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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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Guys I genuinely can’t even explain how much I love this part of the games

all the block posts

all the backstories

all the poor beautiful broken characters

seriously it’s incredible beyond words

thank you guys


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Adris, after the fight

The peacekeepers were routed quickly. They had only been a group of two dozen in total, and with the two gangs along with the mysterious ‘house’ it had been a quick, easy combat. A few had minor wounds, and one Steele had taken a gunshot to his arm, but was bandaged and was moderately okay.

”Whoever you are, this ‘house’ I need all of you to listen to me, right now.” Adris has a southern accent btw.

”Look. We’re lookin’ to take down the capitol. Doing that, well, that’s gonna’ be real difficult. But us, we’re not lookin for some fancy plan or anything. We’re going straight in and hitting hard. We might get ourselves dead, but at least we died the right way. And, if we can, we gotta free someone. Someone who’s in the games. Got pressed into them.


“So we’re going to the capitol, and we’re gonna need a base. Do y’all

have any hideouts closer to the gamemakers HQ than all the way out here?”

@J. Magi


I’ll be able to do more later today and after that when I have my laptop and don’t have to do this from my phone. (These posts take a lloooonnnggg time.)


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Emeric's cold veiny fists make contact with the mirror, it cracks and shatters, pieces everywhere on the floor. 

"Quel genre de père êtes-vous!?" He whispers to himself angrily, his hands shake beneath him. Blood slowly drips from the crevices of his hands. It drips slowly, thick and warm. It feels soothing against his icy skin. 

"Can't he just be grateful? I've got him this far... he doesn't know how many lives I've had to take to be where I am." He hisses under his breath. The small pieces of mirror still on the frame show his warped and shattered reflection to him. Its hideous. 

He curses quietly and smashes the rest of the mirror to pieces. He storms over to his bookshelf, searching around for a book and pulling it off. The human anatomy, a passion of his. He presses a small button behind the bookshelf and the wall opens, a cabinet opens with many jars full of a slightly pale green liquid sloshing around in them. He brushes some dust off of some of them before picking one up. 

Within the jar human skin... is preserved. Not just human skin, a human face. He feels along his own face, half of it is without skin. It must have faded off. He opens the jar slowly and reaches his hand into the liquid. He hisses as the thick green gel burns his cuts in his hand, but they slowly heal. 

"Hello... Matis." He almost grins as he pulls it out slowly. The face resembles his slightly. His nose is the same with the same flesh tone. He even has a similar stubby beard structure as Emeric does. "You're the last face I have unfortunately, hopefully you'll last long enough for me..." He pauses and doesn't finish the rest, putting the thought past him. This wasn't joyous to him, surely not. This was horrifying, but he had to do what needed to be done. Their flesh is what keeps his alive. 

"Alright brother... time to serve your purpose." He mutters and whispers. "Frater, Frater, teneo tam carus. Caro tua mea est. tuus sum ego. Meus spiritus tradatur quod tuum meum est, et meum tuum est." The face dissolves and his slowly build up over the open patch. He gasps, feeling a bit of his life drain from him. He coughs and hunches over, falling to his knees. Slowly his breath comes to him and he wipes his mouth with the back of his forearm. 

"Time to go find that stupid brat and teach him some respect."

@Edema Rue



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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Emeric's cold veiny fists make contact with the mirror, it cracks and shatters, pieces everywhere on the floor. 

"Quel genre de père êtes-vous!?" He whispers to himself angrily, his hands shake beneath him. Blood slowly drips from the crevices of his hands. It drips slowly, thick and warm. It feels soothing against his icy skin. 

"Can't he just be grateful? I've got him this far... he doesn't know how many lives I've had to take to be where I am." He hisses under his breath. The small pieces of mirror still on the frame show his warped and shattered reflection to him. Its hideous. 

He curses quietly and smashes the rest of the mirror to pieces. He storms over to his bookshelf, searching around for a book and pulling it off. The human anatomy, a passion of his. He presses a small button behind the bookshelf and the wall opens, a cabinet opens with many jars full of a slightly pale green liquid sloshing around in them. He brushes some dust off of some of them before picking one up. 

Within the jar human skin... is preserved. Not just human skin, a human face. He feels along his own face, half of it is without skin. It must have faded off. He opens the jar slowly and reaches his hand into the liquid. He hisses as the thick green gel burns his cuts in his hand, but they slowly heal. 

