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Kandra Dragon form?



I've been thinking a lot about kandra like could a kandra be a mistborn (I found an answer for that one) but also could you have a kandra in the form of a dragon? Let's say you had a dragon and you killed it preserving its bones and muscle structure, could a kandra eat the body of the dragon and make a dragon body for its self? I know I worded that kinda bad but could you have a kandra in the form of a dragon? I don't know that much about dragons so I was just wondering. Also this is my first post so idk how to phrase and organize stuff.

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11 minutes ago, Nexus11221 said:

I've been thinking a lot about kandra like could a kandra be a mistborn (I found an answer for that one) but also could you have a kandra in the form of a dragon? Let's say you had a dragon and you killed it preserving its bones and muscle structure, could a kandra eat the body of the dragon and make a dragon body for its self? I know I worded that kinda bad but could you have a kandra in the form of a dragon? I don't know that much about dragons so I was just wondering. Also this is my first post so idk how to phrase and organize stuff.

There are WoBs for that, but they pretty much amount to RAFO:



If a kandra were to somehow take the form of a dragon, would they notice any differences in anatomy, or is it spot-on impersonation?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm going to RAFO that, to leave Dragonsteel for Dragonsteel when we get there.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)


Can a kandra eat a dragon? Either in human or just regular dragon form?

Brandon Sanderson

They can eat one in human form. Getting the whole thing in dragon form would be a little like that scene in Elden Ring.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)





You recently said that dragons in the cosmere can take the form of humans.

Brandon Sanderson



A kandra from Mistborn can do something very similar. Is there a meaningful connection between what the dragons and kandra can do?

Brandon Sanderson

Noooo, except for on fundamental cosmere rules stuff, but that's-- I would say no, in the same way that if you're like, "Is there any similarity between the way that bats fly and birds fly?" Well, there is some similarity 'cause-- But there is [convergent] evolution and stuff like that.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)



However, we know that simply wearing the Bones of an invested entity is not enough to grant a Kandra access to that Investiture (OreSeur did not become Mistborn by consuming Kelsier's corpse), but we do not yet know if the actual Steel part of DragonSteel (a biological component of Dragons) would be affected by this or not. 


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6 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

There are WoBs for that, but they pretty much amount to RAFO:

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If a kandra were to somehow take the form of a dragon, would they notice any differences in anatomy, or is it spot-on impersonation?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm going to RAFO that, to leave Dragonsteel for Dragonsteel when we get there.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)



Can a kandra eat a dragon? Either in human or just regular dragon form?

Brandon Sanderson

They can eat one in human form. Getting the whole thing in dragon form would be a little like that scene in Elden Ring.

Dragonsteel 2023 (Nov. 21, 2023)





You recently said that dragons in the cosmere can take the form of humans.

Brandon Sanderson



A kandra from Mistborn can do something very similar. Is there a meaningful connection between what the dragons and kandra can do?

Brandon Sanderson

Noooo, except for on fundamental cosmere rules stuff, but that's-- I would say no, in the same way that if you're like, "Is there any similarity between the way that bats fly and birds fly?" Well, there is some similarity 'cause-- But there is [convergent] evolution and stuff like that.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)


However, we know that simply wearing the Bones of an invested entity is not enough to grant a Kandra access to that Investiture (OreSeur did not become Mistborn by consuming Kelsier's corpse), but we do not yet know if the actual Steel part of DragonSteel (a biological component of Dragons) would be affected by this or not. 

Ah ok thank you for answering that question and also thanks for the little tutorial on the forms lol.

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You can technically grant a Kandra Powers with non-standard Blessings, so it theoretically should be possible to make a full Mistborn Kandra, though it would have become a lot harder in Era2 where there were no longer any naturally around to Spike, and Blessings are special in ways only Harmony knows.  

Given enough time a Kandra can technically digest enough matter to grow pretty big and at least attempt the form of things like Chasmfields, but they'd lack the Spren-based antigravity that makes them function at that size with normal Physics limitations. So they could process food into more Body Mass, but eventually they'll they get so big that they start crushing themselves like a beached whale.  





What are the upper limits size-wise of what a kandra form can take? Could they say eat a chasmfiend?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, they would have trouble with the square-cube law, and a chasmfiend does not, because they have a symbiosis with natural spren, which keep them from crushing themselves. *scattered laughter* So a kandra would crush themselves if they tried to do that.

JordanCon 2016 (April 23, 2016)




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On 5/6/2024 at 3:43 PM, Quantus said:

Given enough time a Kandra can technically digest enough matter to grow pretty big and at least attempt the form of things like Chasmfields, but they'd lack the Spren-based antigravity that makes them function at that size with normal Physics limitations. So they could process food into more Body Mass, but eventually they'll they get so big that they start crushing themselves like a beached whale.  


Unless, of course, they have something to reduce their weight...

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9 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Now you're thinking with portals!

I think an A-Pewter F-Iron would be the best.

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2 hours ago, Argenti said:

I think an A-Pewter F-Iron would be the best.

Alternatively, a gem skeleton might let them Bond a spren.  It would be a massive skeleton to craft, too bad Soulcasting can't help.




If a kandra with a crystal True Body made their way to Roshar, could they use their crystal bones like a gemheart?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, they could. That is an excellent question.






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On 5/10/2024 at 2:12 PM, Quantus said:

Alternatively, a gem skeleton might let them Bond a spren.  It would be a massive skeleton to craft, too bad Soulcasting can't help.



Or, maybe just put a large gem inside.

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