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Can we ask if the rooms are as we set up in the last cycle or not?

And can we tell hallway people who is in the room with us? If so, can they tell others?

Also, how does room searching work?

1) No.  You will have to wait until the day phase to ask if everyone was in the correct rooms.

2) Yes.  You can have those in the hallway pass along any messages including a list of who is in the room with you.  They however are not in any way obligated to pass on your message and there is nothing to stop them from changing it as well.

3) You use your night action to search for an item.  The GM rolls to see what if anything you find.  If you find something then it's yours to either keep, leave or give to another.  There are a few exceptions to this rule.  Some items are just too big to fit in your pocket.

Also if more than one person finds the same item then whomever sent in their order first gets the item and the rest find nothing.

There are several items in each room.  When all items are found in a room, the GM will let it be known.  Also should a room be destroyed then any remaining items are distributed to the remaining rooms.

Edited by Alvron
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...the GM will let it be known.  Also should a room be destroyed then any remaining items are distributed to the remaining rooms.


...Should a room be destroyed? *Gulp* That doesn't sound good. Some of these rooms have piles of ANFO hidden in them or something? :P


​So Steel was a Matter Disrupter. I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing. We won't have a rogue kill running about (and from the sounds of things, there was probably a decent chance of Steel using it). But we'll also have one less resource for searching out the Eliminators in the late-game.   

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Username: Gamma Friend 
Time of post:  07:53 Newcago Time

Calamity, guys. What a mess. If it's any consolation, I wouldn't have felt comfortable sharing a room with Loipin, myself. Not that my roommates [REDACTED]

Good thing the Nighthawk Foundry is still up and running, so we can all actually still communicate openly.  

One thing real quick. Aya posted earlier, she said she knew that Loipin wasn't a BB. And really, there's only one way to positively know somebody's allegiance on the first cycle. Either way, I guess I'll try and get some sleep, despite [REDACTED]. Hopefully I see you all in the morning!

Gamma Friend logged out.

Heh. RP-wise, we are all locked in our rooms. We need some way to be able to communicate back and forth. And what better way than using the Nighthawk Foundry Chat system! XD


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Looks like a rather silent night. >.< While we are trapped in our rooms, and have the option of PMing with our roommates, that doesn't mean we can't discuss things in here. (I even tried coming up with a creative outlet for RP to work during the Night Cycle! :P )

There was still a flurry of voting activity towards the end of the last cycle that was quite confusing, if not a little bit suspicious. We should probably try and discuss some of that, or at least keep some heat on some suspects, or something. Let's not waste a night cycle.

Also, there isn't any voting during Night Cycles. ;)


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So I voted steel mid day, because he was being weird, and constantly switching his vote. Not to mention, he disagreed with the plan, and that could be a Catastrophe. I guess it made sense? Wilson solidifying the vote at the end of the cycle is classic Wilson behavior, so that's nothing new. I don't know where to start with Aya and Jasnah. 

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The sun crept over the horizon, bathing the city of Newcago in its blinding light. 


Bleary eyed from lack of sleep, everyone gathered in the Mess Hall in the hope of finding something to eat and to discuss the events of the past day.  A head count showed that no one was missing.  Even the silent Kelsey Skirl was there having been dragged along by Friend.


Just as everyone had finished their hearty meal of gruel and water, an explosion rocked the building.  Rushing out into the Hallway they were shocked to see molten metal flowing out of the Training Room.  Once the metal had cooled enough to approach, it was discovered that the Training Room was no more, solid steel sealing the room.


A quick check of the other rooms showed nothing wrong apart from the Shooting Range, where the door had become stuck fast.  No amount of pushing could move the door.  Sliding a thin piece of metal under the door revealed that part of the room has collapsed and the rubble had piled against the door.



Day 2 has begun and will last 48 hours.

No one died.


Both the Shooting Range and Training Room have been removed from the game.





