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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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59 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:



Eddie the goat

Sharlin sat on the steps of the warehouse. Focusing on breathing.







One of Sharanna's higher officers came to check on her, but she waved him away. She didn't need anything. Everything she needed was gone.







Just keep breathing. Nothing mattered but breathing. There was only her, and her breath. There was no corpse in the basement. There was no dead sister. Just breath.







It had started raining. The drops threatened to rip her back into reality, but she fought it away. Sharlin had no grasp of what time of day it was. That didn't matter. Nothing mattered, because everything that mattered was gone.

What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do? What was she going to do?







Nothing. She would do nothing but breathe.

Her grip tightened on her revolver. For now, she would do nothing. Someone out there had done this. Someone who had scrawled FOR SHARLEE in Sharanna's blood on the wall.

Sharlee was something, Sharlin supposed. Something to keep track of. Important, just like the breaths.

Yes, Sharlin would remember the message. It was a lead to follow, and invitation for revenge. Sharlin meant to take it.

But for now, while her hands still shook and her lungs spasmed beyond her control, she did nothing. 

Nothing but breathe.


Okay, I really am completely done this time, I just wanted a neater ending for her intentions.

Edited by J. Magi
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Seven Years Later

The orange warmth of a crackling fire filled the cozy living room of the cottage. It was a familiar sensation to Tinker. Having grown up in a place where accommodations like electric heating didn't exist, the simple, friendly glow of a fire had become an old friend.

He sat on a small couch, gazing into the patterns of the flames. Occasionally he'd see what looked like a spren, dancing among the flickering tounges, only to vanish from his view just as quickly as it had appeared. He didn't know if it meant anything, but sightings of nature spren were happening far more than usual lately, at least in this part of the continent.

He turned over and looked at Marewill. She'd fallen asleep as he'd drifted off into thought, curled up against him, a hand resting gently on her belly, which curved slightly to reveal the hidden life she carried there. Tinker smiled. They'd been young when they met, and their relationship had only really formed out of necessity in the arena. But...they'd had years to get to know each other afterwards. Those years had led to a shared solidarity, a deep love, and eventually a marriage.

Tinker absently reached to touch the metallic remains of the microphone embedded in his shoulder. Emeric...you sly dog. Guess you had us pegged all along, huh?

Though, it wasn't Emeric that had led them to this happiness. It was themselves. He'd been dead for seven years now.

Seven years...

After the revolt that had ended the Games, and freed the surviving tributes, a huge civil war started. The remaining central government, though left destabilized, still launched an offensive against many of the outer districts, which had stared to fight for independence after the horror of the Games. It had lasted for two years. Tinker hadn't fought in it himself, though Milay, despite her young age, became a prominent warrior, leader, and hero. 

After the outer districts won the civil war, they declared independence, and formed a new nation, known as the Free States of the Crescent. The new nation provided a safe haven to those who had wronged the old Capitol, and a place where people were freed from the dystopia that the old country had implemented. Tinker's father currently served as the leader of the Free States.

Most of the survivors of the Games had come to live in Moongaze, which was now a city. The poverty that existed under the Capitol's regime had vanished as a proper government was implimented, and now the hard life Tinker had lived in his childhood no longer had to be endured by any other children in the States.

But...that doesn't mean there aren't people like that in the Districts.

Tinker slowly stood up, making sure not to wake Marewill. He gently kissed her forehead, then slowly walked to the front door and opened it.

Their cottage stood on a hill overlooking Moongaze, which was lit by the lights of fires, Stormlight lamps, and lightbulbs, all together forming the unique constellation that was the city. It wasn't the capitol of the Free States, but it was a hub of economic and cultural exchange, as the old districts who made up the Free States began to merge and trade. The stars glittered above the beautiful city, echoing the twinkling lights with their own eternal gaze. The moon, too, hung above the settlement, it's friendly light watching over the city's free people.

He turned to the west, where the land was shrouded in darkness. Many miles in the distance stood the old Capitol, though Tinker obviously couldn't see it. 

After the war, the District's government had only destabilized further, turning the oppressed land into a hotbed of conflict and crime. A new government had finally established control in the region, but it was an oppressive government, even more so than the one that had orchestrated the Games Tinker had joined. 

People were suffering in those lands.

Tinker turned to look at his cottage. It was simple, but it was also a mansion compared to his old home. And right now it was only for two - well, almost three - people. And yet...to the west, there were probably thousands without homes, and thousands more that had other horrible lives.

