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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

“I could make you a Radiant. The cost will be…painful. Unless you can offer me anything else? Any investiture, any secrets, anything at all?”

“Secrets… will you tell them to people? Can the GMs hear us? And are they sending what’s happening out?” he looks around, then says, “I also know about what happened a long time ago. What would your cost be? If I could do it on my own, would it be less? Like one of those spren things, then I have to figure out whatever these ‘ideals’ are.” 


Yeah, Tondon’s got a duraluminmind on his arm. Did Corin tell him it’d work? 
Also, what metal is the box with the spores in to made of? (The ones that you have to fight an octopus for) 

“Hey, Gambler!” Tondon calls, “what would I have to bet to get a spren matched to my personality? Also, would you be up for some low stakes games?” @Ancient Elantrian 

8 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

haha i wasnt mad at you i was mad at tinker


Well, I didn’t get that, so Tondon really wouldn’t. 

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3 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Secrets… will you tell them to people? Can the GMs hear us? And are they sending what’s happening out?” he looks around, then says, “I also know about what happened a long time ago. What would your cost be? If I could do it on my own, would it be less? Like one of those spren things, then I have to figure out whatever these ‘ideals’ are.” 

“Hey, Gambler!” Tondon calls, “what would I have to bet to get a spren matched to my personality? Also, would you be up for some low stakes games?” @Ancient Elantrian 


Yes, Corin would have told him that.

It's probably iron or steel. Nothing fancy or super useful. 

"I will tell your secrets if they are bargained for. The gamemakers can hear everything that happens here, as can your...audience. My cost involves...memories."


completely unrelated question, does Tondon have a worst moment, a low point, a painful memory or person from his past that could be used to emotionally hurt him?


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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

"I will tell your secrets if they are bargained for. The gamemakers can hear everything that happens here, as can your...audience. My cost involves...memories."


completely unrelated question, does Tondon have a worst moment, a low point, a painful memory or person from his past that could be used to emotionally hurt him?

“I ended up here by accident. I used to deliver pizza. I had nice friends, and I lived right by- my parents. I’d been delivering a pizza to an office building. Large pepperoni.” he stops for a second and drinks some water. “I’m a lurcher, so I’d Pull myself up to the right floor by the fire escape sometimes. It’s faster than taking the stairs. That day, I’d been storing Connection a little, cause I wanted a raise. So this rich noble didn’t notice. He’d been one of the new mistings, as far as I can tell. He didn’t notice me as I went past, so he did something. The air became a shining sphere and everything started flashing. It flashed so fast that I closed my eyes at first. Maybe if I hadn’t I could have made it. But when I opened them again, I saw a streak of light in the sky, flashing. Buildings fell almost instantly, and then built themselves up again. The city grew taller and shinier. That was when I figured out what was happening. In the time it took, when I got to the edge, everyone I knew or loved-“ his voice breaks into a sob. “was gone. I was in the future, and all I had was my five hundred year old pepperoni pizza, still warm, and a few clips. The first night I ate the pizza. After that, someone told me to sign up for the hunger games. I figured it was an eating contest or something, and I’d had nothing to lose, so I signed up. How was I supposed to know that-“ he starts actually sobbing, and Corin gets a pause long enough to speak (Tondon’s talking pretty fast, as normal.) 


He’s a worrying combination of optimistic and out of his depth, which is how he ended up here in the first place. He’s already starting to question his optimism, but with the right prodding Corin can probably break him completely. 


11 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

It's probably iron or steel. Nothing fancy or super useful


You are aware that- oh yeah, forgetfulness brain. Tondon is a Lurcher, so it’s pretty important to know. 

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4 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“I ended up here by accident. I used to deliver pizza. I had nice friends, and I lived right by- my parents. I’d been delivering a pizza to an office building. Large pepperoni.” he stops for a second and drinks some water. “I’m a lurcher, so I’d Pull myself up to the right floor by the fire escape sometimes. It’s faster than taking the stairs. That day, I’d been storing Connection a little, cause I wanted a raise. So this rich noble didn’t notice. He’d been one of the new mistings, as far as I can tell. He didn’t notice me as I went past, so he did something. The air became a shining sphere and everything started flashing. It flashed so fast that I closed my eyes at first. Maybe if I hadn’t I could have made it. But when I opened them again, I saw a streak of light in the sky, flashing. Buildings fell almost instantly, and then built themselves up again. The city grew taller and shinier. That was when I figured out what was happening. In the time it took, when I got to the edge, everyone I knew or loved-“ his voice breaks into a sob. “was gone. I was in the future, and all I had was my five hundred year old pepperoni pizza, still warm, and a few clips. The first night I ate the pizza. After that, someone told me to sign up for the hunger games. I figured it was an eating contest or something, and I’d had nothing to lose, so I signed up. How was I supposed to know that-“ he starts actually sobbing, and Corin gets a pause long enough to speak (Tondon’s talking pretty fast, as normal.) 




Thanks. Steel it is. 

Corin's fists were clenched so tightly they'd turned faintly white. When he spoke, it wasn't quite him. It was as if someone else was in control of his body. It was subtle, but the mannerisms were the tiniest bit off, the accent a tad less forced, the words more eloquent. "So you're a mistake. You aren't meant to be here. You aren't meant to be anywhere. You are a failure who should have done us the favor of dying long ago."

