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Cosmere Hunger Games — Sign Ups

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5 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

With that in mind, I'll make the first character.

Ok I don’t think anyone’s approved you, so it looks good!! (If someone already did, double approval :P)

4 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

So i just had a dumb idea... what if siylna and ryn had children...


Ryn is dead and Siylna is busy being alone on top of the world. 



She’s dead.

31 minutes ago, justice magician said:

If you remember, Sharp IV is Sharp'is older brother (meaning Sharp'i wasn't the heir to the family--hence why he wasn't named Sharp) both boys were trained for HG but Sharp'i was the one that randomly got in. Sharp IV was present at the house in Amyra Ay but he didn't do much so you might have forgotten about him (I think he called the police after the first murder and was present at the final family meeting). So basically, my character will be Sharp'is great, great, great, great nephew, and your characters cousin.


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Name: Sharp VIII (It's been 3 games and we're finally back to the main ascendency you guys!)

Age: 19

Pronouns: he/him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Nalthis

What is their power/what are they? Awakener, 3rd heightening (600 breaths--if allowed)

How well can they use their magic? Not very well. Sharp is very cocky and confident in his abelites at traditional mele fighting, and that's where he's gotten most of his training. He knows how to used breaths, but it won't be the first thing he turns to in a pinch.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Like I said above, he's not super proficient with breaths and will mostly rely on using his combat skills. He was also only really taught the basics of Commands so he can't do anything complicated.

Character’s motivation for being in the games:

Sharp had heard the stories, legends even, of his ancestors. How 4 of them fought in the games. How one of them actually won.

When he heard there was a new games he immediately volunteered. His families history was built on the games. They struggled against it, were killed by it, concurred it. Sharp couldn't stop the games from happening, so instead he entered them himself. Better to fight from the inside, then watch from without. 

He was Sharp McDonald.

It was in his blood.

Important pieces of their backstory:

  • Sharp's father, Sharp VII hadn't wanted him to enter the games and think's he's extremely stupid for doing so.
  • Sharp was a sister named Sharanna, who will become important if she needs to be.
  • Sharp will most likely be related to, and familiar with Raven's character.

Lore updates:

Updated family tree (sorry for the terrible quality, I'll try and fix it later):

EDIT: I did my best to up the file quality though it's still a little funky

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Plot hole patch:

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If anyone's keeping track, Sharp IV, my new characters ancestor and Sharp'i's brother wasn't implied to have his own family in Amyra Ay. It can be assumed that he did already have a wife and child (Sharp V) by the events of Amyra Ay and Smedry. The said wife and child were not present at the McDonald household during Amyra Ay because Sharp IV didn't want them to live in the same household as father (the dad was lowkey evil, as you know). Sharp IV also lived away from the main household, but was visiting his parents during the events that take place during Amyra Ay.

Hopefully, this all makes sense. I can only get so much consistency with this sort of thing.



17 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Name: Krinarl (the names just get weirder from here lol) Carra

Age: 16

Pronouns: he/they

Which planet does their investiture come from? roshar, of course. doesnt know how, buttttt it just happened. 

What is their power/what are they? edgedancer, 2nd oath power.

How well can they use their magic? They like to steal things from people and slide around in funny ways.

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He doesnt realize how incredibly powerful he could be, and likely never will. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Sharp VIII was going, soooo he just HAD to join in because they do EVERYTHING together.

Important pieces of their backstory: his mother was a whore, but his family truly loved him and what not to the best of their ability.

LORE. and yes im keeping the descendency alive lol.

Ok I know you both already got approved but I love these characters and I’m super excited to see their relationship!

2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

yay! role swap! 

quick question: are we going to be actually killing each other? or will it be like if you get knocked out somehow you cant fight anymore?

oh, and eddie, what would your thoughts on Ryn and Siylna being together?

My thoughts are nope, sorry :P 

Yes, it’ll be actual deaths again. 

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Just now, Edema Rue said:

Ok I don’t think anyone’s approved you, so it looks good!! (If someone already did, double approval :P)


Ryn is dead and Siylna is busy being alone on top of the world. 



She’s dead.


Ok I know you both already got approved but I love these characters and I’m super excited to see their relationship!

actually, i never said ryn was dead... and besides he drank in a ton of stormlight before setting off the bomb anyways. but honestly, i like Ryn becoming some weird arse religious figure better lol.

