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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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10 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Well, I think there's a ladder undeath so yah just lower yourself down. Maybe."

She glanced back at the still closed door, awkwardly sticking her hands in her pockets.

"So . . . you gonna open it with that fancy tablet of yours?"

Alderic types in a few things on his tablet, and the door pops open. “There you go.”

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17 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Mark squeezed her hand. A tear rolled down his cheek.

"It's true. We're still alive." He smiled and tears began to fall, looking into Astra's eyes. "We're going to survive. We have to."

"Astra... When we get out of this...Stay with me. We can go to the Outskirts. I know some people. We might just be able to have a life. Maybe not an amazing one, but anything seems amazing to the stuff Ruin has put us through. If this works... Stay with me."

"When," Astra took a shaky breath, "When we get out of this, there will be so, so many that will demand repayment from me. I won't let my mess hurt you."

She had wanted her life for herself. But it was unfair to drag someone else into the careful balancing act of the black market, juggling bets and deals. She never would want to bring someone else into that world. It was a world of cruelty.

But how could she escape her past?

2 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Adris, flaring pewter, follows Sharanna, thinking that she'll know where the top-people are. 

His hand was sweaty on the grip of his pistol as he walked through the wreckage. The fight hadn't been bad, but it was in no way easy. A single man with a gun can block off a hallway, if his aim is good enough. They had upwards of five dozen guards, although many were killed in the initial blast.

"Let's end this."

Kayra brushed sweat, blood, and debris from her face.

She was tired, she was hurt. But what was the life she could return to?

I am a fool, but I am doing the right thing.

The right thing. Such a strange concept, for a gambler like her. Was there truly a moral compass in her soul? Or was she simply risking her life for the belief that she would get something out of it- that Astra, the legend of all casinos, would help her, raise her status in the underground?

The right thing.

It was true. She just had to keep fighting.

She swung her gun through her fingers carefully, with admiration and ambition.

Let's end this.

2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Falr turned to his small band of warriors. 

"Units one and four, I want you to head inside as soon as this door is open. Carve out a path for us. Two and three, stay behind, cover our backs. I don't want the Central forces ambushing us as soon as we open the gate and are vulnerable." The group nodded, began unslinging rifles and preparing spore grenades.

Milay pulled out a vial of steel and downed it. Time to end this. 

Aeryn's eyes narrowed to slits.

I will not lose another to the games.

She clutched her weapon to her chest.

It reminded her of the days defending her home. Defending her life. Defending her son. Defending her sister. That didn't end well. She would save Astra. That was a promise.

Her constant hunger for fighting. On the streets. In the town. She would always carry an anger that Amyra never had.

If only Amyra had her anger, her independence, her rage for something greater.

No, Aeryn would win this time.

This time, she wasn't doing it alone.

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1 minute ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"When," Astra took a shaky breath, "When we get out of this, there will be so, so many that will demand repayment from me. I won't let my mess hurt you."

She had wanted her life for herself. But it was unfair to drag someone else into the careful balancing act of the black market, juggling bets and deals. She never would want to bring someone else into that world. It was a world of cruelty.

But how could she escape her past?

"We're both going to have a mess of a life when we get out. If you say you've got people needing payment...Well, I'm sure we'll figure something out. Perhaps two emeralds that are actually quite the size of a broam, and more?" Mark lifts the two glowing emeralds. "And if that's not enough, there'll be more." Mark sighed. "If you're involved in the gambling cheats of the underworlds, which it seems like you are what with all the dice involved in this weird place, remember, I know how to deal with that type of people."

Mark sobbed. "All too well." Tears started streaming down his face, and the image on the hilt of his sword faded for a moment to an image of an alleyway, with a woman with two knives in her back lying down on the ground.

"No. I won't kill them. I won't kill again. But there... there is something that I haven't told you. Remember the... the night before the storm, when I said I was a Tineye, but didn't have any tin? Well, that was a blantant lie. Astra, I'm a Soother."

