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Alvron said that there would be a set number of Rooms per players. So there will always be about 1 room per 3.5 players. Probably. 


As for voting, we currently have 4 people on the Block, TheoryMaker, Aonar, pir2h and Tulir. I have no suspicions of Aonar or Tulir, And pir2h and theoryMaker haven't really done anything. So I'm just going to withhold my vote. I should be able to vote about 4 hours before the End of the day, but until then, I'm just going to watch.

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One quick thing, that I've seen repeated quite a few times that has kind of irked at me. When people are discussing Aya in terms of suspicion and likelihood of being a BB, people like to mention her erratic/inconsistent behaviour, but use that as a reason to discount any actual suspicion for the mere fact that her teammates would be keeping her in check. But the fact that everybody believes that makes me consider the fact the BBs will play off of that. Sparks, they could even be encouraging it!

That being said, I am not entirely sure that she is in fact an Eliminator, especially with that sort of reverse logic, but I just wanted to mention that it could be a possibility here. Anything in these games that makes me think, or when I see people say, "So and so can't be an Eliminator because _____", that just makes me automatically a little bit suspicious, since that's where they like to hide.

But also, somebody (let's call them X) got in contact with me and said they role-blocked Y last night, who was sharing a room with them. So we have a role-block, and no kill happening last night. This very well could be the cause of the missing kill. But in this game, on Night 1, especially with how the plan was set-up, if a kill was made last night, we almost would have known who did it, by the room assignments. That, and the fact the BBs probably knew Kelsey was protected (or inactive, and not a worry), they could have instead taken the chance to search for Items, to give them an advantage later in the game.

Revealing who Y is would of course then narrow down the possibilities of who X is, so I didn't want to reveal them quite yet, just in case they are telling the truth, and not a BB spreading a lie, of course. But I wanted to at least have it mentioned in thread so there can at least be some sort of discussion about it.

So, what does everybody think?


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One quick thing, that I've seen repeated quite a few times that has kind of irked at me. When people are discussing Aya in terms of suspicion and likelihood of being a BB, people like to mention her erratic/inconsistent behaviour, but use that as a reason to discount any actual suspicion for the mere fact that her teammates would be keeping her in check. But the fact that everybody believes that makes me consider the fact the BBs will play off of that. Sparks, they could even be encouraging it!

That being said, I am not entirely sure that she is in fact an Eliminator, especially with that sort of reverse logic, but I just wanted to mention that it could be a possibility here. Anything in these games that makes me think, or when I see people say, "So and so can't be an Eliminator because _____", that just makes me automatically a little bit suspicious, since that's where they like to hide.

First off, sorry if I haven't been explaining myself well. I don't think she's a baron. If she's an eliminator, I think she's the SK. And if she is, her erratic behavior works for that. The SK wants everybody dead, so they wouldn't care who we lynched. They'd just want a lynch. Now is it the best strategy to be jumping around and showing that lack of care? No. But I could see a new player making that mistake. Heck, I could see a semi-experienced player making that mistake too, since this kind of role hasn't been in the games before. The point is, it's less about who is lynched to the serial killer and more about that someone is lynched. Hence my use of her being erratic as arousing suspicion.

That said, if she'd been this erratic last game, my suspicion of her would be low. So it's not even the erratic behavior per se. It's the change of play style. The fact that it's changed into being erratic simply makes me lean towards a particular role for her, since the barons wouldn't condone that kind of behavior--especially since we were calling her out on it as it was happening.

Does that make sense?

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That said, if she'd been this erratic last game, my suspicion of her would be low. So it's not even the erratic behavior per se. It's the change of play style. The fact that it's changed into being erratic simply makes me lean towards a particular role for her, since the barons wouldn't condone that kind of behavior--especially since we were calling her out on it as it was happening.

Does that make sense?


