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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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16 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

“Bets,” Corin murmured, smiling. “Bets, my friends, bets. Roy, Dougella, Conner?”

@RoyalBeeMage @Scars of Hathsin @WhyEverNot_8



Forgot where I was going with that but here we go

“Hey Gavin.” Emma says, smiling. “How are you?”

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You guys I’m literally speechless

you all write so beautifully

thank you

thank you more than I can say


And by the stars if you guys get to write epic backstory dumps then you can’t stop me.


“Bets,” Corin murmured again. “Bet, children. Who will live and who will die. Place your bets.”

Kill me.

Make me.

You know I can’t.

You’re as weak as they are.

Let me go!

Please. You’re too weak to do this.

I’m not. If it’ll keep them alive, I’ll do it. I told you I’d do anything, and I meant it.

And what about Astra?

If Corin were in control of himself, he would have stiffened. The girl with the laugh. The girl who’d walked into his home as if it had been built for her, and her alone. A game. They’re murderers, all of them. They deserve to die.

Is that so?

It wasn’t so, and Corin knew it as well as his faceless captor. Please. Please, I never meant for this to happen.

You should have been more careful.

”Place your bets,” Corin’s body continued to say. His lips were curled into a smirk. “You’ll be dead soon enough, so use your last minutes well.”


”C-Corin,” an older boy gasped. He shared Corin’s dark hair, but he was all lean muscle. Blood was trickling from the corner of his mouth. A younger Corin knelt next to him, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. “Protect them. N-no one else will. K-k-keep them safe.”


”Corin!” The little boy was bubbly and laughing, his eyes glittering with mirth. He had dirty blond hair and a perfect dimple. “Guess what I stole.”

Corin chuckled, leaning over and tousling his hair. “Talk quieter,” he said, though he knew the folk in this tavern didn’t care. Quinn was a sort of mascot to them all; they’d never turn him in. Corin led him behind the counter, into a back room. “Okay,” he said, smiling deviously.

Quinn opened his cupped hands to reveal a pair of glowing ruby dice. “They’re for you!”

Corin’s smile became more genuine. “I’ll treasure them. Always.”


”It wasn’t him!” The words fell from Corin’s mouth before he even realized what he’d said. Quinn gaped at him. Protect them. “Look at him,” Corin said, gesturing at the chubby boy. “Does he look like a skilled thief to you? I took it. It’s me you want, and you can let him go.” No one else will.

The guard cocked his head. “Then you’re coming with me.”

”No!” Quinn said, his eyes wide and afraid.

”Listen to me,” Corin said, eyes hard and serious, “get out of here. Stay safe, all right?” The guards were pulling at him, and he struggled to meet Quinn’s eyes. “I’ll find a way out. I’ll be back. Just stay safe until then.”


The gamemaker was outside Corin’s cell, his lips slowly twisting into a careful grin. “Thief,” he murmured thoughtfully. “How would you like to make a bet?”

Protect them.

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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Bets,” Corin murmured again. “Bet, children. Who will live and who will die. Place your bets.”

Kill me.

Make me.

You know I can’t.

You’re as weak as they are.

Let me go!

Please. You’re too weak to do this.

I’m not. If it’ll keep them alive, I’ll do it. I told you I’d do anything, and I meant it.

And what about Astra?

If Corin were in control of himself, he would have stiffened. The girl with the laugh. The girl who’d walked into his home as if it had been built for her, and her alone. A game. They’re murderers, all of them. They deserve to die.

Is that so?

It wasn’t so, and Corin knew it as well as his faceless captor. Please. Please, I never meant for this to happen.

You should have been more careful.

”Place your bets,” Corin’s body continued to say. His lips were curled into a smirk. “You’ll be dead soon enough, so use your last minutes well.”


”C-Corin,” an older boy gasped. He shared Corin’s dark hair, but he was all lean muscle. Blood was trickling from the corner of his mouth. A younger Corin knelt next to him, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. “Protect them. N-no one else will. K-k-keep them safe.”


”Corin!” The little boy was bubbly and laughing, his eyes glittering with mirth. He had dirty blond hair and a perfect dimple. “Guess what I stole.”

Corin chuckled, leaning over and tousling his hair. “Talk quieter,” he said, though he knew the folk in this tavern didn’t care. Quinn was a sort of mascot to them all; they’d never turn him in. Corin led him behind the counter, into a back room. “Okay,” he said, smiling deviously.

Quinn opened his cupped hands to reveal a pair of glowing ruby dice. “They’re for you!”

Corin’s smile became more genuine. “I’ll treasure them. Always.”


