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Woah! Hi, I'm Izzie and I have a new hyperfixation! It's that author guy and his silly characters!

Am I supposed to say something else...

Er, Journey before Destination?


Edit after actually reading some topics:

I have finished all of Mistborn except for the Lost Metal, Arcanum Unbound, and Stormlight except for Rhythm of War.

I plan to do cosplays? and fanfics but only good ones.

Wayne, Kaladin and Hoid are my favorite characters!

Edited by Izzi
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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Welcome to the Shard! Least favorite character?

Breeze. He annoyed me, although if I met him he might not, since he would just Soothe me...

15 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Hey there! Welcome to the Shard! 😁

If you could visit any country on Roshar for a week, which country would you visit and why?

Also, who would win in a fight? A Mistborn or a Third-Ideal Radiant?

Uruthiru! I am terrified of dark tunnels but it's so so so very interesting. Barring that, I would go to Azir because they have! cool patterns!


I think it depends on the Radiant. Windrunners and Mistborn are pretty well matched. It also depends on setting- if you stick a Mistborn somewhere with plain stone, they're useless. Of course, they both could run out of power sources... that would be the real challenge.

3 hours ago, Wierdo said:

Favorite color rock?

Pink? Or white. I really like quartz. and those rocks that show you something new when they get wet, although I don't like wet rocks because I can't put them in my pockets. That was pedantic, huh?

3 hours ago, justice magician said:

Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?

Everything bagels! they're very fun and I like seeds.



Also, thank you everyone for the welcome!

Edited by Izzi
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1 hour ago, Izzi said:

I think it depends on the Radiant. Windrunners and Mistborn are pretty well matched. It also depends on setting- if you stick a Mistborn somewhere with plain stone, they're useless. Of course, they both could run out of power sources... that would be the real challenge.

4 hours ago, Wierdo said:

Mm, good answer. 😉

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Doomslug_Is_Cool said:

Welcome Izzi! Do you plan to read any non-cosmere books?

Yes, I read tons of those... I will read cytoverse after cosmere. Or did you mean non-Sanderson books?

2 hours ago, King Oreo said:

Welcome newcomer! Have an oreo

*Eats oreo*


(credit to king oreo for gif)



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39 minutes ago, King Oreo said:

Hey I drew that. Please use credit and don't steal dude

Sorry I forgot! Its very funny though thank you for the laugh

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18 hours ago, King Oreo said:

*sigh* just don't do it the future, please.

Of course. Also, sorry if I seemed to brush you off, I realize that I didn't take it very seriously.

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Here’s a safe cookie without spikes.

If you could bring any 2 Brandon Sanderson characters back to life in a room together for an hour, who would you choose?

(Put it in a spoiler box because they’re dead and we don’t want to spoil it for others [it’s the eye at the top of the text box])

Also @Treamayne made this awesome guide in the first spoiler of this post in another introductory thread, here’s a link:




Edited by WhyEverNot_8
Added assistance, courtesy of Treamayne Solutions
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On 4/29/2024 at 9:13 AM, Aredor said:

Hello! Welcome to the Shard!

Would you like a cookie?


Yes i would! I wouldn't mind the spikes, either! ahem, the ones that aren't there.

20 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:



Here’s a safe cookie without spikes.

If you could bring any 2 Brandon Sanderson characters back to life in a room together for an hour, who would you choose?

(Put it in a spoiler box because they’re dead and we don’t want to spoil it for others [it’s the eye at the top of the text box])

Also @Treamayne made this awesome guide in the first spoiler of this post in another introductory thread, here’s a link:

  Reveal hidden contents



for the two characters: (also thank you for that link)


Elkohar and Kelsier. It would be funny because Kelsier might as well be Moash. It would probably end with Elkohar dead- again...

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On 4/25/2024 at 5:41 PM, Izzi said:

Woah! Hi, I'm Izzie and I have a new hyperfixation! It's that author guy and his silly characters!

Am I supposed to say something else...

Er, Journey before Destination?


Edit after actually reading some topics:

I have finished all of Mistborn except for the Lost Metal, Arcanum Unbound, and Stormlight except for Rhythm of War.

I plan to do cosplays? and fanfics but only good ones.

Wayne, Shallan, and Hoid are my favorite characters!

Welcome to the Shard!

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22 hours ago, Izzi said:

Yes i would! I wouldn't mind the spikes, either! ahem, the ones that aren't there.


Here's your cookie! *hands cookie*

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6 minutes ago, Aredor said:


Here's your cookie! *hands cookie*

*eats cookie* I taste no spikes. delicious.

5 minutes ago, Block said:

Welcome, what's your opinion on Tic Tacs?


love em! they should be bigger though. l like the fruit adventure ones but the names are wierd

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