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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

“Well darling, if I could promise that I would. I wish I could. But I do know she is alive at this very moment and she has a special someone tagging along with her and he will stay with her for as long as he can, I know that much.”

"Can we see her?" Lily asked excitedly.


Marewill started and wiped her face.

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"Can we see her?" Lily asked excitedly.


Marewill started and wiped her face.

“What if I could give you better?” He smiles gently. He stands up and waves for a camera man. 

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:



She chose not to respond

Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

“What if I could give you better?” He smiles gently. He stands up and waves for a camera man. 

"Better?" Meron asked.

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"Better?" Meron asked.

“Much better.” The cameraman whispers into his ear and he nods. “Follow little ones.” He holds out his hand for Lily to grab and follow.

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

“Much better.” The cameraman whispers into his ear and he nods. “Follow little ones.” He holds out his hand for Lily to grab and follow.

She took his hand and Meron's.


If he meant for the mother to come too she'll hold Meron's other hand


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3 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

“Much better.” The cameraman whispers into his ear and he nods. “Follow little ones.” He holds out his hand for Lily to grab and follow.


panda, are you gonna drop them into the arena? BECAUSE IF YOU DO IM HAVING RYN SLAP YOU


Edited by TheRavenHasLanded
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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

She took his hand and Meron's.



They can all go

His hand is soft and careful. He slowly leads them to a door and ushers them through. It’s small closet sized room with one wall of glass. You feel it detach from the building and start to fly up. He holds Lily’s hand so she isn’t scared. “Let’s go see your big sis.” There are two pockets on the glass wall to stick your hands through. They hover over the arena and slowly lower in. A layer of burning acid covers all the other walls of the rooms exterior  except for the glass so nobody can latch on and leave as well. They are slowly lowered and stop about a hundred feet from Marewill and the group.

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

His hand is soft and careful. He slowly leads them to a door and ushers them through. It’s small closet sized room with one wall of glass. You feel it detach from the building and start to fly up. He holds Lily’s hand so she isn’t scared. “Let’s go see your big sis.” There are two pockets on the glass wall to stick your hands through. They hover over the arena and slowly lower in. A layer of burning acid covers all the other walls of the rooms exterior  except for the glass so nobody can latch on and leave as well. They are slowly lowered and stop about a hundred feet from Marewill and the group.

She ran over to where it was and knelt in front of her siblings. "Willy!" Lily said happily.

Marewill smiled, trying (and mostly succeeding) not to cry.

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

His hand is soft and careful. He slowly leads them to a door and ushers them through. It’s small closet sized room with one wall of glass. You feel it detach from the building and start to fly up. He holds Lily’s hand so she isn’t scared. “Let’s go see your big sis.” There are two pockets on the glass wall to stick your hands through. They hover over the arena and slowly lower in. A layer of burning acid covers all the other walls of the rooms exterior  except for the glass so nobody can latch on and leave as well. They are slowly lowered and stop about a hundred feet from Marewill and the group.


ok, that's fine.

Krin glares at the GM. "You... are an arse, you know that? horrible, horrible man..."

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krin glares at the GM. "You... are an arse, you know that? horrible, horrible man..."

"What does 'arse' mean?" Lily asked.


Consequences of your actions, Raven


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Émeric stands back. “You can stick your hands through little ones, go ahead…”

Émeric doesn’t physically react to his comment. But it hurts inside. Can’t you see I’m trying to help these children to have hope?

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Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:

Émeric stands back. “You can stick your hands through little ones, go ahead…”

Lily and Meron did, and Marewill grabbed their hands.

"You'll win, right?" Meron asked sadly.

"I-I'll do my best," Marewill said, starting to lose the crying battle.

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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Émeric stands back. “You can stick your hands through little ones, go ahead…”

Émeric doesn’t physically react to his comment. But it hurts inside. Can’t you see I’m trying to help these children to have hope?

He grimaces. This isn't hope. This is torture. He walks up to the glass. "Emeric, right? Keep this girl alive. keep everyone alive. no one has to truly die. only those that want to."

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

Lily and Meron did, and Marewill grabbed their hands.

"You'll win, right?" Meron asked sadly.

"I-I'll do my best," Marewill said, starting to lose the crying battle.

Émeric feels a warmth in his heart. This is the kind of thing he loves. 

“Would you like to give your big sis a little treat?”

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24 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"I'm not supposed to know a lot of things. why's this different?"

His eyes seem distant. "I know but this is . . . this is different . . ."

13 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"Can we all go home? do we really have to die?" Krin asks to himself.

"Krin . . ."

3 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

His hand is soft and careful. He slowly leads them to a door and ushers them through. It’s small closet sized room with one wall of glass. You feel it detach from the building and start to fly up. He holds Lily’s hand so she isn’t scared. “Let’s go see your big sis.” There are two pockets on the glass wall to stick your hands through. They hover over the arena and slowly lower in. A layer of burning acid covers all the other walls of the rooms exterior  except for the glass so nobody can latch on and leave as well. They are slowly lowered and stop about a hundred feet from Marewill and the group.

Sharp grimaced. This wasn't going to end well, he could feel it in his bones.

2 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Émeric stands back. “You can stick your hands through little ones, go ahead…”

Émeric doesn’t physically react to his comment. But it hurts inside. Can’t you see I’m trying to help these children to have hope?

Sharp scowls at the GM, not saying anything.

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He grimaces. This isn't hope. This is torture. He walks up to the glass. "Emeric, right? Keep this girl alive. keep everyone alive. no one has to truly die. only those that want to."


Your characters literally joined the games cause they wanted to


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Just now, J. Magi said:

His eyes seem distant. "I know but this is . . . this is different . . ."

"Krin . . ."

Sharp grimaced. This wasn't going to end well, he could feel it in his bones.

Sharp scowls at the GM, not saying anything.

"I know how hard it is for you. maybe I can tell you something about my parents in return?"

Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:





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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Émeric feels a warmth in his heart. This is the kind of thing he loves. 

“Would you like to give your big sis a little treat?”

"A lolla- lollybu- um..." Lily tried to remember what it was called.

Just now, SmilingPanda19 said:



Their characters also didn't know people would die

They did, but not the characters


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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

"I know how hard it is for you. maybe I can tell you something about my parents in return?"


His face twists into something like a frown, but tighter. He didn't respond.

3 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:



yes, as we've both mentioned several times, Krin joined the Games ignorantly and wasn't aware people would actually die, Raven knew though


Edited by J. Magi
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