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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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5 hours ago, Edema Rue said:




So I wasted that whole monologue??????????????????????? Rusts.

Mark did a few swings with his blade, with unpracticed hands. When the call to make a bet came, he stayed silent.

But he wasn't himself.

Again the killer, the murderer, the other part of him, the beast that remained when nothing else did.

I'll win. I'll win.

But a small voice inside him whispered "What about Astra?"

"Who?" He asked in confusion.

He stabbed at the wall with his blade, unsurprised that it didn't go through.


Eddie I just assume the walls resist shards, because why wouldn't they?

He looks around, no emotion showing on his face.

And then it all came back.

Memories flashed before his eyes as he remembered all of the times in this arena. Remembered why he was here.

Remembered Dougella, Quelkin, the Redspine.

Most of all he remembered Astra.

"We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive."


"We have to."

His spren whirled around him as he stood, blade at the ready, not knowing exactly what was going to happen.

He knew he had to make a bet.

He knew he needed light, or brass if he was going to survive this.

He knew he needed a way to escape, for winning was practically out of the question.

But there was one other thing he knew. One damning fact that dominated his mind.

He knew he could never bring himself to kill Astra.

He knew that if they had to fight, he would have to give up. Sacrifice himself.

"Rusts... What did I get myself into?" He takes Quelkin's dice out of his pocket, tossing one to himself.

"Ruin you, gamemakers and your schemes! Rust you all! Rust anyone who EVER suggested this MANIACAL contest and it's INSANITY! WHOEVER it was who did this, I DON"T CARE who you are, my ghost will HAUNT YOU and RUIN your LIFE just like you ruined MINE!"

"Storm you." He whispers after his rage had played out.


Alright I'll just make a second monologue if the other one didn't happen. Sorry about the long posts.


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2 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

She didn’t have much time to think, however, a figure suddenly came storming from behind her. A closer look made it appear like a dead body that somehow ran quickly at her, it’s body cold and it’s eyes glazed over.



Wow that happened a while ago

Also I had a plan for the Redspine but I feel like too much is going on so I'm scrapping it and allowing him to just die


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The next two weeks I'm not going to be posting much. I'm going camping for a week (Not next week but next next week) And packing for that is a hassle so I'm going to do my best but I might not be online much. (Mostly during the camping, the rest of it is fine.)


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7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker's eyes widened.

"You bastards. You don't care at all what they think of you now, do you? Are you even human anymore?"

Those cries...

That pain...



For sure in character.

Did you want me to snap him still or do you want to?


2 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Mark did a few swings with his blade, with unpracticed hands. When the call to make a bet came, he stayed silent.

But he wasn't himself.

Again the killer, the murderer, the other part of him, the beast that remained when nothing else did.

I'll win. I'll win.

But a small voice inside him whispered "What about Astra?"

"Who?" He asked in confusion.

He stabbed at the wall with his blade, unsurprised that it didn't go through.

He looks around, no emotion showing on his face.

And then it all came back.

Memories flashed before his eyes as he remembered all of the times in this arena. Remembered why he was here.

Remembered Dougella, Quelkin, the Redspine.

Most of all he remembered Astra.

"We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive. We'll survive."


"We have to."

His spren whirled around him as he stood, blade at the ready, not knowing exactly what was going to happen.

He knew he had to make a bet.

He knew he needed light, or brass if he was going to survive this.

He knew he needed a way to escape, for winning was practically out of the question.

But there was one other thing he knew. One damning fact that dominated his mind.

He knew he could never bring himself to kill Astra.

He knew that if they had to fight, he would have to give up. Sacrifice himself.

"Rusts... What did I get myself into?" He takes Quelkin's dice out of his pocket, tossing one to himself.

"Ruin you, gamemakers and your schemes! Rust you all! Rust anyone who EVER suggested this MANIACAL contest and it's INSANITY! WHOEVER it was who did this, I DON"T CARE who you are, my ghost will HAUNT YOU and RUIN your LIFE just like you ruined MINE!"

"Storm you." He whispers after his rage had played out.



So in my mind they’re away from the walls. If he stabs the platform, his sword will go through.


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17 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"One way or another, It's time to end this."

"Astra... Thank you, for everything. For saving me from the storm, from the Redspine, from Quelkin...

Astra Ay, I love you."

Astra fell to her knees, holding Mark's shoulders shakily, tears streaming her face.

She tried to speak but all she could do was grip him tighter, and look into his frantic eyes as she felt the pain within her hollow chest grow.