I understand, and am leaning towards her probably not being a Baron as well, but I was just refering to the fact that if she was one, her teammates don't necessarily "have" to be reigning her in. Especially considering her newer player status, the Eliminators are always trying to break or abuse the metagame anyway they can. This is just my usual, over-paranoid disclaimer that when I see anything but verification style roles claim someone can't be an Eliminator, there's always the suspicion in the back of my mind. But Aya being a SK is also a very likely option, or very well someone just having a lot of fun with the game. XD

What about Araris' idea of forcing a tie this cycle? Lynches are usually our best chance at catching an Eliminator, and the way people vote and defend themselves is the main way we are able to determine suspicion. But in this game, it might be a little different, with the room situation, since that radically narrows down the possible suspects when kills happen,. (Which is probably why there are so many kill abilities, come to think of it... >.<)  So the Barons might actually end up focusing more on forcing mislynches. That and possibly look for items that destroy rooms, now that they know those exist. O.o

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I understand, and am leaning towards her probably not being a Baron as well, but I was just refering to the fact that if she was one, her teammates don't necessarily "have" to be reigning her in. Especially considering her newer player status, the Eliminators are always trying to break or abuse the metagame anyway they can. This is just my usual, over-paranoid disclaimer that when I see anything but verification style roles claim someone can't be an Eliminator, there's always the suspicion in the back of my mind. But Aya being a SK is also a very likely option, or very well someone just having a lot of fun with the game. XD

....That's actually a valid point. I hadn't considered that possibility. I guess I just sort of default my thinking process to "how would I play Team Evil" and base my assumptions off that. And I don't typically try to break the metagame. I probably should.


I still think she's more likely to be the SK than a baron, but I will admit the possibility that she could be a baron.


What about Araris' idea of forcing a tie this cycle? Lynches are usually our best chance at catching an Eliminator, and the way people vote and defend themselves is the main way we are able to determine suspicion. But in this game, it might be a little different, with the room situation, since that radically narrows down the possible suspects when kills happen,. (Which is probably why there are so many kill abilities, come to think of it... >.<)  So the Barons might actually end up focusing more on forcing mislynches. That and possibly look for items that destroy rooms, now that they know those exist. O.o

It could work, especially in a game like this. We'll want to get a good discussion going about it before we decide (and it might be a little late in the day for that, but we can try). If we do decide to do that, we'll have to tweak the plan a bit. Maybe ease off of the kill abilities a bit, since if we're not lynching (to avoid mislynches), we'll have to figure out other ways of getting the eliminators. I do like the plan as it stands though. It's a tight plan and I don't see much way around it, even if we keep losing rooms. We can still narrow things down to a select few players who were in the room, and then use the seeking roles plus our analysis on the players to narrow it down further.

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Everyone was dead silent again.  But, as Raid reflected back to yesterday, the moment he had thought that it was quiet was the moment everyone had begun arguing and going crazy.  So maybe that would happen again!  The lively discussion would sure beat the eerie silence.


As his grandpappy always said: “Silence ain't a virtue, son.  Take it from me.  I even talk in my sleep!”  Raid had never seen the wisdom in those words, but maybe his grandpappy was right.  On that account, of course.


Where is everyone?  We have about 6 hours left, and there are only 6 votes right now:


Jain (1): Friend
Trial (1): Raid
pir2h (2): Jain, Kenna
Aidan Forsyth (1): Milton
Stanley (1): Spark


As Gamma has stated, we need to focus on voting and discussion, as the Plan is preventing the majority of kills from taking place.  At least toss out a vote or something!  Without discussion, the amount of information we have here will be kept at a minimum.


Killersquirrel (obviously), Tulir, and Jasnah have yet to post this cycle.  I've already put my vote on Tulir for now, but Jasnah’s absence is worrying, as she was rather active last cycle, and has been online multiple times this cycle.


