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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian


If it's okay with you two, could I write a big long post that's the start of the battle, and then we wait for Spark to finish it all up?

I probably wouldn't do much more than that because it's hard to find a time where we're all here. So we might have to stagger it a little.

@Spark of Hope [I know you won't see this till later but just so you're aware]

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1 minute ago, The Stormfather said:



I don't know what all the buttons do

But Alderic was in war and has strong finger muscles

He can press some pretty good button


Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian

@Spark of Hope [I know you won't see this till later but just so you're aware]




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20 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Well... I wouldn't know. I shouldn't compare my lifestyle to one I haven't lived."

"Meh, it is what it is." She finished her apple and tossed away the core. 

"Y'know, your awfully polite for a corrupt government guy."

9 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:
1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian

@Spark of Hope [I know you won't see this till later but just so you're aware]


That's good with me! As long as we can get everything to fit together, I'm good.

Just now, The Bookwyrm said:





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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:



Heh yeah

3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Meh, it is what it is." She finished her apple and tossed away the core. 

"Y'know, your awfully polite for a corrupt government guy."


"I try my hardest."

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3 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"I try my hardest."

"Well ain't that sweet."

She glanced at the tents around her. Everyone was trying their hardest, she supposed, at one thing or another.

"You aren't gonna join us in the fight, are you?"

Edited by J. Magi
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4 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Well ain't that sweet."

She glanced at the tents around her. Everyone was trying their hardest, she supposed, at one thing or another.

"You aren't gonna join us in the fight, are you?"

"I was planning on it. If you would want me."

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Okiedoo. Let's see, which of my like 3 POV's do I tell this from...

Present Day, Above the Arena

Milay gazed down from the hill, over the small forest that supposedly held the secret entrance to the Arena. 

It was very early in the morning (though she didn't think the tributes knew that), and the sun was nothing but a pinkish haze on the eastern horizon to their backs.

The Cresent District warriors and the House soldiers were in their respective groups, chatting softly, prepping gear, getting a last bite before the conflict. There was a tension here. Milay noticed a strange red ribbon growing from the ground near the middle of the group, waving as if in an invisible wind. A spren. She'd never seen one before. They were mostly found in another part of the country, one with different magics that she knew little of.

She walked up to her father, who stood on the crest of the hill, examining the forest with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything?" she asked.

Falr lowered the binoculars and shook his head. "Either their defenses are hidden very well, or they didn't put anything, as not to draw suspicion."

"I'm guessing the former," Milay said.

Falr nodded. He turned and met her gaze.

"Please be careful out there." There was a softness in his voice, a slight fear, but also a tender love.

Milay gave her father a hug. "I will. I promise you won't lose anyone else."

Her father returned the embrace, and they stayed like that for a short moment. When she pulled back, Falr had a smile on his face.

"Go rally the troops. It's time to get your brother back."

Milay smiled back, then nodded. She darted into the crowd of people and got the message going to pack up and prepare for battle.

She ended her rounds near where Sharlin, Alderic, and Crocus waited. Crocus's children, Meron and Lilly, were staying at her house, under the care of Arla, while their mother came to see her eldest daughter.

"It's time," she told them. "You ready?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope


JM and Elan, sorry I'm kind of interrupting your conversation. 

I'm probably not going to post any of the actual battle tonight, as I want Spark to have a chance to respond.

@Edema Rue


I'm taking the liberty of assuming a location for the Arena. Sorry if that goes against what you had; I can try to change it.

Things will be wrapping up soon.


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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Present Day, Above the Arena

Milay gazed down from the hill, over the small forest that supposedly held the secret entrance to the Arena. 

It was very early in the morning (though she didn't think the tributes knew that), and the sun was nothing but a pinkish haze on the eastern horizon to their backs.

The Cresent District warriors and the House soldiers were in their respective groups, chatting softly, prepping gear, getting a last bite before the conflict. There was a tension here. Milay noticed a strange red ribbon growing from the ground near the middle of the group, waving as if in an invisible wind. A spren. She'd never seen one before. They were mostly found in another part of the country, one with different magics that she knew little of.

She walked up to her father, who stood on the crest of the hill, examining the forest with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything?" she asked.

Falr lowered the binoculars and shook his head. "Either their defenses are hidden very well, or they didn't put anything, as not to draw suspicion."

