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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

"Right." Tinker squeezed Marewill's hand again. "You ready?"

@Spark of Hope

  Reveal hidden contents

Secret tunnellllllll

Secret tunnellllllll

Through the mountainnnnnnn

Secret secret secret secret


  Reveal hidden contents

I mean, that's what you labelled it as.


"What, these?" Milay held up the tiny spheres, about the size of BBs. "I'm a Coinshot. We don't have a lot of coins, so our Coinshots Push on these for projectile weapons."


lol I did that on purpose

"Oooh nice."

One of the spheres shot out of her hand and into Sharlin's hand.

"I'm a Lurcher, but I mostly use it to detect stuff y'know? Plus there's little point in carrying ammunition if I can only bring it to myself."

She held the sphere up to her face, studying it as if it held the secret to unrevealed mysteries. A few seconds of silence later, and she flicked it back at Milay with her fingers. 

"Be careful with those things. Someone might See them and catch you, carrying metal can be dangerous." Sharlin tilted her head, and the shadows made her eyes look hollow. 

"Though I suppose that's an odd sentiment, coming from me."

She started humming as she walked--it sounded sort of like a waltz.

The tunnel ended in a large iron gate. Darkness beyond.


Yeah, so I've no idea where this should open up to . . . thoughts? Just the arena?

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14 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Secret tunnel:

The tunnel continued.

"What're the little spheres for?"

Sharlin had appeared right behind Milay out of nowhere, even though minutes ago she'd been leading the pack.

She grinned in the darkness. Her young face had an eerie edge to it, in the half-light. "A secret weapon? I'll admit, I didn't see it immediately. Guess I should be paying closer attention."

She walked beside Milay as she talked, hands casually held up behind her head. Now that she focused on it, the faint blue lines leading to several pieces on metal on the other girl where clear. Sharlin had ignored most of them. Usually small pieces like that were just belt buckles or buttons. 

She really did need to be paying closer attention. Someone could easily hide a small knife that way. She could already hear Sharanna lecturing about it for the up-teenth time.

The tunnel turned a corner, and flattened out. A few drops leaked through the ceiling.


She walked right up to him. The state of the room and the body on the ground gave her little reason to precede with caution.


She sternly grabbed his chin with pale, boney fingers and turned his head toward her. "I was speaking to you, young man."

HG Arena:

"Ummm . . . okay but maybe I could give you a few breaths? It would probably make you feel a bit better." He reached out to help him walk.


Gavin’s eyes were blank. He blinked slowly, still saying nothing.

His mind had started exploring dangerous paths.

Be the victim. Your father forced you into this role, you didn’t have a choice—

You’re heartbroken. Your father is —

I killed him!

Mad, you can be mad—

I did it! I was stronger than him, stronger than any of them.

You have to find a way to survive—

Gavin blinked again.

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:


Gavin’s eyes were blank. He blinked slowly, still saying nothing.

His mind had started exploring dangerous paths.

Be the victim. Your father forced you into this role, you didn’t have a choice—

You’re heartbroken. Your father is —

I killed him!

Mad, you can be mad—

I did it! I was stronger than him, stronger than any of them.

You have to find a way to survive—

Gavin blinked again.

Sharanna crouched down to his level, and took his face in both her hands. She was close enough that Gavin could smell her floral perfume.

"What's wrong dear?" She smiled at him, and her words dripped with honey. 

Her dark eyes flicked to the body on the floor. Painted red lips curved up in a half smile.

"Did you kill him? Well, that's alright. He was evil after all, wasn't he?"

She stroked his hair. "There's nothing wrong with being a killer," she whispered, quietly so that only Gavin heard.

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

Sharanna crouched down to his level, and took his face in both her hands. She was close enough that Gavin could smell her floral perfume.

"What's wrong dear?" She smiled at him, and her words dripped with honey. 

Her dark eyes flicked to the body on the floor. Painted red lips curved up in a half smile.

"Did you kill him? Well, that's alright. He was evil after all, wasn't he?"

She stroked his hair. "There's nothing wrong with being a killer," she whispered, quietly so that only Gavin heard.




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26 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Sharanna crouched down to his level, and took his face in both her hands. She was close enough that Gavin could smell her floral perfume.

"What's wrong dear?" She smiled at him, and her words dripped with honey. 