Mark braced himself for the disdain he usually received when people discovered.

"I haven't been Soothing anyone though. I don't have any brass. Well, I did, but I used it on that octupus that attacked me."

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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Alderic types in a few things on his tablet, and the door pops open. “There you go.”

"Let's move."

Falr ducked into the hole, followed by a few dozen of his fighters. Milay went with them.

@Edema Rue


Want to narrate the defenses?


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6 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

"We're both going to have a mess of a life when we get out. If you say you've got people needing payment...Well, I'm sure we'll figure something out. Perhaps two emeralds that are actually quite the size of a broam, and more?" Mark lifts the two glowing emeralds. "And if that's not enough, there'll be more." Mark sighed. "If you're involved in the gambling cheats of the underworlds, which it seems like you are what with all the dice involved in this weird place, remember, I know how to deal with that type of people."

Mark sobbed. "All too well." Tears started streaming down his face, and the image on the hilt of his sword faded for a moment to an image of an alleyway, with a woman with two knives in her back lying down on the ground.

"No. I won't kill them. I won't kill again. But there... there is something that I haven't told you. Remember the... the night before the storm, when I said I was a Tineye, but didn't have any tin? Well, that was a blantant lie. Astra, I'm a Soother."

Mark braced himself for the disdain he usually received when people discovered.

"I haven't been Soothing anyone though. I don't have any brass. Well, I did, but I used it on that octupus that attacked me."

Astra held her air for far too long.

She held him in an even longer embrace.

"We'll figure it out," is all she said, in a quiet, power-filled voice.

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1 minute ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra held her air for far too long.

She held him in an even longer embrace.

"We'll figure it out," is all she said, in a quiet, power-filled voice.

Mark fell into the embrace, tears falling down his face. "And however we do it, no more killing."

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3 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Mark fell into the embrace, tears falling down his face. "And however we do it, no more killing."

"That's what I've been saying this whole time," Tinker said, a slight smile on his face. He walked over. "We're going to make it out. I promise." Even though the words were directed to Mark and Astra, he glanced at Marewill as he said them.

@Edema Rue


I know I just pinged you, but could you maybe have Corin get us to a point where the rescuers can meet up with us?


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6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"That's what I've been saying this whole time," Tinker said, a slight smile on his face. He walked over. "We're going to make it out. I promise." Even though the words were directed to Mark and Astra, he glanced at Marewill as he said them.


"That's a hard promise to keep," Astra smiled bitterly, looking over at Tinker.

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8 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"That's what I've been saying this whole time," Tinker said, a slight smile on his face. He walked over. "We're going to make it out. I promise." Even though the words were directed to Mark and Astra, he glanced at Marewill as he said them.

@Edema Rue


"The last person to promise me something like that was the one who burned my house and family to the ground. To be fair, I find less value in a promise that in someone saying 'well, there's a chance it works.'"

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35 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"That's a hard promise to keep," Astra smiled bitterly, looking over at Tinker.


33 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

"The last person to promise me something like that was the one who burned my house and family to the ground. To be fair, I find less value in a promise that in someone saying 'well, there's a chance it works.'"

"It's called hope. And I think it's about time we started holding to it a little stronger."

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, J. Magi said:

Outside the HG Arena:

Sharlin pushed through the undergrowth, leading their combined forces down to the entrance she'd spied out just a few days ago. It was small, and would take time to get everybody inside, but it would work.

She came to a small clearing in the forest, negative space between trees, really. 

She bent over, having the exact spot already memorized, and started pushing aside leaves and dirt. Otherwise completely camouflaged by the surrounding bushes, she revealed a small doorway.

It was only around 4 feet wide sat at an angle on the ground, more of a trap door really.


Sharlin stood and turned with a flourish, gesturing at the dull metal hatch.

"Told you guys I knew where it was!"

@The Bookwyrm


The explosions had stopped. The dust was beginning to settle. Victory was clear.

But the day was not over. Sharanna had to remind herself that. No, if they were going to do this, then she would finish it. Completely and entirely.

