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Marina's Echo--A Fantasy RP

J. Magi

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3 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“It could be worse.”

"That is true!"

2 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

"Is this all we have to eat"

"Yeah, unless you brought something!" Kurtis was on his second bar thing and was enjoying it thoroughly.

2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Aranis smells something on the air, his nose quivering, something foodlike, but nasty smelling at the same time, he follows it briefly discovering it was something the others were eating. Bleghh, he says to himself, Do not eat those 




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On 5/28/2024 at 9:47 AM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Sodsor grimaced. How long was the first watch?

Kurtis continued to chew thoughtfully for a while. "Alright, I think I'll settle down for the night if that's alright, wake me when it's my turn."

15 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

How can I join? I read all 13 pages and the backstory doc.


Absolutely! I'll need you to fill out a character sheet (template is in the first post of the rp), if you have any lore or backstory details you want me to integrate into the plot pm me! Also please remember to put ooc talk in quotation boxes.

15 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:



I'm a girl btw (no worries lol, it's confusing because I often play male characters)

We can time skip through the night and the watches unless someone wants to do something first.

@Scars of Hathsin @TheRavenHasLanded @RoyalBeeMage @witsthebest

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Alright, sounds good. Might take me about a day. Ψ I put that symbol there for people to copy and paste when they want to mention Wit, by the way.

Edit: It took me about 40 minutes, much less than a day


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Name: Wyldri (WILL-dree)
Gender/pronouns: She/her
Race: Alma Djinn (is this okay? she doesn't have any alma powers besides the air stuff, so she's probably not too overpowered compared to the other characters)
Magic system: The djinn magic, meaning mediocre control of air (so like airbending maybe?)
Personality: Somewhat weird, carries on conversations long after they've been finished, and mentions things other people don't know about like they do know, without explanation. Quite talkative and enthusiastic, even if she can come across as a bit alien.
Abilities/skills: Expert shot with a bow, especially since she manipulates the air so that she almost always hits her target. Can move very fast and float AT MOST twenty feet in the air if she tries hard enough.
Backstory: Merged with the element of air when she was younger, so she was only a normal human for about a decade or so. Even though she is very much an extrovert, Wyldri has to keep her identity as an elemental relatively secret, especially to the Haki who would try to harvest her magic, so she wears an extremely bulky, long cloak when in public. In spite of that she still likes Haki people, although she likes everyone so...

Appearance: I tried to draw her but I'm absolutely terrible at art so I'll just tell you her appearance. Looks like swirling, blueish wind in the shape of a mid-20s woman. Glowing gold lights where her eyes would be. Wears a long, deep blue cloak with gold trim around the edges. Keeps hood down around strangers, making her shadowed face look kinda like a Jawa with her glowing eyes.


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2 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Kurtis continued to chew thoughtfully for a while. "Alright, I think I'll settle down for the night if that's alright, wake me when it's my turn."

@Scars of Hathsin @TheRavenHasLanded @RoyalBeeMage @witsthebest


I am so sorry, I meant to say they, I dont know what crossed my mind, and I will defintely remember that in the future. 

Arranis takes patrol for a bit longer, before yawning and turning back into human shape. He walks back into the camp. "Next lookout" he says as he wraps himself up in his blankets

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1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:


1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:
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Name: Wyldri (WILL-dree)
Gender/pronouns: She/her
Race: Alma Djinn (is this okay? she doesn't have any alma powers besides the air stuff, so she's probably not too overpowered compared to the other characters)
Magic system: The djinn magic, meaning mediocre control of air (so like airbending maybe?)
Personality: Somewhat weird, carries on conversations long after they've been finished, and mentions things other people don't know about like they do know, without explanation. Quite talkative and enthusiastic, even if she can come across as a bit alien.
Abilities/skills: Expert shot with a bow, especially since she manipulates the air so that she almost always hits her target. Can move very fast and float AT MOST twenty feet in the air if she tries hard enough.
Backstory: Merged with the element of air when she was younger, so she was only a normal human for about a decade or so. Even though she is very much an extrovert, Wyldri has to keep her identity as an elemental relatively secret, especially to the Haki who would try to harvest her magic, so she wears an extremely bulky, long cloak when in public. In spite of that she still likes Haki people, although she likes everyone so...

Appearance: I tried to draw her but I'm absolutely terrible at art so I'll just tell you her appearance. Looks like swirling, blueish wind in the shape of a mid-20s woman. Glowing gold lights where her eyes would be. Wears a long, deep blue cloak with gold trim around the edges. Keeps hood down around strangers, making her shadowed face look kinda like a Jawa with her glowing eyes.




46 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis takes patrol for a bit longer, before yawning and turning back into human shape. He walks back into the camp. "Next lookout" he says as he wraps himself up in his blankets

“I’ve got it.” He grabbed his arm. “Can I ask you something?”

