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I just put in my room request, so that shouldn't happen again. If we assume that there are 3 BBs, then right now we are 8-3. Likely, a kill will happen in one of the 4-person rooms, unless we good up the room arrangements again tonight. I'm trying to think if there is any advantage for the BBs to stay in the hallway intentionally, but the only one that I can think of is if there is somebody else in the hallway they can make a kill without being discovered. But you could do that while safe in a room anyway, so I don't see why any of the BBs, especially if they are staying on top of the game, would end up in the cold at night. I'm going to vote for Jain, since he never came on to explain why he made it in the hallway, even the reasons that were given (including my own) we somewhat unoriginal.

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My on-off memory stranded me in the corridor last night. I believe there's a corner in my head that's responsible for important facts and reminders, and it occasionally goes on a spring cleaning spree, emptying everything out.


I planned to make a large post revealing a plan/trick, but sadly it failed, since the Cycles turned and the Serial Killer died. I was thinking of publicly contacting the Serial Killer, and asking him to leave behind messages in his signature kills to tell us if he found a BB in his stalkings.Sadly, BB don't count as a role, so the Serial Killer wouldn't know. Also, the Killer died.


It's a bit scary to realize that you've been sharing a room with a Serial Killer for the first night...  :ph34r: 


I hate to bandwagon, since it does bring all manners of trouble, but I'll vote squirrel. The Barons didn't kill him on Night 1, even though he was a perfect target. I believe we have a second MR 3 case.



Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Yes! Dang, that was lucky. :P I get the feeling the Barons aren't feeling real happy right now. (Unless they wanted to kill the SK... but that doesn't strike me as likely.)


So, a Hallway kill was made. My question? Why Tulir? Why not Gamma, or Jain, or Ash, or Araris? Tulir was largely inactive (in thread, anyways), so his death would not point any fingers anywhere, but so were several of the others.


There's no point in anyone targeting Squirrel, this past cycle, or the one before. He's claimed that he's had to drop out of the game due to IRL reasons, and I don't know about anybody else, but I would consider lying about something like that somewhat unsportsmanlike. Inactives can only help the Eliminators, so killing them is very low priority. However, it's also pointless for us to kill them, as this also only helps the Eliminators. (I do have it on fairly good authority that he was roleblocked the first night though... make of that what you will.)


Where does this leave us? Nowhere, unfortunately. We've been granted a slight reprieve, but it might not end up doing any good. I wouldn't mind knowing if Gamma can think of a reason he wasn't attacked, though.

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Wow. I was not expecting the Serial Killer to be taken out this early. I also wasn't overly suspicious of Tulir either, so big thanks to the barons for that. It likely would've taken us a while to find him.

I disagree a bit with you, Aonar. There's a good chance the barons viewed him as a threat just as much as we did. After all, he couldn't see alignment, so there wouldn't even be any sort of a chance for him to try playing with the two sides. And if they did aim to take him out, I'm a little worried my analysis may have helped them figure out who to target. Which isn't cool. (well. Okay. It got rid of the SK, so I can't complain too much, but still.)

I do, however, agree that it won't do us any good to kill Kelsey. He's inactive, and lynching him just wastes an opportunity to find one of the barons. And even if we don't lynch a baron today, we'll gain information that could lead us to them. Lynching Kelsey won't give us any information at all.

I'm going to vote Ash for now simply because he's been pretty reticent with his suspicions and such, and I'd like to know who he suspects.

Edited by little wilson
retracted vote
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Who I suspect? I don't know, but I've been in contact with Aonar and Raid since day one. Aonar seems trustworthy to me, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, while it wouldn't prove anything, I could give somebody the gym clothes to show what I did night 1. I'm going to reach out to another person today, and we'll see where it goes from there. I searched the hallway last night, in case anybody was curious.

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Huh. Well thanks, Barons. :P While I imagine they knew they had to eventually kill the SK, I don't think he was their priority target, since they probably wouldn't have minded him getting a few extra civilian kills in for them early in the game. So they were probably just taking a random shot at Trial.


As to why I wasn't attacked last night myself, I was a little bit surprised, but considering people tend to consider me an at least more "experienced" player -- at least in just terms of these forums -- that does paint me as a higher priority target, but then the Barons must also consider  the possibility that somebody was protecting me. (which somebody may or may not have been ;) ) So if I were an Eliminator, I would almost always go after a player who has the lesser chance of being protected. Especially since nobody was really taking charge after Raid, yet.  That and probably because I've been way less active these last couple games than I used to be. :P

Now we should definitely continue to follow Raid's plan as closely as possible. We should try and adjust to account for Kelsey sleeping out in the hall, and then the lynchee, if it is a clear target before the end of the cycle. That should be able to put us at 3 people per room, to keep it as tightly knit as possible, and a more narrow suspect range if something happens. But that could open us up to possible Vote Manipulation shenanigans, if the Barons have somebody with that ability, to try and mess up the room orders last minute.

For now I will toss a vote on Jain, just to tie him up with Kelsey, an inactive. That would be a nasty trick for a Baron to hide in plain sight like that, but as mentioned above, that would be a very unsportsmanlike move, to use IRL excuses to explain inactivity. And putting a vote on Kelsey would gain us no new knowledge, at the moment.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I'm retracting my vote on Kelsey. I'm instead going to vote for Jain as well. He and Milton were both in the room with Tulir, and I think one of them is a Seeker Baron. I had an extended conversation with Alvron about what a seeker would be told if they seeked different types of Seekers, and there's no way to distinguish. So my current theory is that one of them seeked him, saw that he was seeking someone, and offed him him, thinking they were getting rid of a Seeker.

