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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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4 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

The spear of red thorns carves its way through the air, and Tondon puts his shield up to block, slightly too slow. His eyes widen, but the attack stops, splaying as if it hit an invisible wall, then dropping downward and shattering several vials of iron dust. 

“Huh.” Tondon says. “That’s interesting.” He cuts off the end of the projectile (is it like firing quills, or is it more stabbing with something that quickly telescopes to Tondon) with his sickle, the continues, tapping Connection. “You say you want to survive. So do I. And to survive, I need to win. If I can best you, and I can get you food, will you help me win?” 


I was imagining maybe the latter a bit more, just because it seems more like how an aether would work to me.

The crimson spike falls, grey, to the forest floor, iron dust spraying on top of it. The Redspine growled, circling Tondon. There was that strange feeling of empathy again. "I do not CARE about who wins or loses," it said. "But I do care about my survival. IF YOU PROVE YOURSELF, I will allow you to live, if you offer me any kind of meat. I will not be like my masters, forcing you to hunt your own. Anything will suffice. But only if you are worthy."

It paused, then lunged at Tondon from the side, jaws wide. Spines bristled on its back as they shot into the air.

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18 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker's eyes widened.

Oh no.

He dashed out of the casino, ducking low and hoping the darkness of night would hide him. He pulled a Verdant grenade out of his pocket and put the fuse in his mouth, starting it. Then he threw it at Roy the moment he drew close, vines exploding in the air and reaching towards him.



@Edema Rue



It is, though he’ll probably notice that it seems like it’s been dark for a weirdly long time.


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2 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

The crimson spike falls, grey, to the forest floor, iron dust spraying on top of it. The Redspine growled, circling Tondon. There was that strange feeling of empathy again. "I do not CARE about who wins or loses," it said. "But I do care about my survival. IF YOU PROVE YOURSELF, I will allow you to live, if you offer me any kind of meat. I will not be like my masters, forcing you to hunt your own. Anything will suffice. But only if you are worthy."

It paused, then lunged at Tondon from the side, jaws wide. Spines bristled on its back as they shot into the air.

“It’s a dea- ah!” the Redspine lunges at Tondon’s right side (unless it would for some reason attack his shield). He brings his shield sideways to block most of the blow, taking a few cuts on his unprotected right arm. A few cracks appear in the roseitite. 
Tondon dances backwards, Pulling, throwing, and batting several objects, somehow sending a sickle thudding into the back of a tree, the iron vials into the air as the extending spines curve towards them, and the steel box stuck to the shield. As he coordinated all three objects, his eyes closed and opened, his Connection surged and receded, and his determination to prove himself was at the forefront of his mind. 

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9 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“It’s a dea- ah!” the Redspine lunges at Tondon’s right side (unless it would for some reason attack his shield). He brings his shield sideways to block most of the blow, taking a few cuts on his unprotected right arm. A few cracks appear in the roseitite. 
Tondon dances backwards, Pulling, throwing, and batting several objects, somehow sending a sickle thudding into the back of a tree, the iron vials into the air as the extending spines curve towards them, and the steel box stuck to the shield. As he coordinated all three objects, his eyes closed and opened, his Connection surged and receded, and his determination to prove himself was at the forefront of his mind. 

The Redspine chuckled, a weird sound to come out of such an alien creature. Then, it inhaled sharply. Tondon's metal reserves instantly disappeared. It was, after all, 30% larkin.

So long as Tondon didn't get a critical hit with his silver sickle like the Redspine's last opponent had, the battle would simply continue until its combatant became too exhausted. That or the Redspine would kill him before then. But if the young man really could prove himself, and if he were to keep his promises... It was an enticing thought indeed.


Not sure if it would stop Tondon's Connection either, so that's for you to decide.


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18 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:

The Redspine chuckled, a weird sound to come out of such an alien creature. Then, it inhaled sharply. Tondon's metal reserves instantly disappeared. It was, after all, 30% larkin.

So long as Tondon didn't get a critical hit with his silver sickle like the Redspine's last opponent had, the battle would simply continue until its combatant became too exhausted. That or the Redspine would kill him before then. But if the young man really could prove himself, and if he were to keep his promises... It was an enticing thought indeed.

