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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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… yeah, I’m moving this forward I don’t want to wait to make this post it’s been in my head since last night and it’s too sweet

She hadn’t killed any Peacekeepers, even if the others had. She’d gone for elbows and knees. In her estimation, that was all they needed to escape. 

Footsteps approached from behind her. She recognized their pattern. She’d just seen their owner. She turned and there she was, no longer storing nor tapping muscle, looking healthier than Marewill had ever seen her. 

Her mother. 

Crocus tenderly put her hands on the sides of her daughter’s face. Her thumb brushed over the bandage on her cheek, soft eyes analyzing her. She’d always been skinny, but was more so now. She’d had so little to eat in the arena, her poor girl… She looked tired and dirty, as well. 

They didn’t say anything for moments. Crocus put her daughter’s head to her chest and wrapped her arms around her.  “Mare,” she whispered. She said the one syllable over and over. 

Marewill didn’t say anything as she wrapped her arms around her mother. She did, however, start crying into her chest. 

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6 hours ago, Spark of Hope said:







If bookie wants to post something, he definitely should but otherwise I think yeah go forward with them reunions

Everyone have a bucket for your tears?


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There were people who had come to save them.

Well, to save Marewill.

No one had come for him.

There wasn't anyone who would.

There might be. The Rusted... Well, I guess I abandoned them. There's no reason they'd come back for me unless they needed me for something. Something I probably don't want to do.

Mark shook the thoughts away, dismissing his Blade. There was no blood on it. He felt that there should have been, considering how many he'd killed. But that was the beauty of Shardblades. Or the horror.

Adris had always wanted a Blade. But not for the right reasons.

Sereine had always said she'd like to be a Lightweaver. Mark had never realized the implications of it.


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Benjamin, HG Arena

Benjamin fights alongside the other parents, wading through blood to get to the other side of the tunnel, in which he could see tributes fighting against the same 'peace' keeping force. He snarls at a peacekeeper, as he shoves a dagger into them, and taps speed, racing along the outside of the battle towards his girl. Stopping his tapping as he reaches her. "Ella" he cries, tears almost pouring down his face, and his arms outstretched. 


Dougella HG Arena

Dougella runs into the tunnel with Sharp, fighting some peacekeepers, but the most of them seemed to be handled by the people up the front of their group, and the other group that was fighting them. She watches as Sharp goes cold from seeing a person, and she stiffens at the same time, watching a familiar blur come to a halt near them, revealing her dad. "Dad?" she says, running towards him

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The fighting...

Was it over?

Tinker looked around. There were fallen Peacekeepers everywhere. The sounds of the battle died down.

But the corridor was a lot more crowded than it had been. Soldiers in white checked the Peacekeepers, making sure they were incapacitated. And...there were warriors in leather armor, wearing bandoliers of spore vials.

...It can't be.

He walked forward, then ran, stumbling over bodies and debris. There were familiar faces. Men and women he'd known from his childhood. Leaders of nearby villages. Engineers and Sprouters. And then, finally, he saw them.

His parents. 

He hadn't seen them since he snuck away in the night, to join the games, finding his way to the Capitol. He'd spent what felt like so long thinking he'd never get to see them again. Part of him had lost hope, despite all he had said. Part of him knew he was going to die before seeing his family.

And now they were here.

He couldn't stop the tears that began flowing down his face, couldn't stop the sob that came up from his throat as he stepped in front of them and fell on his knees.

"I'm sorry," he managed to say. "I'm sorry."

And then their arms were around him, and the tears flowed freely.

"It's okay," his mother said.

"You're here now," his father said. "You're alive. You're alive."

After a long moment, he felt another hand on his shoulder. 

"You made it out, big brother."

He turned to see Milay standing over him. She had a smile on her face, and her eyes looked a little watery. "Good to have you back."

Most of his tears spent, Tinker smiled. "It's good to be back."

He looked around. "Where...how...?"

"We'll explain on the way," Falr said. "For now, we need to get you and the tributes out of here."

@Edema Rue @J. Magi @Spark of Hope


What's the state of the government right now, after the coup at the Capitol? Can we implement my idea of a secession by the eastern districts?


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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The fighting...

Was it over?

Tinker looked around. There were fallen Peacekeepers everywhere. The sounds of the battle died down.

