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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

"Friends are nice" she says somewhat sadly, "I had none growing up" she adds. Why am I telling him this?

@J. Magi

"Oh . . . that's a . . . I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have many friends besides Krin when I was child."

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7 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Oh . . . that's a . . . I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have many friends besides Krin when I was child."

Dougella, HG Arena

See even he is uncomfortable, she scolds herself. Glancing back at him, her cheeks blush. Stop it she practically yells internally at herself. She glances away, grabbing the vines, "Become something fun" she mutters feeling some of the breaths drain from herself , and it becomes a small dog, prancing around. Licking her with it's rough tongue. Some of the colours become less vivid around him, and her lifesense decreases somewhat. "But your very nice" she blurts out

Edited by Scars of Hathsin
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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

See even he is uncomfortable, she scolds herself. Glancing back at him, her cheeks blush. Stop it she practically yells internally at herself. She glances away, grabbing the vines, "Become something fun" she mutters feeling some of the breaths drain from herself , and it becomes a small dog, prancing around. Licking her with it's rough tongue. Some of the colours become less vivid around him, and her lifesense decreases somewhat. "But your very nice" she blurts out

"Oh, you think so? Thanks." Sharp watches the dog move around with fascination. He'd never been able to do something so complex with Breaths.

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15 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

"I..I..mean, you seem very nice person to have as a friend" she says quickly, Stupid, Yes , Shut up. She stares at the dog as it prances. "Danceshe mutters to the dog

"Thanks but . . . you've known me for like 5 minutes."

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6 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"Yes." Mark steps into the casino.

"come on in!"

6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

yes he took a step in a while before he said lets go in together if i remember.


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9 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin frowns. “What good do activated spores do me?”

Corin blinks at the request. “I could,” he says hesitantly. “What will you give me in return?” He hands him a notepad and fountain pen. 

“You held the glowy stuff in some crystals. These might work. Also, they’re pretty strong. If you don’t want them I’ll try to make some more weapons from them. Or maybe a shield.” 


I guarantee you that they don’t store storm light, but rositite crystals are canonically bulletproof. 


7 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"A twinborn..." Astra crossed her arms, and tapped impatiently with her fingers. "Let us see, darling. Let us see. Perhaps we must begin with a central alliance... This is the way, yes."

She nodded to herself with a smile.

"I always love a little... risk."

Astra looked back up at Tondon.

I like him, remarked Rivia.


“An alliance. I’ve been working with Jaksyn, over there…” he points behind him before realizing Jaksyn has gone inside the casino. (I think) “I can see metal objects in all directions and through things, and pull them to myself, as well as change how noticeable I am to others. I’d been using that on you, but only because I didn’t want you to kill me.” This seems very relatable. He’s a nice guy. Why would he be trying to trick you? 

“We can go look for other people to work with, but I’ll need something to block projectiles. I’m a little out of practice with catching arrows.” 
He goes over to a large pile of pink crystals on the ground and looks for on that might make a good shield. (@Edema Rue)

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1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

“An alliance. I’ve been working with Jaksyn, over there…” he points behind him before realizing Jaksyn has gone inside the casino. (I think) “I can see metal objects in all directions and through things, and pull them to myself, as well as change how noticeable I am to others. I’d been using that on you, but only because I didn’t want you to kill me.” This seems very relatable. He’s a nice guy. Why would he be trying to trick you? 

“We can go look for other people to work with, but I’ll need something to block projectiles. I’m a little out of practice with catching arrows.” 
He goes over to a large pile of pink crystals on the ground and looks for on that might make a good shield. (@Edema Rue)

Astra smiled, stepping back and shifting her weight towards her heels, hands at her hips with flamboyance.

"Dear. You're a living magnet."


okay so. as a willshaper... astra can use cohesion pretty well. which means she can shape anything (as long as it's not flesh) into anything else.

She swung her bag of stone to the side and knelt down by the pink crystals, using surgebinding to create two shields. (@Edema Rue did this work?)

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4 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"come on in!"


Mark feels a sudden shock and is thrown backwards violently. The door slams in his face. @The Stormfather

1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

“You held the glowy stuff in some crystals. These might work. Also, they’re pretty strong. If you don’t want them I’ll try to make some more weapons from them. Or maybe a shield.” 


“An alliance. I’ve been working with Jaksyn, over there…” he points behind him before realizing Jaksyn has gone inside the casino. (I think) “I can see metal objects in all directions and through things, and pull them to myself, as well as change how noticeable I am to others. I’d been using that on you, but only because I didn’t want you to kill me.” This seems very relatable. He’s a nice guy. Why would he be trying to trick you? 

“We can go look for other people to work with, but I’ll need something to block projectiles. I’m a little out of practice with catching arrows.” 
He goes over to a large pile of pink crystals on the ground and looks for on that might make a good shield. (@Edema Rue)

None of them are large enough, and they’re all too thick.

10 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra smiled, stepping back and shifting her weight towards her heels, hands at her hips with flamboyance.

