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Cosmere Hunger Games — Sign Ups

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

idea: we each play sharp'i and kandy's descendents, bc that would be funny.

I was planning on playing a descendant of Sharp IV. For the character story/plot I have in mind I want to use the direct ascendency of the Sharp family. It would be awesome if you played one of Sharp'i and Kandy's grandchildren though . . . our characters would be cousins and it could lead to a really fun dynamic!

Let me know soon so I can add your character to the family tree chart I have!

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3 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Welcome to the SIXTH Hunger Games! Man, that is a BIG number!

This is the one people have been asking for, the COSMERE Hunger Games! Finally, all the worlds are in your hand! 


Almost One Hundred Years have passed since the end of the Smedry Hunger Games, when the capitol was destroyed and the world thrown into chaos. Then, under the hand of Her Greatness Siylna and her armies, the districts were united and the capitol rebuilt! 

For many years the land was ruled in peace by Her Greatness, and the Hunger Games were for a long time forgotten. Now Siylna has passed on, and in her honor a new Hunger Games is being held.

This time, however, tributes are volunteering, no more reaping. Volunteers from the ages of fourteen to twenty are choosing (or being secretly forced) into the games for the honor of being champion of the hunger games (and possibly intrigued by rumors that the victor will be made into the new monarch). 


First of all, no reoccurring characters. We want an entirely new cast!

Secondly, while all of the powers and abilities found within the cosmere are available for use when making your character, we will veto any character that is too overpowered. Think third order radiant or less powerful and you should be fine.

Third, there will be no pre-rp. We still want characters to have backstory and personality, those make the games funner! But, I repeat, NO PRE-RP.


Thank you, and we hope to see you in the arena!


Some more mechanical info!


Signups close May 19th and the games will begin on the 20th.

Your GM’s are @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Anguished_One @Experience and @SmilingPanda19.

Character Sheet:

NOTE: All questions are required, and after you create your character a GM will approve it and/or help work out kinks. 

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Which planet does their investiture come from?

What is their power/what are they?

How well can they use their magic?

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Important pieces of their backstory:

Thanks guys!! 

❤️ Eddie

So i just had a dumb idea... what if siylna and ryn had children...

1 minute ago, justice magician said:

I was planning on playing a descendant of Sharp IV. For the character story/plot I have in mind I want to use the direct ascendency of the Sharp family. It would be awesome if you played one of Sharp'i and Kandy's grandchildren though . . . our characters would be cousins and it could lead to a really fun dynamic!

Let me know soon so I can add your character to the family tree chart I have!

oooooohhhh ok, sounds good to me! did sharp IV have more than one kid or something?

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2 hours ago, Immortal Platypus said:

I mean, with things like shardblades or spores going around, I don't think gold compounders would be quite as powerful they are normally considered. I do not believe that a compounder could heal from a shardblade through the spine, and I don't think they'd survive a plant growing out of their insides, suffocating them. In addition, I doubt there would be a very large amount of accessible gold inside the arena, only at Cornucopia. so, take that into consideration

also, which mod would consider themselves the most expert in the actual mechanics of the cosmere. Would that be you @Experience?

I'm not sure how well versed in the cosmere the other GMs are, but I am very well versed myself, yes.

28 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

can i create a character who has 2nd hightaning worth of breaths but 5(or 4th, or 3rd)th heightening other abilities?

We're trying to lean more towards how the powers work in-cosmere or pretty close, so probably not. Unless there's another reason they have the heightening results from other sources of investiture, and a smaller amount of breaths.

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4 minutes ago, Experience said:

I'm not sure how well versed in the cosmere the other GMs are, but I am very well versed myself, yes.

alright then. I already PMed you and all the other GMs with my idea for my character, and I was trying to stay near to the logistics in the books. If you see something wrong with it, I can change it

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Character Idea


Name: Hellark

Age: 15

Pronouns: He/Him

Which planet does their investiture come from?: Nalthis

What is their power/what are they?: Awakener, 2000ish breaths

How well can they use their magic?: Not well, only rudimentary commands. That could change as he practices. 