Tondon’s eyes widen. “What? How? My iron! My metalmind!” But then, he disappears from notice, leaving the Redspine with an intense feeling of Deja Vu. What had it been doing here that was so important? It should be hunting, not loitering around. Then Tondon, having retrieved his fallen box and an iron vial, then drunk half of it, stops storing Connection, for of course that was what he was doing, and throws two silver daggers at the Redspine. He holds the vines tying the steel box in his left hand, and the iron vial in his right. “You will be very helpful to me, I think.” 

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11 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

She stopped for a moment, though not quite because of Roy. If she ran, how would Tinker find her again?

”How do I know you’re not lying?”

"you dont. but please i promise not to hurt you. i just want to talk with someone who doesn't hate me anymore."

10 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker's eyes widened.

Oh no.

He dashed out of the casino, ducking low and hoping the darkness of night would hide him. He pulled a Verdant grenade out of his pocket and put the fuse in his mouth, starting it. Then he threw it at Roy the moment he drew close, vines exploding in the air and reaching towards him.



@Edema Rue


The vines wrapped around his legs first, quickly working their way up his body. Roy struggled to summon his shardblade, but the vines tightened, restricting his movements and making it difficult to concentrate. In moments, he was fully entangled, immobilized by the verdant onslaught. "wha- let me go! what have I done to you?"

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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"you dont. but please i promise not to hurt you. i just want to talk with someone who doesn't hate me anymore."

The vines wrapped around his legs first, quickly working their way up his body. Roy struggled to summon his shardblade, but the vines tightened, restricting his movements and making it difficult to concentrate. In moments, he was fully entangled, immobilized by the verdant onslaught. "wha- let me go! what have I done to you?"

"Nothing," Tinker said. "But I'm in a place where everyone around me is supposed to be killing me. So forgive me if I'm not so trusting."

Tinker turned to Marewill. "Are you okay?"

@Spark of Hope

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Nothing," Tinker said. "But I'm in a place where everyone around me is supposed to be killing me. So forgive me if I'm not so trusting."

Tinker turned to Marewill. "Are you okay?"

@Spark of Hope

Roy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself despite the constricting vines. He focused, summoning his shardblade with all his might. The glowing weapon materialized in his hand, and he started slicing through the vines, bit by bit.

"Listen," Roy said, his voice steady despite the strain. "We're both in the same situation here. Fighting each other only makes us easier targets for everyone else. We should be working together, not tearing each other apart."

The vines started to loosen as he cut through more of them. "We can help each other get out of this mess. What do you say?"

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7 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"you dont. but please i promise not to hurt you. i just want to talk with someone who doesn't hate me anymore."

The vines wrapped around his legs first, quickly working their way up his body. Roy struggled to summon his shardblade, but the vines tightened, restricting his movements and making it difficult to concentrate. In moments, he was fully entangled, immobilized by the verdant onslaught. "wha- let me go! what have I done to you?"

“That wasn’t me.” It was probably my ally.

5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Nothing," Tinker said. "But I'm in a place where everyone around me is supposed to be killing me. So forgive me if I'm not so trusting."

Tinker turned to Marewill. "Are you okay?"

@Spark of Hope


3 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Roy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself despite the constricting vines. He focused, summoning his shardblade with all his might. The glowing weapon materialized in his hand, and he started slicing through the vines, bit by bit.

"Listen," Roy said, his voice steady despite the strain. "We're both in the same situation here. Fighting each other only makes us easier targets for everyone else. We should be working together, not tearing each other apart."

The vines started to loosen as he cut through more of them. "We can help each other get out of this mess. What do you say?"

She stood up fully and crossed her arms. “If you’ll allow us to deliberate for a moment.” She looked at Tinker.

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

“That wasn’t me.” It was probably my ally.


She stood up fully and crossed her arms. “If you’ll allow us to deliberate for a moment.” She looked at Tinker.

"by all means be my guest!"

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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Roy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself despite the constricting vines. He focused, summoning his shardblade with all his might. The glowing weapon materialized in his hand, and he started slicing through the vines, bit by bit.

