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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

The door opens. Corin stands behind the counter. “Welcome,” he says, “to The Casino. How may I help you?”

"We still have a deal right?" Quelkin asks. "Earlier I wanted a good amount of pewter, but if you could get this storming bracer off I'll take just two vials."


Their deal was for Quelkin to spice things up and spill some blood and in return he would get pewter. Quelkin didn't kill anyone but he dueled I think LordSpirit and he ended up unciounciousanating him which resulted in his death. So does that still count as keeping his part of the deal or does he actually have to get the kill?

@Edema Rue

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53 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

"We still have a deal right?" Quelkin asks. "Earlier I wanted a good amount of pewter, but if you could get this storming bracer off I'll take just two vials."

@Edema Rue

Corin clicked his tongue. “I can do that. But you’ll need to do more than just show off…you need a kill.”

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On 6/14/2024 at 2:38 PM, J. Magi said:

"How is this not a bad idea? It could go wrong in so many ways."


On 6/14/2024 at 3:32 PM, Edema Rue said:

It wakes up and begins pulling at the vine, which strains and makes ominous noises. It’s clear it won’t hold for long.


I want a pet though :(

Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella rushes back over to the deer. "You will be ok" she murmurs as she strokes it, feeding it some of the bark from the tree. She continues stroking it, feeling her affection grow.

@J. Magi @Edema Rue

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7 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:


Dougella, HG Arena

Dougella rushes back over to the deer. "You will be ok" she murmurs as she strokes it, feeding it some of the bark from the tree. She continues stroking it, feeling her affection grow.

@J. Magi @Edema Rue

Its affection does not grow, and it tries to bite her hand. 

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11 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

"Can you just take this bracer off? Then I'll go kill someone and come back for the pewter?" He asks.

@Edema Rue

Corin nodded sharply. He held out his hand for Quelkin’s arm. “May I?”

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4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin nodded sharply. He held out his hand for Quelkin’s arm. “May I?”

Would Tondon be able to ironsight into the casino to see the bracer being split in two? He's right outside the door. 

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7 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Would Tondon be able to ironsight into the casino to see the bracer being split in two? He's right outside the door. 

He could try, but the casino doesn’t show up. He doesn’t even get things like hinges or nails or screws. 

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

He could try, but the casino doesn’t show up. He doesn’t even get things like hinges or nails or screws. 


Isn't it a solid block of silver? That's very strange. 


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43 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:



It’s black stone inlaid with silver glyphs.

1 minute ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin nodded and placed his arm into Corins. 


Corin grabbed the bracer. It’s been too long…in his hands, the metal rippled and squirmed, like a worm plucked from the mud. It heated up slightly, but not uncomfortably. Almost instantly, the bracer was off and on the counter. Corin set it down and it froze, now bent unnaturally. “One kill,” Corin reminded him. “And I won’t have pewter forever, so make it quick.”

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6 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin grabbed the bracer. It’s been too long…in his hands, the metal rippled and squirmed, like a worm plucked from the mud. It heated up slightly, but not uncomfortably. Almost instantly, the bracer was off and on the counter. Corin set it down and it froze, now bent unnaturally. “One kill,” Corin reminded him. “And I won’t have pewter forever, so make it quick.”

"Thanks", Quelkin says. He walks towards the door, opens it, & steps out, the door closing softly behind him. He comes face to face with Jaksyn. 


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1 minute ago, Unintelligenius said:

"Thanks", Quelkin says. He walks towards the door, opens it, & steps out, the door closing softly behind him. He comes face to face with Jaksyn. 


Tondon is there too. He followed Jaksyn. 

Tondon stores Connection to disappear and tries to get at an angle where he can Pull Jaksyn's axe at Quelkin if he attacks. He also notes, out loud, the fact that the bracer is off, but everyone ignores him cause he's storing Connection. @LightRinger

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15 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Can Tondon ironline at or read the glyphs? 


He can try, but no part of the casino will have lines pointing at it. The glyphs are illegible. 

3 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:


"Thanks", Quelkin says. He walks towards the door, opens it, & steps out, the door closing softly behind him. He comes face to face with Jaksyn. 


Too long… Corin sighed softly.

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20 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Shut up."

Tinker watched the parachute fall, and caught it as it gently fell into his hands.

A bowl of warm soup was in there along with a few bandages, with it came a note. 

' Take care of her, prince charming. '

Edited by Edema Rue
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23 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“Thank you.” Tondon turns to @Lotus Blossom, asking, “Hey Astra, can you shape that to make it hard to take off? It’ll stop him from sneaking up on us.” He then turns back to Quelkin, tapping connection as he says, “I think I hope you succeed. I don’t really know anything about what’s happening in the future here, but you sound like you believe in your cause. You don’t necessarily need to survive the tournament to start a revolution. Look at the Survivor.” Tondon then leaves, following Mark’s advice. 