Away we came from away and I never felt so shamefully belonging and I want to leave but I can’t I need to stay like an animal who only knows a prison but I love the people and hate the people and it’s so suffocating it’s trying to kill me but it’s easier but it’s painful but it’s what I know and it’s all I know and everything I know and see is filled with that and I have a dream of the world but could I ever go or would that dream fail to me maybe it’s better I stay here but I want to start again and I love the blood but I want a community and I like the fight but I don’t like it too and I never felt so shamefully belonging in my blood-thirsty greedy casinos of bets and bets and wins and losses when all I want is to be different in a mass of difference and all I need is to be accepted in a crowd of danger and all I do is cry when I hold my love

"Mark" her voice cracks slightly.

23 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

The final Change begins. @Lotus Blossom also: you both feel a flash of amusement and excitement, almost like the spike is laughing. That’s fun. They let me watch, you know, before they put me in the arena. These two are in love… -more cruel amusement- Anyway, if you two don’t hurry up quick, I’ll let that guy decide who to give me to. And I’m betting they want you to fight each other. Have fun! 

I won't sear my flesh- not yet- as I stand here in eidolon.

23 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

In the arena, the already dark sky seems to grow darker. No. Not dark. Blank. There’s a sudden rumbling, louder than the other Changes. A breathy laughter seems to whisper through the air.

The ground splits apart. Rock twists, deafening, and suddenly it’s dark. Far, far too dark. As if they’re deep underground. As if all the light that ever was has faded, and will never return.

”Good evening, tributes,” a silky voice says. It’s easily recognizable as Corin, though it is far crueler than he has ever been before. Let me out let me out let me out! “You all seem rather friendly with each other…” Corin’s voice tsk’d softly, the sound echoing through the darkness. “It’s time you were reminded of all that you came here for. Fame.” It means nothing. “Riches.” There are more important things than money. “Power.” You’ll never give it to them.

”Dear tributes, you have spent too long unwilling to fight, and so we have found a way to…entice you.” Stop making it sound like I chose this! “A game, if you will.” Corin laughed. “A series of duels, and a series of bets. Fights are to the death. Winning bets will give you advantages when you fight. Losing will bring disadvantages. Betting is not optional. Fighting is not optional. We’ll continue until we have a victor.”

There was a sound, almost like a sigh, and four torches burst alight, each in the corner of a raised stone arena. On each of its sides is a sheer drop into darkness. Corin stands in the center, eyes alight. He’s wearing a top hat and a tailored black coat that falls to his boots. A shimmering purple snake is curled around his right arm. It flicks its tongue as if laughing. 

“There,” Corin said coolly. Slowly, he floats from the ground, a faint glow following him as he eventually lands in an announcer’s booth. “Our first fight will be between our dear friends Mare and Tinker.” As he said their names,  a light revealed Mare, on a hovering stone outside of the arena, and Tinker mirroring her on the other side. “The fight will begin after bets have been placed. So give me your bets, tributes.”

I’m so sorry.

”It’s time for the real game to begin.”

Astra's glistening pained eyes tinged with bitterness as she heard Corin's voice.

They changed you, dear, they changed you.

She shook her wild hair out by her shoulders.

She held eye contact with Mark and just nodded, pulling him in for an embrace.

Quietly, she whispered into his neck, "I'm proud of you."

And then, summoning her own shardblade, she stood, shakily once more, gazing at the platform. She whispered to herself, "And I don't want to die."

Of course Corin made it a bet. A casino, again.

Didn't she miss it? Her life?

Yes. Because here, the roles were switched. Back home, she had the luck of the draw. She had the upper hand. She had the advantage. She loved the risk and always won.

Here, she wasn't so confident. Here, everything was on the line. Here, the risks were high, and she was in the role of the poor beggars crying on their knees at the casino, praying for a kind roll of the dice.

Place your bets.

It didn't truly matter, did it?

Before the games, she would bet on both, and tell everyone she'd bet on someone different. Never be clear. It was only a matter of time before she endorsed the winner.

Now, she was clueless. She had nothing- no one- to save her.

And she hadn't seen Corin for what seemed like years.

What seemed like a fever dream.

But time was ticking, and bets were in. Someone needed to put money in first.

Who could it be, but her?

Pick a name, pick a name.

What had she to lose? Her life? Mark?

Pick a name, pick a name.

It had been long since she had heard Corin's voice.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She glanced over at Mark.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She made no enemies here.

Pick a name, pick a name.


It was a dark in the casinos.

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59 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra fell to her knees, holding Mark's shoulders shakily, tears streaming her face.

She tried to speak but all she could do was grip him tighter, and look into his frantic eyes as she felt the pain within her hollow chest grow.