"Listen," Roy said, his voice steady despite the strain. "We're both in the same situation here. Fighting each other only makes us easier targets for everyone else. We should be working together, not tearing each other apart."

The vines started to loosen as he cut through more of them. "We can help each other get out of this mess. What do you say?"

"Help how?" Tinker said, eyeing the shining sword. His hand strayed to the hilt of his silver dagger. "The only way out is to be the last one standing. I've been sitting around, biding my time, hoping that I won't have to kill anyone. Hoping that if I win, it will be because of things outside of my control, and that if I die, at least I'll still haven't needed to take a life." He avoided Marewill's gaze.

"There's nothing you can offer that will change anything. Not here. Letting you come along just makes things harder for me."

A part of Tinker hated what he was saying. Since when did I turn my back on people who need me? When did I start assuming the worst in people? Where...where did my hope go?

I'm letting them get to me...I'm losing.

The thought pained him.

4 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

“That wasn’t me.” It was probably my ally.


She stood up fully and crossed her arms. “If you’ll allow us to deliberate for a moment.” She looked at Tinker.

Tinker sighed. "I've said my piece."

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3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Help how?" Tinker said, eyeing the shining sword. His hand strayed to the hilt of his silver dagger. "The only way out is to be the last one standing. I've been sitting around, biding my time, hoping that I won't have to kill anyone. Hoping that if I win, it will be because of things outside of my control, and that if I die, at least I'll still haven't needed to take a life." He avoided Marewill's gaze.

Her eye twitched.

7 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"by all means be my guest!"

She looked back at Roy. “Well, there’s what he thinks…”

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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Help how?" Tinker said, eyeing the shining sword. His hand strayed to the hilt of his silver dagger. "The only way out is to be the last one standing. I've been sitting around, biding my time, hoping that I won't have to kill anyone. Hoping that if I win, it will be because of things outside of my control, and that if I die, at least I'll still haven't needed to take a life." He avoided Marewill's gaze.

"There's nothing you can offer that will change anything. Not here. Letting you come along just makes things harder for me."

A part of Tinker hated what he was saying. Since when did I turn my back on people who need me? When did I start assuming the worst in people? Where...where did my hope go?

I'm letting them get to me...I'm losing.

The thought pained him.

Tinker sighed. "I've said my piece."

"I get it," Roy said, his voice softer. "We're all losing pieces of ourselves in this place. But surviving isn't just about being the last one standing. It's about holding onto who we are, even when the world tries to strip it away. If we give up on each other, then they've already won, haven't they?"

Roy sheathed his shardblade, making a show of trust. "You don't have to trust me completely. But consider this—every ally we can make is one less enemy to worry about. And maybe, just maybe, we can find a way out that doesn't involve losing our souls."

He held out a hand, a gesture of tentative peace. "Let's try to hold onto hope, together. What do you say, Tinker? Just for a while, until we figure things out. We can look out for each other."

Roy's eyes held a glimmer of determination. "I don't want to fight you. I want us to survive this, and maybe even come out with some part of ourselves still intact."

2 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

Her eye twitched.

She looked back at Roy. “Well, there’s what he thinks…”

"noted thank you."

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8 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"I get it," Roy said, his voice softer. "We're all losing pieces of ourselves in this place. But surviving isn't just about being the last one standing. It's about holding onto who we are, even when the world tries to strip it away. If we give up on each other, then they've already won, haven't they?"

Roy sheathed his shardblade, making a show of trust. "You don't have to trust me completely. But consider this—every ally we can make is one less enemy to worry about. And maybe, just maybe, we can find a way out that doesn't involve losing our souls."

He held out a hand, a gesture of tentative peace. "Let's try to hold onto hope, together. What do you say, Tinker? Just for a while, until we figure things out. We can look out for each other."

Roy's eyes held a glimmer of determination. "I don't want to fight you. I want us to survive this, and maybe even come out with some part of ourselves still intact."

"noted thank you."

Tinker stared at his hand for a moment.

That's what I want, isn't it? To survive. To...live.

