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The Empty Throne Part 1: The Barrow Barons



With Steelheart dead, the remaining Epics are running amok as they try to wrest control of the city of Newcago from their rivals.  You and a group of others have taken refuse inside the now vacant Enforcement Headquarters to wait out the chaos that grips the city.  Unfortunately you aren’t the only ones with that idea as some of the former barrow barons have taken it upon themselves to grab control of the HQ and make it their base of operations.


Day cycles last 48 hours, night cycles are 24 hours long.  Extensions can be requested.

Roll over is at 4pm NZDT / 3am GMT / 8pm PDT (I think I got the conversions right.)

Write ups will be simple as I am, unfortunately, not as creative as the past GMs. 

Updated player lists will be posted at the start of each day.

Night Action Order:  Enforcer/Streetperformer/Illusionist/Neutralizer, Protections, Kills then Scouting.


Win Condition:  Find and kill the Barrow Barons.

Lose Condition:  Allow the Barrow Barons to outnumber everyone else.

Note:  No group can win as long as the Serial Killer is alive.  Except for the Serial Killer that is.


Barrow Barons have a doc to conspire in as well as a nightly group kill.

GM is to be included in all PMs


Each day cycle players must send a PM to the GM telling them which room they are to spend the night in.  Any who don’t claim a room will be stuck sleeping in the hallways.  At the start of each night cycle the GM will PM each player with the names of the other players that are in the same room.  The names of those who are in the hallway will be posted in the main thread.

You cannot post who you are sharing a room with until the following day cycle.


Abilities/roles/PMs can only be used on those in the same room as yourself or those in the hallway.

Example:  Steelheart is in the Barracks with Frank and Steve.  Firefight and Gillian are in the Armoury.  Bob is wandering the hallways looking lost.  Steelheart can only attack/PM Frank, Steve or Bob.  Gillian only has Firefight and Bob for company.  Poor Bob has no one to play with unless someone contacts him first.  Should both Gillian and Steelheart contact Bob then Bob can pass messages along.  However Bob cannot use any abilities on anyone as they aren’t in the same room.


Rooms: (Rooms may be added or removed depending on player numbers)



Mess Hall

Officers Lounge

Training Room

Shooting Range


If any wish they can use their night action to search the room they are in.  There may or may not be something to find.

For example if someone was to search the Officers Lounge they may find a fully/partly charged sidearm which allows a set number of kill attempts or they may find an empty whiskey bottle.



Serial Killer:  You are an insane genius. You worked out how to become an epic, all you need to do is kill enough people. After all everyone knows that epics kill indiscriminately, so that must be how they gained their power, right? As such you have two abilities. You can kill once per cycle, day or night, or you may instead stalk up to two people a cycle and find out what roles they have.  You must also choose a signature to leave behind as a sign of your kills. i.e. a red rose.  Note, if you choose to use your abilities during the day then your vote won’t be counted.

Win Condition: Kill everyone.


Civilian:  You are a normal civilian and have no special abilities however your voice is that of the people.  This could be the chance you have been waiting for.  Prove yourself to the right people and they will surely reward you.


Arms Dealer:  Somehow you got caught up in the mob and have found yourself trapped inside the Enforcers HQ.  Luckily you still have some of your inventory.  Once a night you can give a one shot gun to another for them to use the next night.


Enforcer Chief:   You can provide protection detail to one player of your choice for one night cycle. (You protect one player from all actions taken both by and against them.  Target is not informed that they are protected.  Cannot self target.


Rich Civilian:  You have money, you have influence and you left it all outside.  Whoops.  However your vote counts double as many still listen to you.


Street Performer:  You are a master at sleight of hand and misdirection tricks.  Once per night cycle you may redirect any action directed against one player to another of your choosing.  (You must pm the gm with the name of the target you want protected as well as the target for the redirected actions.)


Smoothtalker: You can sell anything. In fact you have already sold Steelhearts skull on numerous occasions. Once a day you may change anyones vote to whatever you want. (Including a no vote)


Doctor:  You are a trained physician and can provide medical protection to one person for a full cycle. (Once per night cycle you can choose to protect another from any one attack for that night and the following day.  Protects from lynching.  Cannot self target.)


Scout:  You are an expert in stealth.  Once every night you may spy on another player and discover what actions they take.