He thought of the warmth of the fire, the warmth of his family welcoming him home, the warmth of a life free of poverty and oppression, the warmth of Marewill beside him.

They deserve that, too.

He turned back to the west.

Just wait, he thought to those countless thousands. Just wait. I promise, one day, we will come find you. Even if it takes centuries. We will free you.

And, though he didn't notice it at that moment, a small orb of light, emanating tiny rings, slowly faded into view behind him, and started moving towards him.

@Edema Rue

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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On 9/7/2024 at 3:12 PM, Edema Rue said:

“I’m…I’m still figuring that out.” He let out a quiet breath. “My casino is calling. But this whole world is changing. Just look at what we’ve done. I can’t sit around and deal cards while everything happens without me.” Corin shrugged. It was easier to be honest with a human. Ariya was almost too wise; sometimes, you needed the emotion only a human could have.

“I’ll find people to protect, and I’ll build a knew home for myself. But what about you? Free from all chains except the ones you’ve placed on yourself…what will you become now?”


The temptation to have Connor yell “Actually, you can!” After Corin talks about how he can’t deal cards and ignore the world


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22 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Seven Years Later

The orange warmth of a crackling fire filled the cozy living room of the cottage. It was a familiar sensation to Tinker. Having grown up in a place where accommodations like electric heating didn't exist, the simple, friendly glow of a fire had become an old friend.

He sat on a small couch, gazing into the patterns of the flames. Occasionally he'd see what looked like a spren, dancing among the flickering tounges, only to vanish from his view just as quickly as it had appeared. He didn't know if it meant anything, but sightings of nature spren were happening far more than usual lately, at least in this part of the continent.

He turned over and looked at Marewill. She'd fallen asleep as he'd drifted off into thought, curled up against him, a hand resting gently on her belly, which curved slightly to reveal the hidden life she carried there. Tinker smiled. They'd been young when they met, and their relationship had only really formed out of necessity in the arena. But...they'd had years to get to know each other afterwards. Those years had led to a shared solidarity, a deep love, and eventually a marriage.

Tinker absently reached to touch the metallic remains of the microphone embedded in his shoulder. Emeric...you sly dog. Guess you had us pegged all along, huh?

Though, it wasn't Emeric that had led them to this happiness. It was themselves. He'd been dead for seven years now.

Seven years...

After the revolt that had ended the Games, and freed the surviving tributes, a huge civil war started. The remaining central government, though left destabilized, still launched an offensive against many of the outer districts, which had stared to fight for independence after the horror of the Games. It had lasted for two years. Tinker hadn't fought in it himself, though Milay, despite her young age, became a prominent warrior, leader, and hero. 

After the outer districts won the civil war, they declared independence, and formed a new nation, known as the Free States of the Crescent. The new nation provided a safe haven to those who had wronged the old Capitol, and a place where people were freed from the dystopia that the old country had implemented. Tinker's father currently served as the leader of the Free States.

Most of the survivors of the Games had come to live in Moongaze, which was now a city. The poverty that existed under the Capitol's regime had vanished as a proper government was implimented, and now the hard life Tinker had lived in his childhood no longer had to be endured by any other children in the States.

But...that doesn't mean there aren't people like that in the Districts.

Tinker slowly stood up, making sure not to wake Marewill. He gently kissed her forehead, then slowly walked to the front door and opened it.

Their cottage stood on a hill overlooking Moongaze, which was lit by the lights of fires, Stormlight lamps, and lightbulbs, all together forming the unique constellation that was the city. It wasn't the capitol of the Free States, but it was a hub of economic and cultural exchange, as the old districts who made up the Free States began to merge and trade. The stars glittered above the beautiful city, echoing the twinkling lights with their own eternal gaze. The moon, too, hung above the settlement, it's friendly light watching over the city's free people.

He turned to the west, where the land was shrouded in darkness. Many miles in the distance stood the old Capitol, though Tinker obviously couldn't see it. 

After the war, the District's government had only destabilized further, turning the oppressed land into a hotbed of conflict and crime. A new government had finally established control in the region, but it was an oppressive government, even more so than the one that had orchestrated the Games Tinker had joined. 

People were suffering in those lands.

Tinker turned to look at his cottage. It was simple, but it was also a mansion compared to his old home. And right now it was only for two - well, almost three - people. And yet...to the west, there were probably thousands without homes, and thousands more that had other horrible lives.

