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Cosmere Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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51 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

The person behind the counter cocked his head and grinned cruelly. “We have…various monsters. You could try to kill one. Prove the impossible.”

Tondon continues to look determined. “I will.” Then he smiles very widely. “I may even do better than that.” 

He shakes hands with Corin and steps outside, saying “I’ll be back,” to his alliance. Then, he goes off into the woods to find a monster. (Back to you, @BlueWildRye

28 minutes ago, BlueWildRye said:



I’m laughing a little in real life, with like a preemptive empathetic adrenaline rush. I’m surprised I’m not getting strange looks. 

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1 minute ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon continues to look determined. “I will.” Then he smiles very widely. “I may even do better than that.” 

He shakes hands with Corin and steps outside, saying “I’ll be back,” to his alliance. Then, he goes off into the woods to find a monster. (Back to you, @BlueWildRye

The Redspine hunted. It could almost taste its next target, moving through the woods. It had mostly regrown the spores that its last target's silver knife had killed, and was once again feeling the effects of constant starvation. It drove the monster to kill.

It bounded over a log, letting out a resounding roar. Its bloodstained teeth glittered in the sunlight. Its target was moving ever closer. Almost as if they were searching for the Redspine. It growled at that thought. I AM THE HUNTER, NOT THE HUNTED.


It stepped in front of Tondon.


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2 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn picks himself up off the ground. “I’m still here for you.” He walks over to her and pulls out the rose. Now or never, I guess.

44 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

KuLaam dashes into the clearing, with two glass daggers brandished and jumps at Astra.

Astra's eyes of shock are engulfed in flames of surprise at first, then, quickly after, sharp pain as the daggers slice open her left shoulder.

So many faces flash across her eyes. Sawyin- Corin- Jaksyn- everyone just silhouettes in the dark red of her mind.

She forced a smile and gasped silently for breath. (can radiants heal in the arena or is that too overpowered? @Edema Rue) With her remaining force she used her non-harmed arm to swing around the shardblade, hacking at her ambusher's calves.

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27 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra's eyes of shock are engulfed in flames of surprise at first, then, quickly after, sharp pain as the daggers slice open her left shoulder.

So many faces flash across her eyes. Sawyin- Corin- Jaksyn- everyone just silhouettes in the dark red of her mind.

She forced a smile and gasped silently for breath. (can radiants heal in the arena or is that too overpowered? @Edema Rue) With her remaining force she used her non-harmed arm to swing around the shardblade, hacking at her ambusher's calves.

KuLaam dodged back from the shardblade. "I have come to avenge the death of this innocent tribute. One that you so carelessly slaughtered", KuLaam says as he begins to circle Astra, hoping that the face of the dead tribute Quelkin would distract her enough to leave an opening. In reality he cared nothing for the dead tribute. He wanted to fight. To kill. To win. Decades of training had prepared him for this moment. Every day for hours on end. Going through the forms. Practicing lunging, slashing, dodging. Finally it was here. He took a deep breath in and felt the muscles throughout his body tense up. He ran forward and let his body move on its own. A dagger thrown with elite accuracy a foot to the left of Astra's head and a lunge with a stab to the right side of her head. If she stayed still then the dagger in his hand would hit her, but if she dodged to her right then the thrown dagger would collide with her head. He also prepared to land on his shoulder, roll, and turn around quickly in case she dodged both blades.

@Lotus Blossom

1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:



9000th post! congrats 🥳🥳🥳


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51 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

KuLaam dodged back from the shardblade. "I have come to avenge the death of this innocent tribute. One that you so carelessly slaughtered", KuLaam says as he begins to circle Astra, hoping that the face of the dead tribute Quelkin would distract her enough to leave an opening. In reality he cared nothing for the dead tribute. He wanted to fight. To kill. To win. Decades of training had prepared him for this moment. Every day for hours on end. Going through the forms. Practicing lunging, slashing, dodging. Finally it was here. He took a deep breath in and felt the muscles throughout his body tense up. He ran forward and let his body move on its own. A dagger thrown with elite accuracy a foot to the left of Astra's head and a lunge with a stab to the right side of her head. If she stayed still then the dagger in his hand would hit her, but if she dodged to her right then the thrown dagger would collide with her head. He also prepared to land on his shoulder, roll, and turn around quickly in case she dodged both blades.



it's summer and i need to go to camp so

i might just end this here and take a mini break from RPs

so consider Astra about to die :( 

but i want to make her final post meaningful

and her death post has not been written yet

i'll post tomorrow or saturday :P

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3 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Tondon continues to look determined. “I will.” Then he smiles very widely. “I may even do better than that.” 