But the corridor was a lot more crowded than it had been. Soldiers in white checked the Peacekeepers, making sure they were incapacitated. And...there were warriors in leather armor, wearing bandoliers of spore vials.

...It can't be.

He walked forward, then ran, stumbling over bodies and debris. There were familiar faces. Men and women he'd known from his childhood. Leaders of nearby villages. Engineers and Sprouters. And then, finally, he saw them.

His parents. 

He hadn't seen them since he snuck away in the night, to join the games, finding his way to the Capitol. He'd spent what felt like so long thinking he'd never get to see them again. Part of him had lost hope, despite all he had said. Part of him knew he was going to die before seeing his family.

And now they were here.

He couldn't stop the tears that began flowing down his face, couldn't stop the sob that came up from his throat as he stepped in front of them and fell on his knees.

"I'm sorry," he managed to say. "I'm sorry."

And then their arms were around him, and the tears flowed freely.

"It's okay," his mother said.

"You're here now," his father said. "You're alive. You're alive."

After a long moment, he felt another hand on his shoulder. 

"You made it out, big brother."

He turned to see Milay standing over him. She had a smile on her face, and her eyes looked a little watery. "Good to have you back."

Most of his tears spent, Tinker smiled. "It's good to be back."

He looked around. "Where...how...?"

"We'll explain on the way," Falr said. "For now, we need to get you and the tributes out of here."

@Edema Rue @J. Magi @Spark of Hope



Go for it!

The state of the capital is whatever you want it to be.


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5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The fighting...

Was it over?

Tinker looked around. There were fallen Peacekeepers everywhere. The sounds of the battle died down.

But the corridor was a lot more crowded than it had been. Soldiers in white checked the Peacekeepers, making sure they were incapacitated. And...there were warriors in leather armor, wearing bandoliers of spore vials.

...It can't be.

He walked forward, then ran, stumbling over bodies and debris. There were familiar faces. Men and women he'd known from his childhood. Leaders of nearby villages. Engineers and Sprouters. And then, finally, he saw them.

His parents. 

He hadn't seen them since he snuck away in the night, to join the games, finding his way to the Capitol. He'd spent what felt like so long thinking he'd never get to see them again. Part of him had lost hope, despite all he had said. Part of him knew he was going to die before seeing his family.

And now they were here.

He couldn't stop the tears that began flowing down his face, couldn't stop the sob that came up from his throat as he stepped in front of them and fell on his knees.

"I'm sorry," he managed to say. "I'm sorry."

And then their arms were around him, and the tears flowed freely.

"It's okay," his mother said.

"You're here now," his father said. "You're alive. You're alive."

After a long moment, he felt another hand on his shoulder. 

"You made it out, big brother."

He turned to see Milay standing over him. She had a smile on her face, and her eyes looked a little watery. "Good to have you back."

Most of his tears spent, Tinker smiled. "It's good to be back."

He looked around. "Where...how...?"

"We'll explain on the way," Falr said. "For now, we need to get you and the tributes out of here."

@Edema Rue @J. Magi @Spark of Hope


Still clinging to her daughter, Crocus approached Tinker and took his hand. “If it weren’t for you, my daughter would be dead several times over. Thank you, Flemr.”


Hopefully I remember his name right lol-


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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

Still clinging to her daughter, Crocus approached Tinker and took his hand. “If it weren’t for you, my daughter would be dead several times over. Thank you, Flemr.”


Tinker hesitated. His face grew red.

"O-of course."

A huge grin flashed across Milay's face. 

"Meeting the parent already, huh, Tinker? She must like you."

Tinker shot Milay a glare.

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Ryn looked down upon the whole area, grinning. No matter what happens, the Hunger Games always fail... and I love to see it crashing down. Maybe next time we won't kill each other in bloodlust. Maybe it can just be a game. it is called the Hunger Games. So why not make it such? and with that final thought, he wisped away, smiling to himself. "Siylna, I don't know what you think of it, but gods be damned you should be proud of what you've made." 


Ryn gets a cute post at the ends of each Hunger Games now because I say so. AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME MWAHAHAHAHA


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11 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker hesitated. His face grew red.

"O-of course."

A huge grin flashed across Milay's face. 

"Meeting the parent already, huh, Tinker? She must like you."