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3 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:
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Name: Wyldri (WILL-dree)
Gender/pronouns: She/her
Race: Alma Djinn (is this okay? she doesn't have any alma powers besides the air stuff, so she's probably not too overpowered compared to the other characters)
Magic system: The djinn magic, meaning mediocre control of air (so like airbending maybe?)
Personality: Somewhat weird, carries on conversations long after they've been finished, and mentions things other people don't know about like they do know, without explanation. Quite talkative and enthusiastic, even if she can come across as a bit alien.
Abilities/skills: Expert shot with a bow, especially since she manipulates the air so that she almost always hits her target. Can move very fast and float AT MOST twenty feet in the air if she tries hard enough.
Backstory: Merged with the element of air when she was younger, so she was only a normal human for about a decade or so. Even though she is very much an extrovert, Wyldri has to keep her identity as an elemental relatively secret, especially to the Haki who would try to harvest her magic, so she wears an extremely bulky, long cloak when in public. In spite of that she still likes Haki people, although she likes everyone so...

Appearance: I tried to draw her but I'm absolutely terrible at art so I'll just tell you her appearance. Looks like swirling, blueish wind in the shape of a mid-20s woman. Glowing gold lights where her eyes would be. Wears a long, deep blue cloak with gold trim around the edges. Keeps hood down around strangers, making her shadowed face look kinda like a Jawa with her glowing eyes.



Looks good! Feel free to just wander into our campsite or something

2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis takes patrol for a bit longer, before yawning and turning back into human shape. He walks back into the camp. "Next lookout" he says as he wraps himself up in his blankets


Like I said, no worries!

1 hour ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“I’ve got it.” He grabbed his arm. “Can I ask you something?”

Kurtis was snoring loudly.

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4 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“I’ve got it.” He grabbed his arm. “Can I ask you something?”

"Sure, go ahead" Arranis says, straightening up. I bet this will be about the fact that he found out my nature. @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


One thing with the Alma Djinn. You have to be a connector, at least to connect yourself to the elements, the stronger the connection the stronger your powers. Though she could have forgot that perhaps, or done it accidentally


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12 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

"Sure, go ahead" Arranis says, straightening up. I bet this will be about the fact that he found out my nature. @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ

  Reveal hidden contents



One thing with the Alma Djinn. You have to be a connector, at least to connect yourself to the elements, the stronger the connection the stronger your powers. Though she could have forgot that perhaps, or done it accidentally



“Are you a light sleeper?”

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Here goes nothing

Wyldri climbed to the top of the tree canopy and breathed in the air—her essence. Of course, it was a little weird to think of it that way. Admiring the starry night sky, she adjusted her cloak and leapt twenty feet into the air, soaring above the jungle for a few seconds. Where could they have gone? Inwardly, she cursed at how late she'd been. I shouldn't have slept in today, she thought, And I shouldn't have still gone to the tavern hours after they had most certainly left. Of course, she had also gone to visit her friend Luros. Who hadn't even been there in the first place, but Wyldri supposed that was a good thing, because the tavern had been in a state of chaos when she'd arrived.

Searching the ground below, she finally spotted a small pinprick of light in the jungle; a campfire. If you were down in the middle of the jungle, you would never be able to see it due to all the trees. But from an aerial view, it was relatively easy to find. Finally! thought Wyldri as she began to lurch towards the forest floor. She propelled herself directly above the campsite, then let herself fall to the ground gracefully, right in the middle of their campsite. Most of the adventurers were awake, although at least one, a blue-skinned Haki man, was snoring loudly.

 "Hello, everyone!" she said cheerily, letting her hood drop and expose her gold eyes and face seemingly made from the wind itself. "My name's Wyldri, and I think we're supposed to go save a princess?"

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2 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

Wyldri climbed to the top of the tree canopy and breathed in the air—her essence. Of course, it was a little weird to think of it that way. Admiring the starry night sky, she adjusted her cloak and leapt twenty feet into the air, soaring above the jungle for a few seconds. Where could they have gone? Inwardly, she cursed at how late she'd been. I shouldn't have slept in today, she thought, And I shouldn't have still gone to the tavern hours after they had most certainly left. Of course, she had also gone to visit her friend Luros. Who hadn't even been there in the first place, but Wyldri supposed that was a good thing, because the tavern had been in a state of chaos when she'd arrived.

Searching the ground below, she finally spotted a small pinprick of light in the jungle; a campfire. If you were down in the middle of the jungle, you would never be able to see it due to all the trees. But from an aerial view, it was relatively easy to find. Finally! thought Wyldri as she began to lurch towards the forest floor. She propelled herself directly above the campsite, then let herself fall to the ground gracefully, right in the middle of their campsite. Most of the adventurers were awake, although at least one, a blue-skinned Haki man, was snoring loudly.