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?: Very unskilled. Wastes investiture, doesn't have much combat training outside of punchy punchy

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Family was compensated by higher up goverment to send a tribute, and family was heavily compensated. Just kinda wants to survive to see them again. 

Important pieces of their backstory: He carries the weight of his country's investiture. Literally Does not know why he is here other than it supposedly made his family safe and secure for the rest of their lives.... as long as the government keeps their pormises. 


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Name: Shaeo Alanair (Changed from his Rosharan name, Chanis Brighthought (his last name was originally Alikar but it changed when he bonded a spren (similar to the idea of Stormblessed being Kaladin's last name)))

Age: 19

Pronouns: He/Him

Which planet does their investiture come from?

Roshar, Elantris

What is their power/what are they?

He is an elantrian and 3rd ideal Elsecaller.

How well can they use their magic?

He is completely self-taught in Aonic, knowing only the base Aons and a couple more complicated ones such as disguises that he memorized from books he received at the age of 11. He is almost incapable of Transformation, but can use Transportation well enough to transition between the realms. It tends to take a few seconds, but using this he can achieve FTL travel (this is possible per WOB)

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

As previously stated, he is untrained. His teleportation is not accurate (also lining up with WOBs). His AonDor actually won’t really be used in the HG, maybe a little to provide a light in a cave or Daa to use fire against opponents in a trap, it’s primarily there to help provide motivation for him to join the HG and I thought it would be cool to have someone be an Elantrian. He’s too slow at drawing to actually use Aons in combat (in addition to the fact that he doesn’t know many). He’s also a scholar and strategist, he wouldn’t want to engage in combat very often. Ambushes and manipulating opponents would be his main approach, not actual one on one combat. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

He wants to learn as much as possible about everything, and he knows that if he wins, he’ll probably get a reward of money, or something else that would allow him to learn about AonDor and Surgebinding. He also wants to be able to see his family again (see backstory)

Important pieces of their backstory:

He is originally from Roshar, the nephew of a Highprince, he is 4th Dahn. He’s received tactical training for years, ever since he was three years old. He bonded an Inkspren when he was 12 and accidentally world-hopped to Sel. Later, he was taken by the Shaod at the age of 15, five years after Raoden fixed AonDor. He is largely self-taught in Aonic works (knowing only the basics). He’s very interested in learning more about AonDor and his Surgebinding (he is an Elsecaller after all). 

Here's my character!

Edited by Immortal Platypus
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Name: roy

Age: 20


Which planet does their investiture come from?: roshar

What is their power/what are they?: 3rd ideal skybreaker

How well can they use their magic?: he has been training in surgebinding for the past 5 years

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?: he cant use gravitation to go too high. he is not as skilled in division.

backstory that i kind of want gm approval separate from my character


Character’s motivation for being in the games: was secretly forced to volentere to become a tribute by the higher in the government. 

Important pieces of their backstory: was training to become a lawyer untill he stumbled across some information that would prove that many of the highers in the government were hevily corrupted.

basically in summery of the above: roy was training to become a lawyer when he found out that many of the high ranking officials were hevely corrupted. in retaliation they gave roy the option to either become a tribute and have a chance to live or to be killed in the dark with no chance to live. 


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26 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:
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Name: Shaeo Alanair (Changed from his Rosharan name, Chanis Brighthought (his last name was originally Alikar but it changed when he bonded a spren (similar to the idea of Stormblessed being Kaladin's last name)))

Age: 19

Pronouns: He/Him

Which planet does their investiture come from?

Roshar, Elantris

What is their power/what are they?

He is an elantrian and 3rd ideal Elsecaller.

How well can they use their magic?