"I'm guessing the former," Milay said.

Falr nodded. He turned and met her gaze.

"Please be careful out there." There was a softness in his voice, a slight fear, but also a tender love.

Milay gave her father a hug. "I will. I promise you won't lose anyone else."

Her father returned the embrace, and they stayed like that for a short moment. When she pulled back, Falr had a smile on his face.

"Go rally the troops. It's time to get your brother back."

Milay smiled back, then nodded. She darted into the crowd of people and got the message going to pack up and prepare for battle.

She ended her rounds near where Sharlin, Alderic, and Crocus waited. Crocus's children, Meron and Lilly, were staying at her house, under the care of Arla, while their mother came to see her eldest daughter.

"It's time," she told them. "You ready?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope

@Edema Rue



You're fine. 

Am I allowed to participate in this battle?


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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:



Why not? You do have the IPad of Power, after all. Your character is right outside the arena with everyone else.

Though I assume the IPad won't work for too long once the government realizes what you're doing. Still, it will be valuable.


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9 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"I was planning on it. If you would want me."

"Hey, I'm not one to keep someone from having they're fun! That'd make me a hypocrite!" She said, laughing, walking away to finalize preparations.

---------------- (We can have that be the end of the flashback, if that's alright with everyone)

5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Present Day, Above the Arena

Milay gazed down from the hill, over the small forest that supposedly held the secret entrance to the Arena. 

It was very early in the morning (though she didn't think the tributes knew that), and the sun was nothing but a pinkish haze on the eastern horizon to their backs.

The Cresent District warriors and the House soldiers were in their respective groups, chatting softly, prepping gear, getting a last bite before the conflict. There was a tension here. Milay noticed a strange red ribbon growing from the ground near the middle of the group, waving as if in an invisible wind. A spren. She'd never seen one before. They were mostly found in another part of the country, one with different magics that she knew little of.

She walked up to her father, who stood on the crest of the hill, examining the forest with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything?" she asked.

Falr lowered the binoculars and shook his head. "Either their defenses are hidden very well, or they didn't put anything, as not to draw suspicion."

"I'm guessing the former," Milay said.

Falr nodded. He turned and met her gaze.

"Please be careful out there." There was a softness in his voice, a slight fear, but also a tender love.

Milay gave her father a hug. "I will. I promise you won't lose anyone else."

Her father returned the embrace, and they stayed like that for a short moment. When she pulled back, Falr had a smile on his face.

"Go rally the troops. It's time to get your brother back."

Milay smiled back, then nodded. She darted into the crowd of people and got the message going to pack up and prepare for battle.

She ended her rounds near where Sharlin, Alderic, and Crocus waited. Crocus's children, Meron and Lilly, were staying at her house, under the care of Arla, while their mother came to see her eldest daughter.

"It's time," she told them. "You ready?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope

@Edema Rue


"Yup! Organized and everything!" She said, gesturing to the neat ranks of soldiers ready at her command. It was somewhat surreal, considering her stature and age.

"Just waitin' for the signal to get started."

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12 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:



8 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Hey, I'm not one to keep someone from having they're fun! That'd make me a hypocrite!" She said, laughing, walking away to finalize preparations.

---------------- (We can have that be the end of the flashback, if that's alright with everyone)

"Yup! Organized and everything!" She said, gesturing to the neat ranks of soldiers ready at her command. It was somewhat surreal, considering her stature and age.

"Just waitin' for the signal to get started."

Alderic stood at attention in his armor, beard flowing in the wind dramatically, a pulsing spear in his hand, ready for the signal. He also had a tablet ready, should they need anything.


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9 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella glances at Mark, and in turn to Astra, feeling a pang of guilt for having abandoned them for a casino. For a bet. But one that paid off. She glances at her spren, "You have changed since then" In just a few short days she laughs to herself. "Yes, I can probably get us out of here, but I need everyone together, to get us into the other world"

6 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Mark glances at Astra. "I haven't changed. I died. But not me. The Killer. The Killer is dead. And what's left is what i've always been."

Astra met both of their eyes, and then lowered her own in what felt like shame.

They think I know. They believe I am the person I was, the gambler who took any risk and won. The drinker who laughed and shook out her hair. They believe in me, and my act, but that is all it is.

