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Cosmere Hunger Games — Sign Ups

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I did make some art of my character (description back on page 3 if you're interested.)



I went through a number of attempts and I think this one does the best at representing someone going into... you know...a literal deathmatch...to save his family...

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18 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I did make some art of my character (description back on page 3 if you're interested.)

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I went through a number of attempts and I think this one does the best at representing someone going into... you know...a literal deathmatch...to save his family...

I like the touch of the detached hand xD

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Hi. I’d love to join, but have no idea how the game plays. What are the rules, and is there a post I could go to to find them? Also, how often will I have to be on here if I want to commit? Sorry for sounding lame, just don’t want to start and not finish. 

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First off, this post is really good for the basics: 

As in the amount of time, it's really how much you can give. At the start it's generally more fast paced, but once things settle down if you're on the shard once or twice during the day you should be fine. But if you start and end up needing to drop out because of activity being a problem that's totally fine as you can just kill your character. We'd love to have you join for however much you can!

Let us know if you have any more questions :).


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Awesome! In that case, we’ll try:


[Name: Jaksyn Rouge  

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Which planet does their investiture come from? Scadrial

What is their power/what are they?

Compounding Chromium Twinborn

How well can they use their magic?

Well for Leeching, but has no control over Feruchemy. (See below)

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

Jaksyn cannot choose when to start or stop storing luck, so is in constant danger all the time. He’s always either storing or tapping, so *ahem* the odds are always in or against his favor, never neutral  

Character’s motivation for being in the games: He heard there was a lot of partying beforehand, and thought it was worth the potential of dying a gruesome death.

Important pieces of their backstory:

Lost an arm due to a herd of moose charging him when he was storing hard one day. ]

Am I allowed to have a character with fortune abilities? I know we’re not exactly clear on it yet, but I figured it would just act as basic luck. And Leeching works on other magic systems right? I know it’s a little different, but wanted to know how y’all have adapted for gameplay.

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7 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

@Experience @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

Since I don't think it was brought up before, would metalminds be at Cornucopia/equivalent or would she be able to bring her own in?

Great question, I’m wondering the same thing. I’m not a GM, but I feel like it’d be smart to say that they were provided some by the capitol, because then they couldn’t have a metalmind filled with 18 years of strength or something. If they were provided some by the capitol about 5 days before, then they could fill it a bit, but not so much that it’s overpowered.

This is just my suggestion.

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5 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Great question, I’m wondering the same thing. I’m not a GM, but I feel like it’d be smart to say that they were provided some by the capitol, because then they couldn’t have a metalmind filled with 18 years of strength or something. If they were provided some by the capitol about 5 days before, then they could fill it a bit, but not so much that it’s overpowered.

This is just my suggestion.

For the twinborn games, the metalminds in the arena had 1 hour of normal ability (not entirely sure how that works for copper).

Edit: Nice member title :)

Edited by Lord Spirit
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4 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:

For the twinborn games, the metalminds in the arena had 1 hour of normal ability (not entirely sure how that works for copper).

Edit: Nice member title :)

Alright! That’d work well.

Thanks! :D

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On 5/11/2024 at 10:12 PM, Lotus Blossom said:

Name: Astra Pastle-Freya Ay

Age: 18

Pronouns: she/her

Which planet does their investiture come from? Roshar, though she uses elsecalling to worldhop.

What is their power/what are they? 2nd ideal Willshaper.

Spren name: Rivia

How well can they use their magic? She is able to use both elsecalling and cohesion well, but is better at cohesion. Although, she makes herself seem far more powerful than she is through showmanship, confidence, and attitude...

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? Astra is far different from convention in the sense that she loves taking risks. Her instability and risk-taking has driven her away from possible wise decisions and occasionally leaves her unprotected. As a willshaper, she is a bit of an oddity, and spends her time running casinos, involving herself in black market auctions for shard blades/plates, breaths, etc.  Astra left her single father, (who was a mess) to go into the twisted underground of corruption and black markets, working her way up (through lies and confidence) to owning many casinos. However, she created enemies and debt along the way. Risks like these prevent her from being as overpowered as she might be had she thought before impulsive action.