Mess Hall

Officers Lounge



(Mailliw73) Milton

(Lightsworn Panda) Jain

(Tulir) Trial

(Little Wilson) Kenna

(Pir2h) Aya

(Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter

(The Only Joe) Doc Oleny

(killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl

(AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth

(Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan

(Gamma Fiend) Friend

(Theorymaker) Stanley

(Ashiok) Ash

(Renegade) Raid

(Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole

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“I didn’t do anything!” Raid shouted, looking at the now-sealed entrance to the Training Room.  A good thing he had left the room when he did, or he would’ve been sealed under several tons of solid metal.  Apparently.  And the Shooting Range wasn’t in great shape as well.  Hopefully, this trend of exploding rooms wouldn’t continue the next few days…


“Well,” Raid said to the others crowded around the shut door, “I guess this calls for a revision to the Plan.  I call an emergency meeting, right here, right now!


“So, we’re down to four rooms, and we’ve still got fourteen people left.  We can split up into two groups of 4 and two groups of 3.  If someone dies, it shouldn’t be that much more of a hassle to trace it to its source.  Or… something like that.”


Well, that was unexpected.  But taking the loss of these 2 rooms into account, here’s a general idea of the new Plan:


Officers' Lounge - Milton, Jain, Trial
Armory - Kenna, Aya, Doc Oleny, Kelsey Skirl
Barracks - Aidan Forsyth, Damon Shan, Friend, Stanley
Mess Hall - Ash, Raid, Spark O’toole


I tried to keep most of the groups as close to yesterday’s as possible.  We might have to change one or two people as the cycle goes along, but I don’t think we should deviate from it too much.

Edited by Renegade
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"Raid, Spark and I were in the training room, and I searched the room. I got a set of Clean Gym Clothes, then I fell asleep. I woke up to loud noises and ran out of the room." Ash explained. "Now, I need to catch up on my sleep. Goodnight."

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As much as I would like to let you squirm about how the rooms were destroyed.  I feel I should point out that just because a room was destroyed doesn't mean that the players had anything to do with it.  As I said in the sign up post 'rooms may be added or removed depending on player numbers'  I didn't mean sign up numbers.  As the number of players dwindle the rooms will disappear so that everyone isn't too spread out at the end.


Of course that doesn't mean that there isn't a way for players to destroy a room or two.

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Well, that sort of complicates Raid's plan.  <_< 


Pir2h, you were instrumental in the lynching in the lynching of Steel, yet you didn't have good arguments for why you thought he was suspicious. You also jumped around with your vote plenty of times with Jasnah. You might be fairly new to Sanderson Elimination, and you may be an erratic player, but that's still suspicious.


Joe, I'm fairly suspicious of you too. You were the "turning point" in the lynch of Steel.

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One thing we might want to consider as this game progresses is organizing who goes into which room by how the previous cycle voting happened. I'm not really that surprised that nobody died last night, since we would effectively have a 50% chance to knock out an eliminator right off the bat. Now, most likely a kill will happen in one of the 4-person rooms and we won't be able to use that information quite as effectively. Also, are we going to try and incorporate the hallway into our plans at all? I'm not sure exactly how, but it should be something we consider since we are now putting 4 people in some rooms.

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Joe, I'm fairly suspicious of you too. You were the "turning point" in the lynch of Steel.



He had 4 votes on him, and I voted for him. He was leading the votes when I voted for him. And I voted him to remove one of two players who weren't following the plan. If you remember, I retracted my vote on pir2h after she agreed to the plan. Speaking of which, Was everyone in their right rooms? My room had all the right people, minus Killer Squirrel.


Also, I think we should just leave Killer Squirrel off the list until he posts.


@Araris. The problem with having people in the halls is that anyone can target them. I'm actually surprised that the barons didn't kill him out of boredom.

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I see four possible scenarios for the no kill. Three of which, I think are plausible. The most doubtful is that Kelsey is the SK or a Baron and thus, couldn't make the kill. I doubt that that's the case, as if she were a Baron, one of the others would've taken the kill. The other three possibilities as I see them are:

1. The Barons/SK wanted to wait and not worry about being caught in Raid's plan.

2. The target of the kill was protected by one of the many protection powers.

3. One of the people with negating powers made a good choice and hit the person making a kill.

Those are the only reasons I can see that explain the no kill. Everyone supposed to be in the armory (Jain, Tulir, and myself) were there. I know it's early in the cycle, but I want to call out Stanley. You did post yesterday, but you didn't add much to the discussion at all. Who do you suspect?