He thought of the warmth of the fire, the warmth of his family welcoming him home, the warmth of a life free of poverty and oppression, the warmth of Marewill beside him.

They deserve that, too.

He turned back to the west.

Just wait, he thought to those countless thousands. Just wait. I promise, one day, we will come find you. Even if it takes centuries. We will free you.

And, though he didn't notice it at that moment, a small orb of light, emanating tiny rings, slowly faded into view behind him, and started moving towards him.

@Edema Rue


😭😭😭 that's beautiful booky


the gm's about to start a new games and continue the cycle of death and sorrow: 😐

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Seven Years Later

The orange warmth of a crackling fire filled the cozy living room of the cottage. It was a familiar sensation to Tinker. Having grown up in a place where accommodations like electric heating didn't exist, the simple, friendly glow of a fire had become an old friend.

He sat on a small couch, gazing into the patterns of the flames. Occasionally he'd see what looked like a spren, dancing among the flickering tounges, only to vanish from his view just as quickly as it had appeared. He didn't know if it meant anything, but sightings of nature spren were happening far more than usual lately, at least in this part of the continent.

He turned over and looked at Marewill. She'd fallen asleep as he'd drifted off into thought, curled up against him, a hand resting gently on her belly, which curved slightly to reveal the hidden life she carried there. Tinker smiled. They'd been young when they met, and their relationship had only really formed out of necessity in the arena. But...they'd had years to get to know each other afterwards. Those years had led to a shared solidarity, a deep love, and eventually a marriage.

Tinker absently reached to touch the metallic remains of the microphone embedded in his shoulder. Emeric...you sly dog. Guess you had us pegged all along, huh?

Though, it wasn't Emeric that had led them to this happiness. It was themselves. He'd been dead for seven years now.

Seven years...

After the revolt that had ended the Games, and freed the surviving tributes, a huge civil war started. The remaining central government, though left destabilized, still launched an offensive against many of the outer districts, which had stared to fight for independence after the horror of the Games. It had lasted for two years. Tinker hadn't fought in it himself, though Milay, despite her young age, became a prominent warrior, leader, and hero. 

After the outer districts won the civil war, they declared independence, and formed a new nation, known as the Free States of the Crescent. The new nation provided a safe haven to those who had wronged the old Capitol, and a place where people were freed from the dystopia that the old country had implemented. Tinker's father currently served as the leader of the Free States.

Most of the survivors of the Games had come to live in Moongaze, which was now a city. The poverty that existed under the Capitol's regime had vanished as a proper government was implimented, and now the hard life Tinker had lived in his childhood no longer had to be endured by any other children in the States.

But...that doesn't mean there aren't people like that in the Districts.

Tinker slowly stood up, making sure not to wake Marewill. He gently kissed her forehead, then slowly walked to the front door and opened it.

Their cottage stood on a hill overlooking Moongaze, which was lit by the lights of fires, Stormlight lamps, and lightbulbs, all together forming the unique constellation that was the city. It wasn't the capitol of the Free States, but it was a hub of economic and cultural exchange, as the old districts who made up the Free States began to merge and trade. The stars glittered above the beautiful city, echoing the twinkling lights with their own eternal gaze. The moon, too, hung above the settlement, it's friendly light watching over the city's free people.

He turned to the west, where the land was shrouded in darkness. Many miles in the distance stood the old Capitol, though Tinker obviously couldn't see it. 

After the war, the District's government had only destabilized further, turning the oppressed land into a hotbed of conflict and crime. A new government had finally established control in the region, but it was an oppressive government, even more so than the one that had orchestrated the Games Tinker had joined. 

People were suffering in those lands.

Tinker turned to look at his cottage. It was simple, but it was also a mansion compared to his old home. And right now it was only for two - well, almost three - people. And yet...to the west, there were probably thousands without homes, and thousands more that had other horrible lives.

He thought of the warmth of the fire, the warmth of his family welcoming him home, the warmth of a life free of poverty and oppression, the warmth of Marewill beside him.

They deserve that, too.

He turned back to the west.

Just wait, he thought to those countless thousands. Just wait. I promise, one day, we will come find you. Even if it takes centuries. We will free you.

And, though he didn't notice it at that moment, a small orb of light, emanating tiny rings, slowly faded into view behind him, and started moving towards him.

@Edema Rue


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I scudding love that

…am I supposed to do something?


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