Away we came from away and I never felt so shamefully belonging and I want to leave but I can’t I need to stay like an animal who only knows a prison but I love the people and hate the people and it’s so suffocating it’s trying to kill me but it’s easier but it’s painful but it’s what I know and it’s all I know and everything I know and see is filled with that and I have a dream of the world but could I ever go or would that dream fail to me maybe it’s better I stay here but I want to start again and I love the blood but I want a community and I like the fight but I don’t like it too and I never felt so shamefully belonging in my blood-thirsty greedy casinos of bets and bets and wins and losses when all I want is to be different in a mass of difference and all I need is to be accepted in a crowd of danger and all I do is cry when I hold my love

"Mark" her voice cracks slightly.

I won't sear my flesh- not yet- as I stand here in eidolon.

Astra's glistening pained eyes tinged with bitterness as she heard Corin's voice.

They changed you, dear, they changed you.

She shook her wild hair out by her shoulders.

She held eye contact with Mark and just nodded, pulling him in for an embrace.

Quietly, she whispered into his neck, "I'm proud of you."

And then, summoning her own shardblade, she stood, shakily once more, gazing at the platform. She whispered to herself, "And I don't want to die."

Of course Corin made it a bet. A casino, again.

Didn't she miss it? Her life?

Yes. Because here, the roles were switched. Back home, she had the luck of the draw. She had the upper hand. She had the advantage. She loved the risk and always won.

Here, she wasn't so confident. Here, everything was on the line. Here, the risks were high, and she was in the role of the poor beggars crying on their knees at the casino, praying for a kind roll of the dice.

Place your bets.

It didn't truly matter, did it?

Before the games, she would bet on both, and tell everyone she'd bet on someone different. Never be clear. It was only a matter of time before she endorsed the winner.

Now, she was clueless. She had nothing- no one- to save her.

And she hadn't seen Corin for what seemed like years.

What seemed like a fever dream.

But time was ticking, and bets were in. Someone needed to put money in first.

Who could it be, but her?

Pick a name, pick a name.

What had she to lose? Her life? Mark?

Pick a name, pick a name.

It had been long since she had heard Corin's voice.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She glanced over at Mark.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She made no enemies here.

Pick a name, pick a name.


It was a dark in the casinos.


*literally chills*

Corin met her eyes. His had changed from blue to a deep glittering purple. “What was that, dear?” You don’t get to call the that! You don’t get to use me and use her and use us all.

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2 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra fell to her knees, holding Mark's shoulders shakily, tears streaming her face.

She tried to speak but all she could do was grip him tighter, and look into his frantic eyes as she felt the pain within her hollow chest grow.

Away we came from away and I never felt so shamefully belonging and I want to leave but I can’t I need to stay like an animal who only knows a prison but I love the people and hate the people and it’s so suffocating it’s trying to kill me but it’s easier but it’s painful but it’s what I know and it’s all I know and everything I know and see is filled with that and I have a dream of the world but could I ever go or would that dream fail to me maybe it’s better I stay here but I want to start again and I love the blood but I want a community and I like the fight but I don’t like it too and I never felt so shamefully belonging in my blood-thirsty greedy casinos of bets and bets and wins and losses when all I want is to be different in a mass of difference and all I need is to be accepted in a crowd of danger and all I do is cry when I hold my love

"Mark" her voice cracks slightly.

I won't sear my flesh- not yet- as I stand here in eidolon.

Astra's glistening pained eyes tinged with bitterness as she heard Corin's voice.

They changed you, dear, they changed you.

She shook her wild hair out by her shoulders.

She held eye contact with Mark and just nodded, pulling him in for an embrace.

Quietly, she whispered into his neck, "I'm proud of you."

And then, summoning her own shardblade, she stood, shakily once more, gazing at the platform. She whispered to herself, "And I don't want to die."

Of course Corin made it a bet. A casino, again.

Didn't she miss it? Her life?

Yes. Because here, the roles were switched. Back home, she had the luck of the draw. She had the upper hand. She had the advantage. She loved the risk and always won.

Here, she wasn't so confident. Here, everything was on the line. Here, the risks were high, and she was in the role of the poor beggars crying on their knees at the casino, praying for a kind roll of the dice.

Place your bets.

It didn't truly matter, did it?

Before the games, she would bet on both, and tell everyone she'd bet on someone different. Never be clear. It was only a matter of time before she endorsed the winner.

Now, she was clueless. She had nothing- no one- to save her.

And she hadn't seen Corin for what seemed like years.

What seemed like a fever dream.

But time was ticking, and bets were in. Someone needed to put money in first.

Who could it be, but her?

Pick a name, pick a name.

What had she to lose? Her life? Mark?