An act.

And as the games get harder, the heat sears into my skin, the dust fills my lungs and my blood churns through my arteries. It is harder to keep up. It is harder to hold out this act I have. They believed in me, and I have let them down.

I do not have the answers.

I do not have any clue what is happening.

No one can save me.

I live in this lie, this fantasy I wrote for myself.

But no one can know.

"Best of luck to us all," was the only words she said, though weak and quiet. She doubted either of them could hear her at all.

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Kayra (see here)*don't pay attention to everything about Aeryn, instead, look to my post with the flashback to Astra's mothers perspective (i.e. I changed my plan and Aeryn is still alive)

I am a fool for this.

It wasn't her job to clear other's debts. Acquaintances were disposable. Astra was disposable.

She fell into the wrong crowd- no, she embodied the wrong crowd- and here she was, dying on the dirt of the arena. It was only natural for her fate to wind in a wicked course. She was always taking risks and making empty promises. Who was Kayra to obstruct the deal between Astra and that devil?  There was no reason for Kayra to care.

There was no reason for Kayra to go back to the life she lived with Astra. To contact all their friends. Beg Sibnon to see reason.

There was no reason for Kayra to join The House and seek rebellion.

But she did.

I am a fool for this.

What was one more life lost? Who would mind? Astra had many secret debts, many enemies, many owed favors.

Astra's father wouldn't mind. Sibnon wouldn't. All that she would hear after Astra's death would be annoyed nobodies angrily knocking on doors. There would be no funeral, no acknowledgement of the death of an incredible personality, a wonderful sense of humor. The world would continue.

Kayra had always learned to move on. Never develop any attachment. 

So her joining The House was as much of a shock to her than it was to anyone.

But she would act on her impulsive decisions, Astra taught her that.

Her soul had spoken before her mind's filter, and now she would give herself to setting Astra free.

Astra. Not an acquaintance. A friend.

A gambler shouldn't have made friends.

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Aeryn Ay (see here)

Her tea seemed cold.

It was as if the world was scoffing at her collar, her high head. It was as if the scowling sun was saying "Look at you, sitting all high and mighty as your son falls into insanity after his wife's death and your grandchild fights for her life in the games."

Well, Aeryn thought bitterly, Let me tell you. The world cannot scoff at me for leaving my child defenseless, and my granddaughter out to die. No. The world cannot. Not after it took away my light. Why must I bend to your wishes when you keep taking and taking and taking? My mother died. My father went insane. My sister died. My twin sister died. I went insane. My father died, my siblings cried, I left and life moved on. I should be able to enjoy my tea hot.

The TV crackled on in the parlor.

Yes, her son was left with nothing. He was a mess. His art was indecipherable. He lived in bars and prisons, drunk or hung over, wailing for his wife's death after childbirth. 

Aeryn never liked that woman. She reminded her of her twin. Gentle, kind. But too much so. Weak.

Aeryn had always been the one to speak her mind. Independent. She knew little of her granddaughter, but it seemed she was the same. Astra was her name. It had been years. Many years. The guilt of leaving the girl with no home scarred her mind. Who raised the girl? Her father certainly didn't. A single father, unable to keep either of them afloat. Had she made friends? Had she gone underground? Was the black market stained with the Ay name?

This haunted her, the living memory of her granddaughter. There was a child out there, struggling in the world to stay a live.

There was a child out there, carrying her last name. There was a child she owed something to. A descendant of Amyra Ay, still in the world.

Aeryn had already lost one sister to the Hunger Games.

She wouldn't lose a granddaughter as well.

There was only one choice left in her life.

To join the rebellion.

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7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian

@Spark of Hope [I know you won't see this till later but just so you're aware]


Thank you for letting me sleep 🥱 😊

7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Present Day, Above the Arena

Milay gazed down from the hill, over the small forest that supposedly held the secret entrance to the Arena. 

It was very early in the morning (though she didn't think the tributes knew that), and the sun was nothing but a pinkish haze on the eastern horizon to their backs.

The Cresent District warriors and the House soldiers were in their respective groups, chatting softly, prepping gear, getting a last bite before the conflict. There was a tension here. Milay noticed a strange red ribbon growing from the ground near the middle of the group, waving as if in an invisible wind. A spren. She'd never seen one before. They were mostly found in another part of the country, one with different magics that she knew little of.