He is completely self-taught in Aonic, knowing only the base Aons and a couple more complicated ones such as disguises that he memorized from books he received at the age of 11. He is almost incapable of Transformation, but can use Transportation well enough to transition between the realms. It tends to take a few seconds, but using this he can achieve FTL travel (this is possible per WOB)

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

As previously stated, he is untrained. His teleportation is not accurate (also lining up with WOBs). His AonDor actually won’t really be used in the HG, maybe a little to provide a light in a cave or Daa to use fire against opponents in a trap, it’s primarily there to help provide motivation for him to join the HG and I thought it would be cool to have someone be an Elantrian. He’s too slow at drawing to actually use Aons in combat (in addition to the fact that he doesn’t know many). He’s also a scholar and strategist, he wouldn’t want to engage in combat very often. Ambushes and manipulating opponents would be his main approach, not actual one on one combat. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

He wants to learn as much as possible about everything, and he knows that if he wins, he’ll probably get a reward of money, or something else that would allow him to learn about AonDor and Surgebinding. He also wants to be able to see his family again (see backstory)

Important pieces of their backstory:

He is originally from Roshar, the nephew of a Highprince, he is 4th Dahn. He’s received tactical training for years, ever since he was three years old. He bonded an Inkspren when he was 12 and accidentally world-hopped to Sel. Later, he was taken by the Shaod at the age of 15, five years after Raoden fixed AonDor. He is largely self-taught in Aonic works (knowing only the basics). He’s very interested in learning more about AonDor and his Surgebinding (he is an Elsecaller after all). 

Here's my character!

Looks good!

11 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

backstory that i kind of want gm approval separate from my character

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Character’s motivation for being in the games: was secretly forced to volentere to become a tribute by the higher in the government. 

Important pieces of their backstory: was training to become a lawyer untill he stumbled across some information that would prove that many of the highers in the government were hevily corrupted.

basically in summery of the above: roy was training to become a lawyer when he found out that many of the high ranking officials were hevely corrupted. in retaliation they gave roy the option to either become a tribute and have a chance to live or to be killed in the dark with no chance to live. 


That looks good, both character and backstory.

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39 minutes ago, Experience said:

That looks good, both character and backstory

the backstory got aproved!? wow! i now need to prepare my characters personality and more detail to the backstory. i was inspired by lotus last hg.

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3 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

So i just had a dumb idea... what if siylna and ryn had children...

oooooohhhh ok, sounds good to me! did sharp IV have more than one kid or something?

If you remember, Sharp IV is Sharp'is older brother (meaning Sharp'i wasn't the heir to the family--hence why he wasn't named Sharp) both boys were trained for HG but Sharp'i was the one that randomly got in. Sharp IV was present at the house in Amyra Ay but he didn't do much so you might have forgotten about him (I think he called the police after the first murder and was present at the final family meeting). So basically, my character will be Sharp'is great, great, great, great nephew, and your characters cousin.



Name: Sharp VIII (It's been 3 games and we're finally back to the main ascendency you guys!)

Age: 19

Pronouns: he/him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Nalthis

What is their power/what are they? Awakener, 3rd heightening (600 breaths--if allowed)

How well can they use their magic? Not very well. Sharp is very cocky and confident in his abelites at traditional mele fighting, and that's where he's gotten most of his training. He knows how to used breaths, but it won't be the first thing he turns to in a pinch.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Like I said above, he's not super proficient with breaths and will mostly rely on using his combat skills. He was also only really taught the basics of Commands so he can't do anything complicated.

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Sharp had heard the stories, legends even, of his ancestors. How 4 of them fought in the games. How one of them actually won.

When he heard there was a new games he immediately volunteered. His families history was built on the games. They struggled against it, were killed by it, concurred it. Sharp couldn't stop the games from happening, so instead he entered them himself. Better to fight from the inside, then watch from without. 

He was Sharp McDonald.

It was in his blood.

Important pieces of their backstory:

  • Sharp's father, Sharp VII hadn't wanted him to enter the games and think's he's extremely stupid for doing so.
  • Sharp was a sister named Sharanna, who will become important if she needs to be.
  • Sharp will most likely be related to, and familiar with Raven's character.

Lore updates:

Updated family tree (sorry for the terrible quality, I'll try and fix it later):

EDIT: I did my best to up the file quality though it's still a little funky



Plot hole patch:


If anyone's keeping track, Sharp IV, my new characters ancestor and Sharp'i's brother wasn't implied to have his own family in Amyra Ay. It can be assumed that he did already have a wife and child (Sharp V) by the events of Amyra Ay and Smedry. The said wife and child were not present at the McDonald household during Amyra Ay because Sharp IV didn't want them to live in the same household as father (the dad was lowkey evil, as you know). Sharp IV also lived away from the main household, but was visiting his parents during the events that take place during Amyra Ay.