Backstory: Astra Ay's mother died in childbirth, and her father, Celestin Isabe-Novis Torsun, was the only son of Aeryn Ay, the hot-tempered twin of Amyra Ay (from Stormlight HGs). Aeryn, after Amyra's death, got pregnant with Celestin at a relatively young age, and deserted the two youngest siblings of the family to run off with her lover. The father of the baby Celestin soon disappeared, leaving Aeryn alone with the infant. Raising him best he could, she was killed on the streets in a fight that knocked her unconscious as she was trying to defend the thirteen year old Celestin Torsun from thugs. Celestin managed to get on his feet, and got married, but once Astra was born, his wife died, pushing him into further despair. He was an artist, and slowly his art became more and more deranged. Unhinged. Abstract. He was a mess, speaking in riddles, rarely trusting his own mind. This is how Astra grew up. By the time she turned 15, she was out in the liberal arts world, creating alliances and connections. Her closest friends were Sawyin, his twin Sibnon, and Kayra. They were involved in sketchy deals or black market bargains, and they were the ones who first got her involved in the underground world. One of the morals she lives by is that corruption is found more in government than in the casinos. Having been born into this world at a disadvantage, she had to cut ties with many- including her father- to push her way to the surface. She spends her life trying to "free" people as a willshaper, or, in her interpretation of it, give desperate people a chance through any means- even illegality. Astra has hints of anarchy in her speech, and is definitely chaotic neutral. She believes "It is the person who is willing to give up their soul- their breath- anything- That is the person who deserves everything. True corruption lies, not in the hands of the desperate, but in the hands of the law. And here we remain, in their chains." 

Character's motivation for being in the games: Sawyin and Astra fell in love at 17 years old. Sawyin had always told Astra about how he wished to be in the hunger games. Astra would always tell him that it was a foolish idea, but he insisted that it was the only way to win fame or power. He claimed that no one would ever know his name, and he swore that he would be in the games someday. Astra told him that she would never let him be in the games, because he would surely die. Sawyin was determined to join and make a name for himself; he wanted to go down in history in a way that his twin wouldn't. He wanted power in a way that his family never offered him. He wanted a life that was stolen from him. One night, Sibnon caught Sawyin kissing Astra. Knowing that Astra held power in the casinos, Sibnon murdered his brother that moment, leaving Astra and exploiting any information she shared to him during the time of their friendship. Astra turned to Kayra for support, but she simply laughed and told her she was leaving with Sibnon. The last words Kayra told Astra before disappearing was that "Oh please, you would do it too, if you had the chance."

Astra swore her second ideal that night. It was then that she realized she had lived her entire life in the chains of others. She had to break free from society. She had to live on. For herself. And for Sawyin. She had to join the hunger games, "foolish" as it was. To make her name last. And most importantly, to make Sawyin's name last. Give him the chance he never was given. And fight. For herself. For all the desperate people. For all the rogues. For all the suffering. For all the world.

*chefs kiss*

I always look forward to your massive plot heavy posts lotus

On 5/12/2024 at 6:31 AM, Dragonheir said:

Hello! I'm new to the shard (I was directed here by Ancient Elantrien, who responded to my introduction post), but not to Sanderson or roleplaying games, so this sounds fun. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Tondon Shoradel 

Age: Hard to tell. Was 17 when the bubble happened

Pronouns: He, Him

Which planet does their investiture come from? Scadrial 

What is their power/what are they? iron allomancy, duralumin feruchemy

How well can they use their magic? on the path to becoming an iron savant, compulsively keeps it active. Likes to use metal objects like a yo-yo by tossing and ironpulling them. Can replicate the "pull object toward you, then duck" trick, and would rather pull to objects than go up stairs. Is quite good at non-central pulls. Less good with duralumin, mainly uses it for the resonance (which I think would involve strengthening ironlines, as they are connections). 

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He's highly dependent on items he has. I don't know if we get to start with equipment, but if we don't, he is not going to have a good time. 

Character’s motivation for being in the games: Is utterly broke, and has no idea what else to do. 

