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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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2 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

@Ancient Elantrian The deal Mark offered was if he loses breakneck he must do a task for you, and if he wins he gets brass. I think the ping didn't work since I put it in as an edit.


He just hasn't been online in a couple hours so he might not have seen it

Just now, J. Magi said:






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Connor refocuses on the world around him, and, hearing the rain, swears, running to catch up with the others.


Guys I got at least a 76 on my Chem exam and I’m not sure what I got on Geometry! But I’m back for a little bit

“Did I see some sort of hovercraft a second ago?” He shakes his head slightly “I wasn’t focused at all, but I thought I glimpsed one”

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Just now, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor refocuses on the world around him, and, hearing the rain, swears, running to catch up with the others.

“Did I see some sort of hovercraft a second ago?” He shakes his head slightly “I wasn’t focused at all, but I thought I glimpsed one”

"My family," she said. "The box had spores."

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Just now, WhyEverNot_8 said:

He swears again “Anything else?” Then stumbles “Your… family?”

"Uh... a water gun and a knife?"


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4 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor refocuses on the world around him, and, hearing the rain, swears, running to catch up with the others.

“Did I see some sort of hovercraft a second ago?” He shakes his head slightly “I wasn’t focused at all, but I thought I glimpsed one”

"Yeah . . .  a gross GM did some stuff," Sharp huffed as he jogged after Krin.

1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Uh... a water gun and a knife?"



Is your character coming with us? Or running in the same general direction?


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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

"Yeah . . .  a gross GM did some stuff," Sharp huffed as he jogged after Krin.



Coming with 


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5 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Uh... a water gun and a knife?"


“What kind of knife?” Then he stops her (or tries to) with a hand on her shoulder “Listen… I’ve got the beginnings of a plan to get at least one of us out of here, it wouldn’t take much work to make it two.” Then he winks and begins to run again “Think on that.” Then, shaking his head he mutters “Damnation, I really hope that wasn’t seen as flirtatious”


1. Yep! I’m coming with y’all (unless you’re talking about Marewill) Ok, scratch that, it’s resolved

2. Like me, Connor has absolutely no awareness of flirting and gets extremely confused lol


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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Émeric walks into the Headquarters room, his face calm and emotionless. He walks up to the board and presses a few buttons. Suddenly from the clouds rain begins to pour, flooding the ground quickly. He sighs. 

Quelkin walks into the center clearing stumbling over a tree root as his head continues to pulse. He makes his way to the casino as rain starts to fall. The pile of red,... leaves?... maybe, exploded into large red spikes. A few seconds later Quelkin jumped back, putting his back to the wall of the casino. "Rust, my reactions are horrible cause of this storming headache" he mumbles as he makes his way to a door. "Maybe", Nacho says, you should just cut off your head to get rid of the pain." "Very funny" Quelkin mutters as he tries the door to the casino. 

@Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

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3 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin walks into the center clearing stumbling over a tree root as his head continues to pulse. He makes his way to the casino as rain starts to fall. The pile of red,... leaves?... maybe, exploded into large red spikes. A few seconds later Quelkin jumped back, putting his back to the wall of the casino. "Rust, my reactions are horrible cause of this storming headache" he mumbles as he makes his way to a door. "Maybe", Nacho says, you should just cut off your head to get rid of the pain." "Very funny" Quelkin mutters as he tries the door to the casino. 

@Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

The door opens.

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8 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

“What kind of knife?” Then he stops her (or tries to) with a hand on her shoulder “Listen… I’ve got the beginnings of a plan to get at least one of us out of here, it wouldn’t take much work to make it two.” Then he winks and begins to run again “Think on that.” Then, shaking his head he mutters “Damnation, I really hope that wasn’t seen as flirtatious”


“I’ll think about it.”

5 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin walks into the center clearing stumbling over a tree root as his head continues to pulse. He makes his way to the casino as rain starts to fall. The pile of red,... leaves?... maybe, exploded into large red spikes. A few seconds later Quelkin jumped back, putting his back to the wall of the casino. "Rust, my reactions are horrible cause of this storming headache" he mumbles as he makes his way to a door. "Maybe", Nacho says, you should just cut off your head to get rid of the pain." "Very funny" Quelkin mutters as he tries the door to the casino. 

@Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

She cursed. “That guy stole our supplies earlier. I’d appreciate if you guys could help get it back. Also, I stabbed him a few times and he’s fine. We need to get him out of these Games quick.”

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I’m about to get on the bus to go home (HOORAY FOR THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! :D) so I’ll be back in maybe an hour (?) see y’all then!

(If I see another message before I go I’ll reply to it)

Connor nods, then suddenly freezes, falls into a trance-like state (It’s just Link’s BotW/TotK idle animation lol), and says “Keep going, I’ll catch up”

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17 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:


16 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

“What kind of knife?” Then he stops her (or tries to) with a hand on her shoulder “Listen… I’ve got the beginnings of a plan to get at least one of us out of here, it wouldn’t take much work to make it two.” Then he winks and begins to run again “Think on that.” Then, shaking his head he mutters “Damnation, I really hope that wasn’t seen as flirtatious”


7 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

“I’ll think about it.”

She cursed. “That guy stole our supplies earlier. I’d appreciate if you guys could help get it back. Also, I stabbed him a few times and he’s fine. We need to get him out of these Games quick.”

7 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor nods, then suddenly freezes, falls into a trance-like state (It’s just Link’s BotW/TotK idle animation lol), and says “Keep going, I’ll catch up”

"Where are you going?"


So . . . are Marewell and Tinker teaming up with us? 


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40 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

“What kind of knife?” Then he stops her (or tries to) with a hand on her shoulder “Listen… I’ve got the beginnings of a plan to get at least one of us out of here, it wouldn’t take much work to make it two.” Then he winks and begins to run again “Think on that.” Then, shaking his head he mutters “Damnation, I really hope that wasn’t seen as flirtatious”


"It's a silver knife," Tinker said, eyes still forward. "Now I just need some iron and steel..."

He tried to ignore the fact that Marewill still held his hand around the silver knife.

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

He turns to the camera and flashes a dashing smile. “Well wasn’t that so heartwarming! Seems these little ones want their big sister to win! So send in those bets and get that girl some sponsors!” The cameras play the capitol tune and shut off and he steps out of the room. “Get these three to their room please, make sure they have a nice dinner.” @Ancient Elantrian

Alderic nodded. "Come with me, I'll send dinner to your rooms." He said, leading the family up a flight of stairs.

@Spark of Hope

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

The box is stubborn, very stubborn, but it eventually springs open, revealing vials of multicolored spores.

It creaks ominously, but doesn’t open.

“I know,” he said, “and none of my gold is real.” He winked at her. “But we could play anyway.” 

He watched her dice spinning, spinning, spinning…double ones. Not very lucky, was she? Of course, most lucky people didn’t end up here. But she wasn’t dead yet. She’d made it into the casino. And if she made the right deal…he could give her anything she needed. 

It works, and the lid flies off. Inside are several bottles of multicolored spores.

Gavin opens it. His hair is combed neatly. He’s wearing a perfectly cut, dark green suit. And there isn’t a single splatter of paint on his hands. (Well, maybe there’s one. Or two. But they’re mostly gone). He doesn’t say anything.

He stands silently for a moment. “Thank you.” It was an earnest gesture. “You’re going to make me very proud, I can already tell.”

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57 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

@Ancient Elantrian The deal Mark offered was if he loses breakneck he must do a task for you, and if he wins he gets brass. I think the ping didn't work since I put it in as an edit.


Yep, I think I responded?

The Gambler grunted a yes-sounding grunt, and played his turn.


Roll 3 six sided dice.

I got 2, 5, 3.


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1 hour ago, J. Magi said:

"Where are you going?"




35 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Alderic nodded. "Come with me, I'll send dinner to your rooms." He said, leading the family up a flight of stairs.

@Spark of Hope

They followed.

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:



*googles it because I've never read the hunger games* ooooh okay


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