Hopefully, this all makes sense. I can only get so much consistency with this sort of thing.


Edited by justice magician
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7 minutes ago, justice magician said:

If you remember, Sharp IV is Sharp'is older brother (meaning Sharp'i wasn't the heir to the family--hence why he wasn't named Sharp) both boys were trained for HG but Sharp'i was the one that randomly got in. Sharp IV was present at the house in Amyra Ay but he didn't do much so you might have forgotten about him (I think he called the police after the first murder and was present at the final family meeting). So basically, my character will be Sharp'is great, great, great, great nephew, and your characters cousin.


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Name: Sharp VIII (It's been 3 games and we're finally back to the main ascendency you guys!)

Age: 19

Pronouns: he/him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Nalthis

What is their power/what are they? Awakener, 3rd heightening (600 breaths--if allowed)

How well can they use their magic? Not very well. Sharp is very cocky and confident in his abelites at traditional mele fighting, and that's where he's gotten most of his training. He knows how to used breaths, but it won't be the first thing he turns to in a pinch.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Like I said above, he's not super proficient with breaths and will mostly rely on using his combat skills. He was also only really taught the basics of Commands so he can't do anything complicated.

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Sharp had heard the stories, legends even, of his ancestors. How 4 of them fought in the games. How one of them actually won.

When he heard there was a new games he immediately volunteered. His families history was built on the games. They struggled against it, were killed by it, concurred it. Sharp couldn't stop the games from happening, so instead he entered them himself. Better to fight from the inside, then watch from without. 

He was Sharp McDonald.

It was in his blood.

Important pieces of their backstory:

  • Sharp's father, Sharp VII hadn't wanted him to enter the games and think's he's extremely stupid for doing so.
  • Sharp was a sister named Sharanna, who will become important if she needs to be.
  • Sharp will most likely be related to, and familiar with Raven's character.

Lore updates:

Updated family tree (sorry for the terrible quality, I'll try and fix it later): 

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Plot hole patch:

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If anyone's keeping track, Sharp IV, my new characters ancestor and Sharp'i's brother wasn't implied to have his own family in Amyra Ay. It can be assumed that he did already have a wife and child (Sharp V) by the events of Amyra Ay and Smedry. The said wife and child were not present at the McDonald household during Amyra Ay because Sharp IV didn't want them to live in the same household as father (the dad was lowkey evil, as you know). Sharp IV also lived away from the main household, but was visiting his parents during the events that take place during Amyra Ay.

Hopefully, this all makes sense. I can only get so much consistency with this sort of thing.



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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:


Yeah haha . . . lore.

I put your character in the family tree (in the my last post). I think playing Sharp'i/Kandy's descendant is a really great idea (and it would be goofy!). If you change your mind though, I'll remove it.

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Name: Krinarl (the names just get weirder from here lol) Carra

Age: 16

Pronouns: he/they

Which planet does their investiture come from? roshar, of course. doesnt know how, buttttt it just happened. 

What is their power/what are they? edgedancer, 2nd oath power.

How well can they use their magic? They like to steal things from people and slide around in funny ways.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He doesnt realize how incredibly powerful he could be, and likely never will. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Sharp VIII was going, soooo he just HAD to join in because they do EVERYTHING together.

Important pieces of their backstory: his mother was a whore, but his family truly loved him and what not to the best of their ability.

3 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Yeah haha . . . lore.

I put your character in the family tree (in the my last post). I think playing Sharp'i/Kandy's descendant is a really great idea (and it would be goofy!). If you change your mind though, I'll remove it.

LORE. and yes im keeping the descendency alive lol.

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3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

LORE. and yes im keeping the descendency alive lol.

Ahahahah fantasitc. I'll add the details to the family tree and fix it in my post!

3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Sharp VIII was going, soooo he just HAD to join in because they do EVERYTHING together.

I'm so excited for this dynamic lol.

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Just now, justice magician said:

Ahahahah fantasitc. I'll add him to the family tree and fix it in my post!

I'm so excited for this dynamic lol.

Krinarl is basically an overexcited puppy.

