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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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On 5/30/2024 at 7:22 AM, SmilingPanda19 said:

If I am correct are the people still alive. Correct me if I am in fact wrong.

@Cash67 @RoyalBeeMage @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm @Spark of Hope @Wierdo @The Stormfather @WhyEverNot_8 @Unintelligenius @Scars of Hathsin @Witisthebest @Lotus Blossom @Dragonheir @LightRinger

Please reach through to your name. 

@Lotus Blossom She found herself on the verge of puking, it felt like the walls of her stomach was being ripped. @Edema Rue (Just trying to start stuff, void some of this if you want)

@Spark of Hope @J. Magi @UnintelligeniusAnd @The Bookwyrm you hear a crack of lightning and a large oak tree behind Marewill begins to fall directly for the group. 

@Wierdo as Lucian trudges to the casino he notices at the ground rumbling beneath him. 

@RoyalBeeMage @The Stormfather as you leave the land you stumble across Lucian from across the plains about a hundred meters, you can see the ground shifting and cracking beneath him. 

@Dragonheir he slowly starts to feel dizzy and lightheaded, like the air around him is slowly making him tipsy. (Elan can void this if needed) @LightRinger also begins to feel the same as they enter the casino. 

@WhyEverNot_8 there’s a rock in your way. You trip. It’s a sad trip. 

@Scars of Hathsin and Witisthebest begin to suffer from dehydration. 

@TheRavenHasLanded you start to feel vines creeping up your legs. 


Krinarl screams

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13 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Krinarl screams


dont worry bro I got you out of there

On another note . . . I missed several pages so I'm just gonna wing this next part (apologies, I'm on hay-fever brain)

Sharp continued running, pulling Krin behind him by the wrist. He had no idea where he was going, he simply did his best to avoid debris and hazards as he ran.

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6 minutes ago, J. Magi said:

Sharp ran up to Tinker and Marewell, pulling Krin behind him by the wrist. 

"Sorry guys I got lost, what's happening?" (if this doesn't work for one reason or another let me know and I'll try to decipher what I missed.)

@Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm


We're in a cave and the entrance collapsed behind us, presumably before anyone else could get in.


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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:



whoops alrighty then, I guess I'll just do my own thing (and edit the other post).

Also, is it still night time?


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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra smiled nostalgically.

She looked up at Corin, about to say something, but then shaking her head slightly and closing her mouth to a bitter grimace, she looked back down at the glass. Those times. They died with Sawyin. She could never get those times back. She could never free the desperate. She had failed.

Life before death.

That was why she was here, wasn't she? Her life counted. Everyone's life counted. Her life could make a change. It could change but one life and it was a life well lived. She would fight till the end. Always. Just like he did. Just like they all did.

Strength before weakness.

And yet, here she was, drunk beyond measure at a casino again. She could never show a crack. A misstep. She was here for a reason. She was here for a reason. And no one could take that reason away from her. No matter how hard they tried, Astra would grasp onto whatever remaining strength she had. Always. Just like he did. Just like they all did.

Journey before destination.

Journey before destination.

She met Corin's eyes.

"Who are you?"


Corin didn’t speak for a long, long moment. He reached and grabbed her drink, downing the rest of it in a single gulp. A single drop of liquid trickled from the corner of his mouth, like blood. 

“I,” he finally said, “am a person. No matter what they tell you.” He swallowed, looked at the floor, and his elegant accent fell away. 

“See, I ain’t here te kill all you. An’ I ain’t here te save you. The way I see it, I’m here te save as many a my folk as I can, an’ you…y’all ain’t my folks.” 

Corin met her eyes again, and then it was back. “They didn’t want me to keep that. It was important that I did, though. The way you talk, it’s a powerful thing. I don’t even remember my name, now.”

He tapped the counter, musing. “So who am I…I’m more than my name. I’m more than my clothes or my voice or my merchandise. 

“Who am I?

”I’m a human. With a story. And they can’t take it from me, even if it never means anything.” A sudden urgency entered his eyes. “They can’t take it from you either. And your story…it can matter, Astra. Ye don’t gotta be like them te matter. Ye don’t gotta be out there, and if yer in here, tha’ means the world’s watchin’ you. So give ‘em somethin’ te watch. Make ‘em see it so sure, they won’ be able to walk past us in the streets no more.”

“Cause folk like us, we got stories. We got lives, man. An’ you can make ‘em matter. Don’ let ‘em forget us, yeah? Cause…cause I’m a person.”

7 hours ago, J. Magi said:



Nope, it’s day!


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@The Bookwyrm

After about 30 seconds of silence, she said, “Look, if the fact that I killed someone makes you uncomfortable, sorry, but I don’t really care. I need to make it as far as I can. I had to mentally prepare myself to get here anyway. If you aren’t willing to take matters into your own hands, you won’t last long in the Games, Tinker.”

