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Can Nicrobusts Boost Each Other

The Stick

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Here, what I would like to posit is whether or not a Nicrobusts misting could Nicrobust another Nicrobust misting, so the Nicrobust from that misting applied to another misting, let's say a coinshot, would increase the power. If so, could mistborn use Duralumin to boos Nicrosil, then go down the line to crazily amplify powers?


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13 minutes ago, The Stick said:

Here, what I would like to posit is whether or not a Nicrobusts misting could Nicrobust another Nicrobust misting, so the Nicrobust from that misting applied to another misting, let's say a coinshot, would increase the power. If so, could mistborn use Duralumin to boos Nicrosil, then go down the line to crazily amplify powers?

What does nicrosil and duralumin do? It burns all your burned metals in an instant. If you nicroburst a Nicroburster who is boosting a Coinshot, that Coinshot will still burn all his metals in an instant - it makes no difference for a Coinshot if there is a chain of Nicrobursters boosting each or just one. He literally can't burn his metals any faster. 

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On 5/7/2024 at 2:30 PM, alder24 said:

What does nicrosil and duralumin do? It burns all your burned metals in an instant. If you nicroburst a Nicroburster who is boosting a Coinshot, that Coinshot will still burn all his metals in an instant - it makes no difference for a Coinshot if there is a chain of Nicrobursters boosting each or just one. He literally can't burn his metals any faster. 

Well... it's instantaneous from the degree of measurement available to Era 1 and 2, but surely it takes a technically measurable amount of time to occur. 

Now Duralumin allows someone to outrun electrons and made Wayne go effectively blind, so that's insanely fast utilization, but that speed of burn may be Bendalloy specific. In the same way that a Steelrunner tapping speed can enhance a burn rate of a metal and get a higher effective burn, it wouldn't surprise me if Bendalloy has a similar effect and may be an outlier compared to other allomantic metals.

There may also be differences between Aluminum and Duralumin vs Nicrosil and Chromium. We haven't seen A-Nicrosil used - ever, and we only saw A-Aluminum a handful of times when Vin was forced to use it under duress. However we do know that Chromium doesn't burn all of a person's metals completely - so long as you have huge amounts of metal like Wayne did. So... it occurs to me that metals like Aluminum and Duralumin used by the Allomancer may have a practically instantaneous effect, but the metals that externally affect another person may take more power and have a much lower metal enhancement/leeching rate - because it has to work through the Identity of the other person. In other words, I could see a Nicroburst having a reduced enhancement rate compared to Duralumin for the sole reason that it has to work through a person's natural defenses that I think are linked to Identity. If this is the case, then yes, a Nicroburst enhancing a Nicroburst may allow for near instantaneous forced enhancement and total utilization of a target's metals. Now if you are looking to enhance a willingly target, then Duralumin may get you everything that you need for sheer power. As it is, Duralumin-enhanced burns are super dangerous and this line of experimentation seems quite likely to result in casualties.

Greater Cosmere Spoilers:


We've seen this quite a few other places, where using a power on yourself can have much different power consumption needs compared to using it on an unwilling target. Surgebinding is the best example for this that I know of.

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Posted (edited)

As a continuation of this, if someone theoretically burned a large amount of pure god-metal while also burning Duralumin, would they be Invested enough in that instant to become a Sliver? 

Edit: I just realized Elend did this at the end of HoA, but if he had consumed more, would this affect be achievable.

Edited by The Stick
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4 hours ago, The Stick said:

As a continuation of this, if someone theoretically burned a large amount of pure god-metal while also burning Duralumin, would they be Invested enough in that instant to become a Sliver? 

Edit: I just realized Elend did this at the end of HoA, but if he had consumed more, would this affect be achievable.

No, because being a Sliver requires a person to hold a large portion of a Shard's Investiture so that it 'stretches' their soul. The Well of Ascension had enough power built up over a thousand years, it could let you literally change the world. The normal beads of Atium? Not a chance in heck.

Elend would have needed far, far more Atium than could fit in his stomach to even have a shot at becoming a Sliver in one go. Atium Savantism might lead to becoming a Sliver, if not outright Ascension. We know a Lerasium Savant will lead to Ascension but Lerasium seems special since its effects are permanent.

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On 5/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, The Stick said:

Here, what I would like to posit is whether or not a Nicrobusts misting could Nicrobust another Nicrobust misting, so the Nicrobust from that misting applied to another misting, let's say a coinshot, would increase the power. If so, could mistborn use Duralumin to boos Nicrosil, then go down the line to crazily amplify powers?


It should, yeah, but it would require ridiculous amounts of metal to be swallowed by each target in the chain to be observable I'd suspect...and the spiritual deformation for forcing that much investiture that aggressively through a normal spiritweb could theoretically be permanently damaging (or not, who knows?)

...This sort of arrangement should probably be restricted to mechanical allomancy utilizing harmonium to avoid harming people, but...

A multi-nicrobursted-nicroburster should, assuming that they've swallowed a stupid amount of nicrosil, be able to nicroburst their target exponentially relative to how they would accelerate them if unaided. If their target had, let's say a pound, of zinc in their stomach, they might be able to traumatize or cause brain damage in the people they riot for example by simple virtue of the hyper extreme degree of stress and strain that they would be inducing in targeted minds. Or rocket themselves to Mach 10 (and probably die...) if they were full of steel and pushed, or be strong enough to crush diamonds with their hands (for maybe a second or two).

I think you're onto something...pretty sure it shouldn't ever be used on people though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, The Stick said:

Here, what I would like to posit is whether or not a Nicrobusts misting could Nicrobust another Nicrobust misting, so the Nicrobust from that misting applied to another misting, let's say a coinshot, would increase the power. If so, could mistborn use Duralumin to boos Nicrosil, then go down the line to crazily amplify powers?

I think this or a similar discussion has been raised before, and I gave this same answer:

I think Bart Simpson already did it.


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