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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker pulled out a couple of the protein bars, handed one to her. Then he opened the other and took a bite.

"I haven't eaten since early yesterday...this'll be nice."

Her eyebrows furrowed. “You’re right. I didn’t even realize how hungry I was.”

You are used to not eating a lot…

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

Her eyebrows furrowed. “You’re right. I didn’t even realize how hungry I was.”

You are used to not eating a lot…

Tinker sat for a moment.

"So...what's the plan, moving forward?"

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3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker sat for a moment.

"So...what's the plan, moving forward?"

“Well… We’ve agreed not to kill anyone else if we have a choice. We should try to avoid the other tributes *chomp* und brobably aboid dhe Cathino for a while.”

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

“Well… We’ve agreed not to kill anyone else if we have a choice. We should try to avoid the other tributes *chomp* und brobably aboid dhe Cathino for a while.”

Tinker nodded.

Not that there was anything there for me anyway.

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"I don't know if that's worth chasing after," Tinker said. "It's probably long gone at this point."

“It was just a thought. Plus, I’ve never dealt well with… losing things.”

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3 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon looks very indecisive. “Uh. Revolution? Why? Who are you revolving against?” He gives Quelkin a metal bracelet. “If you’re surrendering, put this on.” Then he turns back to the rest of his team. “What should we do with him?” 

Quelkin accepts the bracelet and puts it on his arm. "I've realized that I need money to pay for a revolution. But mostly fame. Fame will bring me followers. Once we are strong enough we will down scadrials government. Then move on to Roshar and Taldain... Then anywhere else that needs liberation from tyrants."

@Dragonheir @Lotus Blossom @RoyalBeeMage @LightRinger @The Stormfather


Quick question, in this RP is scadrial still ruled by the great houses or is it like alloy of law kind of government or is it a totally different government that is special to this RP? @Edema Rue


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1 minute ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin accepts the bracelet and puts it on his arm. "I've realized that I need money to pay for a revolution. But mostly fame. Fame will bring me followers. Once we are strong enough we will down scadrials government. Then move on to Roshar and Taldain... Then anywhere else that needs liberation from tyrants."

@Dragonheir @Lotus Blossom @RoyalBeeMage @LightRinger @The Stormfather


@Edema Rue


Unintelligenius, pings don’t work in quote boxes


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7 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quick question, in this RP is scadrial still ruled by the great houses or is it like alloy of law kind of government or is it a totally different government that is special to this RP? @Edema Rue


I'd always thought that the Cosmere worlds don't exist in this universe, but this is a weird planet where for some reason Sanderson magics are leaking in...

But I have no idea.


8 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She said nothing for a moment. “One of us should try to sleep.”

"You go ahead," Tinker said. "You're actually wounded, and could use the rest. I want to make some more spore weapons anyway, just in case."

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:


"You go ahead," Tinker said. "You're actually wounded, and could use the rest. I want to make some more spore weapons anyway, just in case."

“Alright.” She pulled the sleeping bag out and went into the tent. She kept watching him for a couple seconds before closing the tent flap.

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

“Alright.” She pulled the sleeping bag out and went into the tent. She kept watching him for a couple seconds before closing the tent flap.

Tinker smiled. For some reason I thought it would be harder to convince her.

He stood up and searched around the campsite for two large flat rocks. He carefully placed a few Roseite spores on top of one of the flat surfaces, then put the other rock on top. Then he melted some snow and carefully poured the water between the two rocks. The Roseite grew into a flat shape, guided by the two rocks.

"There we go," he said quietly to himself. "I was worried that wouldn't work." Without iron or steel to guide how the crystal grew, he had to resort to more old fashioned methods, like a simple mold.

He used the silver knife to cut the Roseite into a few different shapes, then started using it and some leftover clay to make more spore grenades, ones that would explode on impact.



Tinker's alone right now if Émeric decides to contact him.


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55 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin accepts the bracelet and puts it on his arm. "I've realized that I need money to pay for a revolution. But mostly fame. Fame will bring me followers. Once we are strong enough we will down scadrials government. Then move on to Roshar and Taldain... Then anywhere else that needs liberation from tyrants."

@Dragonheir @Lotus Blossom @RoyalBeeMage @LightRinger @The Stormfather



So it’s kinda like Bookwyrm said. This is a really weird planet with lots of different magic, and none of the individual planets actually exist. The government could still be considered tyrants though, so your story still works.


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3 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"Leave him. Make sure he doesn't have any weapons, and then get out of here. If there's anyone else in the arena trying to kill others, they're probably coming towards this. We haven't exactly been quiet, with dropping a tree down." Mark says.

@Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @RoyalBeeMage @Unintelligenius


1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin accepts the bracelet and puts it on his arm. "I've realized that I need money to pay for a revolution. But mostly fame. Fame will bring me followers. Once we are strong enough we will down scadrials government. Then move on to Roshar and Taldain... Then anywhere else that needs liberation from tyrants."

“Thank you.” Tondon turns to @Lotus Blossom, asking, “Hey Astra, can you shape that to make it hard to take off? It’ll stop him from sneaking up on us.” He then turns back to Quelkin, tapping connection as he says, “I think I hope you succeed. I don’t really know anything about what’s happening in the future here, but you sound like you believe in your cause. You don’t necessarily need to survive the tournament to start a revolution. Look at the Survivor.” Tondon then leaves, following Mark’s advice. 
 @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @The Stormfather @RoyalBeeMage 

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5 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon then leaves, following Mark’s advice.

Jaksyn will walk off with the group, then attempt to sneak off and kill Quelkin. 


I know, he’s awful, but he really wants to get some kills. I don’t like it either. 

@Unintelligenius, I’d be happy to RP through the interaction. 

Also @Lotus Blossom, @Dragonheir, @The Stormfather, @RoyalBeeMage

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7 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn will walk off with the group, then attempt to sneak off and kill Quelkin. 

Tondon, who is burning iron, sees Jaksyn leaving (due to the axe moving away). He follows, storing Connection so nobody knows he’s there or gone. 


He might help you or he might stop you. Who knows? 

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14 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

It wakes up and begins pulling at the vine, which strains and makes ominous noises. It’s clear it won’t hold for long.


thaaat's what I thooought

"This won't end well . . ." Sharp mumbled watching and ready. He pulled some vines of his own out of his pocket.

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Emerics voice buzzes into Tinkers ear. "I must say things are moving along, and not by force. You two have a... natural connection. I suggest you continue that, you'll like the results." A small beeping parachute drops from the sky. @The Bookwyrm

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5 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

So it’s kinda like Bookwyrm said. This is a really weird planet with lots of different magic, and none of the individual planets actually exist. The government could still be considered tyrants though, so your story still works.


Scratch what Quelkin said earlier. He wants to first take down his parents and other tyrants that currently rule his hometown then move on to bigger cities.

3 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn will walk off with the group, then attempt to sneak off and kill Quelkin. 

@Unintelligenius, I’d be happy to RP through the interaction. 

Also @Lotus Blossom, @Dragonheir, @The Stormfather, @RoyalBeeMage

Quelkin watches them walk off as he mutters a quick thanks to them. Then he runs towards the casino and tries one of the doors, trying to get to relative safety before one of the tributes changes their minds. 

@Edema Rue


maybe Jaksyn and Quelkin could RP them fighting after he comes out


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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Emerics voice buzzes into Tinkers ear. "I must say things are moving along, and not by force. You two have a... natural connection. I suggest you continue that, you'll like the results." A small beeping parachute drops from the sky. @The Bookwyrm

"Shut up."

Tinker watched the parachute fall, and caught it as it gently fell into his hands.

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin watches them walk off as he mutters a quick thanks to them. Then he runs towards the casino and tries one of the doors, trying to get to relative safety before one of the tributes changes their minds. 

@Edema Rue


The door opens. Corin stands behind the counter. “Welcome,” he says, “to The Casino. How may I help you?”

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1 hour ago, Unintelligenius said:

Then he runs towards the casino and tries one of the doors, trying to get to relative safety before one of the tributes changes their minds. 

Jaksyn runs to the door, trying to catch Quelkin first, but fails and smashes into the locked door. He waits outside, brandishing his axe. 
@Unintelligenius, @Dragonheir

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1 hour ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn runs to the door, trying to catch Quelkin first, but fails and smashes into the locked door. He waits outside, brandishing his axe. 

Tondon stops storing Connection, thus appearing right behind Jaksyn. He raises an eyebrow (well, he tries. It’s more like opening both his eyes very wide, but it gets the message across), “I’m not sure the game masters would let us break down on of these doors. Anyway, why did you follow him? I don’t think he’ll try to mess with us any time soon, what with the weird magic swords and all.” Tondon is nervously dropping and Pulling one of his sickles, like a very sharp yo-yo with no string. 


Honestly, if Jaksyn presented a plan Tondon would probably roll with it. He’s kinda out of his depth here, and he looks up to his teammates. He’s just trying to be dramatic with his whole “appear out of nowhere and question the plan” thing. Happens in a lot of books he’s read. 

Edited by Dragonheir
Added another thought to the quote box
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