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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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15 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:


“You have no reason to. All I do I do to protect my family. If you knew my story you would understand.”

Sharp felt cold anger rise inside him, but he tried his best to push it down. Roy wasn't the source of that anger, even if he'd reawakened it. He knew should sympathize with him.

14 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I used to be a sand master working as an assistant to someone high up in the government. While working there I came across some files that I shouldn’t have. It was fill with all the atrocities that they had committed over the past few decades. It was horrible to see what they had been doing. 
The person I worked for found out about what I knew and gave me an offer. To be executed along side my entire family or to come here where there was a chance that I would live if I told no one what I knew. In exchange my family would be locked up instead of being executed. I had to accept.

that was how I ended up here. In exchange for a few deaths and my sandmastery I was given this shardblade. 
then later a gm offered protection and safety for my family if I made him(@The Bookwyrm) Reilise just how much he needs you. 
and now we are here.”

"Listen, that's horrible, and I'm so sorry that happened to you but . . . We all have stories like that. The games took volunteers this year, but that doesn't mean we want to be here. We were each forced into this for one reason or another, just the way you were."

He didn't share his own story. This wasn't the time for that.

"I'm not trying to write off what happened, I'm just saying . . . you don't see me attacking people. Even when it's in my best interest, believe me."

He sighed, knowing how preachy he sounded. Hating how he sounded like him.

"I guess I'm just trying to say that . . . I understand your reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't safe for my teammates to be around."

"And . . . and maybe later you won't be safe around me. I'm not threatening you, I'm just saying that's how this game works. That's all."

Sharp had no idea if he'd misunderstood, or even made things worse. He was terrible with people. But he'd said his piece and that was good enough for him.

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On 7/18/2024 at 1:45 PM, Edema Rue said:

She’s going to die. The words settled in Corin’s mind with hopeless certainty. I can’t save her. I can’t save myself. 

All of them will die. I promised I’d save them. I promised we’d be free. 

But I always have been a good liar.

There is no light left in this world.

”I would urge you,” Corin said, eyes blank and mouth tight, “to remember the dead.

”They remember you.”

Connor blinks “Huh?” He looks extrmely confused “Didn’t I just say… Yeah I did… Huh???” He shakes his head quickly, as it trying to clear it, then freezes, he studies Corin’s face “You lost someone, didn’t you?” He stops storing luck, instead tapping it lightly

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1 hour ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor blinks “Huh?” He looks extrmely confused “Didn’t I just say… Yeah I did… Huh???” He shakes his head quickly, as it trying to clear it, then freezes, he studies Corin’s face “You lost someone, didn’t you?” He stops storing luck, instead tapping it lightly


Tapping and storing don’t work in the casino.

Corin smirked faintly. “There are reasons I’m here.” He abruptly looked very, very young. “Get out. Kill whoever you must. And if they come for you, I hope they make it hurt.”

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin smirked faintly. “There are reasons I’m here.” He abruptly looked very, very young. “Get out. Kill whoever you must. And if they come for you, I hope they make it hurt.”


Oh shoot ok

Connor grins “They can try” then laughs and steps out the door.

He walks over to Sharp and the others, storing luck as he goes. “Hi.” He says tiredly, “What’s the plan?” He coughs and breathes deeply and mutters “Damn it, my allergies are getting to me again.” He sits down and—I’m assuming there are trees near us—leans against a tree, putting his hand over his eyes

@J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin @sorryIforgotyouotherpeople😅

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On 7/18/2024 at 9:03 AM, The Stormfather said:

”What’s wrong? Oh, cool, Jaksyn’s back. Hello.”

“I’ve been here the whole time…” he mutters under his breath. Jaksyn feels the wind again, and turns to make sure Astra’s safe. 


Might be in and out of service this week. Eddie, you can write that bit we’ve talked about if I’m not on. 

@Edema Rue, @Lotus Blossom

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31 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor grins “They can try” then laughs and steps out the door.