Sniper:  You are a former Enforcement sharpshooter.  One kill attempt each night.


Invisibility:  You are able to turn completely invisible for a limited amount of time.  Once per night you can follow a target and find out what actions they take.

Precognition: You can see the future. Once per night you may either protect yourself or another from one attack.


Matter Disruptor: You can turn any organic matter to dust. One night kill attempt per cycle.


Flame body:  Your entire body can be turned into living flame, protecting you from attacks.  Once every second night cycle you can protect yourself from any and all attacks but must rest during the next cycle.  (Invulnerable from all attacks for one night cycle, but cannot protect self again next cycle.)


Neutralizer: You can neutralize anyones actions once per night. If no actions are countered this will cancel the targets vote on the following day.


Mitosis:  You are able to make clones of yourself.  You may order your clone to undertake one of the following each cycle. Note: you cannot take the same action in consecutive cycles.

Follow a player and learn what actions they take. (Night only)

Attempt to kill another player. (Night only)

Protect you or another from one attack. (Night only)

Distract another so any action or vote they take fails. (Day or night)

Strong-arm another’s vote to one of your choosing. (Day only)


Illusionist: You can change the appearance of what actions others or yourself take once each night.  Example: Player R uses their kill attempt on Player F.  The Illusionist can make it look like they protected Player F instead.  The action still happens as normal but it won’t show up to any who happen to be spying on Player R at the time.  Note:  This changes the actions appearance only not the target.




Edited by Elbereth
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Reserved for player list and rule clarifications. 

Going to need at least 17 players.

Player List:

(Mailliw73) Milton

(Lightsworn Panda) Jain

(Tulir) Trial

(Little Wilson) Kenna

(Pir2h) Aya

(Steel) Loipin Kien

(The Only Joe) Doc Oleny

(killersquirrel59) : Kelsey Skirl 

(AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth

(Jasnah Damodred) : Damon Shan

(Gamma Fiend) : Friend

(Theorymaker) : Stanley

(Ashiok) : Ash

(Renegade) : Raid

(Araris Valerian) : Spark O'toole


Rule Clarifications:

Can the fire-arm provided by the Arms Dealer only be used on the night after it was given? 

Once given you can use the one shot gun on any night phase you want.  You cannot re-give this item.


When you die, any items you have will break and be unrecoverable.  You can give someone an item you have but they will not be told who gives it to them.

Edited by Alvron
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Oh Calamity, you know I'm signing up for this one! I already have back story and everything.

Milton was a nerd. He was smart and loved it. He had no friends and was bullied a lot. He had a large birthmark that covered the left part of his neck.

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It's a good thing my life is settling down after the craze of the last two months, because this game looks awesome. I'm rather a fan of Steelheart.


Kenna doesn't make friends easily. Mostly because she's aggressively apathetic. (And now we get to see how well I can channel April Ludgate....minus the deadpan)

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The Serial Killer had a shadowy past. His eyes are dark, and he bears a long, jagged scar across his face. His mouth curls up in an evil smile, and his hair is dirty. His name is Loipin Kien.

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The Serial Killer had a shadowy past. His eyes are dark, and he bears a long, jagged scar across his face. His mouth curls up in an evil smile, and his hair is dirty. His name is Loipin Kien.

"Did ya hear him!" Trial shouted.  "He admitted to being a serial killer!  I say we take care of matters right now, before he can kill any of us!" 

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Milton was a nerd. He was smart and loved it. He had no friends and was bullied a lot. He had a large birthmark that covered the left part of his neck.

See I was tempted to use Gordon or another Reckoner, but what if they Get Killed?


I'l sign up as Doc Oleny. A Researcher who works for the Epic Labs. 

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"Did ya hear him!" Trial shouted.  "He admitted to being a serial killer!  I say we take care of matters right now, before he can kill any of us!" 

Loipin's lip curled in a disgusted sneer. "Says he who refuses to answer questions. Who knows if you're lying. What if you're the serial killer, eh?

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Aidan Forsyth will be joining. He's not really sure why he's here, or how he managed to end up in the Enforcement Headquaters. That doesn't worry him too much though. It wouldn't be the first time he walked into somewhere he shouldn't when he wasn't paying attention. 


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Hi! First post, but been lurking for a LONG time here.

I haven't read Steelheart yet, so please excuse my mistakes towards canon.

