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32 minutes ago, SourCandyLime said:

Spencer sighed. "Look, I put on a face of confidence, almost error-gance in the strength of the MA, but, Storms and Rusts alike, there is no greater threat than the 8 Luce. Each has a near hell-bent desire to destroy the nexus they and their matching chancellor comes from. If they succeed, if even one succeeds, entire swaths of the Omniverse would vanish. Not get caught in Limbo, VANISH. Thankfully the Dumpster... the AEE, is run by the least intelligent Luce. Thy believe that ruining any MV will cause the destruction the death of a Nexus would cause. The MA has reluctantly decided to just let them be. however if they reach beyond what they already have, we will immediately jump in and put them down."

Saber floats out of the watch "Truly" she said, her form glowing strong, with every shade of blue. "I am holding him to that Oath. The MA's agents are all trained in every magic the MVs have placed under their jurisdiction. We have Superpowers, Mistborns, Ferochemists, Surgebinders, Elantrians, Rangers, Artifocusts, Awakeners, Fables, ect. Name a Power within 50 MVs of the Omniversal Home, and we have agents professionally trained in these powers."


The original leader is dead and has two replacement co-leaders, one of whom is Thanos. 


Edited by Spark of Hope
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5 hours ago, SourCandyLime said:

Spencer sighed. "Look, I put on a face of confidence, almost error-gance in the strength of the MA, but, Storms and Rusts alike, there is no greater threat than the 8 Luce. Each has a near hell-bent desire to destroy the nexus they and their matching chancellor comes from. If they succeed, if even one succeeds, entire swaths of the Omniverse would vanish. Not get caught in Limbo, VANISH. Thankfully the Dumpster... the AEE, is run by the least intelligent Luce. Thy believe that ruining any MV will cause the destruction the death of a Nexus would cause. The MA has reluctantly decided to just let them be. however if they reach beyond what they already have, we will immediately jump in and put them down."

Saber floats out of the watch "Truly" she said, her form glowing strong, with every shade of blue. "I am holding him to that Oath. The MA's agents are all trained in every magic the MVs have placed under their jurisdiction. We have Superpowers, Mistborns, Ferochemists, Surgebinders, Elantrians, Rangers, Artifocusts, Awakeners, Fables, ect. Name a Power within 50 MVs of the Omniversal Home, and we have agents professionally trained in these powers."

Arrais grunts at the guy once again. "I used to have a lot of powers, before those beasts of the nothing and took some of them" he growls. "If I see those guys again, they will have a lot of pain coming their way."

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51 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arrais grunts at the guy once again. "I used to have a lot of powers, before those beasts of the nothing and took some of them" he growls. "If I see those guys again, they will have a lot of pain coming their way."

Roy smiled and continued walking. That was when it happened. Later the historia multiversa would mark that day as the day when all Roy’s everywhere shattered. Half the Roy’s simply dissolved into a floating pile of dust that floated away in the wind. The other half began to flicker in and out of reality becoming temporarily incorporeal and slightly translucent. Even if they were able to hold a solid form long enough to do anything they would have found all of their memories simply gone with all new memories disappearing while they flickered out of reality. They also found if they somehow knew what to look for that all of their powers were broken and not working properly. What power they had was being leached away bit by bit each time they flicked in or out of reality.

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Spencer franticaly pulls out a notebook, sprouts 4 more arms, opens 15 holo-screens, and begins cross referencing everything in the world.


"I could have sworn we had deleted every Thanos outside of the MCU. Those guys become massive threats, but no, only half of them Disapeared, but wait... they are phasing in and out, but that means... which also means... but no, the Council put up infallible protections against that..."

Spencer's head splits into 7, and 75 more screens open, and he pulls 15 more notebooks, and sprouts 25 more arms

"Spencer... their connection is severed..." Saber said, her form blinking brightly and violently

All but one screen closed, and Spencer snapped back into focus, one head, two arms, and all the notebooks back in his coat pocket.


"Of course it is. Do any of you know a Bondsmith? If not I could call in a Dallinar, but they are unreliable at times."

Edited by SourCandyLime
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37 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Roy smiled and continued walking. That was when it happened. Later the historia multiversa would mark that day as the day when all Roy’s everywhere shattered. Half the Roy’s simply dissolved into a floating pile of dust that floated away in the wind. The other half began to flicker in and out of reality becoming temporarily incorporeal and slightly translucent. Even if they were able to hold a solid form long enough to do anything they would have found all of their memories simply gone with all new memories disappearing while they flickered out of reality. They also found if they somehow knew what to look for that all of their powers were broken and not working properly. What power they had was being leached away bit by bit each time they flicked in or out of reality.

Kyz looks in fear as this happens, “WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING.”

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1 minute ago, SourCandyLime said:

"Kyz, look at me. Do you know any Bondsmiths? Anyone who can manipulate a person's connections?"