"Hello... Matis." He almost grins as he pulls it out slowly. The face resembles his slightly. His nose is the same with the same flesh tone. He even has a similar stubby beard structure as Emeric does. "You're the last face I have unfortunately, hopefully you'll last long enough for me..." He pauses and doesn't finish the rest, putting the thought past him. This wasn't joyous to him, surely not. This was horrifying, but he had to do what needed to be done. Their flesh is what keeps his alive. 

"Alright brother... time to serve your purpose." He mutters and whispers. "Frater, Frater, teneo tam carus. Caro tua mea est. tuus sum ego. Meus spiritus tradatur quod tuum meum est, et meum tuum est." The face dissolves and his slowly build up over the open patch. He gasps, feeling a bit of his life drain from him. He coughs and hunches over, falling to his knees. Slowly his breath comes to him and he wipes his mouth with the back of his forearm. 

"Time to go find that stupid brat and teach him some respect."

@Edema Rue





What in the McDonald’s ball pit did I just read


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17 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

A young man, probably in his early to mid twenties, tall and with a sturdy build, opened the door. He wore sturdy leather clothing and had a simple rifle with a wooden stock strapped to his back, and had a bandolier filled with vials of various colored spores.

"It's you," he said. "Come in."

The house was small; it looked only like a central living area, with some bedding in one corner and a fireplace in the center.  No extra rooms to speak of. Despite its tiny size, it was crowded with men and women dressed similarly to the one who had opened the door; protective clothing, some rifles, pistols, a few bows and crossbows. A scant few had vials of metal or bracers on their arms, but almost all of them had vials of Aether spores. They looked dirty, downtrodden, but nowhere near defeated. There was a low conversation going on, and it was clear these people had spirit. Jokes were told, laugher existed; despite the air of solemnity about the gathering, these people were happy. And determined.

In the corner, near the fireplace, were three children; two girls that looked to be in their teenage years, and a young boy that was about ten. Despite their youth, and despite the fire in their eyes, it was clear they had been through a lot in the past while. A woman, still young but clearly an adult, sat near them. She was clearly carrying a baby, by her large belly. Probably due soon.

Leading the discussion between the warriors were two older people; a man and a woman. The way they sat together might've led Sharlin to realize they were husband and wife; if she payed attention, she'd notice their features in the faces of the three children, and the young woman. The man looked up as Sharlin entered.

"So," he said, and the conversation filling the room died down. "You're the representative of the House?"


"Yesssireee!" Sharlin said. She sounded too excited, too cheerful. Even among people with enough spirit to laugh through their hardships, it felt off.

She pulled down her hood, revealing a tan, youthful face smeared with dust and dirt. Sharlin wondered if they'd act all silly over her age.

What had she been told a million times? 'Thirteen-year-old's can't be leaders of underground rebellion organizations'? Whatever. The old farts just wanted to gatekeep all the real fun.

At least Sharanna didn't underestimate her.

"Gee, there are a lot more of you then I thought."

She toyed with a rusted old dagger on her belt, examining the people in the room. Someone had ripped jewels out of the dagger's hilt, likely to sell them, leaving odd indents in the metal.

"I was told your looking for a fight! I like fighting. What's the plan?"

@The Bookwyrm


Yeah, making this bit in the past does make sense. Perhaps we can just do that by organizing, then time skipping to the conflict?

8 hours ago, Edema Rue said:




7 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Adris, after the fight

The peacekeepers were routed quickly. They had only been a group of two dozen in total, and with the two gangs along with the mysterious ‘house’ it had been a quick, easy combat. A few had minor wounds, and one Steele had taken a gunshot to his arm, but was bandaged and was moderately okay.

”Whoever you are, this ‘house’ I need all of you to listen to me, right now.” Adris has a southern accent btw.

”Look. We’re lookin’ to take down the capitol. Doing that, well, that’s gonna’ be real difficult. But us, we’re not lookin for some fancy plan or anything. We’re going straight in and hitting hard. We might get ourselves dead, but at least we died the right way. And, if we can, we gotta free someone. Someone who’s in the games. Got pressed into them.


“So we’re going to the capitol, and we’re gonna need a base. Do y’all

have any hideouts closer to the gamemakers HQ than all the way out here?”

@J. Magi


Sharanna nodded thoughtfully. "My family owns a property on the outskirts of the capital city. The building itself is rundown, but it'll make a decent enough base."