Important pieces of their backstory: Tondon was originally just a random guy. He delivered pizza by ironpulling around, and was trying to get enough connection (I was originally thinking fortune, but there is both a fortune compounder and a steel - chromium twinborn already) stored to get a raise when he walked near a rich nicroburster who had paid a pulser to help create a massive time bubble in order to reach the future, where the nobleman might live forever. Unfortunately, due to Tondon storing connection, they didn't notice him, and he got caught in the bubble. By the time he got out, he was several centuries in the future with a total wealth of three boxings, two clips, one large cheese pizza, a duraluminmind, a dozen vials of iron shavings, and his clothes. The world he ended up in is completely strange and the hunger games seem like the best bet for setting himself up in the future. The bubble still exists, and has become a tourist attraction and occasional cryogenic chamber. 

How does fighting and the like get resolved? Do we roll dice, argue with one another to convince a GM, or something I haven't though of?

Welcome to the Shard! 

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9 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Awesome! In that case, we’ll try:



[Name: Jaksyn Rouge  

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Which planet does their investiture come from? Scadrial

What is their power/what are they?

Compounding Chromium Twinborn

How well can they use their magic?

Well for Leeching, but has no control over Feruchemy. (See below)

What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered?

Jaksyn cannot choose when to start or stop storing luck, so is in constant danger all the time. He’s always either storing or tapping, so *ahem* the odds are always in or against his favor, never neutral  

Character’s motivation for being in the games: He heard there was a lot of partying beforehand, and thought it was worth the potential of dying a gruesome death.

Important pieces of their backstory:

Lost an arm due to a herd of moose charging him when he was storing hard one day. ]

Am I allowed to have a character with fortune abilities? I know we’re not exactly clear on it yet, but I figured it would just act as basic luck. And Leeching works on other magic systems right? I know it’s a little different, but wanted to know how y’all have adapted for gameplay.

So is it like store one second tap one second? Or like store for five minutes tap for five minutes? Or something else? and yeah leeching will work with other magic systems to an extent.

1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

@Experience @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

Since I don't think it was brought up before, would metalminds be at Cornucopia/equivalent or would she be able to bring her own in?

You won't be bringing anything in with you, but you will be able to find unkeyed/unsealed metalminds in the games which already have certain amount of ability stored up for use. 

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2 hours ago, Experience said:

So is it like store one second tap one second? Or like store for five minutes tap for five minutes? Or something else?

Ideally a bit more random than that, where he would store (for example) for 10 mins at 50% and then tap for 2.5 mins at 200% then store for an hour at 10%… basically, the idea was it’d be random except that once he started tapping, he would keep tapping until he ran out of reserves. 

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2 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Ideally a bit more random than that, where he would store (for example) for 10 mins at 50% and then tap for 2.5 mins at 200% then store for an hour at 10%… basically, the idea was it’d be random except that once he started tapping, he would keep tapping until he ran out of reserves. 

Approved, I like it! (Unless Exp says otherwise)

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3 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Ideally a bit more random than that, where he would store (for example) for 10 mins at 50% and then tap for 2.5 mins at 200% then store for an hour at 10%… basically, the idea was it’d be random except that once he started tapping, he would keep tapping until he ran out of reserves. 


1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

Approved, I like it! (Unless Exp says otherwise)

I don't say otherwise :).

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So...we aren't doing any sort of pre-rp, with the tributes (are they even called that now?) doing all the interviews and dressing up and all that jazz?

Second, are there any direct and immediate benefits to the families of the participants the moment they join, or do they have to win first?

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8 hours ago, Experience said:

So is it like store one second tap one second? Or like store for five minutes tap for five minutes? Or something else? and yeah leeching will work with other magic systems to an extent.

You won't be bringing anything in with you, but you will be able to find unkeyed/unsealed metalminds in the games which already have certain amount of ability stored up for use. 


I’m assuming that metalminds implanted in your body before the games are disallowed as well?

Edited by WhyEverNot_8
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18 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

So...we aren't doing any sort of pre-rp, with the tributes (are they even called that now?) doing all the interviews and dressing up and all that jazz?

Second, are there any direct and immediate benefits to the families of the participants the moment they join, or do they have to win first?

1. Volunteers, and we aren't. :{

2. They get a good ol' slap on the back. And then they have to win to get anything more.

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14 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:


I’m assuming that metalminds implanted in your body before the games are disallowed as well?

Yup, you don’t bring anything in with you. It’ll have been very extreme (for example, if you had a metal screw in your leg from a surgery, they’d take it out, put in metal that can’t be used for feruchemy, and still be watching you carefully). Don’t worry too much though, we’ll take care of you guys 😈 

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