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6 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin's fists were clenched so tightly they'd turned faintly white. When he spoke, it wasn't quite him. It was as if someone else was in control of his body. It was subtle, but the mannerisms were the tiniest bit off, the accent a tad less forced, the words more eloquent. "So you're a mistake. You aren't meant to be here. You aren't meant to be anywhere. You are a failure who should have done us the favor of dying long ago."

“I think- I think you’re right. I’m not supposed to be here and I don’t know what I’m doing. And it’s all my fault.” He’s speaking through sobs. With that continuous voice crack sound, you know? THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED! (or not) 


That’s an interesting development. This is why I like discovery writing my RP characters. Apparently Tondon is a born Lightweaver, and I didn’t even realize. Huh. 
(like, look at him at the beginning of the thread. He’s nothing like how he ended up being.) 

Anybody know if this would count as a second oath once he swears the first? 

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17 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“I think- I think you’re right. I’m not supposed to be here and I don’t know what I’m doing. And it’s all my fault.” He’s speaking through sobs. With that continuous voice crack sound, you know? THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED! (or not) 

"Your fault?" The person that wasn't quite Corin scoffed. "You aren't even competent enough for anything to be your fault. You're weak."

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3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

"Your fault?" The person that wasn't quite Corin scoffed. "You aren't even competent enough for anything to be your fault. You're weak."

“If I wasn’t competent, I’d be dead already. I can’t even die correctly. I was supposed to die five hundred years ago. And I’m supposed to die now. But I haven’t.” 


Corin is right. Tondon isn’t competent, at least not in this situation. 


1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:


*giggles louder*

not exactly...


*Eyes widen, leans away.* 

He’s just being straight up possessed, isn’t he. The GMs are doing it. 

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7 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“If I wasn’t competent, I’d be dead already. I can’t even die correctly. I was supposed to die five hundred years ago. And I’m supposed to die now. But I haven’t.” 


“Then what,” the voice said sharply, “are you going to do about it? Why should I bother to give you supplies? Prove to me that you’re worth something, anything at all. Unless, of course, you aren’t?”

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5 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“Then what,” the voice said sharply, “are you going to do about it? Why should I bother to give you supplies? Prove to me that you’re worth something, anything at all. Unless, of course, you aren’t?”

Tondon’s eyes harden. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do it. I’ll prove I’m not useless.” 


Tell me to fight the redspine! Pretty please 🥺 (there isn’t really a good puppy eye emoji) 

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Just now, Dragonheir said:

Tondon’s eyes harden. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do it. I’ll prove I’m not useless.” 

The person behind the counter cocked his head and grinned cruelly. “We have…various monsters. You could try to kill one. Prove the impossible.”

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22 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

"I know you could summon that sword in my face right now." Mark understands Shardblades. His only friend in the mines had been a imprisoned Skybreaker. 

"Giving us the sword wouldn't do anything. You can call it back to yourself. Leave here, Roy, and don't come back, or I'll kill you myself. " Mark's face sets into a much more dark expression, and his eyes seem to glaze over, not expressing any emotion.

@Dragonheir @RoyalBeeMage

"wait i can? how- nevermind. if you don't want me then I will leave. i wont be a issue or a bother any more. farewell." roy stood up and started to walk away off into the distance - though still in view of the casino.

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

"wait i can? how- nevermind. if you don't want me then I will leave. i wont be a issue or a bother any more. farewell." roy stood up and started to walk away off into the distance - though still in view of the casino.


You could walk in Marewill’s direction if you wanted to. She’s hiding in the bushes nearby 


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14 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"wait i can? how- nevermind. if you don't want me then I will leave. i wont be a issue or a bother any more. farewell." roy stood up and started to walk away off into the distance - though still in view of the casino.

14 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:



8 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

You could find the people I quoted above, or there’s still a large gathering near the casino (including some of the people who killed Quelkin, who you could guilt trip.)


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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:


KuLaam makes his way back towards the casino and the center clearing where he saw a large group of tributes a while ago. As he nears the clearing he starts to pick up his speed until he is almost sprinting. He makes it into the clearing and brandishes his two glass daggers, lunging at the nearest tribute.



Just a side question, does anyone know what a shardblade does to a kandra? does it like kill the soul of the corpse the kandra is in or does it like actually kill the kandra?


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5 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

KuLaam makes his way back towards the casino and the center clearing where he saw a large group of tributes a while ago. As he nears the clearing he starts to pick up his speed until he is almost sprinting. He makes it into the clearing and brandishes his two glass daggers, lunging at the nearest tribute.






“So a kandra is going to react basically the same way, in that the Shardblade's going to be hitting at the soul and severing it and things like that. They are not immune to Shardblades. But because they have mutable shapes, there will be a little bit of weirdness involved in that.“



Edited by Edema Rue
Whoops, guess this was my 9000th post…
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15 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She crouched down lower, a bit of speed still being stored. She backed away.

"is anyone there. i wont hurt you."

7 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

KuLaam makes his way back towards the casino and the center clearing where he saw a large group of tributes a while ago. As he nears the clearing he starts to pick up his speed until he is almost sprinting. He makes it into the clearing and brandishes his two glass daggers, lunging at the nearest tribute.




im not with that group of tributes any more.

3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:



congratulations on 9k posts


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