Her men were cleaning up from the fight themselves, few were injured, though one clearly had a broken arm. "I have a friend in the games as well, it seems are goals are the same. Shall we proceed to the capital?"

@The Stormfather

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34 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:


1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:




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21 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Yesssireee!" Sharlin said. She sounded too excited, too cheerful. Even among people with enough spirit to laugh through their hardships, it felt off.

She pulled down her hood, revealing a tan, youthful face smeared with dust and dirt. Sharlin wondered if they'd act all silly over her age.

What had she been told a million times? 'Thirteen-year-old's can't be leaders of underground rebellion organizations'? Whatever. The old farts just wanted to gatekeep all the real fun.

At least Sharanna didn't underestimate her.

"Gee, there are a lot more of you then I thought."

She toyed with a rusted old dagger on her belt, examining the people in the room. Someone had ripped jewels out of the dagger's hilt, likely to sell them, leaving odd indents in the metal.

"I was told your looking for a fight! I like fighting. What's the plan?"

@The Bookwyrm

Sharanna nodded thoughtfully. "My family owns a property on the outskirts of the capital city. The building itself is rundown, but it'll make a decent enough base."

Her men were cleaning up from the fight themselves, few were injured, though one clearly had a broken arm. "I have a friend in the games as well, it seems are goals are the same. Shall we proceed to the capital?"

@The Stormfather

Adris nods. "Onwards, towards death and strife!"

"Death and strife!" The Rusted echo.

The Steeles sigh.

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21 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Yesssireee!" Sharlin said. She sounded too excited, too cheerful. Even among people with enough spirit to laugh through their hardships, it felt off.

She pulled down her hood, revealing a tan, youthful face smeared with dust and dirt. Sharlin wondered if they'd act all silly over her age.

What had she been told a million times? 'Thirteen-year-old's can't be leaders of underground rebellion organizations'? Whatever. The old farts just wanted to gatekeep all the real fun.

At least Sharanna didn't underestimate her.

"Gee, there are a lot more of you then I thought."

She toyed with a rusted old dagger on her belt, examining the people in the room. Someone had ripped jewels out of the dagger's hilt, likely to sell them, leaving odd indents in the metal.

"I was told your looking for a fight! I like fighting. What's the plan?"

"We were told you knew the location of the hidden arena where the games are taking place," the older man in the center said. "Our correspondence with your group informed us that you would lead a joint assault on both the Capitol and the Arena at the same time. We're here to help you with the Arena assault."

The men and women in the circle nodded in agreement. They didn't seem put off by her age; surprised, maybe, but not condescending. 

"We have about three hundred people capable of fighting, from all across the Crescent District," the man's wife said. "They're ready to strike as soon as we have the location of the Arena."

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14 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Adris nods. "Onwards, towards death and strife!"

"Death and strife!" The Rusted echo.

The Steeles sigh.


Time skip to the capitol?

9 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"We were told you knew the location of the hidden arena where the games are taking place," the older man in the center said. "Our correspondence with your group informed us that you would lead a joint assault on both the Capitol and the Arena at the same time. We're here to help you with the Arena assault."

The men and women in the circle nodded in agreement. They didn't seem put off by her age; surprised, maybe, but not condescending. 

"We have about three hundred people capable of fighting, from all across the Crescent District," the man's wife said. "They're ready to strike as soon as we have the location of the Arena."

"Yep, I know where it is! Took forever to find, those capital folk aren't as lazy as they seem."

"I brought some buddies to help out too!" She jabbed her thumb at a nearby window. On the horizon, dark figures in a large group could be seen. "I had them wait out on the road so we didn't overwhelm you--Terry and his sort are real intimidating."

She plopped down on the floor, thinking hard. "Alrighty, let's get this plan underway!"

Sharlin spent the next half hour or so explaining where the arena was, and that she'd found a nice little blind spot they could sneak in through. It would bottleneck their forces, but it was the best chance they had.


Waitaminit what is happening I sense something important...


we're gonna overthrow the govt lol

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8 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:




They journey to the capital. Sharanna leads them to the old, rundown warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It looks like at some point the McDonald family had tried investing in transportation facilities, but it fell through. Now, the building is an empty, dusty husk that no one had bothered to demolish. Perfect for their purposes.

A few of her men lit lanterns, and started moving the debris and leftover furniture out of their way.

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4 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

They journey to the capital. Sharanna leads them to the old, rundown warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It looks like at some point the McDonald family had tried investing in transportation facilities, but fell through. Now, the building is an empty, dusty husk that no one had bothered to demolish. Perfect for their purposes.