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28 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

@The Bookwyrm

After about 30 seconds of silence, she said, “Look, if the fact that I killed someone makes you uncomfortable, sorry, but I don’t really care. I need to make it as far as I can. I had to mentally prepare myself to get here anyway. If you aren’t willing to take matters into your own hands, you won’t last long in the Games, Tinker.”




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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:



I’m tryin here, besides couples have arguments, right? Couples argument about her being a murderer! 😊


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1 minute ago, SmilingPanda19 said:



But what if I would rather…


…hug the panda?







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58 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

@The Bookwyrm

After about 30 seconds of silence, she said, “Look, if the fact that I killed someone makes you uncomfortable, sorry, but I don’t really care. I need to make it as far as I can. I had to mentally prepare myself to get here anyway. If you aren’t willing to take matters into your own hands, you won’t last long in the Games, Tinker.”

He sighed and stared at the ceiling of the cave.

"They lied to the world when they made these games, you know," he said eventually. "They said that every 'tribute' would volunteer of their own accord. That it was a way to remember the old days, a way to bring people glory.

"They were lying through their teeth. This was never about choice. Yes, each and every one of us chose to join these games, but the question is why? Because the people in the Capitol, in the Center of the nation, have removed choice from our lives. The people that joined this game are oppressed, desperate. No happy person is going to join these games, risk certain death for a fading chance at glory. The only people crazy enough to join are those who want to change their lives, and are willing to die trying, because in the end maybe death isn't so bad compared to the hell they've put us in.

"I've spent so long in poverty...shivering...starving...we've manage to scrape together a life out there, my family, my town. We use the spores to survive. But it isn't stable. The first major disaster will be enough to wipe us out. And yet, despite constant pleas to the Capitol, we receive no aid.

"So yes, I did join these games. But not out of personal choice. Just because it was the only choice the Capitol offered to my struggling people."

He turned and met her eyes. "I've spent my whole life under their whims, suffering because of their greed and negligence. I'm likely in the last days, last moments of that life. And I'm not going to spend those last moments dancing to their whims. If I do win this, it will be by my rules. Not theirs. I'll defend myself if attacked, and I'll use lethal force if I'm attacked lethally. But I'm not going to go hunt people. And I'm not going to turn the last days of my life into a lie for the entertainment of the men and women who make my family suffer."



Me to myself:



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17 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:



So does Spark get over here

3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

He sighed and stared at the ceiling of the cave.

"They lied to the world when they made these games, you know," he said eventually. "They said that every 'tribute' would volunteer of their own accord. That it was a way to remember the old days, a way to bring people glory.

"They were lying through their teeth. This was never about choice. Yes, each and every one of us chose to join these games, but the question is why? Because the people in the Capitol, in the Center of the nation, have removed choice from our lives. The people that joined this game are oppressed, desperate. No happy person is going to join these games, risk certain death for a fading chance at glory. The only people crazy enough to join are those who want to change their lives, and are willing to die trying, because in the end maybe death isn't so bad compared to the hell they've put us in.

"I've spent so long in poverty...shivering...starving...we've manage to scrape together a life out there, my family, my town. We use the spores to survive. But it isn't stable. The first major disaster will be enough to wipe us out. And yet, despite constant pleas to the Capitol, we receive no aid.

"So yes, I did join these games. But not out of personal choice. Just because it was the only choice the Capitol offered to my struggling people."

He turned and met her eyes. "I've spent my whole life under their whims, suffering because of their greed and negligence. I'm likely in the last days, last moments of that life. And I'm not going to spend those last moments dancing to their whims. If I do win this, it will be by my rules. Not theirs. I'll defend myself if attacked, and I'll use lethal force if I'm attacked lethally. But I'm not going to go hunt people. And I'm not going to turn the last days of my life into a lie for the entertainment of the men and women who make my family suffer."


She held them for a moment, then looked away. Whether she was uncomfortable or ashamed was unclear. She removed the lollipops from her pocket and held them in her palm.

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20 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon circles around, trying to get Quelkin’s back toward Jaksyn. He also looks to see if Quelkin seems to be burning pewter, as having no stuff and it not being smart to fight a thug is a contradiction. “I’ve already lost but you have no supplies? What does that mean?” 

"I meant I already gave my bag of food to another tribute, but I got my metals inside me." (Quelkin is lying, he has no pewter). Seeing that Tondon was trying to circle him, he slowly made his way towards the forest. "I don't want to fight. But I will if I need to." Quelkin thought about asking to join the group but knew that it would only end in him backstabbing them or the other way around. "I'm not going to go into the Casino and trade for supplies only to give them to you." Quelkin continues to back closer to the line of trees. 