Pick a name, pick a name.

It had been long since she had heard Corin's voice.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She glanced over at Mark.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She made no enemies here.

Pick a name, pick a name.


It was a dark in the casinos.


… man that run on paragraph was hard to read lol


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6 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra fell to her knees, holding Mark's shoulders shakily, tears streaming her face.

She tried to speak but all she could do was grip him tighter, and look into his frantic eyes as she felt the pain within her hollow chest grow.

Away we came from away and I never felt so shamefully belonging and I want to leave but I can’t I need to stay like an animal who only knows a prison but I love the people and hate the people and it’s so suffocating it’s trying to kill me but it’s easier but it’s painful but it’s what I know and it’s all I know and everything I know and see is filled with that and I have a dream of the world but could I ever go or would that dream fail to me maybe it’s better I stay here but I want to start again and I love the blood but I want a community and I like the fight but I don’t like it too and I never felt so shamefully belonging in my blood-thirsty greedy casinos of bets and bets and wins and losses when all I want is to be different in a mass of difference and all I need is to be accepted in a crowd of danger and all I do is cry when I hold my love

"Mark" her voice cracks slightly.

I won't sear my flesh- not yet- as I stand here in eidolon.

Astra's glistening pained eyes tinged with bitterness as she heard Corin's voice.

They changed you, dear, they changed you.

She shook her wild hair out by her shoulders.

She held eye contact with Mark and just nodded, pulling him in for an embrace.

Quietly, she whispered into his neck, "I'm proud of you."

And then, summoning her own shardblade, she stood, shakily once more, gazing at the platform. She whispered to herself, "And I don't want to die."

Of course Corin made it a bet. A casino, again.

Didn't she miss it? Her life?

Yes. Because here, the roles were switched. Back home, she had the luck of the draw. She had the upper hand. She had the advantage. She loved the risk and always won.

Here, she wasn't so confident. Here, everything was on the line. Here, the risks were high, and she was in the role of the poor beggars crying on their knees at the casino, praying for a kind roll of the dice.

Place your bets.

It didn't truly matter, did it?

Before the games, she would bet on both, and tell everyone she'd bet on someone different. Never be clear. It was only a matter of time before she endorsed the winner.

Now, she was clueless. She had nothing- no one- to save her.

And she hadn't seen Corin for what seemed like years.

What seemed like a fever dream.

But time was ticking, and bets were in. Someone needed to put money in first.

Who could it be, but her?

Pick a name, pick a name.

What had she to lose? Her life? Mark?

Pick a name, pick a name.

It had been long since she had heard Corin's voice.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She glanced over at Mark.

Pick a name, pick a name.

She made no enemies here.

Pick a name, pick a name.


It was a dark in the casinos.

8 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Pick someone. Bet on someone. Anyone. It doesn't matter.

"I-....... Tinker."

Mark pauses.

"Damn this life. Damn you all. " He whispers, looking out at Astra. "She should be saved. She's different!"

They had both bet against her. Did she really look that pathetic? That weak? She pulled her hands from her head. A small amount of blood was caked under her fingernails… She must have scratched too hard at her scalp.

She looked up at Tinker, eyes full of misery and pain. They were hurting Lily, how could they do this, how far deep did the monsters go

1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:



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12 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

They had both bet against her. Did she really look that pathetic? That weak? She pulled her hands from her head. A small amount of blood was caked under her fingernails… She must have scratched too hard at her scalp.

She looked up at Tinker, eyes full of misery and pain. They were hurting Lily, how could they do this, how far deep did the monsters go



I’m betting on you!

 I’m dead, so it doesn’t matter, but anyways…


Edited by Lord Spirit
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4 minutes ago, Lord Spirit said:



Thanks! But she doesn’t know that, she just killed the Redspine and feels horrible about it, she hears a (faked) audio of her sister being tortured, she has to fight the guy she just realized she was in love with, and no one she hears is betting on her… she’s got a lot going on emotionally lol


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On 8/4/2024 at 5:28 AM, Edema Rue said:

In the arena, the already dark sky seems to grow darker. No. Not dark. Blank. There’s a sudden rumbling, louder than the other Changes. A breathy laughter seems to whisper through the air.

The ground splits apart. Rock twists, deafening, and suddenly it’s dark. Far, far too dark. As if they’re deep underground. As if all the light that ever was has faded, and will never return.

”Good evening, tributes,” a silky voice says. It’s easily recognizable as Corin, though it is far crueler than he has ever been before. Let me out let me out let me out! “You all seem rather friendly with each other…” Corin’s voice tsk’d softly, the sound echoing through the darkness. “It’s time you were reminded of all that you came here for. Fame.” It means nothing. “Riches.” There are more important things than money. “Power.” You’ll never give it to them.