A few of her men lit lanterns, and started moving the debris and leftover furniture out of their way.

The Rusted and the Steeles quickly send in a few soldiers to make certain it was safe, and then the main troupe moved in.

"How many soldiers do you have? How many guns are you willing to lend to us? We're practically destitute, and only one of us has a gun. We could use a few more." Adris explains.

"And when are we going to attack? We've not got long before someone realizes that the two main gangs have dissapeared, and related it to the large amount of people moving towards the capitol."

EDIT : 1000th post!!!!!!!

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Just now, J. Magi said:

"Yep, I know where it is! Took forever to find, those capital folk aren't as lazy as they seem."

"I brought some buddies to help out too!" She jabbed her thumb at a nearby window. On the horizon, dark figures in a large group could be seen. "I had them wait out on the road so we didn't overwhelm you--Terry and his sort are real intimidating."

She plopped down on the floor, thinking hard. "Alrighty, let's get this plan underway!"

Sharlin spent the next half hour or so explaining where the arena was, and that she'd found a nice little blind spot they could sneak in through. It would bottleneck their forces, but it was the best chance they had.

As soon as the finer details of the plan got hammered out, it all got written down, then handed to one of the women in the group.

"Get these to the rest of our allies," the man said to her.

"Of course, Amral. Be back in a minute." She ducked out the door and dashed down the street, deeper into the small town.

"Technology is limited here, but we have three full feruchemists who serve as couriers; copper for the information, steel for speed. The rest of our forces will know the plan within hours."

A quiet air of anticipation settled over the group.

"In two days, we attack."


Milay heard her father speak the resolute words. Two days. She felt the anticipation as much as anyone. 

As the group started to disperse, she walked up to her mother.

"Take me with you," she asked.

"No." Stern and to the point. Rashi had always been a stern parent; she knew what was best, and held to it.

Milay sighed. "I knew you'd say that."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I'm seventeen, Mom. I'm as good a sprouter as any; Tinker taught me everything he knew. And you know a Coinshot would help."

"Doesn't change my answer. We have enough allomancers and sprouters already." She turned, as if the conversation was over. Milay reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Tinker is in there," she said. "He's fighting. I want to help him. I want to fight, too."

"He went in there without our permission," Rashi said. "You remember how much it hurt you, right? The pain of possibly losing him?" She turned back towards Milay and met her eyes. "I don't want to lose you, too. Or Arla, or Sharli, or Moram. We've already lost a daughter, and for weeks now I've thought we'd lost a son, too. Now we have a glimmer of hope of bringing him home. I don't want to risk anyone else."

Milay closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to flow. She barely remembered Iara...but it still hurt to think about.

"That emotion," she said, "that fear, is why I want to help. I don't want him to die because I wasn't there."

Rashi stood there for a moment. Then she squeezed her hand.

"I'll talk to your father about it." Then she turned and walked towards the strange girl in the white coat, where Falr, her father, was talking.

Milay stood there for a moment. Arla walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, her other hand held almost protectively over her pregnant belly.

"You sure about this?" she asked. Milay nodded.

Sharli sighed loudly as she walked up beside them. "I know Mom and Dad aren't going to let me go...so...tell Tinker I said hi, okay?"

"Yeah," Moram said, coming to join the group. "But bring him home safe so we can actually say hi to him."

Milay looked at her siblings; her older sister, almost a mother herself, and her younger sister and brother. There was someone missing. A loving brother, a teacher, a guide, a friend.

"I'll bring him home," she said resolutely. "I promise."

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21 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Yep, I know where it is! Took forever to find, those capital folk aren't as lazy as they seem."

"I brought some buddies to help out too!" She jabbed her thumb at a nearby window. On the horizon, dark figures in a large group could be seen. "I had them wait out on the road so we didn't overwhelm you--Terry and his sort are real intimidating."

She plopped down on the floor, thinking hard. "Alrighty, let's get this plan underway!"

Sharlin spent the next half hour or so explaining where the arena was, and that she'd found a nice little blind spot they could sneak in through. It would bottleneck their forces, but it was the best chance they had.



But I'm in the government...


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19 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

The Rusted and the Steeles quickly send in a few soldiers to make certain it was safe, and then the main troupe moved in.