She lead a large group of men down into the belly of the building, approaching the one part they hadn't take yet. The safe room--or rooms, Sharanna didn't really know--that they GM's remained trapped inside. No doubt they were planning something, some last defense.

Crossing through the dusty underground halls was unsettling. The boot falls of soldiers and gang members echoed through the underground halls, met with nothing but silence. The cold, clean metal interior was a stark contrast to the blood and rubble up above. The only evidence of the battle here was the occasional ribbon of dust sifting through the sealing. Sharanna briefly wondered if this place was still structurally sound.

No matter, there was no going back now.

Eventually, they reached the end of the hall. A large safe door sat at the end. Behind was the true headquarters of the Hunger Games. The place where death and violence was orchestrated.

There was no need to bother trying to work with the lock. A few soldiers attached small charges along the rim of the door.

A button press, a sharp pop, and a shower of sparks later, and the door swung open freely when her men pushed on it.

They stepped to the side. Sharanna would enter first, and face whatever she met inside. Be that pathetic lazy nobles ready to surrender, or desperate psychopaths waiting to attack.

@Edema Rue

Gavin took a breath.

Then another.


He heard the explosions, heard the feet and the pounding at the door, but nothing seemed real. He’d actually done it. The man who’d called himself Gavin’s father was dead. 

1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Let's move."

Falr ducked into the hole, followed by a few dozen of his fighters. Milay went with them.

@Edema Rue



Yeah you’re good…sorry I’m at school and probably can’t do the people they’re attacking unless you absolutely need it, but Corin can lead the tributes somewhere. 


1 hour ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"That's a hard promise to keep," Astra smiled bitterly, looking over at Tinker.


1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

"The last person to promise me something like that was the one who burned my house and family to the ground. To be fair, I find less value in a promise that in someone saying 'well, there's a chance it works.'"


29 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


"It's called hope. And I think it's about time we started holding to it a little stronger."

In the corner, Corin stirred. “I think…” he cleared his throat, then repeated it louder. “I think I can get us to an exit. Not out. But it’s better than here.” He still wouldn’t meet their eyes.

Edited by Edema Rue
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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"That's what I've been saying this whole time," Tinker said, a slight smile on his face. He walked over. "We're going to make it out. I promise." Even though the words were directed to Mark and Astra, he glanced at Marewill as he said them.

@Edema Rue


She smirked at him. 

33 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


"It's called hope. And I think it's about time we started holding to it a little stronger."

She looked at his hand for a moment before taking it. “Maybe you’re right.”

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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin took a breath.

Then another.


He heard the explosions, heard the feet and the pounding at the door, but nothing seemed real. He’d actually done it. The man who’d called himself Gavin’s father was dead. 




In the corner, Corin stirred. “I think…” he cleared his throat, then repeated it louder. “I think I can get us to an exit. Not out. But it’s better than here.” He still wouldn’t meet their eyes.

"If it's better than here, let's go there."

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27 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

"If it's better than here, let's go there."

“Right.” Corin pointed over the side of the platform they’re on. At first, it just looks dark. Then a faint path becomes apparent. It’s steep and narrow, and winds down into the darkness below. “That’s…as far as I know, that’s the only way off this platform. Without flying.” Everything about him seemed dull, as if he were fading.

This was the right choice, Corin, Ariya murmured. 

I know. That doesn’t make it better.

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16 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Right.” Corin pointed over the side of the platform they’re on. At first, it just looks dark. Then a faint path becomes apparent. It’s steep and narrow, and winds down into the darkness below. “That’s…as far as I know, that’s the only way off this platform. Without flying.” Everything about him seemed dull, as if he were fading.

This was the right choice, Corin, Ariya murmured. 

I know. That doesn’t make it better.

"Everyone! Quick, let's go!"

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5 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

In the corner, Corin stirred. “I think…” he cleared his throat, then repeated it louder. “I think I can get us to an exit. Not out. But it’s better than here.” He still wouldn’t meet their eyes.

