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Quick Fix Game 71: 5D Shard Game With Multiverse Time Travel*

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1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

So Aeo. How do YOU feel. :ph34r:

Stick once told me something that applies so well here to this game in general.

Obviously I have more thoughts than just that but for now we're keeping it surface level.

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7 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

You're so moving down on the list, evil one!! If you make a nice apology salmon for me, I shall consider moving you back.

Sad that it's not May the 4th anymore, so I can't make a joke related to that.


Well the salmon was already in the oven, so I guess you can have a slice. 

6 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

The best thing a villager can do is be genuine and express their thoughts clearly. If you're struggling to figure out what to say or what to do, try sharing how you feel, or a certain post that made you feel a certain way. 


This. Just do this.

For example, hearing that I went lower in the list made me sad. Not sad enough to vote, but sad enough to eat the rest of the salmon. 

1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

I just haven’t had time to read everything today


and you can just scan! Any info is better than no info. 

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1 minute ago, Cash67 said:


Well the salmon was already in the oven, so I guess you can have a slice. 


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2 hours ago, Cash67 said:

No you have to eliminate all but one. If the initial killed is returned, I think their elimination no longer counts towards win con. 

Small player count mainly. And the fact that the game ain’t balanced without at least three. 



*turns on chaotic British accent*


2 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Yeah. We have twelve people. Elims just need to outnumber village, so that means assuming 3 elims, 6 V need to be eliminated. With four E, only 4 V need to be eliminated. 

4 E allows for only two rounds assuming two village execs each day. 3 E makes sense and allows for minimum of 3 rounds. Still plenty of gameplay. 2 E does not make sense with the lovers rule. 


I don't remember the last time cash played Elim but this reads really pure to me like all new(ish) players do so I am tempted to just call it villa and move on from there 


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I thought Cash saying 4 elims might have been an elim slip, but I think that distro is so unlikely that it's probably a misunderstanding. I would like to raise the possibility of two elims though. Consider which faction each facet of the rules benefits:

Night Kill: Unlikely to be blocked, unless a C1 vote shift catches them unawares. This is elim favoring.

Returned: Anchors the PM network, which is pretty village favoring. 

Win Conditions: Heretics win by outnumbering the Priests, which is more village favoring than simple parity. Because of Lovers, a 2:2 vote that exes an elim makes them lose, as opposed to turning into a 1:1 coinflip round. 

Ties decided randomly: I know from previous discussions with Drake that he finds this village favoring. 

High Priest: To start C3, they learn whether one pair’s alignment matches. This is actually improved by the death of a previous target because it turns into a reliable role scan. Every subsequent round, they get another lead to presumably pass on to the Returned to announce. Assuming effective PM usage, they should be able to avoid the exe, making dodging the NK their main concern. Odds are they’re NKed C4, giving us intel on three players. Obviously village favoring. 

Pretty village favoring overall, huh!

Game Complexity: For simple games, Drake likes a 15-20% ratio, if I recall correctly. 2/12 is 17%, 3/12 is 25%. I don’t think this elevates to the complexity threshold that necessitates a higher elim ratio eg. 25% (because gimmicks make it easier for elims to be caught). Under normal circumstances, my initial assessment would be that 4/12 (33%) would be too high a ratio to make sense.

Wild Card: High Priest could be an elim. 

So, Our Distribution Options: 

Two Elims: This undermines the village advantages by playing into their assumption that High Priest is a villager. E!High Priest scans their teammate C1, a villager C2 that they’ll NK to solidify the read on their teammate, then C3 they’ll fake a red scan. That means C4 is a mix, setting up C5 that is 2v:2e, with an obvious lie to reckon with, making the outcome a pure coinflip. I don’t love that the best they can do is force a boring C5, but I think if they play this any other way, there will be too many ‘village’ scans or their teammate will be under pressure as an unscanned to make winning plausible. I’ll note that this set up is also highly volatile. 

Three Elims: The many village advantages are countered by the higher than preferable elim ratio. I think a bold e!High Priest could easily win in this distro. Pull the same moves as above, plus have the ability to sacrifice a teammate. If it’s a v!High Priest, I thing the game balances relies on them dying early, which is a better assumption to make than the village figuring out e!HP. 

Four Elims: I started this writeup expecting to make a case for four elims being plausible, if counterintuitive, but I don’t think it is. The village advantages are plentiful with v!HP, but a voting bloc of four elims could brute force their way through the first two rounds (subtly C1, then hammering C2), getting to parity at the same time the HP gets their first piece of information. 

Conclusion: I think three elims is more likely, but I think two is well within Drake's range. So be wary of trusting High Priests. 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

I thought Cash saying 4 elims might have been an elim slip, but I think that distro is so unlikely that it's probably a misunderstanding. I would like to raise the possibility of two elims though. Consider which faction each facet of the rules benefits:

Night Kill: Unlikely to be blocked, unless a C1 vote shift catches them unawares. This is elim favoring.

Returned: Anchors the PM network, which is pretty village favoring. 

Win Conditions: Heretics win by outnumbering the Priests, which is more village favoring than simple parity. Because of Lovers, a 2:2 vote that exes an elim makes them lose, as opposed to turning into a 1:1 coinflip round. 