“Uuuhh, no.”

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Just now, Vyzkel Willbender said:

“Uuuhh, no.”

Spencer stomps his foot "By the tenth name of the almightly, does anyone have proper magic here???"

Spencer summons a Holo-Screen, "We have a Code Anti-Violet, Degree 7. I need a Bondsmith Stat. Preferably Dalinar, he has the most experience with connection manipulation. Get him here NOW."

"Look, If any of you can manipulate connection even a smidge, I need you to tie them to this realm, even if its loose, it will buy us time."

Saber is franticaly flying around Spencer's head.

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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Roy smiled and continued walking. That was when it happened. Later the historia multiversa would mark that day as the day when all Roy’s everywhere shattered. Half the Roy’s simply dissolved into a floating pile of dust that floated away in the wind. The other half began to flicker in and out of reality becoming temporarily incorporeal and slightly translucent. Even if they were able to hold a solid form long enough to do anything they would have found all of their memories simply gone with all new memories disappearing while they flickered out of reality. They also found if they somehow knew what to look for that all of their powers were broken and not working properly. What power they had was being leached away bit by bit each time they flicked in or out of reality.

Arranis glances at Roy, who looks as though he is flickering in and out of life. That cannot be good, he walks over and as the other guys were fluffing abou, consumes one of the nearby plant souls. Been a while since I did this, and reaches out to Roy's soul, and connects it to the idea of a multiverse. That should do it


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17 hours ago, SourCandyLime said:

Spencer stomps his foot "By the tenth name of the almightly, does anyone have proper magic here???"

Spencer summons a Holo-Screen, "We have a Code Anti-Violet, Degree 7. I need a Bondsmith Stat. Preferably Dalinar, he has the most experience with connection manipulation. Get him here NOW."

"Look, If any of you can manipulate connection even a smidge, I need you to tie them to this realm, even if its loose, it will buy us time."

Saber is franticaly flying around Spencer's head.

17 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis glances at Roy, who looks as though he is flickering in and out of life. That cannot be good, he walks over and as the other guys were fluffing abou, consumes one of the nearby plant souls. Been a while since I did this, and reaches out to Roy's soul, and connects it to the idea of a multiverse. That should do it


I am completely useless right now aren’t I, Kyz thinks, looking at the work people are doing.

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What even can you do Kyz? I think your a shapeshifter right?

"YES! Thank you Arranis, that should buy us enough time. If Dalinar doesn't arrive within the next minute, we can expect he won't arrive within the month. I have a backup plan, but the connections I create are wound with SpaceTime itself. And when put physically that junk is weak.

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16 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

"That will be permanent, until we find a divider" Arranis says, "It is a form of soul connection from one of the universes I have been too." He winces at some of the memories, "I also lost people dear to me there too"

25 hesitated, then patted his shoulder. 

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"Thank you, I just don't believe in it's permanency, either that, or it will lose effectiveness quickly. The Tones I am getting sound like, without any harmonizing, you just used Stormlight to power a Harmony Fabrial. Rusts, it makes no sense why it is working!"

Saber flitted about nervously "I still think we need a bondsmith. Cosmere connection is quite touchy, and if they have lost their Comsere connection, they will be disappearing throughout the Omniverse."

"That is true. I am sorry for your losses,  may you find them in the beyond. For now, as time is almost up, so long as their are no objections, I will abuse the powers of Ferochemy, and try and forge connections. This is only possible by my dual nature as a Ferochemist, and Mistborn. I believe that this is the second best hope, second to a bonsmith only."

Spencer grabbed something out of the air, dragging the point he grabbed and forming a mix of blue and rose gold line. He wound these lines around points in the Air, creating stuff. He created several vials of metal, and several metal bracers, all of varying metals and shapes.

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1 hour ago, SourCandyLime said:

"Thank you, I just don't believe in it's permanency, either that, or it will lose effectiveness quickly. The Tones I am getting sound like, without any harmonizing, you just used Stormlight to power a Harmony Fabrial. Rusts, it makes no sense why it is working!"

Saber flitted about nervously "I still think we need a bondsmith. Cosmere connection is quite touchy, and if they have lost their Comsere connection, they will be disappearing throughout the Omniverse."

"That is true. I am sorry for your losses,  may you find them in the beyond. For now, as time is almost up, so long as their are no objections, I will abuse the powers of Ferochemy, and try and forge connections. This is only possible by my dual nature as a Ferochemist, and Mistborn. I believe that this is the second best hope, second to a bonsmith only."

Spencer grabbed something out of the air, dragging the point he grabbed and forming a mix of blue and rose gold line. He wound these lines around points in the Air, creating stuff. He created several vials of metal, and several metal bracers, all of varying metals and shapes.