He walks over to Sharp and the others, storing luck as he goes. “Hi.” He says tiredly, “What’s the plan?” He coughs and breathes deeply and mutters “Damn it, my allergies are getting to me again.” He sits down and—I’m assuming there are trees near us—leans against a tree, putting his hand over his eyes

@J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin @sorryIforgotyouotherpeople😅


No trees :)

13 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

“I’ve been here the whole time…” he mutters under his breath. Jaksyn feels the wind again, and turns to make sure Astra’s safe. 

@Edema Rue, @Lotus Blossom


I hear ye, I hear ye

i can also wait if that’s easier


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36 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor grins “They can try” then laughs and steps out the door.

He walks over to Sharp and the others, storing luck as he goes. “Hi.” He says tiredly, “What’s the plan?” He coughs and breathes deeply and mutters “Damn it, my allergies are getting to me again.” He sits down and—I’m assuming there are trees near us—leans against a tree, putting his hand over his eyes

@J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin @sorryIforgotyouotherpeople😅

". . . we don't really have much of plan. Ideas?"

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22 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I used to be a sand master working as an assistant to someone high up in the government. While working there I came across some files that I shouldn’t have. It was fill with all the atrocities that they had committed over the past few decades. It was horrible to see what they had been doing. 
The person I worked for found out about what I knew and gave me an offer. To be executed along side my entire family or to come here where there was a chance that I would live if I told no one what I knew. In exchange my family would be locked up instead of being executed. I had to accept.

that was how I ended up here. In exchange for a few deaths and my sandmastery I was given this shardblade. 
then later a gm offered protection and safety for my family if I made him(@The Bookwyrm) Reilise just how much he needs you. 
and now we are here.”

She looked away. 

12 hours ago, The Stormfather said:



It’s kinda in limbo

8 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp felt cold anger rise inside him, but he tried his best to push it down. Roy wasn't the source of that anger, even if he'd reawakened it. He knew should sympathize with him.

"Listen, that's horrible, and I'm so sorry that happened to you but . . . We all have stories like that. The games took volunteers this year, but that doesn't mean we want to be here. We were each forced into this for one reason or another, just the way you were."

He didn't share his own story. This wasn't the time for that.

"I'm not trying to write off what happened, I'm just saying . . . you don't see me attacking people. Even when it's in my best interest, believe me."

He sighed, knowing how preachy he sounded. Hating how he sounded like him.

"I guess I'm just trying to say that . . . I understand your reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't safe for my teammates to be around."

"And . . . and maybe later you won't be safe around me. I'm not threatening you, I'm just saying that's how this game works. That's all."

Sharp had no idea if he'd misunderstood, or even made things worse. He was terrible with people. But he'd said his piece and that was good enough for him.

She eyed the back of his head. 

4 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor grins “They can try” then laughs and steps out the door.

He walks over to Sharp and the others, storing luck as he goes. “Hi.” He says tiredly, “What’s the plan?” He coughs and breathes deeply and mutters “Damn it, my allergies are getting to me again.” He sits down and—I’m assuming there are trees near us—leans against a tree, putting his hand over his eyes

@J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin @sorryIforgotyouotherpeople😅

She watched him as he approached. 

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9 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp felt cold anger rise inside him, but he tried his best to push it down. Roy wasn't the source of that anger, even if he'd reawakened it. He knew should sympathize with him.

"Listen, that's horrible, and I'm so sorry that happened to you but . . . We all have stories like that. The games took volunteers this year, but that doesn't mean we want to be here. We were each forced into this for one reason or another, just the way you were."

He didn't share his own story. This wasn't the time for that.

"I'm not trying to write off what happened, I'm just saying . . . you don't see me attacking people. Even when it's in my best interest, believe me."

He sighed, knowing how preachy he sounded. Hating how he sounded like him.

"I guess I'm just trying to say that . . . I understand your reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't safe for my teammates to be around."

"And . . . and maybe later you won't be safe around me. I'm not threatening you, I'm just saying that's how this game works. That's all."

Sharp had no idea if he'd misunderstood, or even made things worse. He was terrible with people. But he'd said his piece and that was good enough for him.