Her dark eyes flicked to the body on the floor. Painted red lips curved up in a half smile.

"Did you kill him? Well, that's alright. He was evil after all, wasn't he?"

She stroked his hair. "There's nothing wrong with being a killer," she whispered, quietly so that only Gavin heard.

Gavin swallowed. His hand started shaking. 

I can’t die here. I won’t. I won’t. I’m stronger than that. 

19 minutes ago, J. Magi said:



Magi dear you deleted both of your posts above that one.

I’m very confused


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6 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin swallowed. His hand started shaking. 

I can’t die here. I won’t. I won’t. I’m stronger than that. 


She felt him shaking. 

"Don't worry dear, it's alright."

She gently pulled him into an embrace, still stroking his hair. Her silk blouse was soft, and the perfume was even more pungent.

"You don't have to be afraid."


yeah I hid one post, because I thought I needed to respond to something but I already had and . . . it was a mess I don't even know what I did

I think it's all good now? The post at the top of the page is the one that Bookwyrm needs to respond too, so we're not missing anything.

Just ignore that whole blunder lol . . . It's been a mind numbing day

@The Bookwyrm

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

She felt him shaking. 

"Don't worry dear, it's alright."

She gently pulled him into an embrace, still stroking his hair. Her silk blouse was soft, and the perfume was even more pungent.

"You don't have to be afraid."

@The Bookwyrm



ok lol, well if you need one  unhidden (because typing stuff out is a lot of work) I gotchu

“I’m not scared,” Gavin whispered, sounding terrified.

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44 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

"Oooh nice."

One of the spheres shot out of her hand and into Sharlin's hand.

"I'm a Lurcher, but I mostly use it to detect stuff y'know? Plus there's little point in carrying ammunition if I can only bring it to myself."

She held the sphere up to her face, studying it as if it held the secret to unrevealed mysteries. A few seconds of silence later, and she flicked it back at Milay with her fingers. 

"Be careful with those things. Someone might See them and catch you, carrying metal can be dangerous." Sharlin tilted her head, and the shadows made her eyes look hollow. 

"Though I suppose that's an odd sentiment, coming from me."

She started humming as she walked--it sounded sort of like a waltz.

The tunnel ended in a large iron gate. Darkness beyond.

"I know it's dangerous," Milay said, catching the sphere. "I don't have much of a choice though, if I want to be able to attack."

5 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

She felt him shaking. 

"Don't worry dear, it's alright."

She gently pulled him into an embrace, still stroking his hair. Her silk blouse was soft, and the perfume was even more pungent.

"You don't have to be afraid."





Also, I want to wait to actually RP the assault until Spark is here, as she has an important character on the inside and the outside.

She's just doing a way better job at being responsible and not staying up until midnight, like I am.


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13 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“I’m not scared,” Gavin whispered, sounding terrified.

"Of course not darling." She whispered, immediately contradicting herself. "Of course not."

"Your brave huh?" Sharanna pulled back a little, though still keeping her arms around him. "I think, that's wonderful."



9 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"I know it's dangerous," Milay said, catching the sphere. "I don't have much of a choice though, if I want to be able to attack."

"Hmmm that's true. Though, you could get yourself one o' these."

She pulled a pistol out of her coat, so casually it might as well have been a lemon.

"Nevermind it's made out of metal and that completely disproves my point." Her grin widened. "I'm nothing if not inconsistent."


Sounds good.

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Benjamin, Secret Tunnel

Benjamin walked along with the group through the tunnel, lit be the somewhat steady light of the lanterns by the other tributes parents/ friends lamps. Listening in on conversations picking up pieces here and there. Wow, so these people have no powers yet use this sand like substance to compensate. He shakes his head in wonder. The world these days


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella follows along behind the group, lost in thought, What happens if we escape from the Arena? Will they hunt us down? She ponders, not noticing the change in Corin, though she should have. She calls out to the others "What happens when we leave the arena, don't they have trackers in us? or will we be hunted?" She says sounding slightly worried. "They also have access to the arsenal of weapons that could kill our families" She looks towards Sharp as she says this, looking worried, different from how she looked before. What if I cannot help my family?