"My powers are nothing of the sort" Arranis asy haughtily. "It is from another universe, were people meld souls together, and where everything has a soul" he grumbles further. "It is permanent until we find a divider from that universe, which is pretty isolated from the rest of the Multiverse"

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23 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis glances at Roy, who looks as though he is flickering in and out of life. That cannot be good, he walks over and as the other guys were fluffing abou, consumes one of the nearby plant souls. Been a while since I did this, and reaches out to Roy's soul, and connects it to the idea of a multiverse. That should do it


Roy started to solidify slowly. His eyes changed from their normal rainbow hues to a dull blue. All his tattoos and markings along his back faded. Quite simply he became mortal. “Where am I? Who are all of you?” Roy asked sitting down and closing his eyes. He snapped them open almost immediately. “stars? Why do I see constellations?”

2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

"My powers are nothing of the sort" Arranis asy haughtily. "It is from another universe, were people meld souls together, and where everything has a soul" he grumbles further. "It is permanent until we find a divider from that universe, which is pretty isolated from the rest of the Multiverse"

“An echo.” He muttered 

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"Hey, your going to be okay, you lost all your connection, and we doubt any of the other yous survived. If you want, I can see faint broken connections, and I can try reforging them, possibly restore your powers, and even, perhaps, your memories."

Saber hissed, "Spencer, Look at that connection"

Spencer froze, and made something visible to everyone. Other than the connection connecting them to the Multiverse, a Black Violet connection was stringing from Roy off into space and beyond, into another universe.

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1 hour ago, SourCandyLime said:

"Hey, your going to be okay, you lost all your connection, and we doubt any of the other yous survived. If you want, I can see faint broken connections, and I can try reforging them, possibly restore your powers, and even, perhaps, your memories."

Saber hissed, "Spencer, Look at that connection"

Spencer froze, and made something visible to everyone. Other than the connection connecting them to the Multiverse, a Black Violet connection was stringing from Roy off into space and beyond, into another universe.

Kyz pointed to the Violet one, “Is that supposed to be there?”

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42 minutes ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

Kyz pointed to the Violet one, “Is that supposed to be there?"

"No. I think one of the Roys got on one of the Odium's bad side before he was bound. On closer inspection..."

Saber flitted around ever connection, eyes growing bigger as she examined them. "These don't look broken, they look as if they are avoiding Anti-Investiture..."

Spencer pulls up a couple of holo-screens, and overlays them, playing a tone, to those of the void, the tone scraped their soul raw, and to those of the storms, the tone drew them in. A 50% Anti War-Light so to speak. Anti-Void and Storm.

The Black-Violet line quivered and thinned, becoming almost invisible. The 'broken' bonds slowly wound into thin lines.

"Roy, do you remember anything now?"



I realize this is 'cosmere theory logic' if this isn't the direction things should go, let me know pls


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6 hours ago, SourCandyLime said:

"No. I think one of the Roys got on one of the Odium's bad side before he was bound. On closer inspection..."

Saber flitted around ever connection, eyes growing bigger as she examined them. "These don't look broken, they look as if they are avoiding Anti-Investiture..."

Spencer pulls up a couple of holo-screens, and overlays them, playing a tone, to those of the void, the tone scraped their soul raw, and to those of the storms, the tone drew them in. A 50% Anti War-Light so to speak. Anti-Void and Storm.

The Black-Violet line quivered and thinned, becoming almost invisible. The 'broken' bonds slowly wound into thin lines.

"Roy, do you remember anything now?"




We do use magic systems from other universes,

On another note however try and get some peoples opinion before you do some of the things that you have been doing (e.g seeing connection) , as it can be considered god modding of other peoples characters. Using the example of the connection, you should Pm roy and see if that is ok first


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16 hours ago, SourCandyLime said:

"No. I think one of the Roys got on one of the Odium's bad side before he was bound. On closer inspection..."

Saber flitted around ever connection, eyes growing bigger as she examined them. "These don't look broken, they look as if they are avoiding Anti-Investiture..."

Spencer pulls up a couple of holo-screens, and overlays them, playing a tone, to those of the void, the tone scraped their soul raw, and to those of the storms, the tone drew them in. A 50% Anti War-Light so to speak. Anti-Void and Storm.

The Black-Violet line quivered and thinned, becoming almost invisible. The 'broken' bonds slowly wound into thin lines.

"Roy, do you remember anything now?"




9 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Yeah I’m going to say that nothing worked. If you look at his connections you see that there are currently only 5 fully working ones. These connect to the lord Roy’s. All the broken ones are powers that Roy has but they are all blocked.


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8 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:



I’m going to say fine for now as I am kind of taking a break from the clinic because it’s to much to keep up with on holiday. In a few weeks I should be back 


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  • 2 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis glances at the others, "He will be fine" he says rolling his eyes. "Come on I want to beat the pulp out of those creatures

Kyz shrugs, “Alright, if you say so.”

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