21 minutes ago, justice magician said:

Sharp IV, my new characters ancestor and Sharp'i's brother wasn't implied to have his own family in Amyra Ay. It can be assumed that he did already have a wife and child (Sharp V) by the events of Amyra Ay and Smedry. The said wife and child were not present at the McDonald household during Amyra Ay because Sharp IV didn't want them to live in the same household as father

i totally imagine Sharp IV just being like "If my little bro can have a family, then SO CAN I DAMMIT"

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3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krinarl is basically an overexcited puppy.

Say goodbye to angst and therapy sessions (mostly . . .), it's time for our friendship is magic era.

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3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

unless you wanna do a role swap.

Lol am I gonna give the therapy this time?

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30 minutes ago, justice magician said:

If you remember, Sharp IV is Sharp'is older brother (meaning Sharp'i wasn't the heir to the family--hence why he wasn't named Sharp) both boys were trained for HG but Sharp'i was the one that randomly got in. Sharp IV was present at the house in Amyra Ay but he didn't do much so you might have forgotten about him (I think he called the police after the first murder and was present at the final family meeting). So basically, my character will be Sharp'is great, great, great, great nephew, and your characters cousin.


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Name: Sharp VIII (It's been 3 games and we're finally back to the main ascendency you guys!)

Age: 19

Pronouns: he/him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Nalthis

What is their power/what are they? Awakener, 3rd heightening (600 breaths--if allowed)

How well can they use their magic? Not very well. Sharp is very cocky and confident in his abelites at traditional mele fighting, and that's where he's gotten most of his training. He knows how to used breaths, but it won't be the first thing he turns to in a pinch.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Like I said above, he's not super proficient with breaths and will mostly rely on using his combat skills. He was also only really taught the basics of Commands so he can't do anything complicated.

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Sharp had heard the stories, legends even, of his ancestors. How 4 of them fought in the games. How one of them actually won.

When he heard there was a new games he immediately volunteered. His families history was built on the games. They struggled against it, were killed by it, concurred it. Sharp couldn't stop the games from happening, so instead he entered them himself. Better to fight from the inside, then watch from without. 

He was Sharp McDonald.

It was in his blood.

Important pieces of their backstory:

  • Sharp's father, Sharp VII hadn't wanted him to enter the games and think's he's extremely stupid for doing so.
  • Sharp was a sister named Sharanna, who will become important if she needs to be.
  • Sharp will most likely be related to, and familiar with Raven's character.

Lore updates:

Updated family tree (sorry for the terrible quality, I'll try and fix it later):

EDIT: I did my best to up the file quality though it's still a little funky

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Plot hole patch:

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If anyone's keeping track, Sharp IV, my new characters ancestor and Sharp'i's brother wasn't implied to have his own family in Amyra Ay. It can be assumed that he did already have a wife and child (Sharp V) by the events of Amyra Ay and Smedry. The said wife and child were not present at the McDonald household during Amyra Ay because Sharp IV didn't want them to live in the same household as father (the dad was lowkey evil, as you know). Sharp IV also lived away from the main household, but was visiting his parents during the events that take place during Amyra Ay.

Hopefully, this all makes sense. I can only get so much consistency with this sort of thing.


Looks good

16 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Name: Krinarl (the names just get weirder from here lol) Carra

Age: 16

Pronouns: he/they

Which planet does their investiture come from? roshar, of course. doesnt know how, buttttt it just happened. 

What is their power/what are they? edgedancer, 2nd oath power.

How well can they use their magic? They like to steal things from people and slide around in funny ways.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He doesnt realize how incredibly powerful he could be, and likely never will. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Sharp VIII was going, soooo he just HAD to join in because they do EVERYTHING together.

Important pieces of their backstory: his mother was a whore, but his family truly loved him and what not to the best of their ability.

LORE. and yes im keeping the descendency alive lol.

Looks good

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1 minute ago, justice magician said:

Lol yes, let's do this.

yay! role swap! 

Just now, Experience said:

Looks good

Looks good

quick question: are we going to be actually killing each other? or will it be like if you get knocked out somehow you cant fight anymore?

oh, and eddie, what would your thoughts on Ryn and Siylna being together?

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