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Cosmere Hunger Games — Sign Ups

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Welcome to the SIXTH Hunger Games! Man, that is a BIG number!

This is the one people have been asking for, the COSMERE Hunger Games! Finally, all the worlds are in your hand! 


Almost One Hundred Years have passed since the end of the Smedry Hunger Games, when the capitol was destroyed and the world thrown into chaos. Then, under the hand of Her Greatness Siylna and her armies, the districts were united and the capitol rebuilt! 

For many years the land was ruled in peace by Her Greatness, and the Hunger Games were for a long time forgotten. Now Siylna has passed on, and in her honor a new Hunger Games is being held.

This time, however, tributes are volunteering, no more reaping. Volunteers from the ages of fourteen to twenty are choosing (or being secretly forced) into the games for the honor of being champion of the hunger games (and possibly intrigued by rumors that the victor will be made into the new monarch). 


First of all, no reoccurring characters. We want an entirely new cast!

Secondly, while all of the powers and abilities found within the cosmere are available for use when making your character, we will veto any character that is too overpowered. Think third order radiant or less powerful and you should be fine.

Third, there will be no pre-rp. We still want characters to have backstory and personality, those make the games funner! But, I repeat, NO PRE-RP.


Thank you, and we hope to see you in the arena!


Some more mechanical info!

Signups close May 19th and the games will begin on the 20th.

Your GM’s are @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Anguished_One @Experience and @SmilingPanda19.

Character Sheet:

NOTE: All questions are required, and after you create your character a GM will approve it and/or help work out kinks. 





Which planet does their investiture come from?

What is their power/what are they?

How well can they use their magic?

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Important pieces of their backstory:

Thanks guys!! 

❤️ Eddie

Edited by Edema Rue
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14 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Almost One Hundred Years have passed since the end of the Smedry Hunger Games,

Oh thank goodness when you said no recurring characters I was worried it was gonna be genocide or something.


Now I can live peacefully knowing Sharp'i and Kandy probably got to live a good life . . . . (maybe)

Are you going to make a character sheet, or do you want us to just throw something together?

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A few questions:

  1. How much understanding of the history of this Hunger Games Universe you've built do I need to have to play?
  2. How lore/world accurate will this game be?
  3. Is there a character sheet?
  4. When will sign ups end and the official game start?
  5. How inactive do I have to be before my character dies (in case I get busy)?
  6. Anything else I need to know?

I guess that's more than a few but still. I am interested in participating in one of these, because I haven't yet, and they sound fun.

EDIT: Oh, and 7. Will there be more games after this, and if so, what will you base them on? Will you re-use arenas? Will you combine them? Make up your own?

EDIT 2: ....A Canticle Hunger Games would be really cool...Or a Lumar one. Or a Nightmares one. Really any of the secret projects.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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This is going to be epic! I have a few questions though  

Would an Elantrian be too powerful?

 As an alternative, would a sand master have any opportunity to use their powers?

 Are secret projects allowed?

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18 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

This is going to be epic! I have a few questions though  

Would an Elantrian be too powerful?

 As an alternative, would a sand master have any opportunity to use their powers?

 Are secret projects allowed?

Imo elantrians are way more powerful than third ideal KR. GMs might disagree though.

so Elan and Eddie are mods, are there any more?

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42 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Oh thank goodness when you said no recurring characters I was worried it was gonna be genocide or something.

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Now I can live peacefully knowing Sharp'i and Kandy probably got to live a good life . . . . (maybe)

Are you going to make a character sheet, or do you want us to just throw something together?

Ah, I’ll get you a character sheet just a minute!

25 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

A few questions:

  1. How much understanding of the history of this Hunger Games Universe you've built do I need to have to play?
  2. How lore/world accurate will this game be?
  3. Is there a character sheet?
  4. When will sign ups end and the official game start?
  5. How inactive do I have to be before my character dies (in case I get busy)?
  6. Anything else I need to know?

I guess that's more than a few but still. I am interested in participating in one of these, because I haven't yet, and they sound fun.

EDIT: Oh, and 7. Will there be more games after this, and if so, what will you base them on? Will you re-use arenas? Will you combine them? Make up your own?

EDIT 2: ....A Canticle Hunger Games would be really cool...Or a Lumar one. Or a Nightmares one. Really any of the secret projects.

