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The Brunette/brown/black hair cult

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8 hours ago, Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug said:

I'm pretty sure you already did that.


I know 😁

*cackles and runs away*


8 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

I cackle and trip Living Glass, taking the Sandwich.

wait wrong thread

I take the Sandwich back to the other thread, you monster.




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12 hours ago, Drehy said:

Can I join?

Just checking, does everyone know that to be a cult no one may be allowed to leave?

Leaving immediately makes you an enemy of the cult, to be hunted down and brought justice to. Yea, you can join.

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13 hours ago, Drehy said:

Just checking, does everyone know that to be a cult no one may be allowed to leave?



Also, welcome new friend!! Here's a welcome gift, your very own frying pan!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay *clap clap* How good of you to do so!


I've been trying to convert my friends into Sanderfans and have them create a Shard account, and so far, none have done so, but hopefully, one of my friends seems willing, so we (hopefully) might have a new member soon! I'll just have to keep on threatening encouraging

Edited by Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug
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