Edit: Grammar

Edited by Renegade
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Well, in order to force a lynch, the Rich Citizen can't vote, there can be no SK day cycle actions+vote shennanigans, and no vote manipulation. AKA, not likely. I'm assuming nobody remembered the SK? When they uses an action during the day, their vote isn't counted

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Gamma, I think there is definitely a good possibility of the role-blocking being used last night and that is what prevented the kill. It was on my list of options for why there wasn't a kill.


Jasnah. You were jumping votes almost as much as Aya, and then you haven't posted at all. Who do you suspect? Do you have anything to add to the discussion?


Aya is in orange, because I suspect her of being an Eliminator (Baron or SK), but want to call out others who might also  be Eliminators.

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I have no reasons, but I have gut feelings and I am psychic. 

This is also my second round so I am new. I hope that explains terrible playing behavior. 


Is this an official vote?  If so then it needs to be in red or red:  

I am unsure as you have blue text so colour changing doesn't seem to be the problem.  At the moment this will not count.

Edited by Alvron
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Sorry for being inactive.  It is unlikely that I will be very active for at least the next two cycles.  I will try to hop on, but it will be for a small amount of time at best.  Apologies.

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Well it looks like Aya has the narrow lead for the lynch. I might as well toss a vote on her, since I'm not sure how much longer there is in the cycle, but I know I won't be on til morning. Just want to make sure that a lynch actually goes through, and no vote manipulation shenanigans takes place.

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Theory/Stanley did check in. Link. The one who hasn't responded to accusations is Aya. She was last online at about 5pm MST, and my questions were posted 3 hours previously. She's been ignoring them, and that adds another level of suspicion on top of her erratic behavior from yesterday. I said earlier that my vote would likely become official, and now it is.

Whoops, Stanley, sorry about that. I am good with the plan. I don't really know about lynching Aya. Assuming that she intends to actually vote for Jasnah, then the real vote tally is 3 for Aya and 2 for Jasnah. However, if we keep losing rooms then putting pressure on the eliminators is a good thing, even if we lose a couple villagers along the way. I'm gonna vote for Aya based on that reasoning.

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I just asked Gm Almighty some questions in my PM. I asked him if there was some sort of Equation for how many rooms there are, and he replied there is a loose system. I asked him if either of those two rooms had been destroyed by players, and he replied no. He also told me that You have to be inside of a room to destroy it.


TLDR: No one destroyed the rooms.

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The day was long and quiet, many spending time catching up on their sleep.  Others talked and debated and argued until their throats were hoarse.  But by the end of the day it was decided that Aya had to be one of the Barons or at least a murderer.  After all she had been the one to kill poor Loipin.

 As she was led away to be hanged she shouted “It wasn’t me, I was framed.”  Unfortunately her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Not long afterwards, most of the others had found their way to the Mess Hall hoping for one last meal before they retired for the night.  Jain served up a delicious stew which he claimed was first brewed by pandas.

It wasn’t until after everyone had finished their meals that anyone noticed Raid was missing.

“He couldn’t have gone far.  Probably just getting a head start on the nights looting.”  Someone piped up.

Fanning out to search for their self proclaimed leader, it was Milton who was the first to find the body.

Splayed out on a poker table in the Officers Lounge, daggers pinning his arms and legs to the tabletop and a balled up dirty sock shoved in his mouth.  A null sign engraved in his forehead and a jagged gash across his throat telling the tale of how he died.

Beneath the table were the remains of several firearms and a baton, broken beyond repair.

Aya was lynched.  She was a Precognition refugee.
Raid is dead.  He was an
Arms Dealer refugee with a Stun Baton.

Aya (4) Friend, Jain, Kenna, Spark O’toole
Damon Shan (1) Milton
Trial (1) Raid

Night 2 has begun and will last 24 hours.

Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59), Jain (Lightsworn Panda), Trial (Tulir), Friend (Gamma Fiend), Ash (Ashiok), Spark O'toole (Araris Valerian)

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I'm a genius, and I forgot to send in my room. Strange that the SK would make a day kill on Raid now, he must have known something.