"Look who showed up," Astra scowled.

1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

"Everyone! Quick, let's go!"

"No," Astra said quickly, grabbing Mark anxiously, "Why do you trust him?"

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Just now, Lotus Blossom said:

"Look who showed up," Astra scowled.

"No," Astra said quickly, grabbing Mark anxiously, "Why do you trust him?"

Corin didn’t look at her. I don’t care about her. I don’t care about any of them. I don’t. I’ll protect them. It doesn’t matter what they think, because whatever they say, they’ll be right. 

Besides. She has Mark. She doesn’t need another tie to a world she doesn’t want. 

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1 hour ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Look who showed up," Astra scowled.

"No," Astra said quickly, grabbing Mark anxiously, "Why do you trust him?"

"He... Well, if he doesn't escape, he's also going to get killed. Whoever made that thing that took control of him... well, their not going to be happy he's free. I'd bet that in a few minutes a peacekeeper strike team with allomancers, surgebinders and Ruin knows what else is going to burst into the arena and slaughter us all. If we have that little time remaining, I don't know who to trust. But I sure as hell am willing to go down a staircase and get off of the platform with absolutely zero cover where we're rusting vulnerable to attack!" Mark raises his voice, then quickly looks embarrassed.

"Sorry. This place... It's getting to me."

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12 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Alderic types in a few things on his tablet, and the door pops open. “There you go.”

11 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Let's move."

Falr ducked into the hole, followed by a few dozen of his fighters. Milay went with them.

@Edema Rue


Outside the arena:

"Right!" Sharlin said, ducking in after them. "Heh . . . I hope it's safe!"

After a short ladder, an underground tunnel extended before them. It had a slight decline. The hair on the back of Sharlin's neck prickled--she disliked being underground.

She skipped ahead, maintaining an air of confidence Sharanna would be proud of. 

10 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin took a breath.

Then another.


He heard the explosions, heard the feet and the pounding at the door, but nothing seemed real. He’d actually done it. The man who’d called himself Gavin’s father was dead. 


Sharanna slid through the port hole that lead into the safe room, nodding to the gang leaders word.

Yes, it was time to end this.

She passed through a few hallways, finally coming to a large room.

Inside was a child. And . . . a corpse? Curious.

Her elegant fingers traced the dueling cane at her belt. 

"You're one of the GM's, right kid?" She vaguely recognized him from the TV program. That felt like years ago now.

6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

“Right.” Corin pointed over the side of the platform they’re on. At first, it just looks dark. Then a faint path becomes apparent. It’s steep and narrow, and winds down into the darkness below. “That’s…as far as I know, that’s the only way off this platform. Without flying.” Everything about him seemed dull, as if he were fading.

This was the right choice, Corin, Ariya murmured. 

I know. That doesn’t make it better.

HG Arena:

Sharp wanted to check on Dougella, but with a glance she seemed fine. Corin didn't though. 

He wandered up to him, ignoring the path for now. "You alright?"

@Edema Rue

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3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"He... Well, if he doesn't escape, he's also going to get killed. Whoever made that thing that took control of him... well, their not going to be happy he's free. I'd bet that in a few minutes a peacekeeper strike team with allomancers, surgebinders and Ruin knows what else is going to burst into the arena and slaughter us all. If we have that little time remaining, I don't know who to trust. But I sure as hell am willing to go down a staircase and get off of the platform with absolutely zero cover where we're rusting vulnerable to attack!" Mark raises his voice, then quickly looks embarrassed.

"Sorry. This place... It's getting to me."

"It's getting to all of us," Tinker said. "Don't apologize for what isn't your fault. The Gamemakers have been influencing us this whole time." He turned to Corin. "I'm willing to follow you. Even a chance at finding a way out is better than sitting around waiting for them to kill us. Or try to make us kill each other again."

10 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:

She smirked at him. 

She looked at his hand for a moment before taking it. “Maybe you’re right.”