Ties decided randomly: I know from previous discussions with Drake that he finds this village favoring. 

High Priest: To start C3, they learn whether one pair’s alignment matches. This is actually improved by the death of a previous target because it turns into a reliable role scan. Every subsequent round, they get another lead to presumably pass on to the Returned to announce. Assuming effective PM usage, they should be able to avoid the exe, making dodging the NK their main concern. Odds are they’re NKed C4, giving us intel on three players. Obviously village favoring. 

Pretty village favoring overall, huh!

Game Complexity: For simple games, Drake likes a 15-20% ratio, if I recall correctly. 2/12 is 17%, 3/12 is 25%. I don’t think this elevates to the complexity threshold that necessitates a higher elim ratio eg. 25% (because gimmicks make it easier for elims to be caught). Under normal circumstances, my initial assessment would be that 4/12 (33%) would be too high a ratio to make sense.

Wild Card: High Priest could be an elim. 

So, Our Distribution Options: 

Two Elims: This undermines the village advantages by playing into their assumption that High Priest is a villager. E!High Priest scans their teammate C1, a villager C2 that they’ll NK to solidify the read on their teammate, then C3 they’ll fake a red scan. That means C4 is a mix, setting up C5 that is 2v:2e, with an obvious lie to reckon with, making the outcome a pure coinflip. I don’t love that the best they can do is force a boring C5, but I think if they play this any other way, there will be too many ‘village’ scans or their teammate will be under pressure as an unscanned to make winning plausible. I’ll note that this set up is also highly volatile. 

Three Elims: The many village advantages are countered by the higher than preferable elim ratio. I think a bold e!High Priest could easily win in this distro. Pull the same moves as above, plus have the ability to sacrifice a teammate. If it’s a v!High Priest, I thing the game balances relies on them dying early, which is a better assumption to make than the village figuring out e!HP. 

Four Elims: I started this writeup expecting to make a case for four elims being plausible, if counterintuitive, but I don’t think it is. The village advantages are plentiful with v!HP, but a voting bloc of four elims could brute force their way through the first two rounds (subtly C1, then hammering C2), getting to parity at the same time the HP gets their first piece of information. 

Conclusion: I think three elims is more likely, but I think two is well within Drake's range. So be wary of trusting High Priests. 


How might speculating 4 elims be an Elim slip? If anything it's the opposite.

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8 minutes ago, Weaver of Lies said:



That list seems like a way to direct suspicion towards anyone and everyone but you.



I mean, can I get any more town-y than trying to sort through who's elim and who's likely town? Plus, as Aeo pointed out, I'm def not in my elim meta. e!Aet is a shy little guy, v!Aet is a super cool guy. e!Aet tbh would not even respond to this.

Plus, you're free to share your reads. I'm just getting things started. 

You now also owe me salmon as an apology for this misunderstanding, at your earliest convenience ofc :D

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4 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

I'm def not in my elim meta

not much of a comment i just think this is a silly thing to say lol


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10 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

I mean, can I get any more town-y than trying to sort through who's elim and who's likely town? Plus, as Aeo pointed out, I'm def not in my elim meta. e!Aet is a shy little guy, v!Aet is a super cool guy. e!Aet tbh would not even respond to this.

Plus, you're free to share your reads. I'm just getting things started. 

You now also owe me salmon as an apology for this misunderstanding, at your earliest convenience ofc :D

Your first point: no, but by posting it you lead me to think you are trying to get people pointing fingers at each other.

I do not understand that second part, and I’ve never played before so I can’t take that into account.

Edit: changing play style is a good way to trick people.

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2 minutes ago, Weaver of Lies said:

Your first point: no, but by posting it you lead me to think you are trying to get people pointing fingers at each other.

I do not understand that second part, and I’ve never played before so I can’t take that into account.

Yk, fair enough. Still owe me salmon.

In your opinion, then, what's a more town-y way to talk about all my reads? I personally have become a fan of mass posting all of them.

EDIT: I'm not pointing fingers or trying to get people to. I'm giving my opinions, and other people should NOT blindly trust mine (or anyone's). It's just so people understand where I am at in the game, and can get a better sense of my reads.

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1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

Yk, fair enough. Still owe me salmon.

In your opinion, then, what's a more town-y way to talk about all my reads? I personally have become a fan of mass posting all of them.

To me, pointing out good reasons why individuals would be Elims. I don’t see a need to say anything about most people playing.

 My mind also works in funky ways sometimes though.

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Just now, Weaver of Lies said:

To me, pointing out good reasons why individuals would be Elims. I don’t see a need to say anything about most people playing.

 My mind also works in funky ways sometimes though.

Right now I'm at a "you're possibly evil unless stated otherwise" spot. So other than people I am fairly confident on calling town, everyone else is considered not.

I thought I gave reasons. Except for Cash. Aeo is more of a "can't call you town yet" because I'm uncertain, but will not push this one today. Hence why it was a possible wolf list that includes like all of the game except for my townies and not active enough ppl, with reasons for those who I felt were wolfier than others - I probably should've made another category for them.