1. None, especially because the world gets more developed through your characters.

2. It might be a liiiiittle less than accurate (sometimes shades punch people, and that’s okay) but for the most part it shouldn’t be inaccurate as much as vague.

3. Yeah, sorry we’ll edit it into the post in a minute. 

4. Plan on signups ending May 19th and the game starting the day after, but this could change. 

5. It depends on the game, but at least plan to be very active the first couple days and after that it can change.

6. Hmm…the more personality your character has, the better!! More violence and backstory makes it more fun. Other than that, I don’t think so.

7. Yes and TBD. 

23 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

This is going to be epic! I have a few questions though  

Would an Elantrian be too powerful?

 As an alternative, would a sand master have any opportunity to use their powers?

 Are secret projects allowed?

For an Elantrian, it’ll depend. You can severely limit them through backstory or training (lack thereof) and it would probably be okay, but we’d still have to approve it.


What’s your idea?

17 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:


Aww, why not?

3 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

Imo elantrians are way more powerful than third ideal KR. GMs might disagree though.

so Elan and Eddie are mods, are there any more?

Me, @Ancient Elantrian, @SmilingPanda19, @Experience, and @Anguished_One

Edited by Edema Rue
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4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ah, I’ll get you a character sheet just a minute!

1. None, especially because the world gets more developed through your characters.

2. It might be a liiiiittle less than accurate (sometimes shades punch people, and that’s okay) but for the most part it shouldn’t be inaccurate as much as vague.

3. Yeah, sorry we’ll edit it into the post in a minute. 

4. Plan on signups ending May 19th and the game starting the day after, but this could change. 

5. It depends on the game, but at least plan to be very active the first couple days and after that it can change.

6. Hmm…the more personality your character has, the better!! More violence and backstory makes it more fun. Other than that, I don’t think so.

7. Yes and TBD. 

For an Elantrian, it’ll depend. You can severely limit them through backstory or training (lack thereof) and it would probably be okay, but we’d still have to approve it.


What’s your idea?

Aww, why not?

Me, @Ancient Elantrian, @SmilingPanda19, @Experience, and @Anguished_One

aight. This might be the one time I'm able to join, and I already have a very basic character idea. I'll PM one of ya'll later

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3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ah, I’ll get you a character sheet just a minute!

1. None, especially because the world gets more developed through your characters.

2. It might be a liiiiittle less than accurate (sometimes shades punch people, and that’s okay) but for the most part it shouldn’t be inaccurate as much as vague.

3. Yeah, sorry we’ll edit it into the post in a minute. 

4. Plan on signups ending the 18th and the game starting the day after, but this could change. 

5. It depends on the game, but at least plan to be very active the first couple days and after that it can change.

6. Hmm…the more personality your character has, the better!! More violence and backstory makes it more fun. Other than that, I don’t think so.

7. Yes and TBD. 

For an Elantrian, it’ll depend. You can severely limit them through backstory or training (lack thereof) and it would probably be okay, but we’d still have to approve it.


What’s your idea?

Aww, why not?

Me, @Ancient Elantrian, @SmilingPanda19, @Experience, and @Anguished_One

So um . . .

Are gold compounders off limits? (Yes, again . . .)

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5 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

aight. This might be the one time I'm able to join, and I already have a very basic character idea. I'll PM one of ya'll later

Okay, characters should also go in this thread. 

4 minutes ago, justice magician said:

So um . . .

Are gold compounders off limits? (Yes, again . . .)


Almost certainly, unless you can be very convincing. 

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Okay, characters should also go in this thread. 


Almost certainly, unless you can be very convincing. 

Consider that it would be very silly and fun and goofy because of my lore and such

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Just now, Edema Rue said:


Almost certainly, unless you can be very convincing. 

I mean, with things like shardblades or spores going around, I don't think gold compounders would be quite as powerful they are normally considered. I do not believe that a compounder could heal from a shardblade through the spine, and I don't think they'd survive a plant growing out of their insides, suffocating them. In addition, I doubt there would be a very large amount of accessible gold inside the arena, only at Cornucopia. so, take that into consideration

2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Okay, characters should also go in this thread. 

also, which mod would consider themselves the most expert in the actual mechanics of the cosmere. Would that be you @Experience?