”It wasn’t him!” The words fell from Corin’s mouth before he even realized what he’d said. Quinn gaped at him. Protect them. “Look at him,” Corin said, gesturing at the chubby boy. “Does he look like a skilled thief to you? I took it. It’s me you want, and you can let him go.” No one else will.

The guard cocked his head. “Then you’re coming with me.”

”No!” Quinn said, his eyes wide and afraid.

”Listen to me,” Corin said, eyes hard and serious, “get out of here. Stay safe, all right?” The guards were pulling at him, and he struggled to meet Quinn’s eyes. “I’ll find a way out. I’ll be back. Just stay safe until then.”


The gamemaker was outside Corin’s cell, his lips slowly twisting into a careful grin. “Thief,” he murmured thoughtfully. “How would you like to make a bet?”

Protect them.


The cosmere games have really turned into epic backstories.

And jeez, some of them are SO SAD


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22 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

The thing took the swing, and stumble to the side with the sword. It seemed to have the weight of a body but not quite the resistance of one. The eyes stered over her as it leapt surprising quickly, arms out to wrapped itself around her neck. 

Dougella, HG Arena


Dougella watches as the thing jumps at her, and notices the drag the thing seemed to have. Is that a body being dragged around by clothes? She looks at the end of her blade which was covered slightly with a dark blood, the blood of someone long dead. 


"Why do you bet grandma?" a young Dougella asks her grandmother. A calm, matronly figure that had been round her whole life, a massive 7 years. She is really old. Her mind wanders. "Why it is the luck, and contest, that draws me" she responds, glancing at the table, which was layered with cards and dice, which seemed to fill every space it was in. Her grandmother glances around the empty casino, and Dougella notices the circle of brighter colours that was around her grandmother. Pretty. Her grandmother turns to her,"do you know what, I have a secret" Dougella piques up at that. "What is it?" Dougella asks eagerly.  "My big bet is that you are going to be something special." her grandmother says, pinching Dougella's cheeks. 


Dougella swings her sword again at the body, trying to hit it with the sharp end of her sword, and seemingly moving with a grace, that she did not know that she could do. Each footstep pounding on the ground, in a rhythm Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination..... Each step sending shivers up her spine.

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25 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena


Dougella watches as the thing jumps at her, and notices the drag the thing seemed to have. Is that a body being dragged around by clothes? She looks at the end of her blade which was covered slightly with a dark blood, the blood of someone long dead. 


"Why do you bet grandma?" a young Dougella asks her grandmother. A calm, matronly figure that had been round her whole life, a massive 7 years. She is really old. Her mind wanders. "Why it is the luck, and contest, that draws me" she responds, glancing at the table, which was layered with cards and dice, which seemed to fill every space it was in. Her grandmother glances around the empty casino, and Dougella notices the circle of brighter colours that was around her grandmother. Pretty. Her grandmother turns to her,"do you know what, I have a secret" Dougella piques up at that. "What is it?" Dougella asks eagerly.  "My big bet is that you are going to be something special." her grandmother says, pinching Dougella's cheeks. 


Dougella swings her sword again at the body, trying to hit it with the sharp end of her sword, and seemingly moving with a grace, that she did not know that she could do. Each footstep pounding on the ground, in a rhythm Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination..... Each step sending shivers up her spine.

The creature was swatted away again, but it didn’t hesitated to leap back in. It had its mission. It had its command. I knew what it was there to do. Kill. Then kill again. It jumped at Dougella. Not throw a fist or a weapon, but itself. Ever limb, or joint to grab any available part of her body. Grapple. 

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4 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

The creature was swatted away again, but it didn’t hesitated to leap back in. It had its mission. It had its command. I knew what it was there to do. Kill. Then kill again. It jumped at Dougella. Not throw a fist or a weapon, but itself. Ever limb, or joint to grab any available part of her body. Grapple. 

Sharp watched Dougella fight in horror. He should do something.

He had one dagger. If he threw it at her attacker, he could miss and hit her. Even if he did hit it, he'd loose the knife and be unarmed during his duel.

He couldn't move, stuck on the little stone platform.

He should do something.

But he couldn't.


"Your finally going to do something worth remembering." Sharp's father meant to comfort him with that comment, but it only sent chills down his spine.

"S-sure." It felt weird standing there at the train station without any luggage. But he wouldn't need it where he was going. Even if he had taken personal items with him, they'd just be taken away when he got to the games.

His father's dull grey eyes studied him, as they had many times before. "I very proud of you."

