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Jasnah, voting for me because I haven't been Eliminator over 10 or so games isn't good evidence. Our roles and alignments are assigned via an AI program, and I just happen to be on its bad books or something. <_< Also, if the GM's thought it was a time for a change, they would have made me Eliminator 3 games back or so. I understand you're new to Sanderson Elimination, but this smells awfully like an Eliminator tactic trying to take advantage of my continued innocence


pr2h, while Sanderson Elimination is under the Role-Playing section, it's preferred that your contribute to the discussion, instead of just RPing the whole game.

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Lightsworn Panda, Little Wilson, pir2h, Steel, Killer Squirrel, Aonar and Jasnah have yet to agree to the plan. I bring this up because only the Eliminator's followed a Plan in the Chalking Game, and that killed us. So would you guys please confirm your willingness to conform to the dictates of the surrounding Society?

Edited by The Only Joe
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"Somebody seems to be all black and blue, Eh Jain?" Ash said as he teleported back in.

"From what I've heard, one can use this fancy blue text to speak out of character. Weird, huh? I bet you could use that for discussions,if you don't want to RP them. How's that sound? Smart, right?"


"Suspicion wise, the best I've got is that all the new people are being strange, but that's just par for the course here. I don't really want to cut their lives short day one, y'know?"


"Maybe some experienced people could take them aside and explain stuff to them through Private Messages?"

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Aidan found himself pacing, as he was often want to do. It's had taken him most of the morning to realize that they were trapped. Usually, the fact wouldn't have bothered him much. He had food, water, room to pace, and plenty of interesting things to look at. However, death threats were a bit more disconcerting. Not sure that was really necessary. Messages written in blood are far too melodramatic, and they let people know that they're going to be hunted. I mean really? It seems completely counter intuitive.


A question broke his train of thought. "Hmm? What? Oh, right, yeah. I agree, it strikes me as a good plan." He turned away and grumbled under his breath. "I already told what's-his-face that, but could he bother telling anybody? Apparently not."


A few people were looking at him, as if they were expecting him to contribute something more. Ah, yes. They probably want me to participate in this insipid discussion of whom they think most likely to be one of the Barons. Looking around, he pointed at someone at random "Umm, you there, whatever-the-heck-your-name-is... Lindsey? No. Ke... Kell... Kelsey! That's it. You haven't done anything so far. Say something."


There. Hopefully that gets them off my back for a while.


Yeah, sorry guys. Been kinda busy as of late, and haven't had a chance to do much more than read PMs. I don't even have a Diagram set up yet. :(


I disagree with you a there Ash/Jain, if they wish to write all in RP, they should feel free to do so, so long as they contribute to the discussion.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Personally, I only RP when I can actually think of an RP. I don't like forcing them out. Sounds unnatural. Plus, I can get my thoughts out in a far more relevant way when I'm not in-character. And I find relevancy is rather important when one wants to win. :P


Anyway. I thought I said I was pro-plan.....Or maybe I didn't on here. Anyway, yes. I advocate this plan. Let's the see the barons wriggle out of it. (I'm actually really curious if they're going to be able to, and how. It's a tight plan. Kudos to Ren for coming up with it).

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Lightsworn Panda, Little Wilson, pir2h, Steel, Killer Squirrel, Aonar and Jasnah have yet to agree to the plan. I bring this up because only the Eliminator's followed a Plan in the Chalking Game, and that killed us. So would you guys please confirm your willingness to conform to the dictates of the surrounding Society?



Ah, yes, I was intending to agree with that in my previous post. I agree. To the Armoury!


Aidan found himself pacing, as he was often want to do. It's had taken him most of the morning to realize that they were trapped. Usually, the fact wouldn't have bothered him much. He had food, water, room to pace, and plenty of interesting things to look at. However, death threats were a bit more disconcerting. Not sure that was really necessary. Messages written in blood are far too melodramatic, and they let people know that they're going to be hunted. I mean really? It seems completely counter intuitive.