”Dear tributes, you have spent too long unwilling to fight, and so we have found a way to…entice you.” Stop making it sound like I chose this! “A game, if you will.” Corin laughed. “A series of duels, and a series of bets. Fights are to the death. Winning bets will give you advantages when you fight. Losing will bring disadvantages. Betting is not optional. Fighting is not optional. We’ll continue until we have a victor.”

There was a sound, almost like a sigh, and four torches burst alight, each in the corner of a raised stone arena. On each of its sides is a sheer drop into darkness. Corin stands in the center, eyes alight. He’s wearing a top hat and a tailored black coat that falls to his boots. A shimmering purple snake is curled around his right arm. It flicks its tongue as if laughing. 

“There,” Corin said coolly. Slowly, he floats from the ground, a faint glow following him as he eventually lands in an announcer’s booth. “Our first fight will be between our dear friends Mare and Tinker.” As he said their names,  a light revealed Mare, on a hovering stone outside of the arena, and Tinker mirroring her on the other side. “The fight will begin after bets have been placed. So give me your bets, tributes.”

I’m so sorry.

”It’s time for the real game to begin.”

@RoyalBeeMage @J. Magi @The Bookwyrm @Spark of Hope @The Stormfather @WhyEverNot_8 @Scars of Hathsin @Lotus Blossom


Sharp closed his eyes in frustration as the transition took place. Now situated on a floating stone disk, he didn't open them as things proceeded.

It was a brutal tactic. He wished that had been his first thought.

First, deep down, the heartless part of him realized how perfect this was. How perfect for him it would be.

The structure of duels meant that he couldn't be overwhelmed by more then one opponent--the main thing he struggled with in combat. Sharp would just have to fight one person at a time, his strength against theirs.

A lifetime of combat training and drills left that deep heartless part of him confident. The other kids weren't soldiers. Perhaps it was prideful, but he truly believed he could win with this set up. The gambling complicated things but he could deal with that. He had breaths to spare.

Dougella's breaths.

That brought him back. To the cruelty, to the horror.

He's have to kill people on that stone arena. He'd have to watch people he'd trusted die and murder each other. 

And he knew he wouldn't be pared with someone he didn't know. If Tinker and Mare were anything to go off of, he'd be pared with the one person who'd stayed with him when he'd lost Kryn. The person who'd foolishly given him all her breaths at the worst possible moment.

Could he kill her? Could he bring himself to do something so terrible.

The deep part of him cried out.

Your being forced to do it.

Your father needs you to do it.

You need you to do it.

Sharp had promised himself he'd win. Not because he wanted to survive, not because he wanted to see his home and family again. No, this was bigger than that. He was destined for this.

If his father was right, born for it, even.

And yet.

He found himself instinctively opening his eyes and glancing around at the others. So many of them he'd almost call friends. Who did he have without Kryn? His absent sister? His demented father?

How could he kill the first people he'd come to trust in his life that weren't family?

Sharp took a shaky breath. He couldn't see anyway to win here. Not the Games, he could probably win those. But it wouldn't really be a victory.

"I . . . I bet on Mare." Might as well just get it over with.

Edited by J. Magi
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7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:



Ok, I don’t have anything planned but I can come up with something if you don’t want to :)

3 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:



I mean


2 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp closed his eyes in frustration as the transition took place. Now situated on a floating stone disk, he didn't open them as things proceeded.

It was a brutal tactic. He wished that had been his first thought.

First, deep down, the heartless part of him realized how perfect this was. How perfect for him it would be.

The structure of duels meant that he couldn't be overwhelmed by more then one opponent--the main thing he struggled with in combat. Sharp would just have to fight one person at a time, his strength against theirs.

A lifetime of combat training and drills left that deep heartless part of him confident. The other kids weren't soldiers. Perhaps it was prideful, but he truly believed he could win with this set up. The gambling complicated things but he could deal with that. He had breaths to spare.

Dougella's breaths.

That brought him back. To the cruelty, to the horror.

He's have to kill people on that stone arena. He'd have to watch people he'd trusted die and murder each other. 

And he knew he wouldn't be pared with someone he didn't know. If Tinker and Mare were anything to go off of, he'd be pared with the one person who'd stayed with him when he'd lost Kryn. The person who'd foolishly given him all her breaths at the worst possible moment.

Could he kill her? Could he bring himself to do something so terrible.

The deep part of him cried out.

Your being forced to do it.

Your father needs you to do it.

You need you to do it.