He's proud I'm entering a murder game. Very in character for father.

Sharanna was standing next to father. His threadbare suit and bed head were particularly shabby next to her sleek red gown and glossy black hair.

She was also staring at him, but she wasn't proud. Her lips were pursed disappointedly. She hadn't wanted him to go. But, she also didn't know the pressure he'd been under.

"Remember who you are--" His father was saying, someone should give him a limit on his over emotional rants.

"--yes father I know, a born warrior--"

"--who is built for the games." The grey eyes hardened, annoyed at being interrupted. It was enough of a warning to silence Sharp for the time being.

"Our family has always existed to combat the games--to fight in them and to win!"

"And we did . . . at Threnody." Sharp couldn't help but answer. He was starting an argument that they'd had a million times, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to run off and die without fighting against it one last time.

"Sharp'i wasn't a direct Descendant of Sharp I." Father said sternly.

"And? It shouldn't matter! The family has a win, isn't that good enough for you?"

Sharanna raised her eyebrows, shocked Sharp was actually doing this right now. Shocked he was putting up a fight after staying quiet the past while.

"It is not. Only the direct descendents inherits the geas! Our family will fight and die in these games until Sharps heir wins! Sharp II swore it with his final breath!"

Sharp closed his mouth. He had no way to disprove his fathers strange beliefs, other then explaining how ridiculous they were

"We are all the same! Sharp, reborn again and again so each generation can have a chance to win! And our family will continue to know death and misfortune through the games until someone wins!"

"If we're trying to win to avoid 'destiny' with the games, then why don't we avoid them in the first place?" It was utter nonsense.

"Because, child, Sharp must be put to rest!"

That was it. What his father truly believed. That every Sharp was the same man reincarnated--unable to find eternal rest because of his unjust death in the games. Doomed to fight in them again and again until he had a victory. How convenient that there hadn't been a games during fathers generation.

And yet, despite all of Sharps doubt at his father, he was here. About to enter.

Because deep down he believed it. All of it. That's what happened when you were taught it over and over again. 

Had it drilled into your skull, more important than any school work.

Spent hours and days and weeks and years training longer and harder to be a better fighter.

Thinking you were a dead man, in a child's body. Because that's what father said.

So yes, Sharp would go. He would fight in the games. And whether he believed that was who he was or not, he'd win. Then, maybe, his father would act normal. Maybe his sister would stop sneaking off at night to who knows were, and start talking to him.

Maybe Sharp's soul truly would be put to rest.

He didn't know.

How could he?


So Sharp stood there frozen, thinking far too much. Unable to really do anything. Certainly, nothing that would that would be worth remembering.


Don't mind me retconning some backstory details. This has more ✨drama✨ and I doubt people were keeping track anyway.


Also yes I ended up writing another Sharp with father issues I'll do something different next time I promise lol.



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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Gaaaaavin…” Emma says, waving her hand in front of his face. “Hellooooo?” 
 @Edema Rue

Gavin blinked. “H-hey,” he said. “D-d-did y-you n-need s-s-something?”

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“You promised me a painting.” She said expectantly. 

Gavin blinked. “I—I d-did?”

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48 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


“M-m-maybe l-later?” Gavin winced. Storms and stars, I really am bad with people.

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22 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

The creature was swatted away again, but it didn’t hesitated to leap back in. It had its mission. It had its command. I knew what it was there to do. Kill. Then kill again. It jumped at Dougella. Not throw a fist or a weapon, but itself. Ever limb, or joint to grab any available part of her body. Grapple. 

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella watches as the creatures tries to grapple her again. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination, lifebeforedeath strengthbeforeweakness journeybeforedestination,  lifebeforedeathstrengthbeforeweaknessjourneybeforedestination. The words swim around in her head, sounding important. Say them the voice says in her mind, as the undead person approaches again.

 Why, why do that. 

To become a better person,

 am I not now?

you are but you can become better

Dougella feels the weight of the thing as it crashes into her, and feels its cold clammy fingers start to slip around her throat. A period of calm surrounds her, like the eye of a storm, a eye that was here for her time. SAY THE WORDS! the voice calls to her, and she feels a connection to the air on her shoulder. She pulls on it and watches as ink seems to bleed on her shoulder in the shape of a small man. He grins at her, an impish grin. She laughs, a full laugh. She calls out into the supposed void,

"Life before Death" 

Live for the time and live for the change, even when death is an appealing choice.  

"Strength before Weakness"

Be strong even when you don't want to, especially when it comes to bettering yourself, something I have learned. 

"Journey before Destination" 

It is about the bettering not the version that you will be. 


