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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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Just now, The Stormfather said:

"Which of you is this? The Scadrian who can't speak normal? The guy with the ferret? The other one?"

"I'm Epiphany, how are you?" a falsetto voice replies from somewhere.

"Piph, stop! You can't interfere with the Subjects!" another deeper voice says.

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1 minute ago, Experience said:

"I'm Epiphany, how are you?" a falsetto voice replies from somewhere.

"Piph, stop! You can't interfere with the Subjects!" another deeper voice says.

"Oh, wrong one. Where is the one who calls themselves Rekker? I have something to say to them... Somethign that they'll want to listen to."

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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@Spark of Hope @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded @WhyEverNot_8

Tinker sat staring at the dwindling fire as the night crawled onward. He clutched the silver knife in his hand and gazed warily at the other Tributes. He didn't particularly trust them, and the prospect of forming any kind of alliance only meant more emotional pain later on.

He'd given the blanket to Marewill, told her to get some sleep. But he stayed up, thinking.

Was it in his best interest to run? He had spores now, and could probably find some clay in the arena to make grenades. No iron or steel for precision Rosite usage, but he'd make due.

He didn't think Marewill would take his departure well, though. She seemed emotionally unstable after what the monster Emeric had done. And Tinker didn't want to leave her...she reminded him of Iara, somehow.

There was also the choice to attack. But what was that going to do? He'd never taken a life before. And he really didn't want to. He'd kill in defense, but striking first didn't feel right. He didn't want to follow the whims of the gamemakers. He'd made the choice to be here; he'd choose how he acted now.

He sighed and gazed at the sky again, missing his family.

1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

“We need to take someone out.”

She’d ignored his request that she sleep. She only had the tin she’d swallowed, and she needed to make it last as long as possible.

"I heard that." Sharp mumbled, having awoken at the sound of their voices.

1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Out of the leaf pile flops a little brown fluffy ferret. It looks like it’s built for cold environments. 

Sharp mostly ignores his two new allies, it seemed their conversation was a private one anyway. The little ferret thing was odd but didn't seem dangerous, so he ignored at as well. He was good at ignoring things, like the guilt in his heart and the reason he was here.

He stared up at the sky as he tried to fall back asleep. They were probably the same stars he could see from his home, but they felt different anyway. The yellow-brown fields of summer didn't make up the horizon, and there was no rickety mansion sitting proudly on it's hill. Krin wasn't sleeping next to him because they'd snuck out of the house to play under the moon.

Sharp wondered if his ancestors had stared at the same sky, trapped in their own times. Had they been ready to die when they did? Sharp had thought he was, but staring at the stars of his childhood made him reconsider. 

Could he really do this?

Was this really who he was?

He'd always told Sharp he'd been made for the games, but Sharp couldn't have felt more out of place.


Edited by J. Magi
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1 minute ago, The Stormfather said:

"Oh, wrong one. Where is the one who calls themselves Rekker? I have something to say to them... Somethign that they'll want to listen to."

The falsetto voice responds, "Rek doesn't want to talk with you. I'm sorry."


Rekker fumbles through the user manual that he had created, trying to find the instructions to turn off the communications.

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2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"I heard that." Sharp mumbled, having awoken at the sound of their voices.

Sharp mostly ignores his two new allies, it seemed their conversation was a private one anyway. The little ferret thing was odd but didn't seem dangerous, so he ignored at as well. He was good at ignoring things, like the guilt in his heart and the reason he was here.

He stared up at the sky as he tried to fall back asleep. They were probably the same stars he could see from his home, but they felt different anyway. The yellow-brown fields of summer didn't make of the horizon, and there was no rickety mansion sitting proudly on it's hill. Krin wasn't sleeping next to him because they'd snuck out of the house to play under the moon.

Sharp wondered if his ancestors had stared at the same sky, trapped in their own times. Had they been ready to die when they did? Sharp had thought he was, but staring at the stars of his childhood made him reconsider. 

Could he really do this?

Was this really who he was?

He'd always told Sharp he'd been made for the games, but Sharp couldn't have felt more out of place.



Don’t know if you saw, Mare wanted him to tie up Dougella with vines


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Just now, Spark of Hope said:



Ohhh I did see, but thought she was talking to Tinker because he does the spore stuff

Retconn: Before attempting to sleep, Sharp grabs some sturdy vines and ties Dougella up.

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Just now, Experience said:

The falsetto voice responds, "Rek doesn't want to talk with you. I'm sorry."


Rekker fumbles through the user manual that he had created, trying to find the instructions to turn off the communications.

"Then why is this thing still running?" Mark asks. "Rekker, I know your there, or else Epiphany couldn't have known you don't want to talk. But, think of this. If you could stop the death of someone dearest to you, would you? And, if you had the power to give someone the power to do that, would you? Would you supply someone to save their beloved? If so, help. Please. My sister... I came here to save her. To keep her alive. They said if I won I could free her, stop the slavery, so please... A weapon. Anything. I need help." (Total lie.)

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20 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


Or we could get more supplies.

He turned to his shoulder mic. "Any sponsors willing to get us a spore expert's kit, some tin, and supplies?" Or have your twisted demands not been satisfied yet?


Its silent for a moment and then there's a crackle as if from a hushed whisper to a mic. He's probably busy, but still listening. "Thats very expensive you know, you have to give the audience more than just a 'I sit next to you and my family might be poor'." It crackles out.

