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[tlm spoiler] Waine...


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Wayne is a bloodmaker, and at the end of TLM he gains full mistborn abilities.

Wouln't it make him a gold compounder? Why didn't he try to save himself filling up the metalminds before blowing up?

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Yes it would make him a gold compounder. 

I think that the heat from the explosion likely ruined any metalminds he may have been wearing. He was basically vaporized with everything else. 

Even if he could... I don't think that Wayne would want to. His entire arc was coming to a nice close. He had acccepted all of the ladies loving ladies more than him. The Kandra loving harmony more than him. The woman he wanted to apologize hated him for years and years. 

Part of what made Wayne a good gold ferring on screen is how much he could store... I think a person would have to not enjoy themselves a lot to spend weeks on the verge of self inflicted organ failure and sepsis. For this reason, gold feruchemy is epic but it honestly is not my top choice. Healing from minor injuries would be awesome but being as sick as I can push myself to store that health would be awful and I just wouldnt do it enough to make any good storage.

I think Wayne was at the point of accepting himself and he looked at that sacrifice as his way of making things right. To heal through it all would be cheating... And I think that is saying something even for Wayne. He would have some snarky comment about robbing justice or something. 

So even if he, and all of his metalminds, were not being vaporized beyond saving I dont think he would have wanted to compound and appear. 

A small theme I noticed was Waynes thinking about how Wax didnt even know him. I think that Wax waiting for his friend to show up like it was a big joke Dumb and Dumberer style was more proof that Wax didnt really know his friend as well as he thought. 

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2 hours ago, Stefano said:

Wayne is a bloodmaker, and at the end of TLM he gains full mistborn abilities.

Wouln't it make him a gold compounder? Why didn't he try to save himself filling up the metalminds before blowing up?

I guesstimate the power of the explosion to be comparable to the 2020 Beirut explosion, which had a yield of around 1 kt. That might have instantly melted or vaporized all of his gold and it would have certainly ripped his body to pieces, separating him from metalminds faster than he could have healed.

To even consider compounding gold as an option he needed to burn his gold to gain health in the first place, which takes just as much time as burning regular gold (if not longer) and makes you lose gold, as you burn it away. He didn't have infinite healing as he didn't have lots of gold and he couldn't have spent any time burning it to accumulate needed storages of health to tap from because the ship had to be stopped right now, before it could have gone any closer to Elendel. 

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