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1 minute ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella follows along behind the group, lost in thought, What happens if we escape from the Arena? Will they hunt us down? She ponders, not noticing the change in Corin, though she should have. She calls out to the others "What happens when we leave the arena, don't they have trackers in us? or will we be hunted?" She says sounding slightly worried. "They also have access to the arsenal of weapons that could kill our families" She looks towards Sharp as she says this, looking worried, different from how she looked before. What if I cannot help my family?

Sharp looked up from trying to help Corin.

"I'm not sure Dougella." He glanced back down the path they'd come. "But . . . I guess there's no turning back now right?"

He reached out and grabbed her hand, without thinking. "Let's just stick together and take things one step at a time okay?"

Holding her hand reminded him of something.

"Hey, you probably want your Breaths back right?"

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2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp looked up from trying to help Corin.

"I'm not sure Dougella." He glanced back down the path they'd come. "But . . . I guess there's no turning back now right?"

He reached out and grabbed her hand, without thinking. "Let's just stick together and take things one step at a time okay?"

Holding her hand reminded him of something.

"Hey, you probably want your Breaths back right?"

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella looks at him, her worry melting a bit, as he holds her hand. She sighs, almost in content, before remembering where she was. "I guess there is no turning back" she agrees, "Unless we want to fight each other" she shivers. Images flooding her mind of having to kill Sharp, her stomach feels queasy and she pushes them aside. "Let's just stick together" the words have an almost physical impact on her, and her face blushes somewhat, and Pigment makes faces beside her, being at a human like size. But he nods all the same. "Sounds good" she says quickly. Then responding to his last question she turns to him, grasping his other hand. "I will not need those breaths, as it would take yours away too." 

@J. Magi

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2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella looks at him, her worry melting a bit, as he holds her hand. She sighs, almost in content, before remembering where she was. "I guess there is no turning back" she agrees, "Unless we want to fight each other" she shivers. Images flooding her mind of having to kill Sharp, her stomach feels queasy and she pushes them aside. "Let's just stick together" the words have an almost physical impact on her, and her face blushes somewhat, and Pigment makes faces beside her, being at a human like size. But he nods all the same. "Sounds good" she says quickly. Then responding to his last question she turns to him, grasping his other hand. "I will not need those breaths, as it would take yours away too." 

@J. Magi

"Are you sure? I only had like 200 hundred left, it really wouldn't cost me anything. I can live without them."

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1 minute ago, J. Magi said:

"Are you sure? I only had like 200 hundred left, it really wouldn't cost me anything. I can live without them."

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella thinks for a moment, thinking of how much those breaths could get her in a casino. No. Her spren nods again, looking proud of her. "No, I can live without mine, and anyway, I have a different thing now" she says hugging her spren, who takes it rather awkwardly. 

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3 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella thinks for a moment, thinking of how much those breaths could get her in a casino. No. Her spren nods again, looking proud of her. "No, I can live without mine, and anyway, I have a different thing now" she says hugging her spren, who takes it rather awkwardly. 

"Oh yeah! Alright then, if you're sure. It's a lot of breaths . . ."

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9 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Right." Tinker squeezed Marewill's hand again. "You ready?"

@Spark of Hope

  Reveal hidden contents

Secret tunnellllllll

Secret tunnellllllll

Through the mountainnnnnnn

Secret secret secret secret


  Reveal hidden contents

I mean, that's what you labelled it as.


"What, these?" Milay held up the tiny spheres, about the size of BBs. "I'm a Coinshot. We don't have a lot of coins, so our Coinshots Push on these for projectile weapons."

“Yeah, I am.”

8 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"I know it's dangerous," Milay said, catching the sphere. "I don't have much of a choice though, if I want to be able to attack."



Thank youuuuuu

Plus I have a thing this morning so I wanted 8 hours…

8 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Benjamin, Secret Tunnel

Benjamin walked along with the group through the tunnel, lit be the somewhat steady light of the lanterns by the other tributes parents/ friends lamps. Listening in on conversations picking up pieces here and there. Wow, so these people have no powers yet use this sand like substance to compensate. He shakes his head in wonder. The world these days


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella follows along behind the group, lost in thought, What happens if we escape from the Arena? Will they hunt us down? She ponders, not noticing the change in Corin, though she should have. She calls out to the others "What happens when we leave the arena, don't they have trackers in us? or will we be hunted?" She says sounding slightly worried. "They also have access to the arsenal of weapons that could kill our families" She looks towards Sharp as she says this, looking worried, different from how she looked before. What if I cannot help my family?

