seonid.  :D


If it isn't too much, may I suggest that the Inquisitors look a bit like what I've attached below? Yes, they are the Inquisitors from Heroes of Might and Magic 6. They're awesome, OK?  <_<


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Storms this is awesome. I like 1416 because I want my character to have a pistol or three.

Also panda, I think ceremonial armor would be awesome as a secondary set. When the inquisitors are out being inquisitive i think we could be free to wear what we want.

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Sorry I've been out for a day or two. I finished my exam yesterday, so that's a load off of my mind. Joe is right, I think. 1375 shows up on all three ballots, and was also Voidus' first choice. Tulir is ok with all of them.


I'll leave the other ones for spinoffs in the future, if we get enough interest. Tomorrow evening, I will post 1375-specific cultural information. There will be a lot about Menkor, the Tribunal and the Court of the Gods, the Church of the Martyr and the Inquisition, and regional politics. I'll also have brief information sets about other areas, just in case one of you wants to play a traveler from a far-away area (a Svalding or a Nessei mercenary, for example, or a Taravoy weapons dealer - a good source of gunpowder in this year - or a Rakalli Zealot, a former slave from the Jyid, or any other interesting character).


Thanks for the interest!

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