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Is there a problem with malatium mechanics on screen?



So...with the retcon that Era 1 atium was actually atium alloyed with electrum, I'm confused about why malatium does not seem to confer any consciousness-expanding properties. Era 1 "atium" gives one the power to comprehend impossible volumes of information about the future, but malatium just...doesn't seem to offer any additional insight into the past than if the power of gold was simply inverted.

Has there been any word on whether this will get revised or explained? The uses of malatium are short-lived enough that they could probably get away with saying it does expand the mind and just glossed passed it on screen, but that feels like a really sloppy explanation. Anyone have ideas or references?

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1 hour ago, hwiles said:

So...with the retcon that Era 1 atium was actually atium alloyed with electrum, I'm confused about why malatium does not seem to confer any consciousness-expanding properties. Era 1 "atium" gives one the power to comprehend impossible volumes of information about the future, but malatium just...doesn't seem to offer any additional insight into the past than if the power of gold was simply inverted.

Has there been any word on whether this will get revised or explained? The uses of malatium are short-lived enough that they could probably get away with saying it does expand the mind and just glossed passed it on screen, but that feels like a really sloppy explanation. Anyone have ideas or references?

We do not yet have confirmation of how Malatium is alloyed (see below), and the composition would matter. Also, consider that the expanded conciousness of Atium is a "required secondary power" to make use of the Atium - and we also see that Electrum, as used in HoA does not confer the same effect either. So, it may be as simple as:

"Atium expands the mind because you are tracking dozens of Atium Shadows outside yourself - Electrum only tracks your own (barring conflict with other's use of Atium/Electrum, which renders both moot) and does not. Therefore, Malatium also does not when you are only seeing one or two Malatium Shadows at a time (as seen in TFE adn M:SH)"

But, we do know that there is at least some Mental component, because all Allomantic metals have at least seem mental impact. 

We know Malatium is Atium + Gold, but what we do not have confirmation on is:

  1. Era 1 Atium (already Atium+Electrum) with added Gold - or - 
  2. Era 1 Atium (already Atium+ Electrum) with the silver removed leaving only Gold in the alloy




Primary question: Peter recently said something about atium in Era 1 actually being an atium-electrum alloy, which is called nalatium. Is this accurate?

Brandon Sanderson

This is accurate, yes.

You could, by the way, just continue to call it atium. That's what they think atium is in-world. It's very slightly tainted.


Secondary questions: If the above is yes, did Kelsier get malatium by separating the atium and gold from the silver in nalatium? If so, do atium and gold have similar melting points?

Brandon Sanderson

That's more of a RAFO in that I'm not sure I want to canonize any of that right now. 

Footnote: Peter's comment did not give the alloy a name, Adam misread a sentence where the questioner mentioned their own nickname for it.
YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021)

Brandon Sanderson

Allomancy's Mental Effects

An interesting side note is to watch how Allomancy—all of its forms—enhances the mind in some way. Though the original concept for the magic system focused on different powers—some physical, some mental—the final product always had a mental component. Notice how, when burning tin, Spook is more able to focus on solitary conversations in the room. Or how his mind can filter out the mist or the cloth he wears. Burning pewter or tin will also make the mind more alert and awake. Burning atium not only lets one see a little bit into the future, but also lets one process that information in a useful way.

The mind is such a big part of what makes us who we are. I wanted Allomancy to impact the characters—to have an effect you could see on the minds of those using it. As I've stated, one of the places where books can outshine television or movies is in the ability to see exactly what is happening inside a character's thoughts and emotions. By adding a mental component to each of the Allomantic powers, my hope was to play off of this strength of the written form.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (Sept. 22, 2009)

WoA Ch 22:


The metal is supposed to enhance his mind somehow, too.”

“It does. When I’m burning atium, I often dodge before I even register the attacks that are coming.”

Ham nodded.