He didn't look at her hand, but did squeeze it slightly.

@Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue @Whoever else is here


Just now, J. Magi said:

"Right!" Sharlin said, ducking in after them. "Heh . . . I hope it's safe!"

After a short ladder, an underground tunnel extended before them. It had a slight decline. The hair on the back of Sharlin's neck prickled--she disliked being underground.

She skipped ahead, maintaining an air of confidence Sharanna would be proud of. 

Secret Arena Entrance

A few of the warriors activated Sunlit spore lanterns, filling the darkness with a yellow light. Falr followed Sharlin down into the darkness, and his soldiers followed his lead.

Milay didn't have a Zephyr firearm like many of the other warriors from her district, but she did have a pouch of tjny metal spheres. Not coins; there were never enough of those in Moongaze, or most of the smaller settlements in the Crescent district. But there was metal. Metal and Aether spores. The magical lifeblood of the fringe of the country, and the only thing that kept them alive while the government ignored them.

I wonder if that will all change today...if there really is an assault on the Capitol happening right now.

There was no use pondering on it now. She took a few of the tiny spheres and held them in her palm, ready to Push them at any sign of a threat. In her other hand she prepared a Verdant grenade with similar metal spheres embedded in the clay casing: a way for a Coinshot like her to launch the explosive.

It was quiet, for now. Milay doubted it would stay that way for long.

@Spark of Hope @Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue

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17 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Outside the arena:

"Right!" Sharlin said, ducking in after them. "Heh . . . I hope it's safe!"

After a short ladder, an underground tunnel extended before them. It had a slight decline. The hair on the back of Sharlin's neck prickled--she disliked being underground.

She skipped ahead, maintaining an air of confidence Sharanna would be proud of. 


Sharanna slid through the port hole that lead into the safe room, nodding to the gang leaders word.

Yes, it was time to end this.

She passed through a few hallways, finally coming to a large room.

Inside was a child. And . . . a corpse? Curious.

Her elegant fingers traced the dueling cane at her belt. 

"You're one of the GM's, right kid?" She vaguely recognized him from the TV program. That felt like years ago now.

HG Arena:

Sharp wanted to check on Dougella, but with a glance she seemed fine. Corin didn't though. 

He wandered up to him, ignoring the path for now. "You alright?"

@Edema Rue


Gavin didn’t answer, or even seem to notice her presence.


“Doesn’t matter,” Corin said. “There’s no time for that now.” 


Oh his shoulder is still a bloody mess lol

11 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"It's getting to all of us," Tinker said. "Don't apologize for what isn't your fault. The Gamemakers have been influencing us this whole time." He turned to Corin. "I'm willing to follow you. Even a chance at finding a way out is better than sitting around waiting for them to kill us. Or try to make us kill each other again."

He didn't look at her hand, but did squeeze it slightly.

@Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue @Whoever else is here


Secret Arena Entrance

A few of the warriors activated Sunlit spore lanterns, filling the darkness with a yellow light. Falr followed Sharlin down into the darkness, and his soldiers followed his lead.

Milay didn't have a Zephyr firearm like many of the other warriors from her district, but she did have a pouch of tjny metal spheres. Not coins; there were never enough of those in Moongaze, or most of the smaller settlements in the Crescent district. But there was metal. Metal and Aether spores. The magical lifeblood of the fringe of the country, and the only thing that kept them alive while the government ignored them.

I wonder if that will all change today...if there really is an assault on the Capitol happening right now.

There was no use pondering on it now. She took a few of the tiny spheres and held them in her palm, ready to Push them at any sign of a threat. In her other hand she prepared a Verdant grenade with similar metal spheres embedded in the clay casing: a way for a Coinshot like her to launch the explosive.

It was quiet, for now. Milay doubted it would stay that way for long.

@Spark of Hope @Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue

Corin nodded sharply. “Come or don’t,” he said to the others. “But…I’m going.” He started down the narrow path.”