2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ok I don’t think anyone’s approved you, so it looks good!! (If someone already did, double approval :P)


Ryn is dead and Siylna is busy being alone on top of the world. 



She’s dead.


Ok I know you both already got approved but I love these characters and I’m super excited to see their relationship!

My thoughts are nope, sorry :P 

Yes, it’ll be actual deaths again. 



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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

actually, i never said ryn was dead... and besides he drank in a ton of stormlight before setting off the bomb anyways. but honestly, i like Ryn becoming some weird arse religious figure better lol.



4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Ok I don’t think anyone’s approved you, so it looks good!! (If someone already did, double approval :P)


Ryn is dead and Siylna is busy being alone on top of the world. 



She’s dead.


Ok I know you both already got approved but I love these characters and I’m super excited to see their relationship!

My thoughts are nope, sorry :P 

Yes, it’ll be actual deaths again. 

as if Eddie would let us do this without murder . . .

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3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

actually, i never said ryn was dead... and besides he drank in a ton of stormlight before setting off the bomb anyways. but honestly, i like Ryn becoming some weird arse religious figure better lol.



Ah…sorry. He died.

Anyway, let’s try to keep this thread from getting too clogged up.

Just now, Weaver of Lies said:

Thoughts on a full shardbearer with no other abilities? (Not sure if this is what I’ll do yet, just want to know my options)

Your character could be trained in using shardplate and weapons, but they’ll be entering the arena without supplies, so that might not be the best character. 

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will there be a gm introduction sometime soon?

also if I wanted to discuss adding some extra juicy parts to my flashbacks that I hope to write inspired by both lotus, jm and scars involving a certain gm which one would be the most interested in that?

Edited by RoyalBeeMage
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Aaaaa I missed so much lore and backstory...I have no idea who any of the people you're talking about are.

But I have more questions! I'm thinking of playing an Aether Spore expert, like (Tress spoilers):


What we see Tress start to become through the story. Learning how to use spores to make cannonballs, pistols, ect...

So yeah. This leads into my first question: What is the arena going to be? Will there be easy access to Aether spores, of at least the four or so varieties we see in TotES?

Second question: I know next to nothing about this world you've created...Even after the reformation you mentioned, would it make sense for there to be communities and towns that are poor and isolated on the outskirts? I was thinking of my character coming from a difficult situation, and joining because of the chance it would let him get money and a better life for his family.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Aaaaa I missed so much lore and backstory...I have no idea who any of the people you're talking about are.

But I have more questions! I'm thinking of playing an Aether Spore expert, like (Tress spoilers):

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What we see Tress start to become through the story. Learning how to use spores to make cannonballs, pistols, ect...

So yeah. This leads into my first question: What is the arena going to be? Will there be easy access to Aether spores, of at least the four or so varieties we see in TotES?

Second question: I know next to nothing about this world you've created...Even after the reformation you mentioned, would it make sense for there to be communities and towns that are poor and isolated on the outskirts? I was thinking of my character coming from a difficult situation, and joining because of the chance it would let him get money and a better life for his family.

1. Yes, most likely there will be points with spores, lots of them, available.

2. We *kinda* have a compilation short history book? I don’t know how finished it is, but it has some history written in it. Ask @Experience

We also have this post, which I made. It should be kinda helpful:

Yes, there would be small towns, yes you can come from a hard life. Yes, you can play an Aether expert.

13 hours ago, Experience said:

I'm not sure how well versed in the cosmere the other GMs are, but I am very well versed myself, yes.

We're trying to lean more towards how the powers work in-cosmere or pretty close, so probably not. Unless there's another reason they have the heightening results from other sources of investiture, and a smaller amount of breaths.

I’m super well versed. I’ve read everything and spent hours studying arcanum. And other stuff. But mostly magic.

4 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

will there be a gm introduction sometime soon?

also if I wanted to discuss adding some extra juicy parts to my flashbacks that I hope to write inspired by both lotus, jm and scars involving a certain gm which one would be the most interested in that?


*raises hand*

GM intros will *hopefully* be out soon, we just gotta finish developing them.

Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Aaaaa I missed so much lore and backstory...I have no idea who any of the people you're talking about are.

But I have more questions! I'm thinking of playing an Aether Spore expert, like (Tress spoilers):

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What we see Tress start to become through the story. Learning how to use spores to make cannonballs, pistols, ect...