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He had 4 votes on him, and I voted for him. He was leading the votes when I voted for him. And I voted him to remove one of two players who weren't following the plan. If you remember, I retracted my vote on pir2h after she agreed to the plan. Speaking of which, Was everyone in their right rooms? My room had all the right people, minus Killer Squirrel.


Also, I think we should just leave Killer Squirrel off the list until he posts.


@Araris. The problem with having people in the halls is that anyone can target them. I'm actually surprised that the barons didn't kill him out of boredom.


Whoops. Sorry Joe. Looks like it was Raid who was the turning point, and he did have a valid reason, since Steel wasn't agreeing with the plan.


Ugh. Hay Fever can wreak havoc to one's perception, it seems.  <_< I don't think I'm processing things right in my head.


Everyone was present in the Armoury.

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Aya was with me in the barracks.

JoeJain, Aya didn't participate in the lynch for Steel. She was opposed to it. What I would like to know from her is why she waited until after he was dead to actually give us valid reasons about why she didn't think he was evil. Her comments about his newness and activity level were good reasons, but considering her erratic behavior, it was too little too late. I'm not going to throw a vote on her right now, simply because Joe'sJain's already got one on her, and I don't want to see a bandwagon happen. However, I would like answers for yesterday, so take this as a vote, because it's highly likely it will become one.

Also, I'm on my phone and I really don't want to bother with the bbcode right now. I'll edit this later for blue.

Edited by little wilson
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Right now my #1 suspect is Joe though I have no proof to support my suspicion it's just a feeling. Also something semi-helpful everyone who was supposed to be in the Officer's Lounge were there (me, Shan, Friend).

Stanley wasn't too surprised that part of the building had been destroyed. He had seen entire buildings crumble when Epics fought. The fact that only a few rooms had gotten destroyed meant that this building was well-made. Eventually Stanley's eyes darted back to the corner. He had studied it all day yesterday, but couldn't figure out was wrong with it. Trying to forget the corner, Stanley thought about doing something important today, after he was done with his snack of course.

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"I have hunches on Jasnah. Everyone vote on her, she's trying to frame me."


...I think your erratic behavior and lack of answering questions directed to you are doing a pretty good job of that without anyone else's help. While Jasnah definitely looks suspicious, I haven't really seen anything from her that directs back to you (aside from a very key vote). And anyway, this is her first game. Not that that means she couldn't be on Team Evil (I'm looking at you, Khas), but there's a little leeway there for new players. You're new as well. But this is your second game, and your play style is very different and far more erratic than it was in the Rithmatist game. If you'd been erratic in both games (a la Jain or Ash), you wouldn't have nearly as much suspicion on you right now. The fact is, your play style changed, and that is very suspicious.


Rather than trying to cast suspicions elsewhere, how about you answer the question I asked you earlier. Why did you spend so much time yesterday switching your vote around willy-nilly and saying Steel was innocent, seemingly basing your opinion off RP reasons, only to then give very valid reasons as to why you believed he was innocent after he was dead? That's something you should've said way earlier. You might've actually been able to save him then. But you didn't. And I (and I'm sure others) would like an explanation for that.

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Raid cleared his throat.  “Well, let’s get back to business.  We ought to seize the day here, and get as much talking done in here today as possible.


“So, Kelsey survived.  Sure, someone could’ve been blocked and not killed her, or Kelsey could’ve been protected, but, the way I see it, there are too many ifs in this scenario to glean any significant evidence.  The Barons or Serial Killer might not have seen much use in killing an inactive, and decided to go item-hunting instead.  Unless we get any further evidence to supplement this, I don’t think we should focus on this event (or lack thereof) during the night.


