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Azure goign after a criminal

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I was listening to a podcast and was reminded that Azure was chasing a criminal. At first I thought she was coming after Vasher. But the podcast reminded me she knew were he was.

So I kept thinking: What if she is chasing Mraize? We know he is a worldhopper, we see he has a lot of cosmere items. What if he is the reason nightblood is on roshar? He went to Naltis to and stole nightblood.

I know it would be hard to take out Vasher, but Mraize is stealthy and has an Aviar to mask his investiture.

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2 hours ago, RichardRahl said:

I was listening to a podcast and was reminded that Azure was chasing a criminal. At first I thought she was coming after Vasher. But the podcast reminded me she knew were he was.

So I kept thinking: What if she is chasing Mraize? We know he is a worldhopper, we see he has a lot of cosmere items. What if he is the reason nightblood is on roshar? He went to Naltis to and stole nightblood.

I know it would be hard to take out Vasher, but Mraize is stealthy and has an Aviar to mask his investiture.

Interesting Theory, though I always had the impression that it was Nightblood she was trying to find. I doubt Mraize would pass the "Nightblood test" and be able to carry the sword without killing himself. Also we do not know what power is bestowed by Mraize's Aviar. 

I would say if somebody other than Vasher brought Nightblood to Roshar, then it may have been Yesteel - but we won't know how what happens there until Warbreaker 2 comes out (if ever). And that book may or may not cover how Nightblood and Vasher came to Roshar (together or separately). It is odd to note that as of RoW, Zahel knows where Nightblood is (in Szeth's possession) and does not seem to care. (RoW Ch 15)


Kaladin hesitated. “You … died?”

Zahel nodded. “Happened to your friend too. Up in the prison? The one with … that sword.”

“Szeth. Not my friend.”

PS: "Going" is mispelled in the thread title. If you edit your post, you will be able to edit the thread name. 

Edited by Treamayne
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11 hours ago, RichardRahl said:

I was listening to a podcast and was reminded that Azure was chasing a criminal. At first I thought she was coming after Vasher. But the podcast reminded me she knew were he was.

So I kept thinking: What if she is chasing Mraize? We know he is a worldhopper, we see he has a lot of cosmere items. What if he is the reason nightblood is on roshar? He went to Naltis to and stole nightblood.

I know it would be hard to take out Vasher, but Mraize is stealthy and has an Aviar to mask his investiture.

I doubt it was Mraize. If he had Nightblood, he would keep him for his collection of artifacts. Here are some more quotes and a few WoBs, OB ch 108:


“Yeah. Borea thinks the weapon I’m chasing passed through their fortress a few years ago.”
“Your bounty is a … weapon?”
“And the one who brought it to your land. A Shardblade that bleeds black smoke.”

OB ch 110:


"When you boys next meet the swordsman who taught you that morning kata, warn him that I’m looking for him.”
“Zahel?” Adolin said. “You know Zahel?”
“We’re old friends,” she said.

OB ch 114:


The Nightwatcher’s tendrils dodged away from his face, like splayed fingers. She leaned back, pursing her lips.
Perhaps it is possessions you wish, she said. Spheres, gemstones. Shards. A Blade that bleeds darkness and cannot be defeated. I can give it to you.

RoW ch 15:


“But you couldn’t give up the sword,” Kaladin said.
“Oh, I gave it up. I let go. Best mistake I ever made.”
Kaladin rubbed his neck. “I think … I think I have seen this style before. You fight like Azure does.”
“She fights like me, boy.”
“She’s hunting for you, I think.”
“So Adolin has said. The fool woman will have to get through Cultivation’s Perpendicularity first, so I won’t hold my Breaths waiting for her to arrive.”




So after Nightblood was used pretty obviously in Thaylen City does Zahel [or Vasher] know?

Brandon Sanderson

Where Nightblood is? Zahel is pretty sure where Nightblood is; Vivenna does not know. She's on the look out let's say.


I guess it's hard to get back from Shadesmar.

Brandon Sanderson

It is. She had some plans and that didn't work out.

Prague Signing (Oct. 26, 2019)



Ruro272 (paraphrased)

Any hint on how Nin got a hold of Nightblood, or how Vasher lost Nightblood?

Brandon Sanderson (Written) (paraphrased)

Vasher and Nightblood had something of a falling out...

Minicon 2015 (April 2, 2015)




Were Vasher and Nightblood separated before going to Roshar, or after?

Brandon Sanderson


Arcanum Unbounded release party (Nov. 22, 2016)


From this I think it's Vasher. She even said to Adolin that she is looking for Vasher, Vasher wasn't surprised to hear that Vivenna is looking for him, nor worried because of her chosen destination. He said he gave up Nightblood, so it's very likely that he brought it to Roshar himself. Those last WoBs support this idea - Vasher and Nightblood's relationship deteriorated after they arrived on Roshar and after that they got separated, per Vasher's words, he let him go.

I don’t think she 100% knew where Vasher was, even if she knew, she simply had no opportunity to go after him. Keep in mind, in OB they’ve just moved to the Tower from the Shattered Plains and riots in Kholinar started before the Everstorm. Moveover Vasher just arrived at the Plains in the middle of WoR, he was absent before, traveling somewhere. Even if Vivenna knew where Vasher is, this info would be outdated, leading her to Kholinar, just to get stuck in a riot, then in a siege, unable to leave.

For Vivenna Vasher is not a main target, Nightblood is. She arrived at Kholinar looking for him, got trapped in a siege, escaped with Kaladin to CR and from there she chose to go back through Cultivation's perpendicularity. She went to the Lasting Integrity, as that's the last place Nightblood was spotted, probably in Nale's hands, or maybe even Vasher's. From Dalinar's visit to Nightwatcher, we strongly suspect that Nightblood was once given to her. That's a few years back, the timeline of Nightblood appearance in the Lasting Integrity and his presence in the Valley might correlate, those locations are relatively close to each other as well. So that’s where Nightblood was, that’s where Azure went. 

Good news are that we can expect more of them in KoWT:


Vishal Pani

Why didn't Kaladin seek help from Zahel during the occupation of Urithiru?

Brandon Sanderson

Zahel... At some point I'll tell you what he was doing, but he was not available. That is a RAFO.

It came up multiple times, and there were various points where I was going to delve into it, and it just was one of those things that I just could not fit in. It is a thing that I wanted to, because we have this foreshadowing that Zahel's there; like, we have a scene with him and Kaladin to remind everyone that Zahel's around. And then we don't even bring him up. Alpha readers asked about it, beta readers asked about it. I could not find time for it. So maybe you'll get a deleted scene that is not a deleted scene, that's just a scene that I eventually write, showing what he's doing. This is one of those things like: what happened with Elhokar and the Herdazians and why does Lopen think he's a king? That scene just never fit into the books either.

Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't. It's entirely possible, both options are possible. If I eventually never do it, I'll talk about it, but we are gonna have a little more Zahel in an upcoming volume of the Stormlight Archive, where some of these things coming out might fit into the story, to the point that your answers will come in that volume. There's a lot of various moving parts on what's going on with Zahel, and with Azure as well, and their relationship to Nightblood that there's just not space in the Stormlight Archive to talk about.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 1 (Dec. 17, 2020)


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