Feeling comes rushing back to her, and a shot of something goes through her body, and she feels a energy, a strength, and a mental fortitude she did not have before. She laughs again, and feels the the thing clasping her throat. The little man on her shoulder laughs with her. Its been a while he says into her mind. Now lets get rid of this thing shall weHe sends something into her mind, and she grips it, a picture of another world opposite of theirs. Want to dump them there? she grins and feels the energy rush out of her, into the other creature, and into the other place. Please go through



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1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella watches as the creatures tries to grapple her again. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination, lifebeforedeath strengthbeforeweakness journeybeforedestination,  lifebeforedeathstrengthbeforeweaknessjourneybeforedestination. The words swim around in her head, sounding important. Say them the voice says in her mind, as the undead person approaches again.

 Why, why do that. 

To become a better person,

 am I not now?

you are but you can become better

Dougella feels the weight of the thing as it crashes into her, and feels its cold clammy fingers start to slip around her throat. A period of calm surrounds her, like the eye of a storm, a eye that was here for her time. SAY THE WORDS! the voice calls to her, and she feels a connection to the air on her shoulder. She pulls on it and watches as ink seems to bleed on her shoulder in the shape of a small man. He grins at her, an impish grin. She laughs, a full laugh. She calls out into the supposed void,

"Life before Death" 

Live for the time and live for the change, even when death is an appealing choice.  

"Strength before Weakness"

Be strong even when you don't want to, especially when it comes to bettering yourself, something I have learned. 

"Journey before Destination" 

It is about the bettering not the version that you will be. 


Feeling comes rushing back to her, and a shot of something goes through her body, and she feels a energy, a strength, and a mental fortitude she did not have before. She laughs again, and feels the the thing clasping her throat. The little man on her shoulder laughs with her. Its been a while he says into her mind. Now lets get rid of this thing shall weHe sends something into her mind, and she grips it, a picture of another world opposite of theirs. Want to dump them there? she grins and feels the energy rush out of her, into the other creature, and into the other place. Please go through



Clammy, gloves fingers griped a warm neck. An alive neck. A soon to be dead neck.


There it was, that was the spot. Harder. Full strength, yes, that was it. This one would soon be gone.


There was a sort of strange feeling, not really a feeling. There were no feelings, but there was something, satisfaction almost. The completion of a job, straightening a back after hunching for hours of work. 
Not really finishing, it was just the beginning of a long chain of effort and tireless success. But it was a success.


And then… something happened. The victim began to glow, and then to not die. Somehow the deathly throat clench was ineffectual against this…being. The creature paused and took a different option. Perhaps… 

The thing burst with light. The cluster of corpse and awakened clothing blew apart. Gone. Ashes. Investure, exiling investure. As the remnants flew, instants before splitting beyond repair they uttered one last final notion. 




Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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4 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Clammy, gloves fingers griped a warm neck. An alive neck. A soon to be dead neck.


There it was, that was the spot. Harder. Full strength, yes, that was it. This one would soon be gone.


There was a sort of strange feeling, not really a feeling. There were no feelings, but there was something, satisfaction almost. The completion of a job, straightening a back after hunching for hours of work. 
Not really finishing, it was just the beginning of a long chain of effort and tireless success. But it was a success.


And then… something happened. The victim began to glow, and then to not die. Somehow the deathly throat clench was ineffectual against this…being. The creature paused and took a different option. Perhaps… 

The thing burst with light. The cluster of corpse and awakened clothing blew apart. Gone. Ashes. Investure, exiling investure. As the remnants flew, instants before splitting beyond repair they uttered one last final notion. 





Is the length of this post a reference to a certain previous character of yours?





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45 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Clammy, gloves fingers griped a warm neck. An alive neck. A soon to be dead neck.


There it was, that was the spot. Harder. Full strength, yes, that was it. This one would soon be gone.


There was a sort of strange feeling, not really a feeling. There were no feelings, but there was something, satisfaction almost. The completion of a job, straightening a back after hunching for hours of work. 
Not really finishing, it was just the beginning of a long chain of effort and tireless success. But it was a success.


And then… something happened. The victim began to glow, and then to not die. Somehow the deathly throat clench was ineffectual against this…being. The creature paused and took a different option. Perhaps… 

The thing burst with light. The cluster of corpse and awakened clothing blew apart. Gone. Ashes. Investure, exiling investure. As the remnants flew, instants before splitting beyond repair they uttered one last final notion. 




Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella watches as the bits of cloth and other matter disappear, in an explosion into the other realm that had been shown to her. She laughs nervously, her mind awash with heady adrenaline and something else. It's called investiture, you can consume it through a metaphorical breath. The little being of ink says on her shoulder. Like Breaths used for awakening? Similar. She sheaths the sword that lay forgotten in her hand, and as she does so, notices the glowing mist coming from her skin. Just another side effect, it will go soon. The little being says. "What is your name?" Dougella asks putting her hand up to her shoulder to give him a stable platform.


Pigment, HG Arena

Pigment stands onto it, shifting his size as he does so, to appear a bit clearer to her. "The name is Pigment" he says looking around at the surroundings. Looks rather different to the Cognitive he muses to himself, taking note of both the people, and objects. He points to Corin. "That is the guy that is asking for bets right?" Dougella nods at him. "Who do you think will win?"


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella looks at the thing that called itself Pigment in her palm. Who do I think will win? I don't know She glances at Corin again, noting the indifference in his gaze, and a small amount of pain that was locked behind the stony facade. What are they doing to you? She counts the bets that were made in her head, Mare is down by a bet. She yells across the arena. "I go for Mare" hoping to make the fight more even. ''


She looks across the chasm, at the platform which Sharp was on she watches as he seems to contend with mental enemies. What is happening to him. "He is in the process of changing, just like you" Pigment informs her from his resting place in her outstretched hand. She grins, "Are then any more of you?" she asks towards Pigment "Yes" he smiles


@J. Magi @Edema Rue

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10 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

“M-m-maybe l-later?” Gavin winced. Storms and stars, I really am bad with people.

Ella (Emma? Shoot. Forgot her name.) sighed dramatically. "Fine. Have fun with your dying kids and boring games."

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16 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Ella (Emma? Shoot. Forgot her name.) sighed dramatically. "Fine. Have fun with your dying kids and boring games."

“Th-th-they’re c-c-cool,” Gavin said. They’re strong. They’re changing. They’re broken, and they’re more powerful for it. 

52 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella watches as the bits of cloth and other matter disappear, in an explosion into the other realm that had been shown to her. She laughs nervously, her mind awash with heady adrenaline and something else. It's called investiture, you can consume it through a metaphorical breath. The little being of ink says on her shoulder. Like Breaths used for awakening? Similar. She sheaths the sword that lay forgotten in her hand, and as she does so, notices the glowing mist coming from her skin. Just another side effect, it will go soon. The little being says. "What is your name?" Dougella asks putting her hand up to her shoulder to give him a stable platform.


Pigment, HG Arena

Pigment stands onto it, shifting his size as he does so, to appear a bit clearer to her. "The name is Pigment" he says looking around at the surroundings. Looks rather different to the Cognitive he muses to himself, taking note of both the people, and objects. He points to Corin. "That is the guy that is asking for bets right?" Dougella nods at him. "Who do you think will win?"


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella looks at the thing that called itself Pigment in her palm. Who do I think will win? I don't know She glances at Corin again, noting the indifference in his gaze, and a small amount of pain that was locked behind the stony facade. What are they doing to you? She counts the bets that were made in her head, Mare is down by a bet. She yells across the arena. "I go for Mare" hoping to make the fight more even. ''


She looks across the chasm, at the platform which Sharp was on she watches as he seems to contend with mental enemies. What is happening to him. "He is in the process of changing, just like you" Pigment informs her from his resting place in her outstretched hand. She grins, "Are then any more of you?" she asks towards Pigment "Yes" he smiles


@J. Magi @Edema Rue

Corin grinned and marked it down in his ledger. You’re sick.

Better than being weak. Your friends would agree.

You said they’d be safe!

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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Th-th-they’re c-c-cool,” Gavin said. They’re strong. They’re changing. They’re broken, and they’re more powerful for it. 

"No, th-th-they're l-l-laaaaaaame." Ella says, mimicking Gavin's stutter and rolling her eyes.

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26 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"No, th-th-they're l-l-laaaaaaame." Ella says, mimicking Gavin's stutter and rolling her eyes.


Ooooh snap


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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"No, th-th-they're l-l-laaaaaaame." Ella says, mimicking Gavin's stutter and rolling her eyes.

Gavin’s eyes darken, and he turns away. This is why the games are so important. The young need to suffer more. They need to break. Only then will they care.

1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:




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8 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Gavin’s eyes darken, and he turns away. This is why the games are so important. The young need to suffer more. They need to break. Only then will they care.

“Is widdle G-g-Gavin m-m-m-mad? Oh, poor widdle G-g-Gavin…”

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