Sharp had promised himself he'd win. Not because he wanted to survive, not because he wanted to see his home and family again. No, this was bigger than that. He was destined for this.

If his father was right, born for it, even.

And yet.

He found himself instinctively opening his eyes and glancing around at the others. So many of them he'd almost call friends. Who did he have without Kryn? His absent sister? His demented father?

How could he kill the first people he'd come to trust in his life that weren't family?

Sharp took a shaky breath. He couldn't see anyway to win here. Not the Games, he could probably win those. But it wouldn't really be a victory.

"I . . . I bet on Mare." Might as well just get it over with.


GAH I love everyone’s long and beautiful paragraphs, literally my favorite part of RPing

“Bets,” Corin murmured, smiling. “Bets, my friends, bets. Roy, Dougella, Conner?”

@RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @WhyEverNot_8

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On 8/5/2024 at 9:25 AM, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

She didn’t have much time to think, however, a figure suddenly came storming from behind her. A closer look made it appear like a dead body that somehow ran quickly at her, it’s body cold and it’s eyes glazed over.


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella hears her screams echo slightly off the walls of the cave. A scream of surprise, at both the voice that talked to her, and the creature that came from behind her. That almost appeared on the platform. Owww the voice returns sounding hurt. I forgot how loud you humans were It muses. She gets the feeling that it is in her mind though. "What are you?" she says again, out loud. Why I am something you should know, but not at the same time it says smugly. She feels it's gaze shift to the thing that was coming towards her. Maybe sooner than I thought. 

Dougella grips the sword that was attached to her waist, her hand trembles. What a pitiful thing the voice says, and she feels the sense it is talking about her sword. "What is wrong with it?" she pulls it out of it's sheath, gripping it awkwardly with both hands, but shifting her weight into a stance she had seen some swordsmen use. Time to do something these games.  Good form however. She shivers, and swings the sword at the thing that came her way. 

She looks quickly at Corin, as they mention her name. Do they honestly expect me to bet on someone. She laughs internally. She feels the tug of a bet, like a sickening addiction, prying at her mind, trying to get in. No, I am better than that. I refuse to bett on my friends. "Why are you doing this Corin?" she calls out across the field facing her opponent. "Why do not have an empathy for the people that may want to change their minds, who have changed and become better people?" Something in those words set a little spark in her. Good

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Edema Rue

Edited by Scars of Hathsin
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13 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Bets,” Corin murmured, smiling. “Bets, my friends, bets. Roy, Dougella, Conner?”

@RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @WhyEverNot_8


Oh, eddie we are working on planning something but Bookwyrm hasn't seen some of it yet !! ! 

we're still figuring it out atm


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7 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella hears her screams echo slightly off the walls of the cave. A scream of surprise, at both the voice that talked to her, and the creature that came from behind her. That almost appeared on the platform. Owww the voice returns sounding hurt. I forgot how loud you humans were It muses. She gets the feeling that it is in her mind though. "What are you?" she says again, out loud. Why I am something you should know, but not at the same time it says smugly. She feels it's gaze shift to the thing that was coming towards her. Maybe sooner than I thought. 

Dougella grips the sword that was attached to her waist, her hand trembles. What a pitiful thing the voice says, and she feels the sense it is talking about her sword. "What is wrong with it?" she pulls it out of it's sheath, gripping it awkwardly with both hands, but shifting her weight into a stance she had seen some swordsmen use. Time to do something these games.  Good form however. She shivers, and swings the sword at the thing that came her way. 

She looks quickly at Corin, as they mention her name. Do they honestly expect me to bet on someone. She laughs internally. She feels the tug of a bet, like a sickening addiction, prying at her mind, trying to get in. No, I am better than that. I refuse to bett on my friends. "Why are you doing this Corin?" she calls out across the field facing her opponent. "Why do not have an empathy for the people that may want to change their minds, who have changed and become better people?" Something in those words set a little spark in her. Good

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Edema Rue

The thing took the swing, and stumble to the side with the sword. It seemed to have the weight of a body but not quite the resistance of one. The eyes stered over her as it leapt surprising quickly, arms out to wrapped itself around her neck. 

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20 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella hears her screams echo slightly off the walls of the cave. A scream of surprise, at both the voice that talked to her, and the creature that came from behind her. That almost appeared on the platform. Owww the voice returns sounding hurt. I forgot how loud you humans were It muses. She gets the feeling that it is in her mind though. "What are you?" she says again, out loud. Why I am something you should know, but not at the same time it says smugly. She feels it's gaze shift to the thing that was coming towards her. Maybe sooner than I thought. 