A question broke his train of thought. "Hmm? What? Oh, right, yeah. I agree, it strikes me as a good plan." He turned away and grumbled under his breath. "I already told what's-his-face that, but could he bother telling anybody? Apparently not."


A few people were looking at him, as if they were expecting him to contribute something more. Ah, yes. They probably want me to participate in this insipid discussion of whom they think most likely to be one of the Barons. Looking around, he pointed at someone at random "Umm, you there, whatever-the-heck-your-name-is... Lindsey? No. Ke... Kell... Kelsey! That's it. You haven't done anything so far. Say something."


There. Hopefully that gets them off my back for a while.


Yeah, sorry guys. Been kinda busy as of late, and haven't had a chance to do much more than read PMs. I don't even have a Diagram set up yet. :(


I disagree with you a there Ash/Jain, if they wish to write all in RP, they should feel free to do so, so long as they contribute to the discussion.


I don't disagree with writing everything in RP. I mean actually contributing ideas and such, instead of random RP for the whole game.

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Raid yawned.  He felt that he had already pilfered enough stuff from the room that they were in.  He couldn’t wait until he moved into the Training Room during the Night.  Maybe he could steal some dumbbells or sweatbands.  Sure, maybe those weren’t the most useful things in this building, but Raid didn’t care.  Stuff was stuff, and things were things.  Everything else was superfluous.


Raid began to realize that everyone else had become nearly as quiet as he, lately.  Must’ve been the fact that it was late in the afternoon.  As his grandpappy always said: “There are three times I hate every day: when I wake up, when I go to bed, and everything in between."


Obviously, the others were suffering from the “in between” part here.


“Hey, you!” Raid shouted.  He looked at Loipin.  “Yes, you, with that crazy... hair… and those mischievous… uh, eyes.  You’ve been awfully quiet lately.  What’s that all about?”

Edited by Renegade
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Gamma now leads in the votes, which means that the Rich Citizen won't break the tie, but other vote changers still might. I'm going to retract my vote on pir2h. She's in the plan, which just leaves Jasnah, Steel and Killer Squirrel not yet agreeing.
Current Votes:
Killer Squirrel(1): Aonar
Steel(4): Renegade, Ash, Gamma, Only Joe
Renegade(1): Steel
pir2h(1): Mailliw, L.Panda
Jasnah(1): pir2h

Current Agree with Plan Tally:


Renegade's Plan(13): Renegade, Only Joe, Araris, Tulir, Mailliw, Theory Maker, Ashiok, Gammafiend, Aonar, Little Wilson, Lightsworn Panda, pir2h, Jasnah

Edited by The Only Joe
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Loipin turned to Raid and spoke, his voice a low, dangerous whisper. "Is it any business of yours, Raid?" he looked around at the congregation of people. "I say we ignore this plan. Every man for himself, I say!"

OOC: I can't write I blue because I'm on my phone, but I vote for Raid.

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"Loipin! Sparks, man, that's a horrible idea. If we don't have a plan, we'll all die! This plan is the easiest way to find the Barons and Serial Killer. If you don't trust Raid, trust the other eleven of us who agreed with the plan. And if you're worried about being in a room with that psycho, Aya (No offense, pir2h), we might be able to do something about that, but you need to say so in the first place." Ash exclaimed, rounding on Loipin. The man seemed a bit off, but Ash couldn't tell why.


EDIT: I hate the color editor.

Edited by Ashiok
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"He revealed himself as a psycho first." Aya sighed. "But you know what? You know what? I somewhat trust people who openly attempt to kill me. I do not think The Only Joe is a Barron. I think it is Raid."

This is because I don't want to lose a fun roleplaying character.

"You vote for someone who someone who tried to kill you voted for?" A person yelled. "Are you crazy?"

"Been a while since someone tried to kill me. I had almost gotten lazy. Let me proceed to check the closet." Aya proceeded to do just that, kicking it open and dodging the shards of wood that fell when she broke it. 