 "Hello, everyone!" she said cheerily, letting her hood drop and expose her gold eyes and face seemingly made from the wind itself. "My name's Wyldri, and I think we're supposed to go save a princess?"

Sosdor jumped as Sleeper pulled a sword and pointed it at here throat. “What is your name, address, current relationship with the local law enforcement, and credit card number?”


The sleeper stuff is canon.


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10 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“Are you a light sleeper?”

"Hmm, interesting question" Arranis muses, caught of guard. "I don't think so, but I am in tune with the needs of my children, so at this point maybe, because I expect to be awoken every hour or 2"

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5 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Sosdor jumped as Sleeper pulled a sword and pointed it at here throat. “What is your name, address, current relationship with the local law enforcement, and credit card number?”



Seems kinda godmodding-y, but ok.

Wyldri blinked, then put one hand to the sword's blade and blew it out of the vampire's hand with a gust of wind.

"Oh, I've heard of you!" she said excitedly, "You're the vampire assassin! Did you know you're the 2nd most feared individual in the North? At least, that's what my friend Kavra said..." she scratched at her dark blue hair which faintly resembled a strong wind. "I can't let myself get carried away too much, so I'll answer your question. I'm Wyldri Athaven, Connector and Djinn. I promise, being an Elemental is not the least bit intimidating—it's really fun! I'm always moving around, so I don't have a proper address, but I was born and raised in Saratu. Seeing that I usually get hunted by the Haki on sight, I can't say my relationship with the local law enforcement is good, but I was friends with a guardsman in the Refuge once! And I have no idea what a credit card number is, so there's that!"

She studied each of the party members. There appeared to be a dragonstate, the Haki (who she assumed was their guide), the vampire, and a few normal humans, although they were most definitely Alma users. One of them seemed off, but she couldn't guess why.

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4 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

Wyldri blinked, then put one hand to the sword's blade and blew it out of the vampire's hand with a gust of wind.

"Oh, I've heard of you!" she said excitedly, "You're the vampire assassin! Did you know you're the 2nd most feared individual in the North? At least, that's what my friend Kavra said..." she scratched at her dark blue hair which faintly resembled a strong wind. "I can't let myself get carried away too much, so I'll answer your question. I'm Wyldri Athaven, Connector and Djinn. I promise, being an Elemental is not the least bit intimidating—it's really fun! I'm always moving around, so I don't have a proper address, but I was born and raised in Saratu. Seeing that I usually get hunted by the Haki on sight, I can't say my relationship with the local law enforcement is good, but I was friends with a guardsman in the Refuge once! And I have no idea what a credit card number is, so there's that!"

She studied each of the party members. There appeared to be a dragonstate, the Haki (who she assumed was their guide), the vampire, and a few normal humans, although they were most definitely Alma users. One of them seemed off, but she couldn't guess why.

Sosdor recovered. “Uh…welcome!”

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On 5/30/2024 at 12:50 PM, BlueWildRye said:

Wyldri climbed to the top of the tree canopy and breathed in the air—her essence. Of course, it was a little weird to think of it that way. Admiring the starry night sky, she adjusted her cloak and leapt twenty feet into the air, soaring above the jungle for a few seconds. Where could they have gone? Inwardly, she cursed at how late she'd been. I shouldn't have slept in today, she thought, And I shouldn't have still gone to the tavern hours after they had most certainly left. Of course, she had also gone to visit her friend Luros. Who hadn't even been there in the first place, but Wyldri supposed that was a good thing, because the tavern had been in a state of chaos when she'd arrived.

Searching the ground below, she finally spotted a small pinprick of light in the jungle; a campfire. If you were down in the middle of the jungle, you would never be able to see it due to all the trees. But from an aerial view, it was relatively easy to find. Finally! thought Wyldri as she began to lurch towards the forest floor. She propelled herself directly above the campsite, then let herself fall to the ground gracefully, right in the middle of their campsite. Most of the adventurers were awake, although at least one, a blue-skinned Haki man, was snoring loudly.

 "Hello, everyone!" she said cheerily, letting her hood drop and expose her gold eyes and face seemingly made from the wind itself. "My name's Wyldri, and I think we're supposed to go save a princess?"

On 5/30/2024 at 12:56 PM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Sosdor jumped as Sleeper pulled a sword and pointed it at here throat. “What is your name, address, current relationship with the local law enforcement, and credit card number?”



That's right, you know Raven irl huh

(also sorry I've been a little busier lately)

3 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

"Hi!" Wyldri exclaimed, "What's your name?"

She walked up to the sleeping Haki man and poked him. "Well, he's a heavy sleeper."

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ@J. Magi

Kurtis jumped awake at being poked. "What's happening?" He glanced around taking in the forest surroundings, not registering the new comer.

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