Also ur probably going into the town camp for this.

Surprisingly, you did not point out that I gave no reasons for why I think Kas and Kidpen are town.

People in my "pls post more" camp are technically slated under possibly wolf, but I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt for now.

And TUA I cannot read.

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Just now, The Unknown Ajah said:

That's the goal.

Well, my goal as an Elim is to act so similarly that you can't tell, which then makes me harder to read as village

I think you should make me an apology salmon too. And a profession of your innocence.

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5 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

I think you should make me an apology salmon too. And a profession of your innocence.

I think we should normalize this in society

Instead of people making apology videos, we should force them to make apology salmon

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1 hour ago, Aeternum said:

Is it too early for this? :D

Please ignore my quoting style. I'm too lazy to direct quote what I'm looking at.

Just so everyone knows: I will not be around for rollover. I will be asleep. Very much asleep. Do not disturb me or I will summon the wrath of... idk. It occurred to me that I don't even know what Sanderson thing involved priests and stuff lol.

You're not evil list:
Kas (has also never been evil ever. salmon and evil don't mix, right?)
Me (obviously. I've never been evil for a single day of my life)
Kidpen (you're forgiven for any possible evil you have committed dw)

You could be evil list:
Archer - I personally dislike the

Smh, you won't die for the village? (im jokin btw)
however the FNG thing makes me happier so you get a smiley face: :)

Cash - for now.
Aeoyri - a smooth recovery tho, hmm?
Either way, I don't think Aeo is a good vote for today.

RoyalBeeMage - I can see RBM's posts as coming from wolf or town rn

I see "conflict adverse" as possible elim not wanting to draw attention to themself. Or a LHF I think it's called (<- that's me too), so I'd be less inclined to go with a RBM vote and would assume it's more likely to be wolf-led. FOR NOW AT LEAST

Weirdo - really hopping on that train early. but eh, idc rn.

Raven - not for today regardless. However, depending on how I feel about Archer later, I might move Raven more into the clear.
Specifically that's from

But I'll let it slide because I'm probably biased rn. And tbh Raven's probably not evil.

Haven't seen enough to make a decision rn:
Weaver of Lies
Spark of Hope
 (pls talk more) (dw I'm shy too) (we can be friends) (unless you're evil????)

Statistical anomaly:
TUA - is defending Weirdo tho? Congrats on your own category :lol:

ALSO I am terribly indecisive on what to do with my PM opportunity, so I will be holding onto it for now while I make this very important decision. Unless anyone wants to be friends... :)


5 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Right now I'm at a "you're possibly evil unless stated otherwise" spot. So other than people I am fairly confident on calling town, everyone else is considered not.

I thought I gave reasons. Except for Cash. Aeo is more of a "can't call you town yet" because I'm uncertain, but will not push this one today. Hence why it was a possible wolf list that includes like all of the game except for my townies and not active enough ppl, with reasons for those who I felt were wolfier than others - I probably should've made another category for them.

Also ur probably going into the town camp for this.

Surprisingly, you did not point out that I gave no reasons for why I think Kas and Kidpen are town.

People in my "pls post more" camp are technically slated under possibly wolf, but I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt for now.

And TUA I cannot read.

I just…don’t understand most of the reasons then? Maybe it’s because I haven’t had time to read everything in the thread? But it just seems like there’s almost no evidence for your reasoning.

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Just now, Weaver of Lies said:

I just…don’t understand most of the reasons then? Maybe it’s because I haven’t had time to read everything in the thread? But it just seems like there’s almost no evidence for your reasoning.

That's day 1. I'm going off of anything small I see, anything that I suspect could mean wolf vs town. /shrugs ig

If you've got specific points, I can give my reasoning.

4 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I think we should normalize this in society

Instead of people making apology videos, we should force them to make apology salmon


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9 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

That's day 1. I'm going off of anything small I see, anything that I suspect could mean wolf vs town. /shrugs ig

If you've got specific points, I can give my reasoning.


I guess that's just where our opinion differs then, I wouldn't start labeling people until I have a (fairly strong) reason to.

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25 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I think we should normalize this in society

Instead of people making apology videos, we should force them to make apology salmon

Ooh I would love some apology salmon 

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6 minutes ago, Weaver of Lies said:

I guess that's just where our opinion differs then, I wouldn't start labeling people until I have a (fairly strong) reason to.


Someone who agrees with me. Surely not.

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4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Ooh I would love some apology salmon 

Hey RBM, what are your thoughts on the game.

if you get unfairly killed at some point, I will hand-deliver an apology salmon along with an apology note (so you better not be evil...)




1 minute ago, The Unknown Ajah said:


Someone who agrees with me. Surely not.

Alas, I've been corrupted by forces unknown into reading the lightest of things.

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1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

Hey RBM, what are your thoughts on the game.

if you get unfairly killed at some point, I will hand-deliver an apology salmon along with an apology note (so you better not be evil...)

First thought: roll over is far too late at night for me. 

next thoughts: I can’t get a good read on anyone yet. I am wondering if one of the new players are the elim. So that would be me, you, weaver and spark. I don’t think that the have posted much yet.



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