So yeah. This leads into my first question: What is the arena going to be? Will there be easy access to Aether spores, of at least the four or so varieties we see in TotES?

Second question: I know next to nothing about this world you've created...Even after the reformation you mentioned, would it make sense for there to be communities and towns that are poor and isolated on the outskirts? I was thinking of my character coming from a difficult situation, and joining because of the chance it would let him get money and a better life for his family.

As for past lore, the bottom of this post has a link to a document transcribing what happened in past hunger games. It is still a work in progress, so it won't have everything. Just know that most of the lore from previous games doesn't matter very much as this is about 100 years after the previous games, so everyone from before is long gone. 



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Okay, here we go...


Name: Flemr "Tinker" Ospiite

Age: 18

Pronouns: He/Him

Which planet does their investiture come from?: Lumar

What is their power/what are they?: Aether Spore Expert

How well can they use their magic?: Pretty well. He's proficient in the usage of Verdant, Zephyr, Crimson, Rosite, Sunlight, and Midnight Aethers, and is able to construct technology that utilizes them for his benefit. His community didn't have access to spores beyond that, though. (Basically he's good at using all the spores we've seen used in Tress.)

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?: Limitations of supplies and resources. He's really good at using spores, but he has to find them first, and water to activate them.

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Tinker's family comes from a very poor section of the world, isolated from trade, culture, and wealth. They struggle to survive by using Aether spores. He found out about the games and volunteered against the wishes of his family to try and gain them financial aid.

Important pieces of their backstory: From a young age, Tinker was trained by his mother in the ways of spores, and by his father in the technicalities of engineering. Combining the two gave him a proficient skill set, one that he used to help his family and wider community. He has one older sister and three younger siblings, and has a very deep relationship with all of them. 

He also had a twin sister at one point, but she died when the two of them were ten due to an illness they were unable to cure. Tinker lives in fear of something like that ever happening again, and hopes his participation in the games will give his family enough wealth to improve their situation; or, if he wins, put them in a position of luxury for the rest of their lives.


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9 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

raises hand*

GM intros will *hopefully* be out soon, we just gotta finish developing them.

Nice. After intros I will see what you think about my more tailored backstory 

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uh, I just realized. How long do you expect this to go? I can probably go to about the 23rd and maybe a little past that. maybe not even that far. I might not be able to participate at all, depending on circumstances

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4 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

uh, I just realized. How long do you expect this to go? I can probably go to about the 23rd and maybe a little past that. maybe not even that far. I might not be able to participate at all, depending on circumstances

Long time.

At least 2 weeks.

But you can die if you ever have to go.

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33 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

uh, I just realized. How long do you expect this to go? I can probably go to about the 23rd and maybe a little past that. maybe not even that far. I might not be able to participate at all, depending on circumstances


Even though we keep our Chromebooks over the summer?

Well, considering we start the 19th...you could try to be very active the first couple days and then die when you need to stop.

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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Long time.

At least 2 weeks.

But you can die if you ever have to go.


45 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:
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Even though we keep our Chromebooks over the summer?

Well, considering we start the 19th...you could try to be very active the first couple days and then die when you need to stop.


yeah, I don't know how much I'll be able to use it.

yeah, might depend on how active I'm able to be that week. I'll keep ya'll posted

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Name: Marewill

Age: 18

Pronouns: She/Her

Planet: Scadrial

Power: Tineye/Steelrunner

How well can they use their magic? Decently, with occasional mishaps

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Horrible with any weapon other than a knife

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Fame and power

Important pieces of their backstory: Middle class, willing to sell loyalty/mercy... for the right price

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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Can I drop a character in the gmhq, for no other reason than the funny?

Probably not this time friend, we’re trying to keep stuff simple and true to plot

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53 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Name: Marewill

Age: 18

Pronouns: She/Her

Planet: Scadrial

Power: Tineye/Steelrunner

How well can they use their magic? Decently, with occasional mishaps

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Horrible with any weapon other than a knife

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Fame and power

Important pieces of their backstory: Middle class, willing to sell loyalty/mercy... for the right price

Approved! Also, this is your first games, right? Unless I'm losing my mind in which case I sincerely apologize. Welcome!

Edited by Edema Rue
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20 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Approved! Also, this is your first games, right? Unless I'm losing my mind in which case I sincerely apologize. Welcome!

Yeah, it is

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14 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Welcome! We're glad we're getting new people!


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