"Dear. You're a living magnet."

She swung her bag of stone to the side and knelt down by the pink crystals, using surgebinding to create two shields. (@Edema Rue did this work?)

They’re chunky, and heavy, but it works.

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10 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

Marewill pressed into Tinker. “Body heat. So we don’t freeze.”

@The Bookwyrm

Tinker gave her a confused look. "This cave is small enough that it'll fill up with our heat regardless...and we have the Sunlight spores to warm us..."

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker gave her a confused look. "This cave is small enough that it'll fill up with our heat regardless...and we have the Sunlight spores to warm us..."

She paused for a moment. “And peace of mind… at least for me.”

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3 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra smiled, stepping back and shifting her weight towards her heels, hands at her hips with flamboyance.

"Dear. You're a living magnet."

She swung her bag of stone to the side and knelt down by the pink crystals, using surgebinding to create two shields. (@Edema Rue did this work?)

“I suppose you’re right. It seems I’m also a magnet for bad luck, though. I ended up in a nicrobursted time bubble, and go catapulted who-knows-how-far into the future, essentially broke. So now I’m here.” Tapping Connection is what causes him to share this in the first place, but also makes it relatable. 
As Astra creates the shields, Tondon picks one up. “Wow. This will be useful. How’d you do that?” 
Holding his shield in one hand and dropping then ironpulling one of his sickles into the other, like a yo-yo, he turns back to Astra. “Ok, what’s our plan? We should wait for Jaksyn, but other than that, I don’t know what we’re gonna do.” 

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58 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker frowned. "I don't...understand."

“I don’t know if I can explain. I guess I just don’t like being alone when I’m…”

Scared? No. I’m terrified.

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19 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella stands back shocked, "Why would I hurt you? You have done nothing to me?" she asks, almost innocently. How can I make this a challenge. She glances around them, "Do you guys like the snow?" she says offhandedly. "Because I do" she grabs some of the snow between her fingers, and behind her back forms it into a ball, before lobbing it at one of them. 

@TheRavenHasLanded @J. Magi

Krin screeches

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3 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“I suppose you’re right. It seems I’m also a magnet for bad luck, though. I ended up in a nicrobursted time bubble, and go catapulted who-knows-how-far into the future, essentially broke. So now I’m here.” Tapping Connection is what causes him to share this in the first place, but also makes it relatable. 
As Astra creates the shields, Tondon picks one up. “Wow. This will be useful. How’d you do that?” 
Holding his shield in one hand and dropping then ironpulling one of his sickles into the other, like a yo-yo, he turns back to Astra. “Ok, what’s our plan? We should wait for Jaksyn, but other than that, I don’t know what we’re gonna do.”

Astra just smiled and watched him as he spoke, then flipped her hair lightly and raised her eyebrows when he turned back to her.

"I don't believe I've met Jaksyn."

She gazed around the swamp absent-mindedly, yet incredibly focused. 

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3 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

“I don’t know if I can explain. I guess I just don’t like being alone when I’m…”

Scared? No. I’m terrified.

"'Alone' isn't the same thing as 'more than a foot away from someone'".

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2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"'Alone' isn't the same thing as 'more than a foot away from someone'".

“Just… please?” Her voice hinted at a bit of the fear she felt.

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7 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Mark feels a sudden shock and is thrown backwards violently. The door slams in his face. @The Stormfather


"Ow! Rusts, what was that?" He looks around for the source of the blast. Stupid investiture other than Allomancy. Far too confusing, the lot of it. Mark looks around himself, looking for some kind of tree/hole/shelter that he could huddle in to withstand the cold. I wonder if Roy can hear me through the door... "Roy!" Mark shouts. "The door won't let me through! Something's stopping me! If you can, try to win some food! I'll be fine!" Ignoring the fact that yelling will pretty much call anyone towards him, he yells at the door, hoping that Roy can see him.

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12 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra just smiled and watched him as he spoke, then flipped her hair lightly and raised her eyebrows when he turned back to her.

"I don't believe I've met Jaksyn."

She gazed around the swamp absent-mindedly, yet incredibly focused. 

“He’s from Scadrial too. He’s a Leecher. Woke me up in the middle of the night with his hand to my throat, and asked why he should spare me. I guess he wasn’t taking any chances, but I convinced him an alliance would be better. He’s actually a really nice guy.” Tondon watches the forest too, while trying to figure out whether Astra is flirting with him. Then, he hears something from the other side of the casino. “Do you hear that? I can store Connection and go over there.” 

2 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Ignoring the fact that yelling will pretty much call anyone towards him, he yells

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3 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krin screeches

"It's okay my dude, I think we're friends now?"

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2 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra just smiled and watched him as he spoke, then flipped her hair lightly and raised her eyebrows when he turned back to her.

"I don't believe I've met Jaksyn."

She gazed around the swamp absent-mindedly, yet incredibly focused. 


(Not a swamp)


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