"How many soldiers do you have? How many guns are you willing to lend to us? We're practically destitute, and only one of us has a gun. We could use a few more." Adris explains.

"And when are we going to attack? We've not got long before someone realizes that the two main gangs have dissapeared, and related it to the large amount of people moving towards the capitol."

EDIT : 1000th post!!!!!!!

A soldier moved a dusty old chair to the center of the building's large open floor. Sharanna sat down primly, making sure dust didn't get on her white jacket (Nevermind the blood splattered all over it from the fight).

"Well, there were around a dozen of us there for your street fight, but I have a larger force of men on their way here at this moment. Half of my people are indisposed on another mission."

An aid came and took her dueling canes, ducking into a side room that was probably the armory.

"We've plenty of weapons for you to use, feel free to help yourself," She waved in the direction the aid had gone.

"As for timing . . ." Sharanna glanced out the door, as the windows had been boarded up, at the dusky sky. "Why don't we wait for night to fall properly? We could use the cover of darkness."

13 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

As soon as the finer details of the plan got hammered out, it all got written down, then handed to one of the women in the group.

"Get these to the rest of our allies," the man said to her.

"Of course, Amral. Be back in a minute." She ducked out the door and dashed down the street, deeper into the small town.

"Technology is limited here, but we have three full feruchemists who serve as couriers; copper for the information, steel for speed. The rest of our forces will know the plan within hours."

A quiet air of anticipation settled over the group.

"In two days, we attack."

Sharlin helped plan the preparations. The House forces that had come with her set up a camp near the village as they finalized the documents and messengers were sent. Tents came up in neat, militaristic lines. The soldiers didn't speak to the people, though they did pool resources, weapons and rations with them. 

13 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Milay heard her father speak the resolute words. Two days. She felt the anticipation as much as anyone. 

As the group started to disperse, she walked up to her mother.

"Take me with you," she asked.

"No." Stern and to the point. Rashi had always been a stern parent; she knew what was best, and held to it.

Milay sighed. "I knew you'd say that."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I'm seventeen, Mom. I'm as good a sprouter as any; Tinker taught me everything he knew. And you know a Coinshot would help."

"Doesn't change my answer. We have enough allomancers and sprouters already." She turned, as if the conversation was over. Milay reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Tinker is in there," she said. "He's fighting. I want to help him. I want to fight, too."

"He went in there without our permission," Rashi said. "You remember how much it hurt you, right? The pain of possibly losing him?" She turned back towards Milay and met her eyes. "I don't want to lose you, too. Or Arla, or Sharli, or Moram. We've already lost a daughter, and for weeks now I've thought we'd lost a son, too. Now we have a glimmer of hope of bringing him home. I don't want to risk anyone else."

Milay closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to flow. She barely remembered Iara...but it still hurt to think about.

"That emotion," she said, "that fear, is why I want to help. I don't want him to die because I wasn't there."

Rashi stood there for a moment. Then she squeezed her hand.

"I'll talk to your father about it." Then she turned and walked towards the strange girl in the white coat, where Falr, her father, was talking.

Milay stood there for a moment. Arla walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, her other hand held almost protectively over her pregnant belly.

"You sure about this?" she asked. Milay nodded.

Sharli sighed loudly as she walked up beside them. "I know Mom and Dad aren't going to let me go...so...tell Tinker I said hi, okay?"

"Yeah," Moram said, coming to join the group. "But bring him home safe so we can actually say hi to him."

Milay looked at her siblings; her older sister, almost a mother herself, and her younger sister and brother. There was someone missing. A loving brother, a teacher, a guide, a friend.

"I'll bring him home," she said resolutely. "I promise."

Sharlin watched this discussion, overhearing while dealing with the village leaders at the same time.

She hoped the girl--a few years older then her, but much less experienced--would get to come. Sharlin knew all too well what it was like not to be able to do anything, kept locked away because of age.

 In the end, everyone had to do what was needed to survive. Even children. 

She hoped that girl got her chance. Sharlin touched the patch on her shoulder. She'd never forget the chance she'd been given.

And how much fun it was to finally do something.

12 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:




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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:



yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!

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Benjamin Savage, Districts

Benjamin walks around the compound where the house member, was talking with some villagers, that were related to a tribute in the arena. His sandy hair blew back from his face by an erratic wind. His gaze settles into the distance, seeing something, but nothing at the same time. I wonder how she is going in there. His last views of his daughter had been her going through the final, Change.. as some called it. 