She walked up to her father, who stood on the crest of the hill, examining the forest with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything?" she asked.

Falr lowered the binoculars and shook his head. "Either their defenses are hidden very well, or they didn't put anything, as not to draw suspicion."

"I'm guessing the former," Milay said.

Falr nodded. He turned and met her gaze.

"Please be careful out there." There was a softness in his voice, a slight fear, but also a tender love.

Milay gave her father a hug. "I will. I promise you won't lose anyone else."

Her father returned the embrace, and they stayed like that for a short moment. When she pulled back, Falr had a smile on his face.

"Go rally the troops. It's time to get your brother back."

Milay smiled back, then nodded. She darted into the crowd of people and got the message going to pack up and prepare for battle.

She ended her rounds near where Sharlin, Alderic, and Crocus waited. Crocus's children, Meron and Lilly, were staying at her house, under the care of Arla, while their mother came to see her eldest daughter.

"It's time," she told them. "You ready?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope

@Edema Rue


Crocus’s right hand twisted the wooden ring on her left. She nodded. 

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Connor picks up the chip and puts away the knife. He sets the chip down in a different location, next to a rock if one’s there—if there isn’t one, he puts it in the dirt or in a hole or something—and jumps toward one of the other islands, flaring his steel and pushing off of the chip.

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1 hour ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Connor picks up the chip and puts away the knife. He sets the chip down in a different location, next to a rock if one’s there—if there isn’t one, he puts it in the dirt or in a hole or something—and jumps toward one of the other islands, flaring his steel and pushing off of the chip.



you gotta pay attention to the posts where you’re mentioned and quoted

stuff happens, believe it or not xD


10 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Present Day, Above the Arena

Milay gazed down from the hill, over the small forest that supposedly held the secret entrance to the Arena. 

It was very early in the morning (though she didn't think the tributes knew that), and the sun was nothing but a pinkish haze on the eastern horizon to their backs.

The Cresent District warriors and the House soldiers were in their respective groups, chatting softly, prepping gear, getting a last bite before the conflict. There was a tension here. Milay noticed a strange red ribbon growing from the ground near the middle of the group, waving as if in an invisible wind. A spren. She'd never seen one before. They were mostly found in another part of the country, one with different magics that she knew little of.

She walked up to her father, who stood on the crest of the hill, examining the forest with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything?" she asked.

Falr lowered the binoculars and shook his head. "Either their defenses are hidden very well, or they didn't put anything, as not to draw suspicion."

"I'm guessing the former," Milay said.

Falr nodded. He turned and met her gaze.

"Please be careful out there." There was a softness in his voice, a slight fear, but also a tender love.

Milay gave her father a hug. "I will. I promise you won't lose anyone else."

Her father returned the embrace, and they stayed like that for a short moment. When she pulled back, Falr had a smile on his face.

"Go rally the troops. It's time to get your brother back."

Milay smiled back, then nodded. She darted into the crowd of people and got the message going to pack up and prepare for battle.

She ended her rounds near where Sharlin, Alderic, and Crocus waited. Crocus's children, Meron and Lilly, were staying at her house, under the care of Arla, while their mother came to see her eldest daughter.

"It's time," she told them. "You ready?"

@J. Magi @Ancient Elantrian @Spark of Hope

@Edema Rue



Yeah you’re all good!


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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:




Eddie I have nearly 800 notifications, if I click on that button I’m gonna feel compelled to read every single one

Ok I’ve changed my settings, now to go look for stuff.


Edited by WhyEverNot_8
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18 hours ago, Edema Rue said:




Missed this, and I see what you mean.

does this mean that I’m on the central platform too? If so then forget about Connor launching himself, though he does still chip the blade.

Also I’m pretty sure I’m on the PM



Very sorry for the double post, I felt that I needed to reply 😅


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On 8/12/2024 at 10:56 PM, Edema Rue said:

Gavin was shaking his head. “Why do you care?”  He’d meant it to sound furious, but something in his voice trembled. “There are more important things,” he mumbled, struggling to recover.


I apologize for being gone a while, lack of motivation and I've been busy. If theres something I missed while skimming over the thread I apologize.

"You are most important, son." He stops and looks at him for a moment, a soft but hurt look in his eyes. 

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