Tinker shot Milay a glare.

Crocus smiled, and looked down at her daughter. Her face was just as red. To Tinker’s parents, she said, “I’m sorry I tried to kill your son at the start of the games…”

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

Crocus smiled, and looked down at her daughter. Her face was just as red. To Tinker’s parents, she said, “I’m sorry I tried to kill your son at the start of the games…”

Falr laughed hard at that. "No worries. You were in a tough position."

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Falr laughed hard at that. "No worries. You were in a tough position."

She met Tinker’s eyes and with the arm that wasn’t holding her mother reached for his hand. 

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker grabbed her hand softly and squeezed it.

"We made it."

“Yeah,” she smiled. “We did.”

Realization dawned on her face. “Where-“

”They’re safe. They’re with his other family.”

She let out a breath she didn’t know she was keeping in. 

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

“Yeah,” she smiled. “We did.”

Realization dawned on her face. “Where-“

”They’re safe. They’re with his other family.”

She let out a breath she didn’t know she was keeping in. 

Rashi turned to Crocus.

"You four will need a place to stay, won't you?"

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No tears.

No hugs.

No reunions.

Just two children covered in blood, staring at each other.

Sharlin was cleaning blood splatters off of her beloved gun.

"You look terrible," She whispered as Sharp approached. 

The chaos had died down now. The last Peacekeepers had surrendered. Dougella was back with her dad.

But he couldn't relax yet.

"I'm not the only one covered in blood." He had intended it to sound critical, but in his own ears he just sounded tired. He was tired.

She was perched on top of a small pile of bodies, as if they were some sort of slain beast; As if taking those men's lives wasn't enough of a victory.

"They asked for it . . . " Sharlin mumbled wistfully, making a few finishing touches on her gun. She had one hand holding up her chin, fingers tapping on her cheek. Her childishness was nothing but uncomfortable when coated in blood. "Never let them stop you . . . that's what she told me."

"Sharanna?" This time, Sharp was curt. "She's a liar."

You'd think you'd tell your brother of all people that you were re-creating an ancient family cult. But no.

"Everyone's a liar." She stuffed her gun back in her belt, and with the same motion, pulled an envelope out of her jacket.

It flapped onto the blood-stained stones at his feet.

Reluctantly, he bent and retrieved it, shaking excess blood off. It was addressed to him on the front, in Sharanna's flowery script. Her ripped it open. It was empty.

Empty except for a large stack of bills.

"Is this her idea of 'the truth'?" Sharp was just tired enough to not be outraged.

"It's a gift." Sharlin stood, and hopped off the pile of bodies. "I like gifts."

He grimaced at the money in his hands. It meant nothing. It wasn't an apology. Not for him.

"How can you work with her?"

"I love her." Sharlin said, her boots clunked on the stone as she drew nearer.

"Tell me, what did she promise to give you? Endless money? Power? Respect?" He shook his head. "The House will bring you none of that. It was crooked since the day of it's conception and it's crooked still."

"Freedom . . . and if you haven't noticed." Sharlin twirled, arms wide. "I've never been more free."

"Not every shackle is physical, little girl."

Her gold eyes darkened. "But many are, and Sharanna freed me." Tears filled her eyes, and she drew her lips up into a pout. "The rest of your family didn't even try!"

"There was nothing we could do!" Sharp insisted. He'd always regretted that visit. It was father's idea to travel and see some their distant cousins. The descendants of some of Sharp I's wife's family. Of course father wanted to visit them because they had their own cult centered around Sharp I. One that worshipped gold because of his abilities. One that took their own children who were vaguely connected to gold and tucked them away. Kept them like treasures and used them in their ceremonies.

Her eyes were beautiful. A light yellowish amberish brown that were the perfect color. Like little coins, set into her sclera. 

She and Sharp were the same in that way. Yet, as he saw her now it was hard to relate. She had clawed her way out, with no care for the cost of escape. He had let it happen, stayed in the box assigned to him.

He had no idea which of the two was the 'right' path. Probably neither. There were no 'right' paths when you weren't even traveling.

Maybe his father was right. Maybe Sharp I did still interact with the living world. But oh, but he didn't need their help. He just was cursing them in his free time and laughing. How much sorrow could one legacy cause? He was enjoying finding out. 

