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The Brunette/brown/black hair cult

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18 minutes ago, Pineap-spider said:

I figured I should pick a side on this war before things get out of hand. Luckly I also qualify with brown hair!

Speaking of the war…

I now revoke the previous suspension of war, WE ARE AT WAR!


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1 minute ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

I stole Ginger Ale!

We feast, brothers! On the (not) blood of our enemies!

Also let’s postpone the war even more! All in favor say AYE!


gingers tried to give me spiked cookie. it was duraluminum with connection to stick!

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13 hours ago, Block said:

Speaking of the war…

I now revoke the previous suspension of war, WE ARE AT WAR!


I did not mean to re start this

2 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

I stole Ginger Ale!

We feast, brothers! On the (not) blood of our enemies!

Also let’s postpone the war even more! All in favor say AYE!

AYE. No war, I just want Allies


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8 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

I captured the Gingerbread man. We have a hostage!

6 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Keep him away from any doors or windows! And don’t expect an oven to keep him trapped!

ARE YOU TRYING TO GET THEM TO ATTACK US!?!?!? Quick, make a decoy and hide some spikes in it. alternatively, we make brownies. much better than gingerbread.


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21 hours ago, Wierdo said:

*Sits next to parent*


21 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

*is a parent*

*sits next to child and grandchild*

*hugs child and grandchild*

*hugs family back*

*almost squooshes to death*

*definitely needs more hugs*



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