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You're wrong, Joe. I edited my post stating that I agreed to the plan hours ago. Also, Jain has only 1 vote for him, not 3. By the way, you can use [ c o l o r = # 0 0 0 0 f f ] and [ / c o l o r ] (without the spaces, of course) to write in blue. Red is #ff0000, and green's #008000. Edited by Jasnah Damodred
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Friend was standing off by himself in his usual awkward manner, fidgeting with his silver pendant and humming his old favorite song to himself. A nice, funky dance tune. He finished humming the breakdown and whispered the most well known part of the song under his breath. "Stop. Hammertime."

He had been taking a look around the room he was supposed to be staying in tonight, the Officer's Lounge, and hoped it would have been one of the nicer and more lavish places in the building, but his hopes had been dashed. It was a plain, fastidiously kept room. Well organized and boring. Friend was almost kind of relieved. He understood boring.

He snapped his head up after hearing his name, distracted from his song and quiet observation. One of his own supposed room mates had just announced his name as one of their top suspects. This will make for an interesting evening, he thought wryly. 


He did a quick mental calculation of the accusations that had been thrown around and gulped. That put him at a three way tie, if he was correct. He thought back the macabre conversations of decapitations he had had with that charming lady earlier, and nervously rubbed his neck. "Well, you see, I'm not quite sure what's going to happen to one of us, but I am rather quite attached to my neck. Or, er, my head is, at least. And I'd rather keep it that way."

He pointed over at Loipin. "What about that guy? He's just been jumping around, trying to kill somebody already, and hasn't been to helpful towards discussion so far."

The man took the moment to speak up, crying out and declaring that nobody should follow any sort of coordinated plan, and every man should fend for themselves. Friend stood there speechless and exasperated, just waving his hand, slightly bewildered.

He sighed. This is what I get for trying to make new friends.

So, my vote for Steel isn't just RP. It's fine to use RP to make your votes and arguments, nor do you have to rely on RP to do as such. It is a lot easier to explain things in OOC Blue. My vote for Loipin is for 1) obviously to break the tie that I am up for. I'd rather not be at risk of lynching. And 2) Loipin does seem like a decent suspect so far, and if not an Eliminator or a threat, then hopefully a vote on them will help them start posting more helpfully. Explain the reasons behind your votes. If you don't like any plan, feel free to express such via RP, but explain why. Do you not like a plan being executed that just one person came up with and everybody then just agreed to? Do you feel like there's a better plan? Stuff like that, active discussion, which helps the Villagers by making it harder for the Eliminators from hiding or being unhelpful.

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Raid Okay, changing my vote to Friend 

Anyone who votes when it's getting close to the end of a cycle is suspicious, in my eyes. Also, I don't like that there is 3/3 and you are the one who made it so. This mean that I think you're suspicious. I might still change it though, so APEAL TO THE PERSON LYNCHING YOU.

I'm kidding. Anyway, I have a 3/15, if I'm guessing the number of Barons right, chance of hitting the right one. WE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH LATER! 

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Raid Okay, changing my vote to Friend 

Anyone who votes when it's getting close to the end of a cycle is suspicious, in my eyes. Also, I don't like that there is 3/3 and you are the one who made it so. This mean that I think you're suspicious. I might still change it though, so APEAL TO THE PERSON LYNCHING YOU.

I'm kidding. Anyway, I have a 3/15, if I'm guessing the number of Barons right, chance of hitting the right one. WE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH LATER! 

Okay, not really helping strengthen your argument. As you just also voted near the end of the cycle. Doesn't that mean you're suspicious as well? Also, according to my tally, my vote put Loipin in the lead with 3 votes, and Raid and Myself at 2 each. Now it's a 3/3 thanks to your vote. Which could just be you protecting Loipin, or just being erratic and unhelpful.

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That's me being both. I don't really have a reason, I might change my vote. I might not. I may have lost track of my count. Anyway, so far it is a tie, isn't it? No clear winner means nobody lynched. Right? Right now we don't have any clear facts. 

Anyway, it's mostly the first one. I don't like being lynched on the first day.


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