Crocus was mainly silent, though she twiddled with the ring on her finger. (Said it before, but ring is wooden) Her heart leapt at the thought of seeing her daughter soon. 

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Imma be camping for about a week so my posts will probably be short and non detailed if there even is any. Assume that Mark stays with the group of tributes and if they split up, he goes whichever way Astra went. 

Adris storms into the room, seeing Sharanna speaking with Gavin. “You, kid! Give us one reason right now I shouldn’t put this bullet in your head.”

@Edema Rue

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10 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Of course not darling." She whispered, immediately contradicting herself. "Of course not."

"Your brave huh?" Sharanna pulled back a little, though still keeping her arms around him. "I think, that's wonderful."

"Hmmm that's true. Though, you could get yourself one o' these."

She pulled a pistol out of her coat, so casually it might as well have been a lemon.

"Nevermind it's made out of metal and that completely disproves my point." Her grin widened. "I'm nothing if not inconsistent."

Gavin swallowed again. “I don’t—like—being touched.”

1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Adris storms into the room, seeing Sharanna speaking with Gavin. “You, kid! Give us one reason right now I shouldn’t put this bullet in your head.”

@Edema Rue

Gavin startles at the sight of it before his eyes turn blank again.

I will survive. And then…then, I will find a way to get back on top.

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15 hours ago, The Stormfather said:
17 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:


"He... Well, if he doesn't escape, he's also going to get killed. Whoever made that thing that took control of him... well, their not going to be happy he's free. I'd bet that in a few minutes a peacekeeper strike team with allomancers, surgebinders and Ruin knows what else is going to burst into the arena and slaughter us all. If we have that little time remaining, I don't know who to trust. But I sure as hell am willing to go down a staircase and get off of the platform with absolutely zero cover where we're rusting vulnerable to attack!" Mark raises his voice, then quickly looks embarrassed.

"Sorry. This place... It's getting to me."

"Let's," Astra glanced about worriedly, "Let's just go."

She stared at Corin.

"We'll talk when this whole thing is over," she said briskly, though her eyes lingered on his for a moment longer. @Edema Rue

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Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

"Let's," Astra glanced about worriedly, "Let's just go."

She stared at Corin.

"We'll talk when this whole thing is over," she said briskly, though her eyes lingered on his for a moment longer. @Edema Rue

Corin looked away and continued down the staircase.

At the bottom, it turned into a long, dark tunnel. After only a few feet, however, it was blocked by an iron gate.

And in front of that gate were several peacekeepers, armed with large guns.

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin looked away and continued down the staircase.

At the bottom, it turned into a long, dark tunnel. After only a few feet, however, it was blocked by an iron gate.

And in front of that gate were several peacekeepers, armed with large guns.

She froze, squeezing Tinker’s hand. 
@The Bookwyrm

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18 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella nods her affirmative. "I dont need the breaths, I think you will need them though" She grins beore pulling him along with the rest of the group.

HG Arena:

"Alright," Sharp said with a sigh. He hated feeling like he was taking something from her. 

11 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Adris storms into the room, seeing Sharanna speaking with Gavin. “You, kid! Give us one reason right now I shouldn’t put this bullet in your head.”

@Edema Rue


Sharanna turned sharply. She gave Adris a very dark look. 

"How could you consider something so awful?"

She put her hand on her dueling cane again.

"Can't you see? He's just a child."

It was an innocent enough sentiment, yet there was something chilling in her voice.

9 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin swallowed again. “I don’t—like—being touched.”

Gavin startles at the sight of it before his eyes turn blank again.

I will survive. And then…then, I will find a way to get back on top.

"I'm sorry dear!" Sharanna exclaimed, letting go of him and standing up. She briskly patted dust off of her trousers.

She noticed his blank expression. "Are you alright?"

She held her pale hand out to him. There was a gold ring on her middle finger.

"Why don't you come with me? I can help, sweetheart."

8 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin looked away and continued down the staircase.

At the bottom, it turned into a long, dark tunnel. After only a few feet, however, it was blocked by an iron gate.

And in front of that gate were several peacekeepers, armed with large guns.

HG Arena:

"Oh . . . crap." Sharp mumbled. He'd expected this but that didn't make it easier.

He pulled Corin's knife out of his pocket, not entirely sure how much it'd help.

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