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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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11 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"I need brass. And something to ease the headache of bad metal." Mark says to the gambler, unfazed by his appearance. Where's he's from, people look like that all the time. He was considered fancy down in the mines with his shirt that still had some of the original gray visible on it.

Please. I need Brass. I need to find someone. Need to trick them... He had a sense of pleading in his eyes. "Can we go quickly? I need to find some people who I think I'm in an alliance with. Though we immediately split up. And she seemed drunk. She kept calling me darling for some reason and not noticing when I made fun of her for it. Anyways, Brass if I win, I do something for you if you win. Deal?"

@Ancient Elantrian

The Gambler looked at him. "Deal. You know how to play?"


I roll 3 6-sided dice, you roll 3 six-sided dice, we compare results.


43 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Alley alley alley.

Alderic finds a person in the alley, and crouches down to look them in the eye. "Family of Marewill. I was told to look here."

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4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

The Gambler looked at him. "Deal. You know how to play?"


Alderic finds a person in the alley, and crouches down to look them in the eye. "Family of Marewill. I was told to look here."

The woman held the two smaller ones closer to her. One was about ten, the other around five. "Why?" she asked quietly.

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

The woman held the two smaller ones closer to her. One was about ten, the other around five. "Why?" she asked quietly.

"To bring to the capital. The other GMs want an interview." Alderic said, hand still cautiously placed on his weapon.

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

"To bring to the capital. The other GMs want an interview." Alderic said, hand still cautiously placed on his weapon.

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. She stood and held each of the children's hands.

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26 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:



Of course!

Èmeric straightens his tie as he looks into the mirror, gently spritzing his cologne onto the crease of his collar. “préparez-vous à faire rouler les caméras.” He waves to one of the cameramen next to him and they run to tell the rest of the production team. His polished shoes gently tap the hardwood floor as he makes his way up to the couch sitting on the circular platform in front of the camera. He settles on the left side of the couch, sitting rather comfortably with his one propped up on the other. He looks behind him at the screen, now displaying footage from the forest in the arena, rather peaceful at the moment. He makes a rolling motion with his finger and sees the red light blink on the cameras. An announcers voice comes over the speakers. “Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for your favorite fighting Frenchman! Èmeric Moreau!” He flashes the camera a daring smile and holds up his hand, playfully waving to it with a small laugh. “bon après-midi, bon après-midi.” He smiles. “Or good afternoon for you English speakers.” He laughs. “I’ve got a special little treat tonight for all those watching so gather around little ones you are going to want to hear this.” He looks to a man on the side and slightly nods, suddenly the footage begins to broadcast to the arena from the sky. 





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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

He led them to his jet, and led them on board. Within seconds they were quickly making their way towards the capital.

None of them spoke, but the five year old hugged her mother and eyed Alderic warily.

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

Marewill stopped prying at the box for a moment and looked up.

@J. Magi @WhyEverNot_8 @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm

He looks to the side and dramatically holds out his arms. “Friends, family, lovers.” He does a little eyebrow wiggle, chuckling. “They all mean something to a person, they are our light in this dark world. Tonight we gather here to bring in the family of a popular tribute this year. You all know her quite well, some of them better than others.” An image of Tinker pops up on the screen behind him as if accidentally and he waves his hand at it, shooing it away. He straightens his tie with a big round smile. “But tonight we are celebrating the family of this tribute. Please give a warm welcome to the family of Marewill!” He waves them over. 

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

None of them spoke, but the five year old hugged her mother and eyed Alderic warily.

"Don't fear, child. I won't hurt you." He said, "I remember when my granddaughter was your age. Now she's almost thirteen."

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7 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Èmeric straightens his tie as he looks into the mirror, gently spritzing his cologne onto the crease of his collar. “préparez-vous à faire rouler les caméras.” He waves to one of the cameramen next to him and they run to tell the rest of the production team. His polished shoes gently tap the hardwood floor as he makes his way up to the couch sitting on the circular platform in front of the camera. He settles on the left side of the couch, sitting rather comfortably with his one propped up on the other. He looks behind him at the screen, now displaying footage from the forest in the arena, rather peaceful at the moment. He makes a rolling motion with his finger and sees the red light blink on the cameras. An announcers voice comes over the speakers. “Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for your favorite fighting Frenchman! Èmeric Moreau!” He flashes the camera a daring smile and holds up his hand, playfully waving to it with a small laugh. “bon après-midi, bon après-midi.” He smiles. “Or good afternoon for you English speakers.” He laughs. “I’ve got a special little treat tonight for all those watching so gather around little ones you are going to want to hear this.” He looks to a man on the side and slightly nods, suddenly the footage begins to broadcast to the arena from the sky. 


Krin looks up. "Is this your family?"

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

He looks to the side and dramatically holds out his arms. “Friends, family, lovers.” He does a little eyebrow wiggle, chuckling. “They all mean something to a person, they are our light in this dark world. Tonight we gather here to bring in the family of a popular tribute this year. You all know her quite well, some of them better than others.” An image of Tinker pops up on the screen behind him as if accidentally and he waves his hand at it, shooing it away. He straightens his tie with a big round smile. “But tonight we are celebrating the family of this tribute. Please give a warm welcome to the family of Marewill!” He waves them over. 

The woman and her two children came over.

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Don't fear, child. I won't hurt you." He said, "I remember when my granddaughter was your age. Now she's almost thirteen."

She didn't answer, but didn't look quite so worried.

Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krin looks up. "Is this your family?"

She paled, but said nothing.

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

The woman and her two children came over.

She didn't answer, but didn't look quite so worried.

She paled, but said nothing.


Don’t you just love Èmeric

At the sight of the children Èmeric moves down to their level, on his knees. “Why hello little ones!” He gives a small cheerful wave. He seems rather gentle, he is in a suit and his accent is quite noticeable but nothing too scary. 

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

The woman and her two children came over.

She didn't answer, but didn't look quite so worried.

She paled, but said nothing.

Soon they landed, and Alderic leads them to where they are being interviewed. 

"I have rooms you can spend the night in when the interview is over." He says.

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

At the sight of the children Èmeric moves down to their level, on his knees. “Why hello little ones!” He gives a small cheerful wave. He seems rather gentle, he is in a suit and his accent is quite noticeable but nothing too scary. 

The five year old girl hid slightly behind the ten year old boy. "Hi," he muttered.

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Soon they landed, and Alderic leads them to where they are being interviewed. 

"I have rooms you can spend the night in when the interview is over." He says.

She nodded.

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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

At the sight of the children Èmeric moves down to their level, on his knees. “Why hello little ones!” He gives a small cheerful wave. He seems rather gentle, he is in a suit and his accent is quite noticeable but nothing too scary. 


... no.


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4 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

He looks to the side and dramatically holds out his arms. “Friends, family, lovers.” He does a little eyebrow wiggle, chuckling. “They all mean something to a person, they are our light in this dark world. Tonight we gather here to bring in the family of a popular tribute this year. You all know her quite well, some of them better than others.” An image of Tinker pops up on the screen behind him as if accidentally and he waves his hand at it, shooing it away. He straightens his tie with a big round smile. “But tonight we are celebrating the family of this tribute. Please give a warm welcome to the family of Marewill!” He waves them over. 

Sharp shook his head grimly. "Damn psychopaths . . ."

3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krin looks up. "Is this your family?"

"That's what he said."

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2 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp shook his head grimly. "Damn psychopaths . . ."

"That's what he said."


Èmeric’s not thaaat bad! He’s more a showman than he is evil! 


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