"I'm sorry, darling," Astra said softly as she used cohesion to connect the two ends of the metal bracelet, melding them together as if they had been carved as one loop.

23 hours ago, Dragonheir said:
23 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn will walk off with the group, then attempt to sneak off and kill Quelkin. 

Tondon, who is burning iron, sees Jaksyn leaving (due to the axe moving away). He follows, storing Connection so nobody knows he’s there or gone. 


He might help you or he might stop you. Who knows? 


(Astra never left just fyi)


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2 hours ago, Unintelligenius said:

"Thanks", Quelkin says. He walks towards the door, opens it, & steps out, the door closing softly behind him. He comes face to face with Jaksyn. 

Jaksyn swings at Quelkin with his axe, tapping the last of his luck. 

@Dragonheir, @Unintelligenius

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3 minutes ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn swings at Quelkin with his axe, tapping the last of his luck. 

Tondon looks from Jaksyn to Astra (who is apparently still here) in confusion. He’s not sure who he should help. 
If @Lotus Blossom or @Unintelligenius attacks or shows aggression, Tondon’s repeats the juggling trick without ceasing his storing. Although Quelkin can still observe and dodge the flying knives and sickles, he has difficulty focusing on where they are coming from, and wouldn’t be able to plan for more. 
If nobody but Jaksyn attacks, or Astra and Jaksyn start fighting, he does his best to Pull weapons out of everyone’s hands. (He’s forgetting about Shardblades.) 

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21 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon looks from Jaksyn to Astra (who is apparently still here) in confusion. He’s not sure who he should help. 
If @Lotus Blossom or @Unintelligenius attacks or shows aggression, Tondon’s repeats the juggling trick without ceasing his storing. Although Quelkin can still observe and dodge the flying knives and sickles, he has difficulty focusing on where they are coming from, and wouldn’t be able to plan for more. 
If nobody but Jaksyn attacks, or Astra and Jaksyn start fighting, he does his best to Pull weapons out of everyone’s hands. (He’s forgetting about Shardblades.) 

Astra side steps from the weapons.

"The metal clasp, Tondon!" she remarks, nodding to Quelkin's wrist.

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23 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra side steps from the weapons.

"The metal clasp, Tondon!" she remarks, nodding to Quelkin's wrist.


He got it taken off in the casino :)


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1 hour ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn swings at Quelkin with his axe, tapping the last of his luck. 

@Dragonheir, @Unintelligenius

Quelkin dodges to his left as the axe is swung at him. As he moves to his left an absurbly strong wind pushes him back up in the path of the axe, causing it to bite into his left shoulder. Quelkin grunts and jumps back, ripping the axe from his shoulder as blood starts to stream down his shoulder. He usese his right hand to try to stop the blood. "I could use some help" he says, addressing Astra & Tondon.

@Dragonheir @LightRinger @Lotus Blossom

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26 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin dodges to his left as the axe is swung at him. As he moves to his left an absurbly strong wind pushes him back up in the path of the axe, causing it to bite into his left shoulder. Quelkin grunts and jumps back, ripping the axe from his shoulder as blood starts to stream down his shoulder. He usese his right hand to try to stop the blood. "I could use some help" he says, addressing Astra & Tondon.

@Dragonheir @LightRinger @Lotus Blossom


Clearly something happened while I was gone. Could I get a bit of a summary about what's going on with us? Mark is still where he was before, and apparently we're fighting again?

@Lotus Blossom @LightRinger @Dragonheir

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25 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

Quelkin dodges to his left as the axe is swung at him. As he moves to his left an absurbly strong wind pushes him back up in the path of the axe, causing it to bite into his left shoulder. Quelkin grunts and jumps back, ripping the axe from his shoulder as blood starts to stream down his shoulder. He usese his right hand to try to stop the blood. "I could use some help" he says, addressing Astra & Tondon.

Tondon stops storing Connection and pulls the axe out of the wound, confiscating it, but that makes Quelkin’s shoulder bleed further (that’s the last of the luck working, plus mild incompetence). “Uhh. What should I do?” He asks, not really knowing who he’s talking to. 
 @Lotus Blossom @LightRinger 

2 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Clearly something happened while I was gone. Could I get a bit of a summary about what's going on with us? Mark is still where he was before, and apparently we're fighting again?


When everyone left, Astra stayed behind, Jaksyn snuck off to chase down Quelkin, and Tondon snuck off to chase down Jaksyn. He was storing Connection at the time, but the other two being gone might be noticed. 


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