EDIT: Sorry I was busy today, life happens. But If we're always passive this game, we're gonna lose. We need to be agressive and root out the  eliminators

Edited by Ashiok
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Am I allowed to ask what the heck just happened here? Five people ended up in the Hallways who shouldn't have, the SK made a day kill, and we learned absolutely nothing. I have one question though, before I get in to some more in depth discussion. Was one of the players to vote for Aya the Rich Civilian? If so, it's very likely that the Serial Killer is one of the players to have voted for her. If not, then anyone who did not vote today is suspect.


Now, moving on, one or two people forgetting to send in actions is acceptable. Even three could be passed off as coincidence. But five? Really? Five of eleven people just happened to forget to send in their actions? That doesn't seem right. The only difficulty I'm having is placing the potential strategic advantage of moving to the Hallway. To my understanding, there isn't one. (Aside perhaps from the inherent benefit of it being something that we wouldn't expect.)

Edited by AonarFaileas
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There's no reason at all to move to the Hallway. They can be targeted by the people in the rooms. Which means that there will be a Baron kill tonight. As for why the SK attacked Raid. . . No Idea. IT would have been better to keep him alive, since his plan let them seek two people every night, so he would figure out who he could kill easily.

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Okay. I've been doing analysis for the last hour and it feels like my eyes are bleeding, but I figured I'd put my conclusions down here (although, admittedly, there's not much).


First, while the SK made a kill, the vote results are exactly as I had expected. This means the SK didn't vote. It also means that those who did vote--Gamma, Jain, me, Araris, and Maill--cannot be the SK. Nor are any of us the Rich Civilian, since that didn't pop up either. (In Aonar's ninja of me, I realize that this might not be entirely correct. If the Rich Civilian did vote....the SK is either Gamma, Jain, me, or Araris. However, as that takes a large bit of luck, I'm inclined to think that's not what happened. And not just because my head is on the line if that is what happened)


Second, we don't have to worry about a SK kill tonight, as they just made that. However, it's nearly certain we have to worry about the barons. There are a lot of people out in the hallway, and it's guaranteed the barons are going to take a shot at one of them. And, bonus, the SK might be out in the hallway with you lot. Although I'm not sure why he would be.... Fingers crossed the barons hit him if he is.


Last part (I did say I didn't have much). Suspects (for SK, since the barons haven't done jack so I don't have anything definitive yet for them).


Theory - she checked everyone's profile within about 30 minutes of the roles being distributed (yes, I checked). She and Joe both did, but Joe has a habit of doing that, so it's not out-of-the-norm for him. What is out of the norm for Theory is that while she normally doesn't post very often, she does typically say more when she posts than she has been in this game. And the little she says isn't of much use.


Ash - He was in Ren's room last night. He said he found clean gym clothes, but he could've just as well been saying that, and he actually stalked his roommates that night. The Arms Dealer is one that the SK would want to remove early (along with any other killing role). Couple that with the fact that Ren had created a practically foolproof plan, and you've got an excellent target.



These suspects aren't terribly definitive by any means, but it's what I've noticed thus far in the game, and what my analysis for the results came up with. I'm leaning more toward Ash than Theory, currently, but that's subject to change.

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Sorry guys, haven't been able to be very active, just enough to not miss anything and follow Raid's plan. I'm working on a version of it that might prove better, though. I don't have enough time to play this actively in weekdays, but I have all the time in the world in weekends, which means you can count on me then.

As for voting, I have absolutely no idea who might be Team Evil, so as a placeholder vote I'm voting for Jain.

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Raid's plan was foolproof. Then six of us had to forget sending in room orders.

So, yes, The Serial Killer can only be one of the ones who voted for Aya, but only if the Rich Citizen, if there is one, voted with them. Otherwise, it's someone who didn't vote. That cuts it down to six: Tulir, Joe, Aonar, Jasnah, Theory, and Ash.

Jasnah, this is night. We don't vote at night.