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Okay guys, a character sheet is now in the top post! You can put your characters here anytime between now and May 19th.

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2 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

I mean, with things like shardblades or spores going around, I don't think gold compounders would be quite as powerful they are normally considered. I do not believe that a compounder could heal from a shardblade through the spine, and I don't think they'd survive a plant growing out of their insides, suffocating them. In addition, I doubt there would be a very large amount of accessible gold inside the arena, only at Cornucopia. so, take that into consideration

also, which mod would consider themselves the most expert in the actual mechanics of the cosmere. Would that be you @Experience?

yeeeesss thank you

2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Okay guys, a character sheet is now in the top post! You can put your characters here anytime between now and May 19th.

Soo . . . . . yay or nay?

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Just now, justice magician said:

yeeeesss thank you

Don't thank me yet :P I probably wouldn't as a mod, just cause if they do get enough gold then they can completely block out certain other people, like most Mistings and several Feruchemists. Untrained Elantrians and sand masters would also likely have a difficult time killing them. I'd say it depends on how much gold the mods are willing to let them have.

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2 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

Don't thank me yet :P I probably wouldn't as a mod, just cause if they do get enough gold then they can completely block out certain other people, like most Mistings and several Feruchemists. Untrained Elantrians and sand masters would also likely have a difficult time killing them. I'd say it depends on how much gold the mods are willing to let them have.

Honestly I'm okay with not playing one but I think it would be really funny because of some of my pre-existing lore lol. 

If not (which is probably) I'm thinking of playing with Breaths, but I'd have to reread some coppermind pages to remind myself of how it works.

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These have seen interesting so I’ll join this one!

Does a fresh, untrained awakener with an obscene (2000+) amount of breaths slide? Want the immune to diseases plus the storytelling opportunities from transferable investiture. 

2 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Honestly I'm okay with not playing one but I think it would be really funny because of some of my pre-existing lore lol. 

If not (which is probably) I'm thinking of playing with Breaths, but I'd have to reread some coppermind pages to remind myself of how it works.

Ninja’d and read my mind. 

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16 minutes ago, justice magician said:

yeeeesss thank you

Soo . . . . . yay or nay?

Ah…nay. Sorry.

7 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

These have seen interesting so I’ll join this one!

Does a fresh, untrained awakener with an obscene (2000+) amount of breaths slide? Want the immune to diseases plus the storytelling opportunities from transferable investiture. 

Ninja’d and read my mind. 

Hmm…it’ll depend on how you play it, 2000 is probably too many though.

2 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:


Nothing specific, I just wanted to clarify spoiler usage. 

Would a regular Dakhor monk be good? 


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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ah…nay. Sorry.

Hmm…it’ll depend on how you play it, 2000 is probably too many though.


Alright, sounds good lol. I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. (I'll post my character in a minute, after some thinking)

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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ah…nay. Sorry.

Hmm…it’ll depend on how you play it, 2000 is probably too many though.


Oh yeah I expect the man to be leaking breaths, forgetting to pick up breaths, etc. 

2000 is equivalent to sending a returned, he just gets the ability to awaken things. 

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6 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Oh yeah I expect the man to be leaking breaths, forgetting to pick up breaths, etc. 

2000 is equivalent to sending a returned, he just gets the ability to awaken things. 

Ah. In that case, I can probably accept that depending on how you play him.

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14 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:


With that in mind, I'll make the first character.

1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Name: Kresh

Age: 18

Pronouns: He/Him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Sel

What is their power/what are they? Dakhor, which entails super-strength, Invulnerability,  and enhanced speed.

How well can they use their magic? Like most monks he's a trained warrior and can make use of his powers.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He is easily angered and can be tricked.

Character’s motivation for being in the games: proving his worth to Shu-Dereth and proving Jaddeth's power

Important pieces of their backstory: He became a fjordish priest and faked his age to get into Dakhor. he made it through before he was discovered. He was banished from Fjorden and is trying to prove that he should be allowed to return.

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1 hour ago, justice magician said:

Alright, sounds good lol. I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. (I'll post my character in a minute, after some thinking)

idea: we each play sharp'i and kandy's descendents, bc that would be funny.

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