He walks towards the village tapping a bit of speed, to get him there faster. Waiting for the chance to strike towards the Capitol, who are rumoured to have pushed some tributes into the arena, but more importantly had been torturing the ones there at the moment. Yes this was willing sacrifices, but they did not have to torture themPlease be safe, we are coming for you..

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16 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

A soldier moved a dusty old chair to the center of the building's large open floor. Sharanna sat down primly, making sure dust didn't get on her white jacket (Nevermind the blood splattered all over it from the fight).

"Well, there were around a dozen of us there for your street fight, but I have a larger force of men on their way here at this moment. Half of my people are indisposed on another mission."

An aid came and took her dueling canes, ducking into a side room that was probably the armory.

"We've plenty of weapons for you to use, feel free to help yourself," She waved in the direction the aid had gone.

"As for timing . . ." Sharanna glanced out the door, as the windows had been boarded up, at the dusky sky. "Why don't we wait for night to fall properly? We could use the cover of darkness."

Sharlin helped plan the preparations. The House forces that had come with her set up a camp near the village as they finalized the documents and messengers were sent. Tents came up in neat, militaristic lines. The soldiers didn't speak to the people, though they did pool resources, weapons and rations with them. 

Sharlin watched this discussion, overhearing while dealing with the village leaders at the same time.

She hoped the girl--a few years older then her, but much less experienced--would get to come. Sharlin knew all too well what it was like not to be able to do anything, kept locked away because of age.

 In the end, everyone had to do what was needed to survive. Even children. 

She hoped that girl got her chance. Sharlin touched the patch on her shoulder. She'd never forget the chance she'd been given.

And how much fun it was to finally do something.

The Rusted and Steeles quickly arm themselves with pistols and canes, a few keeping their glass daggers instead of the canes.

"Nightfall it is." Adris agrees. "Rusted! Steeles! Form up into your groups. I want a physical metalborn in each one, and we need the Seeker with the largest group. When entering combat, stay in your groups. I cannot stress this enough. If we keep to our squads and hold fast, no peacekeeper force is going to break through us."

"Rise, those who were beaten! Rise, those who were defeated! Rise, the outcasts, the bastards, the wretches of the streets, the thieves and all of those dishonorable! Rise to turn back the history books, make ourselves good again! Rewrite history, the Rusted, the Steeles! Rise as those who are honorable, those who are good and beat down those who were giving us beatings!"

"Today is the day we turn the tables."

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22 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Benjamin Savage, Districts

Benjamin walks around the compound where the house member, was talking with some villagers, that were related to a tribute in the arena. His sandy hair blew back from his face by an erratic wind. His gaze settles into the distance, seeing something, but nothing at the same time. I wonder how she is going in there. His last views of his daughter had been her going through the final, Change.. as some called it. 

He walks towards the village tapping a bit of speed, to get him there faster. Waiting for the chance to strike towards the Capitol, who are rumoured to have pushed some tributes into the arena, but more importantly had been torturing the ones there at the moment. Yes this was willing sacrifices, but they did not have to torture themPlease be safe, we are coming for you..

The village was surrounded by The House's camp. The white tents had a sanitary, hostile feel. 

A scout stopped Benjamin when he got close.

"Who're you?" The scout asked, his voice expressionless.

7 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

The Rusted and Steeles quickly arm themselves with pistols and canes, a few keeping their glass daggers instead of the canes.

"Nightfall it is." Adris agrees. "Rusted! Steeles! Form up into your groups. I want a physical metalborn in each one, and we need the Seeker with the largest group. When entering combat, stay in your groups. I cannot stress this enough. If we keep to our squads and hold fast, no peacekeeper force is going to break through us."

"Rise, those who were beaten! Rise, those who were defeated! Rise, the outcasts, the bastards, the wretches of the streets, the thieves and all of those dishonorable! Rise to turn back the history books, make ourselves good again! Rewrite history, the Rusted, the Steeles! Rise as those who are honorable, those who are good and beat down those who were giving us beatings!"

"Today is the day we turn the tables."

Sharanna nodded. All of her men saluted Adris.

They continued on every possible preparation as the sun sank low, eaten up by the horizon.

Suddenly, it was time. Her men formed ranks, awaiting the order to proceed. Sharanna stood, gazing at the dark sky on more time.

"Let it begin . . ." she whispered. "Let us find rest."

And with that, the march began.

6 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


@Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm


r u gonna add him to the pm?

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