"Obviously, there was." Her voice went quiet, the tears leaking out and leaving tracks in the blood. For moment she looked the way he had seen her last time. The quiet child in an expensive gown. The living doll. The submissive idol of gold. "Because, she helped! She set me free!" She gasped as more tears fell.

"And I've no idea how." Sharp whispered. "I've no idea how . . . I wanted to help. I did. But I was trapped in my own tower."

Sharlin glowered at him. Her eyes saw the truth but she did not admit it, when you had little you held on to what you had. Even grudges.

She took a deep breath. "Sharanna said . . . My sister said that she wants you to meet her, so you can t-talk."

"I'm not joining another cult, I'm surprised you did." Sharp muttered. "Whatever they're promising you isn't worth it . . . don't you see? Your love for this violence isn't good."

"I saved you." 

"Maybe, but you enjoyed the dark parts, didn't you?"

He grimaced at the harshness of his own words. She was still just a child, he should be on her side. Working with her to get her help. ". . . You don't have to turn yourself into a monster for people to leave you alone. You can . . . I couldn't help before but maybe I can now."

"No. I have a place here--"

"--A place where your being used just as much as you were before."

"That is not true."

"It is," Sharp sighed, "The House--"

"How do you know anything about the House? You never gave it a chance! You were in the arena for everything we've done!"

"It's based on an ancient criminal organization that was famous for being corrupt. Famous for ripping itself apart from the inside. And I know Sharanna. For all I once loved her, I can see who she is now. What her goals are. She doesn't want peace, she doesn't want freedom for everyone. She wants to power. She glories in violence. I know because my father taught it to her, tried to teach it to me."

"And what's so wrong about that? She wants change. She'll make things change if she has too." Sharlin replied with a soft voice. She turned to the side, taking a few steps as if wanting to leave. "I needed change, so she helped me do something, you needed change, and you did nothing."

Her words bit into him, deeper then any knives or bullets from the battle could've.

"I . . . there was nothing else to . . ."

"Excuses, excuses." She said, cheerily tapping her chin; scolding him like their ages were switched.

And with that, she disappeared into a crowd of her black-clad soldiers. A bounce in her step to hide the weight on her shoulders.


remember when I said this Sharp wouldn't have any drama

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It's over. It's...over.

His blade fell to the ground, puffing into insubstantial mist. He looked around, seeing many of the tributes in happy reunion with family and friends. Well, maybe not all were happy, he noticed when he saw Sharp.

Tinker, Marewill, Sharp, Dougella, Connor... They were all safe. And... Astra.

His eyes found her across the tunnel from him. He dropped the gun he had stolen. There was blood on it from having to bludgeon someone, and then he began walking over to her.

It felt as if it took years, the most exhausting sprinting of his life. In truth, he was limping about thirty feet. It took him a solid minute.

"Astra? I think I might..." Mark's eyes nearly closed, and he gritted his teeth. "Need... Some more..." He grunted, stumbled and nearly fell over. He dropped to his knees. "Light..." He slumped over to the side, laying down in front of her. "Then.. I'll be..back." He had been fighting for too long. Been running in the arena for too long. He had hardly eaten in the days in the arena, only a few meals of verdant vines. Now... Well, he said the truth when he said he needed light. 

@Lotus Blossom

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Connor grinned widely, “Is there anyone else to fight?” He walked over to each of his team members, Marewill, Tinker, Sharp, Dougella, and gave them each a nod. He strode further down the tunnel, dropped the coin and, pushing off of it, sat on the ceiling, because he had always thought that it’d look cool. 

His friends hadn’t come, but that was fine. He’d made some new ones.



Anyways, now it was time to go home.

But first there was still a little time for a short nap.


Sorry I wasn’t active much near the end, I just kept forgetting and when I remembered I always had schoolwork I had to do first. I enjoyed it a lot, thank you for letting me join! If/when there’s another, I’d like to join, maybe as another of Connor’s group. Also I think @professionalacoustic wants to join the next one as well.


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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Come with us. To Moongaze. It's a hard life, but it's a happy one. There are people there who can help you."

The two women looked at each other. Marewill smiled slightly. Crocus kissed her forehead. "We will. Thank you."

Marewill squeezed Tinker's hand three times.

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