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17 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"It's getting to all of us," Tinker said. "Don't apologize for what isn't your fault. The Gamemakers have been influencing us this whole time." He turned to Corin. "I'm willing to follow you. Even a chance at finding a way out is better than sitting around waiting for them to kill us. Or try to make us kill each other again."

He didn't look at her hand, but did squeeze it slightly.

@Lotus Blossom @Edema Rue @Whoever else is here


Secret Arena Entrance

A few of the warriors activated Sunlit spore lanterns, filling the darkness with a yellow light. Falr followed Sharlin down into the darkness, and his soldiers followed his lead.

Milay didn't have a Zephyr firearm like many of the other warriors from her district, but she did have a pouch of tjny metal spheres. Not coins; there were never enough of those in Moongaze, or most of the smaller settlements in the Crescent district. But there was metal. Metal and Aether spores. The magical lifeblood of the fringe of the country, and the only thing that kept them alive while the government ignored them.

I wonder if that will all change today...if there really is an assault on the Capitol happening right now.

There was no use pondering on it now. She took a few of the tiny spheres and held them in her palm, ready to Push them at any sign of a threat. In her other hand she prepared a Verdant grenade with similar metal spheres embedded in the clay casing: a way for a Coinshot like her to launch the explosive.

It was quiet, for now. Milay doubted it would stay that way for long.

@Spark of Hope @Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue

Secret tunnel:

The tunnel continued.

"What're the little spheres for?"

Sharlin had appeared right behind Milay out of nowhere, even though minutes ago she'd been leading the pack.

She grinned in the darkness. Her young face had an eerie edge to it, in the half-light. "A secret weapon? I'll admit, I didn't see it immediately. Guess I should be paying closer attention."

She walked beside Milay as she talked, hands casually held up behind her head. Now that she focused on it, the faint blue lines leading to several pieces on metal on the other girl where clear. Sharlin had ignored most of them. Usually small pieces like that were just belt buckles or buttons. 

She really did need to be paying closer attention. Someone could easily hide a small knife that way. She could already hear Sharanna lecturing about it for the up-teenth time.

The tunnel turned a corner, and flattened out. A few drops leaked through the ceiling.

4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin didn’t answer, or even seem to notice her presence. 


She walked right up to him. The state of the room and the body on the ground gave her little reason to precede with caution.


She sternly grabbed his chin with pale, boney fingers and turned his head toward her. "I was speaking to you, young man."

6 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Doesn’t matter,” Corin said. “There’s no time for that now.” 

HG Arena:

"Ummm . . . okay but maybe I could give you a few breaths? It would probably make you feel a bit better." He reached out to help him walk.

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10 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin nodded sharply. “Come or don’t,” he said to the others. “But…I’m going.” He started down the narrow path.”

"Right." Tinker squeezed Marewill's hand again. "You ready?"

@Spark of Hope

3 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Secret tunnel:

The tunnel continued.

"What're the little spheres for?"

Sharlin had appeared right behind Milay out of nowhere, even though minutes ago she'd been leading the pack.

She grinned in the darkness. Her young face had an eerie edge to it, in the half-light. "A secret weapon? I'll admit, I didn't see it immediately. Guess I should be paying closer attention."

She walked beside Milay as she talked, hands casually held up behind her head. Now that she focused on it, the faint blue lines leading to several pieces on metal on the other girl where clear. Sharlin had ignored most of them. Usually small pieces like that were just belt buckles or buttons. 

She really did need to be paying closer attention. Someone could easily hide a small knife that way. She could already hear Sharanna lecturing about it for the up-teenth time.

The tunnel turned a corner, and flattened out. A few drops leaked through the ceiling.


Secret tunnellllllll

Secret tunnellllllll

Through the mountainnnnnnn

Secret secret secret secret



I mean, that's what you labelled it as.


"What, these?" Milay held up the tiny spheres, about the size of BBs. "I'm a Coinshot. We don't have a lot of coins, so our Coinshots Push on these for projectile weapons."

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