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So I guess we'll need a confirmation from the GM on if the SK needs to vote or not to be able to make their kill. Depending on that answer, if the Rich Civilian voted or not, that will help us narrow down our suspects.

Friend didn't know whether to groan or smile as he laid out his sleeping bag in the hallway and noticed the handful of people doing likewise. Kelsey was of course there as well, and had even managed to find a cot somewhere and was sound asleep despite the noise of everybody settling in. Friend was still feeling a little bit off after being partially responsible for yet another innocent being lynched, and he was starting to doubt himself. Maybe it wasn't that she was suspicious, more likely we just didn't get to know her too well. Being able to see your own death can do pretty wacky things to the psyche.


Besides, he didn't quite feel comfortable with 3 other people in the room, so he wanted some alone time in the hallway-- since he was pretty sure Sleepy Kelsey wasn't going to be bothering him none.

On the other hand, he thought, trying to be a glass half-full kind of guy, maybe I can make some new friends. " Party in the hallway! Let's have some fun!" He smiled and took a look around, stifling the small voice in the back of his head that added, as long as none of you try and kill me.

I actually did kind of forget to send my room orders in. I was trying to find somebody who would have been able to protect me so I could sleep soundly in the hallway, and help drive the number of people in my room down to 3, to help keep the numbers of roommates as tight as possible. But I kind of meant to give the plan up and was going to send the orders for my room in, as part of The Plan, but I did kind of forget to do that before I left for work. >.< But it just looks like The Plan went to crap anyways. XD Let's just hope people with protection/role-blocking roles hit some really good targets tonight!

Also, some speculation as to why Raid was the SK target, besides being the "figurehead" of the Plan, and being one of the more active players rallying people, the SK could also have very well used their Role-Seeking ability last night on him, and figured that he was a big enough target being an Arms Dealer. Depending on whether or not the SK actually has to vote to use their abilities, then they got 1 seeking off -- on Raid -- or 2, if they were able to use both last Day and Night Cycle.



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I actually have a good reason for checking people's files. I was looking at my profile when I saw that Joe had looked at mine also. That triggered a memory from all the way back in Game 7. In that game Jain and I were in the same noble house so he looked at my profile. So then in this game I went looking for suspicious profile viewing (a BB looking at another BB's profile) but I didn't find any.

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Trial lay in his cot trying to sleep but the voices in his head wouldn’t let him rest.  Trial thought that killing Raid would lessen the voices but they only grew louder, cheering every time he remembered the life fleeing Raids eyes, the feel of the dagger as it sliced into flesh, calling for more blood to spill.  Strangely one of the voices had even started calling him a ‘chullhead’ whatever that was.

Squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears in a vain attempt to block out the noise, Trial never saw the figure standing over him.  

Plunging a dagger into Trials chest the Baron made quick silent work of its target.  Their job done the Baron swiftly moved away from the body before anyone could see what had happen.


In the morning everyone gathered round Trials body.

“I knew it was him.  Always evading questions he was.” Ash spoke.

“I can’t believe it.  I spent the past two nights sleeping near a mass murderer.” Piped in Jain.

“What shall we do with the body?”

“I say we leave him for the rats to gnaw on.”

As the debate continued a rumble shook the building.  Once it had subsided they discovered that the Officers Lounge had collapsed.

Day 3 had started and will last 48 hours.

Trial was killed.  He was the
Serial Killer.

The Officers Lounge has been removed from the game.

Mess Hall

(Mailliw73) Milton
(Lightsworn Panda) Jain

(Tulir) Trial Serial Killer
(Little Wilson) Kenna
(Pir2h) Aya Precognition
(Steel) Loipin Kien Matter Disrupter
(The Only Joe) Doc Oleny
(killersquirrel59) Kelsey Skirl
(AonarFaileas) Aidan Forsyth
(Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan
(Gamma Fiend) Friend
(Theorymaker) Stanley
(Ashiok) Ash

(Renegade) Raid Arms Dealer
(Araris Valerian) Spark O'toole
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