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Just now, The Stormfather said:

"Then why is this thing still running?" Mark asks. "Rekker, I know your there, or else Epiphany couldn't have known you don't want to talk. But, think of this. If you could stop the death of someone dearest to you, would you? And, if you had the power to give someone the power to do that, would you? Would you supply someone to save their beloved? If so, help. Please. My sister... I came here to save her. To keep her alive. They said if I won I could free her, stop the slavery, so please... A weapon. Anything. I need help." (Total lie.)


Rekker finally finds the correct button, and hesitates upon hearing what the Subject was saying. He looks over at Epiphany who shrugs. Rekker shakes his head and presses the button.

In the arena

The hologram disappears.


Rekker looks up at his twin.

"Piph, you can't do that! If we interfere with the subjects, it will change the results of the tests. We can't afford to do that!"
His sister looks down, appearing bashful, but Rekker knows she doesn't really feel that way. 

He looks up at the screen. "We can't afford weakness. The future of everything depends on us."

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2 minutes ago, Experience said:


Rekker finally finds the correct button, and hesitates upon hearing what the Subject was saying. He looks over at Epiphany who shrugs. Rekker shakes his head and presses the button.

In the arena

The hologram disappears.


Rekker looks up at his twin.

"Piph, you can't do that! If we interfere with the subjects, it will change the results of the tests. We can't afford to do that!"
His sister looks down, appearing bashful, but Rekker knows she doesn't really feel that way. 

He looks up at the screen. "We can't afford weakness. The future of everything depends on us."


LORE!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Mark huffs in anger as the hologram dissapears. "Well, shucks. Maybe that didn't work, but I can still be trusted! All I want is to save my sister. Betraying you would mark me as a bad ally to everyone, which would doom me to die. Someone alone out here would last long." @Lord Spirit


If you didn't see that, I tried to get the gamemakers to give me stuff so that if I won, I could save my sister who I implied was being held captive. I was trying to do what Arc did in the threnodite HG, which was convince/trick a GM into giving me stuff. I failed.


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A young girl screamed. Held off the ground by her arms, she flailed and tried to free herself. But it did nothing. They were far stronger than her.

The girl’s father was on the ground in front of her being beat relentlessly. She wanted so badly to help him, to save him. She even bit one of her captors to try to be released. They’d just started beating her too.

But that was the difference. When the gang moved on, it was the girl who rose. Snapped, but alive. Scared, she shook her father, who was unable to get off of the ground. She cried over the corpse.


Despite the warmth of Merp, Marewill shivered and her face tightened.

@The Bookwyrm

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4 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

A young girl screamed. Held off the ground by her arms, she flailed and tried to free herself. But it did nothing. They were far stronger than her.

The girl’s father was on the ground in front of her being beat relentlessly. She wanted so badly to help him, to save him. She even bit one of her captors to try to be released. They’d just started beating her too.

But that was the difference. When the gang moved on, it was the girl who rose. Snapped, but alive. Scared, she shook her father, who was unable to get off of the ground. She cried over the corpse.


Despite the warmth of Merp, Marewill shivered and her face tightened.

@The Bookwyrm




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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:



I’m tryin

Also none of her backstory was on the character sheet because I had no idea what to do for it. I started developing it when you mentioned the interview and I had absolutely nothing lol


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29 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:


26 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:



That happens sometimes, which is fine! I’m an improv writer and I never know anything about the characters until I’ve written them. *cough Corin cough*


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Just now, Edema Rue said:



Same! I’ve mentioned my writing class before, this is some (paraphrased) character writing advice I got


Characters are like invisible friends. Like friends, the more time you spend with them, the more you know about them



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1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

Despite the warmth of Merp, Marewill shivered and her face tightened.

Tinker noted the shiver out of the corner of his eyes. He took a break from making spore grenades and quietly walked over, pulling the blanket over her body more.

She really does look like Iara. Maybe it's just my imagination, though....I haven't seen her in eight years, after all.

He walked over to the fire and added another log, hoping to drive off the chill. Then he went back to his crafting.

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Its silent for a moment and then there's a crackle as if from a hushed whisper to a mic. He's probably busy, but still listening. "Thats very expensive you know, you have to give the audience more than just a 'I sit next to you and my family might be poor'." It crackles out.

@The Bookwyrm

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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Its silent for a moment and then there's a crackle as if from a hushed whisper to a mic. He's probably busy, but still listening. "Thats very expensive you know, you have to give the audience more than just a 'I sit next to you and my family might be poor'." It crackles out.

'Very expensive', he says, like he doesn't spend hundreds of times the cost of that every day on frivolities, Tinker thought. He once again proves he cares nothing about hope. Just about a spectacle between people he doesn't know.

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It crackles again quietly. “You aren’t exactly making yourself likable, I can’t give a tribute a gift for no reason…” It buzzes. “Give the people what they want, a little flirting won’t hurt.” @The Bookwyrm

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3 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

Kresh easily deflects his jabs and makes a swing at his opponents legs. the stick was a bit unwieldy, but he would make the best of his situation. He had trained in several forms of combat, but he wasn't used to his lack of power.


Quelkin jumped to the side as his opponent swung for his legs. He continued to circle his foe. Quelkin noticed how his opponent quickly deflected the jabs. How he stepped and moved before thinking. This man was trained in combat. Didn't expect that from a religious man. Well, lets get this over with. Quelkin feigns right as if to make a jab for Kresh's right side, but at the last second he tosses his stick to his left hand and goes for a jab on his left.

@Lord Spirit

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