Dougella grips the sword that was attached to her waist, her hand trembles. What a pitiful thing the voice says, and she feels the sense it is talking about her sword. "What is wrong with it?" she pulls it out of it's sheath, gripping it awkwardly with both hands, but shifting her weight into a stance she had seen some swordsmen use. Time to do something these games.  Good form however. She shivers, and swings the sword at the thing that came her way. 

She looks quickly at Corin, as they mention her name. Do they honestly expect me to bet on someone. She laughs internally. She feels the tug of a bet, like a sickening addiction, prying at her mind, trying to get in. No, I am better than that. I refuse to bett on my friends. "Why are you doing this Corin?" she calls out across the field facing her opponent. "Why do not have an empathy for the people that may want to change their minds, who have changed and become better people?" Something in those words set a little spark in her. Good

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Edema Rue

It isn’t me! Corin gave her a cold look. “It’s about power. Nothing else matters.” Liar.

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On 8/5/2024 at 1:46 PM, Lotus Blossom said:

as I stand here in eidolon.

Astra wrapped her fingers idly around her shardblade in one hand, and clutched her wrist with her other.

In eidolon.


"Shall we bring her, madam?" the voice whispered.

Frail, weak, in her petty scarlet dress she stood in front of the mirror vainly. She was pale, her face blank, and thinning brown curls rested at her shoulder after having been brushed over and over. She was sick, in her mind, it had been long since she had spoken.

She'd always said 'no'. It had been months. She had escaped to her husband's parents house, destitute, beggarly. She wouldn't speak to her husband. She wouldn't see the baby. Not after she had tried to kill the poor thing. What a mother she was. All she could do was stare at her own hollowed, sickly eyes in the mirror. Everyone expected so much of her. Her husband's mother despised her. She constantly chided her. You've never taken care of your infant. She wasn't welcome here, in her husband's family. Aeryn Ay, her mother-in-law, was a weather-beaten woman. She had seen much, and was sour to the weak. Occasionally Aeryn would call her Amyra, and turn bitter. Aeryn's son was a mess, an artist, who claimed he was destined for greatness. An artist who married a fragile, delicate girl, who was now sick and turned to the family for help. But Aeryn was happy to leave her alone. Even her baby wouldn't recognize her touch. So she stayed in the room provided her, crying blood and locking the door. Eating little, sleeping little, combing her hair shakily.

"Madam?" the voice at the door persisted.

"I am sick," was her response.

"The doctor came in the morning."

Yes, the doctor came, and told me I was sick in the mind. It was that child that destroyed her, after all. She wasn't weak before the child. But now, that poor infant, months old, took everything from her. Her husband tried every day to speak to her, try the lock, hope the door was open. But her pride would keep her silenced. And her mother-in-law scoffed at her son, who kept trying. And her son grew more desperate as his wife grew weaker. And the child, the small child, would cry and cry.

She was like her mother.

"Yes, the doctor came in the morning."

"Your child, miss? Shall we bring her?"


Sitting down, a small infant was brought to her arms. A girl, with thin light hair and bright eyes. Only months old.

Astra, she whispered as she held her daughter close, I'm dying Astra. Your family doesn't want me here. But you'd have wanted me here, Astra. You'd have held me. I tried to kill you, dear. I'm not well. Not now. But I will see you again. I will see you again. I will see you again.


The mug hit the wood bar with confidence as foam splashed about.

A low chuckle rose from his chest, "The deal is done then."

"Done," she dug her nails into the wood, but still smiled haughtily to counter him.

A crooked grin widened across his face. It was all a game of power.

Astra looked him angrily in the eyes: "I owe no debts, they are paid."

"None," he confirmed.

She was now the prey, in the games.

"But be aware--" he paused, grabbing her hand and slowly crushing her knuckles, "I'm betting on you."

Astra swung her wrist around, almost dislocating his arm by surprise, and jumped over the counter to his side.
She grabbed his ragged shirt and pulled the tall, large man down close to her, snarling.

"Your bets mean nothing. I will win."

He laughed.

"I like you."

Before he left, he paused to turn back at Astra, "You will win, and our deal is set. Or, you will die, and you've paid in blood."

The mug slid off the counter and shattered, but it couldn't have bothered Astra now.

Because now, she had a mission.

Even if they weren't counting on her, they were betting on her. And in her world, that meant more.

She hated having unpaid debts.

She couldn't lose now.

Not yet.


I wish the lighthouse were the sun And all the land, the sea. I wish all sailboats seas have spun Came back to carry me. I wish the wind would be my shawl, Not bite my neck and skin, I wish my feet would slip and fall, A silence in the din. The raging rocks would rip my flesh, The stinging salt would slice, The sinews shucked, the blood all fresh, The sea my only vice. No, my limbs won’t tear today, The rocks won’t see the sound Of my shrill voice, lost on the way, My mind was never



Standing here in eidolon.