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4 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

"I meant I already gave my bag of food to another tribute, but I got my metals inside me." (Quelkin is lying, he has no pewter). Seeing that Tondon was trying to circle him, he slowly made his way towards the forest. "I don't want to fight. But I will if I need to." Quelkin thought about asking to join the group but knew that it would only end in him backstabbing them or the other way around. "I'm not going to go into the Casino and trade for supplies only to give them to you." Quelkin continues to back closer to the line of trees. 


Tondon runs up and tosses a small tangle of vines and verdant spores at you. The box he pulled it out from seems to have been glowing. He switches back to holding a sickle in each hand and swings at your head one as the vine begins trying to wrap around you. He's also left a dagger behind him. (Which is for @LightRinger

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6 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon runs up and tosses a small tangle of vines and verdant spores at you. The box he pulled it out from seems to have been glowing. He switches back to holding a sickle in each hand and swings at your head one as the vine begins trying to wrap around you. He's also left a dagger behind him. (Which is for @LightRinger

Quelkin realizes that he won't be able to make it into the casino as Tondon runs towards him. So with instincts instilled in him from childhood, he turns and dashes into the forest. He is slammed in the back and propelled a few feet into the air before landing on his stomach. No time to waste. No time to die. Quelkin stands up as his vision begins to clear and sees Tondon swinging a sickle at his head. He quickly ducks and swings his stick at Tondon's feet. 

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12 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

He quickly ducks and swings his stick at Tondon's feet. 

The makeshift staff slams into Tondon’s left ankle. Luckily for him, Quelkin has no pewter, otherwise Tondon’s ankle would be broken. As it is, he’ll probably have some bruises. 
He keeps swinging, rather inexpertly but still dangerous, trying to keep him occupied so Jaksyn can sneak up on him. 

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13 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

He keeps swinging, rather inexpertly but still dangerous, trying to keep him occupied so Jaksyn can sneak up on him. 

Quelkin blocks another swing with his makeshift quarterstaff. The sickle bites into the wood. Quelkin, realizing that he would lose his weapon, shoves his stick with all his strength at Tondon. He then turns and dashes away. I can't die. Not now. Not yet. We need this. Not just the money, but the fame. He'd always told people that he joined the games for the money. But you didn't just need money for a revolution... you needed followers. As he runs he sticks his hand into his coat pocket that he got from Corin, hoping to find something that could save him. 

@Edema Rue  @Dragonheir

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin blocks another swing with his makeshift quarterstaff. The sickle bites into the wood. Quelkin, realizing that he would lose his weapon, shoves his stick with all his strength at Tondon. He then turns and dashes away. I can't die. Not now. Not yet. We need this. Not just the money, but the fame. He'd always told people that he joined the games for the money. But you didn't just need money for a revolution... you needed followers. As he runs he sticks his hand into his coat pocket that he got from Corin, hoping to find something that could save him. 

@Edema Rue  @Dragonheir

He finds a pair of warm emerald dice.

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin blocks another swing with his makeshift quarterstaff. The sickle bites into the wood. Quelkin, realizing that he would lose his weapon, shoves his stick with all his strength at Tondon. He then turns and dashes away. I can't die. Not now. Not yet. We need this. Not just the money, but the fame. He'd always told people that he joined the games for the money. But you didn't just need money for a revolution... you needed followers. As he runs he sticks his hand into his coat pocket that he got from Corin, hoping to find something that could save him. 

@Edema Rue  @Dragonheir

Tondon stops chasing him and searches through his glowing box for something that would actually stop Quelkin. He throws some of the contents of a random spore vial. (It’s Rositite) 


If Tondon heard your tragic backstory, he’d probably want to help you. But he has no way to know, so he’s trying to kill you. 

24 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

He finds a pair of warm emerald dice.


Hmm. That sounds either useless or very dangerous. I’m slightly worried. 

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11 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon stops chasing him and searches through his glowing box for something that would actually stop Quelkin. He throws some of the contents of a random spore vial. (It’s Rositite) 

He glances back and sees that Tondon has stopped. Either that hit did more damage to his ankle then I thought or he's doing something dangerous. As Quelkin sprints through the forest he glances down and sees a pair of warm emerald dice in the hand that he had put into his pocket. I don't need storming dice. I need pewter, or sand... or stormlight. Quelkin pauses momentarily and tries to suck in stormlight.

@Edema Rue  @Dragonheir

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin pauses momentarily and tries to suck in stormlight.


You appear to have noticed that I repeatedly referenced my glowing box. It contains a fabrial, among other things. (Although the stormlight isn’t in it. I got slightly scammed, and was given spheres with no idea how to move the Light) 

Tondon’s eyes go wide as a glowing stream of light streaks from his box. “What is happening?” However, a large number of pink spores follows the light. (Tondon threw them my last post) As they hit the damp ground, they explode into large pink crystals, potentially entrapping Quelkin’s feet. If he’s caught, Tondon approaches warily. If he’s not, the glowing gives him pause. Jaksyn might be able to help though. @LightRinger

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