Maybe...you should take this chance.

Tinker looked to Marewill. "You okay with this?"

@Spark of Hope

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8 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"I get it," Roy said, his voice softer. "We're all losing pieces of ourselves in this place. But surviving isn't just about being the last one standing. It's about holding onto who we are, even when the world tries to strip it away. If we give up on each other, then they've already won, haven't they?"

Roy sheathed his shardblade, making a show of trust. "You don't have to trust me completely. But consider this—every ally we can make is one less enemy to worry about. And maybe, just maybe, we can find a way out that doesn't involve losing our souls."

He held out a hand, a gesture of tentative peace. "Let's try to hold onto hope, together. What do you say, Tinker? Just for a while, until we figure things out. We can look out for each other."

Roy's eyes held a glimmer of determination. "I don't want to fight you. I want us to survive this, and maybe even come out with some part of ourselves still intact."

"noted thank you."

14 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker stared at his hand for a moment.

That's what I want, isn't it? To survive. To...live.

Maybe...you should take this chance.

Tinker looked to Marewill. "You okay with this?"

@Spark of Hope

They’re both coming from the same place. They don’t want to lose themselves.

Have I lost myself already? I killed that man, that boy. Have I already lost myself?

And if I have, can I take myself back?

She looked back at him, eyes determined, and nodded.

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On 6/26/2024 at 3:13 PM, Edema Rue said:

Corin raised an eyebrow. “How much of what?”

Several trees have suitable branches. Unfortunately, said branches are growing from said trees.

Connor attempts to break one off by pulling or hitting it really hard

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4 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor attempts to break one off by pulling or hitting it really hard

It takes some time, but eventually one snaps off. 

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20 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon’s eyes widen. “What? How? My iron! My metalmind!” But then, he disappears from notice, leaving the Redspine with an intense feeling of Deja Vu. What had it been doing here that was so important? It should be hunting, not loitering around. Then Tondon, having retrieved his fallen box and an iron vial, then drunk half of it, stops storing Connection, for of course that was what he was doing, and throws two silver daggers at the Redspine. He holds the vines tying the steel box in his left hand, and the iron vial in his right. “You will be very helpful to me, I think.” 

The Redspine growled as a young man appeared, before remembering what it had been doing before. A moment later, the silver daggers came flying at the monster. It screeched and turned just in time so they didn't pierce its flesh. They instead sliced through most of the spines on its back. It gasped as its back instantly faded to grey, and it collapsed onto its legs, breathing in and out. The hunger was now overwhelming. I...NEED...FOOD!!! 

It slowly rose, fangs bared. It walked over to Tondon until they were face-to-face. "You... are worthy."

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12 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker stared at his hand for a moment.

That's what I want, isn't it? To survive. To...live.

Maybe...you should take this chance.

Tinker looked to Marewill. "You okay with this?"

@Spark of Hope


11 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

They’re both coming from the same place. They don’t want to lose themselves.

Have I lost myself already? I killed that man, that boy. Have I already lost myself?

And if I have, can I take myself back?

She looked back at him, eyes determined, and nodded.

"Looks like we have a consensus," he said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "We're in this together now. We'll find a way to survive and keep our humanity intact."

He extended his hand again, more confidently this time. "Let's start by watching each other's backs. We can figure out the rest as we go. Deal?"

Roy's eyes held a steady, unwavering resolve. "We won't let this place turn us into something we're not. Not if we can help it."

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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:


"Looks like we have a consensus," he said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "We're in this together now. We'll find a way to survive and keep our humanity intact."

He extended his hand again, more confidently this time. "Let's start by watching each other's backs. We can figure out the rest as we go. Deal?"

Roy's eyes held a steady, unwavering resolve. "We won't let this place turn us into something we're not. Not if we can help it."

She looked down at his hand, then firmly shook it.

I’m taking myself back.

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22 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She looked down at his hand, then firmly shook it.

I’m taking myself back.

roy started to shake her hand happily and smiled. 

i hope I don't regret this.

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

roy started to shake her hand happily and smiled. 

i hope I don't regret this.

“So… what’s your name, then?”

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