I'm signing up as Damon Shan, a worldhopper who can travel outside of the Cosmere, and hates cookies. He also claims to be immortal, and that he is reborn every time he dies. He won't interfere once he's dead, though. "It's all a game, and I don't like to cheat," he says. He just arrived on the world of the Reckoners, and he's confused about what's going on. He does believe it's going to be a lot of fun, though!

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Friend smiled calmly as everybody took turns saying who they were. They were all stuck here together, so they might as well all be properly introduced. Even if Friend wasn't feeling so friendly in all of the madness.

"The name is Friend," he said, stepping forward with a slight bow. He was nervously fidgeting with a small, silver pendant in the shape of a 'S' on a chain. "I got stuck here the same way most of us did, I reckon. Fled with some buddies to find refuge here when the chaos started." His smile faltered for a second. "I lost track of them in all of the confusion. Maybe I'm not such a good friend after all...." 

He trailed off and just stepped back in line before taking a nervous glance around the room. He knew that some of the people here couldn't be trusted, and there would be those who were hiding secrets.


But a guy still needed friends, right?

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See I was tempted to use Gordon or another Reckoner, but what if they Get Killed?


I'l sign up as Doc Oleny. A Researcher who works for the Epic Labs. 



This is an alternate universe version. If they die here, I count it as completely separate from dying in Oregon. It's a lot easier to die here.



Hi! First post, but been lurking for a LONG time here.

I haven't read Steelheart yet, so please excuse my mistakes towards canon.

I'm signing up as Damon Shan, a worldhopper who can travel outside of the Cosmere, and hates cookies. He also claims to be immortal, and that he is reborn every time he dies. He won't interfere once he's dead, though. "It's all a game, and I don't like to cheat," he says. He just arrived on the world of the Reckoners, and he's confused about what's going on. He does believe it's going to be a lot of fun, though!



Welcome, Jasnah! First things first, Steelheart is not in the cosmere. You may already know that, I just want to make sure.


Milton listened to "Friend", as he called himself, trail off his speech about friendship. Milton wouldn't know anything about that. He'd never had any real friends. He was always studying and kids always teased him for being smart and for his large birthmark. Friend was someone he'd have to stay away from. He would just pretend and then end up stabbing Milton in the back and teasing him like all the others. Bullies. They deserved what had happened to them at his old school before he had moved to Newcago.

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Stanley had gotten lost in the Enforcement Headquarters. When he finally found a room with people in it he heard talk of someone being a serial killer which scared Stanley. But after thinking for a while he realized it would be worse to encounter the serial killer alone then with a group. So Stanley entered the room. Eventually someone noticed him and asked who he was. Stanley told everyone his name before going quiet again.

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Loipin stared at Aya's dagger. The cowards backed off, and in his head he made a note of who they were. The easy kills. He found some shadows in the corner of the room and melted into them, becoming virtually invisible.

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Wow, this is getting underway quickly! :)


Aya's condescending smile rekindled Loipin's rage. His wrath had not been stirred in years, and yet her very face seemed to set a flame burning within him. He flashed a toothless grin at her, the smile never touching his dark, hard eyes.

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Ash strolled into the room, wiping bloody hands on his tattered pants. One couldn't miss the large bloodstain over his heart, but he didn't seem too bothered by it. "Well... I just died again, and then I woke up here. I haven't heard a human voice in days. Are we going to speak to each other or are we all mute? I'm seeing a lot of death glares, and I don't want to die for the tenth time this month. How's 'bout we just talk it out instead."


Ash, a dead man walking, is signing up

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Can someone open a new game when an old game ends, even if a new game is already going on?

We have a list set-up for those who have signed up to GM a game, and we have it divided between the three types of games we run (Long Games, Mid-Range, and Quick Fixes), and it's set-up so one game is usually starting up around the time one is ending. If you wish to sign up to GM any of these games, feel free to let Meta, Wilson, or myself know and we will get you on the appropriate list! Or message us with any other questions you may have!

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Blood and daggers. Staying here seemed like less and less of a smart idea each second. Unfortunately for Stanley the two most violent people in the room were also the two closest to the door. So instead of focusing on them and their antics, Stanley looked around the room. As he looked he happened to find a coin on the ground. Stanley hoped the coin was lucky because he would need all the luck he could find in this place.

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