Edited by The Only Joe
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I'm going to retract my vote on Jain, since he gave what I asked for. I'm kinda suspicious of you Joe, since that seems like a pretty flimsy suspicion to give somebody a third vote this early in the cycle. I'm also kind of suprised that Jasnah hasn't come on and voted yet based on her previous voting habits.

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Wait, doesn't my invalid vote count for today? My thoughts are still similar, plus surprise at such an early eliminator kill and my positive view towards the Seeker BB theory, which actually gives me some proof for my vote for Jain, saving me the extra effort of changing my vote, which is very troublesome, especially on an iPad. Therefore, I'm not changing it.

By the way, I'll have time for lots of activity till Monday.

Edited by Jasnah Damodred
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Wait, doesn't my invalid vote count for today? My thoughts are still similar, plus surprise at such an early eliminator kill and my positive view towards the Seeker BB theory, which actually gives me some proof for my vote for Jain, saving me the extra effort of changing my vote, which is very troublesome, especially on an iPad. Therefore, I'm not changing it.

You mean this vote? That doesn't count because votes can only be placed during the Day Cycles. So you don't currently have a vote tallied towards this lynch.  And in that post you only said your vote was a placeholder vote, so you haven't given any other reasoning for your proof of suspicion of Jain. So I will retract my vote on him to at least tie it back up, and prompt more discussion before somebody takes an early lead, leading to a bandwagon. Hopefully will have some time for some RP soon. :D

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My personal opinion is that if the BBs discovered who the SK was then they could just leave him to do whatever he wanted until he started to be a threat, then deal with him at their leisure. Us civilians only have to deal with 1/2 the eliminator kills now, which is pretty nice. That's just my two cents, but I really feel like a bandwagon almost got started which is not a good thing this early in the cycle.

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One of these cycles someone might just ask me my opinion without voting for me. Anyway I agree with Joe's idea that a BB saw the SK seeking, but I don't think it was Jain... (Milton).
It happened during the night. Someone in the hallway must have done it. The corner was gone. Whatever was there now was something... strange. "Stupid reality-altering Epics", Stanley mumbled to himself.

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One of these cycles someone might just ask me my opinion without voting for me. Anyway I agree with Joe's idea that a BB saw the SK seeking, but I don't think it was Jain... (Milton).

There are only two options, Jain and Milton. Since Tulir was in his room with the every night, he was protected from everyone else.


I'm going to keep my Vote on Jain, since he hasn't yet defended against my vote for him, and the reasonings behind it.

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Theory, is that supposed to be a vote for me? White text doesn't accomplish much, especially when I get email notifications. :P

Joe, while its possible that Jain is a Baron, I don't think your seeker theory is necessarily correct. In my opinion, it seems like the Barons just chose someone in the hallway who they doubted would be protected. And they chose correctly. It feels more like a random kill than it does deliberate killing of the Serial Killer. The Serial Killer is too much of a help for them, with his kill added to theirs.

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That's part of my point, they wouldn't have killed the Serial Killer if they knew he was the Serial Killer. But seeking would only have told them that he was seeking someone, which is a way for them to be found.


It is possible that it was a Random kill, but that doesn't give us any information at all. So i'm hoping they targeted him on purpose, because that allows us to figure things out.

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Well, I've been think for a while, and I think we should vote for Kelsey today. We don't have much to work with except a possible theory that Jain seeked the SK, and a partial bandwagon on Jain that never really happened. If Kelsey dies today, and is good, then the BB kill will give us some more info to work with tomorrow, without us risking the possibility of losing 2 active players.

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Cycle's almost up. LEt's discuss. Room assignments are copacetic, right? 


Who are we lynching today? If it's between Jain and Jasnah, I'd have to say Jain because he isn't displaying the good traits he had the last few games. This isn't a vote yet because I want to see what he has to say.


EDIT: Kelsey wise, if she's bad, that's bad for us, but using IRL reasons like that is unsportsmanlike. IF she's good, it's fine to leave her around for a while.

Edited by Ashiok
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Joe, why do you suspect me over Malliw? We were both in with Tulir, yet you haven't given us a concrete reason for choosing me over him.

Perhaps the BB thought Tulir was the BB from his signature. Tulir's signature happened to be a null sign, and was it just me who drew the connection between the "ul" in null and the "ul" in Tulir?

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Okay. I literally have no time at all to post, but the vote is between Kelsey and Jain. Lynching Kelsey won't give us any information. It's the easy lynch, and doing that just to clear away a pointless target for the barons isn't a good reason. The barons don't really have a reason to hit him since we're all bigger threats to them.

Hence I'm voting Jain. We need a lynch for the information, and this is the only way we'll get it.

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My goodness. I don't like doing this, but if everyone I'm talking to is telling the truth, then Kelsey might be our best option for a lynch today. I'm still a little suspicious of Jain, Maill, and Gamma, (Araris and Ash are both getting up there as well) but perhaps we can get the Barons to show their hand a little.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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As Jain was lead towards the crude gallows he struggled and fought.

“I’m a Doctor damnation you, a Doctor.  I save lives not take them.”

As they tightened the noose around his neck, Jain glanced over to his stuffed panda.  A slanted grin was plastered on its face and it almost seemed like a red glow was coming from its eyes.

Night 3 has begun and will last 24 hours.
Jain was lynched.  He was the
Doctor refugee

Those in the Hallway are: Kelsey Skirl (killersquirrel59) and Ash (Ashiok)

Vote Tally:
Jain (2) Damon Shan,  Kenna
Damon Shan (1) Spark O’toole
Friend (1) Aidan Forsyth
Kelsey Skirl (1) Jain
Stanley (1) Milton

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