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Oh, Lily… I’m so sorry. I did this to protect you, Meron, and Mom… How could they have done this to you?

Because they’re people. 

People killed my father for taking too long to repay his debts. People tried to prostitute me and took my mother instead. People shut us out after that. 

Is it really so much of a surprise that they would do this too?

Now that she knew it was there, she could feel the blood on her scalp, staining her auburn hair a deeper red. She felt it under her fingernails.

Beneath its bandage, the cut on her cheek throbbed. These were people, after all, that only took payments in blood. 

And now before her laid the choice - her blood, Tinker’s, or Lily’s. Because that was the only currency that people like this would accept. 


She had to fight him. That knowledge caused pain itself. If she refused, God knew what they would do to Lily to get to her… That made it so much worse. 

I can’t spill his blood, not now. But if I don’t, it would be as though I was hurting Lily…

[Dang] it all. [Dang] Gamemakers. 

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Mark stood perfectly still, scimitar held in front of him. 

He swung once, then did a fake parry against an enemy that wasn't there. He twisted and spun, jabbed, parried and slashed and used every trick he had learned in his time as a killer.

But there was no one there.

"Get out!" He shouted, to no one in particular. The scimitar came up, as if loping the head off of a enemy.

And then there was someone there, fighting.

There wasn't, but there was.

She looked up at him.



Mark crept along Adris street, knife held in hand.

The target, the mark, as the other's liked to call it, was supposedly going to be going down this street near midnight.

This one, he knew he would have no mercy.

Sometimes, he let them go.

Sometimes, the Killer lost, and the Human won the internal struggle that was ever-present within him.

Not this time.

One more kill, and he was out, debts paid. Free.

Freedom is but a concept derived from men encaged. No man is ever free, not even the kings and queens, lords and ladies.

His father's voice. He hated that voice. The Killer hated that voice. The Human was the reason it was there.

Tonight, he was the Killer, and only the Killer.

There! Mark crouched in the alleyway as two people walked by. He glimpsed the telltale patch on their shoulders. Steeles.

There was one other, walking a few steps behind in a dark cloak with a cowl covering her face. Target spotted.

His knuckles whitened as his hand tightened around the knife. He hit all three with a blanket of Soothing, burning through far too much metal to do so.

Only those who can be conservative with their resources can make it far in life.

Rusting father.

The two bodyguards were arguing about something, Mark noticed. Arguing about some kind of plan...

He wanted to creep closer, but knew that he'd be spotted. There was hardly anywhere to hide in the bare-bones street exept the one alley he was currently hiding in.

As the trio passed his hiding place, he slunk out of the alley, catching a few words. It seemed like they were planning an attack, but on where he didn't know.

Silently, even to a Tineye, Mark stepped slowly behind them, gaining distance until...

NO! The Human screamed inside of him.

The knife slammed into the Steele leader's back. She turned, somehow still standing and punched Mark right in the face.

Rusts. Pewter. Mark was thrown backwards by the powerful hit. 

The two bodyguards came rushing towards him, expectedly, and Mark pulled out his other two daggers. These ones obsidian.

One whistled through the air, taking the first guard in the heart, quickly sending him to the Beyond as the second drew a pistol.


Mark frantically pumped his arm, sending his dagger towards him and dashed back into the alley. He heard the crack of a gunshot.

The bullet hit the building near him. The guard's aim was off, for the dagger had struck his shoulder.

Mark silently drew his final dagger, throwing it with deadly accuracy.

Then there was no guards left. He dashed after the leader, picking up one of his obsidian knives. He saw her lifting a vial of metal, but before she could, his knife hit her on the back of her leg.

She dropped to the ground.

Mark charged towards her, grabbed the dagger out of her back and plunged it back in.

Again. Again. Until she stopped moving.

"Let's see who you really are, then, Steele." He whispered, lifting back the cowl of her cloak to see.

"No...NO....NO! Sereine! SEREINE!" He screamed.

But no one answered. For he had killed all who could.

Sometimes loss is but a step towards greater-

"Shut UP! Get OUT of My HEAD!" The Killer said.

"Sereine, please, wait for me. I'll find you eventually." The Human said.

"Can't you see? She was playing you! She was spying on us the whole time!" The Killer shouted.

"And you killed her." The Human spat. "now it's time for me to kill you."


"I swear, I will only kill if I have to, if someone will kill me if I don't. I swear it, all the way to the Stormfather himself. I will not be a Killer any longer."

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