As far as i can recall, the only time we see somebody witness two separate Malatium Shadows is with Vin in TFE, when she sees the Malatium Shadow for both Rashek and Kar (but does not yet understand the metal, and misinterprets what she sees in the Malatium Shadow). TFE Ch 36:


Just as she was spinning to dash away, however, rough hands grabbed her from behind. She cursed, struggling as she glanced down at the Inquisitor’s bloodied leg. Even with pewter, he shouldn’t have been able to walk on it. She tried to twist away, but the Inquisitor had her in a powerful grasp.

“What is this?” the old man demanded, standing.

“I’m sorry, Lord Ruler,” the Inquisitor said deferentially.

Lord Ruler! But…I saw him. He was a young man.

“Kill her,” the old man said, waving his hand.

“My lord,” the Inquisitor said. “This child is…of special interest. Might I keep her for a time?”

“What special interest?” the Lord Ruler said, sighing as he sat again.

“We wish to petition you, Lord Ruler,” said the Inquisitor. “Regarding the Canton of Orthodoxy.”

“This again?” the Lord Ruler said wearily.

“Please, my lord,” said the Inquisitor. Vin continued to struggle, flaring her pewter. The Inquisitor pinned her arms to her sides, however, and her backward kicking did very little good. He’s so strong! she thought with frustration.

And then, she remembered it. The Eleventh Metal, its power sitting within her, forming an unfamiliar reserve. She looked up, glaring at the old man. This had better work. She burned the Eleventh Metal.

Nothing happened.

Vin struggled in frustration, her heart sinking. And then she saw him. Another man, standing right beside the Lord Ruler. Where had he come from? She hadn’t seen him enter.

He had a full beard and wore a thick, woolen outfit with a fur-lined cloak. It wasn’t rich clothing, but it was well constructed. He stood quietly, seeming…content. He smiled happily.

Vin cocked her head. There was something familiar about the man. His features looked very similar to those of the man who had killed Kelsier. However, this man was older and…more alive.

Vin turned to the side. There was another unfamiliar man beside her, a young nobleman. He was a merchant, from the looks of his suit—and a very wealthy one at that.

What is going on?

The Eleventh Metal burned out. Both newcomers vanished like ghosts.

So, she sees Rashek's Shadow next to him, then sees Kar's Shadow next to her (since he is holding her from behind). 

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3 hours ago, hwiles said:

So...with the retcon that Era 1 atium was actually atium alloyed with electrum, I'm confused about why malatium does not seem to confer any consciousness-expanding properties. Era 1 "atium" gives one the power to comprehend impossible volumes of information about the future, but malatium just...doesn't seem to offer any additional insight into the past than if the power of gold was simply inverted.

Has there been any word on whether this will get revised or explained? The uses of malatium are short-lived enough that they could probably get away with saying it does expand the mind and just glossed passed it on screen, but that feels like a really sloppy explanation. Anyone have ideas or references?

As far as I'm aware, it was never discussed in WoBs, but I don't see any problem. Atium alloys are not exactly the same as pure Atium, they don't have to carry the Atium characteristics - they are alloys, mixing metals changes them. Malatium itself shows nowhere near the amount of information like Atium-electrum shows. It just shows a stationary shadow of a person's past. Your brain is fully capable of comprehending that information on its own, no mental enhancements are needed. However I think there are some mind-expanding properties, normally not visible, but when used in the most extreme possible way, they kick in allowing you to process extra information. Kelsier experienced this, flaring Malatium in the moment of his death, which allowed him to reach further into SR. SH ch 1-1:


The Lord Ruler backhanded him. Agony hit Kelsier like a stroke of lightning. In that moment, Kelsier flared the Eleventh Metal, and caught a glimpse of something new.
The Lord Ruler standing in a room—no, a cavern! The Lord Ruler stepped into a glowing pool and the world shifted around him, rocks crumbling, the room twisting, everything changing.
The vision vanished.

Kelsier saw the entire vision of Rashek Ascending, with effects it had on the world around him - that's a lot, maybe some extra mental effects of Malatium allowed him to process that vision. Ultimately we don't know, but I think normally Malatium doesn't need anything like that, because it's showing a stationary shadow of a person, nothing more. 

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