“There was also the destruction of the Training Room and the Shooting Range.  I would assume this was not the result of a weapon activated by one of us, as it would likely take 2 cycles to use such a weapon.  The first to find it, and the second to activate/use it.  So, perhaps it was just a faulty air conditioning system or something.”


“A faulty air conditioning unit?” someone countered.  “I’m not buying it.”


Raid shrugged.  “Well, I don’t really know.  But it doesn’t seem like it was the fault of any of us, is my point.


“But right now, let us focus on trying to kill each other with our mob-like tendencies.  Trial, you’ve been pretty quiet so far, and didn’t cast a vote on Day 1, apart from the vote on Steel that you retracted.  What do you think of all of this?”

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Epic Lord GM, if somebody is targeted for death, but gets saved by some action, will it be revealed in the write-up?

Friend randomly wandered the halls, his melancholy unbroken by the joyous news of nobody dying the previous night, nor even the horrible destruction of two of the available rooms. Nobody besides a maniac joined me in the Group Chat last night, he wallowed to himself. Just goes to show how friendless he truly was.

He sighed.


Admittedly, he had surprised to even wake up in the morning. Considering Damon's open hostility to him, and that Stanley fellow's peculiar interest in corners. Although, the lack of a murder last night was curious. Maybe they went looking for stuff instead, not feeling comfortable enough to avoid detection. But he couldn't be sure.

He took a look around the corner, where everybody had gathered once more. Openly flung accusations and suspicious glares were being tossed about once again. Friend gulped. He himself wasn't entirely sure who the hidden Barons could be, exactly, although he did have a feeling that he didn't want to be friends with most of these people. Although something just didn't feel right about that Jain fellow. He couldn't say why, exactly, but it was just a gut reaction. Despite that shady Aya figure staring daggers at him, fingering the blade of her axe, while openly calling for help with killing Damon.

While at the front of the room, Raid was standing up on a pedastool and shouting directions down unto everybody. He had taken it upon himself once again to assign and divvy up the remaining rooms for sleeping arrangements. Friend frowned. Sure, he seems nice enough, despite having to check for your wallet and phone after he leaves, but it seems like people have fallen neatly in line with what he's been proposing. I'll have to keep my eye on that one.


Edit: Redacted Vote

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Goodness. Sorry. I've been a tad busy.I don't have a lot to say at the moment. pir2h has been acting very strangely, but I doubt she's a Baron, simply because they would've reigned her in were that the case. If she is an eliminator, my bet would be on the SK.


Current votes stand at:


Aya (1): Jain

Aidan (1): Milton

Trial (1): Raid

Stanley (0): Milton


This is a little disturbing, given that the cycle is almost half over. The only problem is, I can't think of any real way to push the discussion forwards. :P

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At this point, we might want to consider a tie for the lynch. The only person that died so far was from the Day 1 lynch, and they were opposed to the plan that everyone else agreed was a decent way to find eliminators. However, tonight there is likely to be at least one kill since we have (I think) an inactive that will be in the hallway and at least 1 room with 4 people together. Both of these scenarios give the eliminators a good chance to kill someone without being narrowed down too much. In other words, I suspect there will be a kill tonight and I think we might want to wait to lynch someone before we have that extra bit of info.


On the other hand, at the rate that we have been losing rooms, our strategy might fall apart in a couple of days, so we might want to pressure the eliminators to use kills while they would give away the most info possible. On that note, I will vote for Stanley, since he never came on to respond to the previous poke made at him, and I would also like to hear from him.

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On the other hand, at the rate that we have been losing rooms, our strategy might fall apart in a couple of days, so we might want to pressure the eliminators to use kills while they would give away the most info possible. On that note, I will vote for Stanley, since he never came on to respond to the previous poke made at him, and I would also like to hear from him.


Theory/Stanley did check in. Link. The one who hasn't responded to accusations is Aya. She was last online at about 5pm MST, and my questions were posted 3 hours previously. She's been ignoring them, and that adds another level of suspicion on top of her erratic behavior from yesterday. I said earlier that my vote would likely become official, and now it is.

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