“I know that I’m not safe to be around. If you want me gone then I will leave right here right now. Just consider me first.”


Why do I feel that somewhere someone mentioned a caching fire ending 

1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

She looked away. 

She eyed the back of his head. 

She watched him as he approached. 

“Do you want me to leave?”

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4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I know that I’m not safe to be around. If you want me gone then I will leave right here right now. Just consider me first.”


"I did. And I decided you weren't safe."


I didn't mention anything lol . . . I've never actually read the real hg books 😅

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55 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"I did. And I decided you weren't safe."


That’s strange. Oh well. You should read them. They are good 

“Do you want me to leave then?”

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7 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I know that I’m not safe to be around. If you want me gone then I will leave right here right now. Just consider me first.”

“Do you want me to leave?”


I mentioned it

7 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"I did. And I decided you weren't safe."

6 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“Do you want me to leave then?”

“Are any of us really ‘safe’, Sharp?”

”Look, we’ll give you one more chance. You blow it, you’re gone.”

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17 hours ago, Edema Rue said:



Curses, foiled again! Any rocks?

12 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

She looked away. 

She eyed the back of his head. 

She watched him as he approached. 

Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible”

17 hours ago, J. Magi said:

". . . we don't really have much of plan. Ideas?"

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

@J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm


Eddie’s gonna have to point us in the direction of some supplies based off the luck

@Edema Rue

Edited by WhyEverNot_8
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32 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible”

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

@J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm

@Edema Rue


It was Connor’s idea to get multiple people out, she hasn’t even mentioned anything 


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13 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“Do you want me to leave then?”

He thought about it. He did want Roy to leave, but he also hated making a potential enemy.


It's on the list, don't worry lol . . . right next to the 10 million other things I want to read eventually.

12 hours ago, Edema Rue said:



It's certainly more chaotic, I'm sure lol

6 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

“Are any of us really ‘safe’, Sharp?”

”Look, we’ll give you one more chance. You blow it, you’re gone.”

". . ."

"That's fine with me, I guess."

3 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible”

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

@J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm

@Edema Rue

"Alright! It would be cool to eat something that isn't those spore vines."

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4 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible”

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

@J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm

@Edema Rue



luck is vague

i’ll give you two options and will not be explaining what they are, both are plausible but will be annoying in different ways

do you choose option A

Or option B


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14 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

“Are any of us really ‘safe’, Sharp?”

”Look, we’ll give you one more chance. You blow it, you’re gone.”

Roy fell to his knees and started bowing. “Thank you so very much. I won’t let you down.”


Aha so it was you who mentioned catching fire. I would love to see that happen here

11 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor raises an eyebrow at her, then claps her on the shoulder as he walks past and whispers “Your idea is a good one, and now it’s possible”

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

@J. Magi@Spark of Hope @RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @The Bookwyrm

@Edema Rue

“Let’s Go then! I am starving.”

5 hours ago, J. Magi said:



A stands for amazing while b stands for bad


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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Roy fell to his knees and started bowing. “Thank you so very much. I won’t let you down.”


He grimaced, whatever discomfort Roy caused him, this made it worse. At least it wasn't really directed at him.


“Let’s Go then! I am starving.”

"I've still got some spore vines, if you want."

Edited by J. Magi
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13 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

“Supply hunting.” Connor waves towards where he came from “I came from there, and we met Marewill and… Spore Boy that way, so we should go…” he pauses, and holds up a finger, then, storing luck his luck for one minute, he spins with his eyes closed and taps all of the luck. “…That way.”

"'Spore boy'?" Tinker asked dryly, raising an eyebrow. "Also why do you get to decide where to go?"

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12 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"'Spore boy'?" Tinker asked dryly, raising an eyebrow. "Also why do you get to decide where to go?"

Connor smirks at him “2 reasons.” He flashes the ring at Tinker “One, I’m tapping luck.” Then he points to his head “and two, I’m probably older than you”


 A it is then


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