He shakes hands with Corin and steps outside, saying “I’ll be back,” to his alliance. Then, he goes off into the woods to find a monster. (Back to you, @BlueWildRye

Corin does not shake his hand.

As soon as Tondon is gone, he starts shaking, leaning on the counter for support. “Stop it.”

His own voice laughs back at him. “Why should I?”

I’m not yours.

“Aren’t you?”

You gain nothing—

“I gain entertainment. Behave, boy, or I’ll do worse.”

2 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra's eyes of shock are engulfed in flames of surprise at first, then, quickly after, sharp pain as the daggers slice open her left shoulder.

So many faces flash across her eyes. Sawyin- Corin- Jaksyn- everyone just silhouettes in the dark red of her mind.

She forced a smile and gasped silently for breath. (can radiants heal in the arena or is that too overpowered? @Edema Rue) With her remaining force she used her non-harmed arm to swing around the shardblade, hacking at her ambusher's calves.


Yeah you can.

1 hour ago, Lotus Blossom said:







*is heartbroken*

It’s ok though, enjoy camp!!


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2 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

The Redspine hunted. It could almost taste its next target, moving through the woods. It had mostly regrown the spores that its last target's silver knife had killed, and was once again feeling the effects of constant starvation. It drove the monster to kill.

It bounded over a log, letting out a resounding roar. Its bloodstained teeth glittered in the sunlight. Its target was moving ever closer. Almost as if they were searching for the Redspine. It growled at that thought. I AM THE HUNTER, NOT THE HUNTED.


It stepped in front of Tondon.

“Young? Interesting. Do you really want to fight me? Even if you can kill me, you’ll be hurt. You have a different goal in mind than a simple fight. I believe you are smarter than the Game Makers say you are.” Tondon taps Connection to make him seem more important to the Redspine. (This could cause him to seem more appetizing, but it could also make it more friendly, baffled, or wary. Or all four.) He has a silver sickle in one hand and a roseitite shield in the other, and stands confidently, unafraid. 


Tondon is acting (Brilliant!) more dramatic than he needs to be, and is also determined to complete his challenge, because Corin (or whatever is controlling him) has him nearly completely under his control. Tondon’s also way less afraid than he probably should be. 

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11 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Young? Interesting. Do you really want to fight me? Even if you can kill me, you’ll be hurt. You have a different goal in mind than a simple fight. I believe you are smarter than the Game Makers say you are.” Tondon taps Connection to make him seem more important to the Redspine. (This could cause him to seem more appetizing, but it could also make it more friendly, baffled, or wary. Or all four.) He has a silver sickle in one hand and a roseitite shield in the other, and stands confidently, unafraid. 

"I do not care about my masters and their plots," the Redspine replied, "I want to survive. And to survive, I must eat." Strangely, it felt a slight kinship with the human.

"I like you," it said, "But my hunger is stronger. We will fight. If you prove yourself, however... I might spare you."

It roared, shooting a crimson spike at Tondon. The weapon his prey held seemed to be made of the same material as Tinker's knife. It would be careful to avoid it. The Redspine was invulnerable. Almost.

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12 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Corin hesitated, as if he were listening to a voice only he could hear. He seemed to grow angrier and angrier. “Fine,” he said curtly.

"Fine." Tinker shoved the blood-filled jar across the counter towards Corin. "There's your spike. Get me the supplies."

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6 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra's eyes of shock are engulfed in flames of surprise at first, then, quickly after, sharp pain as the daggers slice open her left shoulder.

So many faces flash across her eyes. Sawyin- Corin- Jaksyn- everyone just silhouettes in the dark red of her mind.

She forced a smile and gasped silently for breath. (can radiants heal in the arena or is that too overpowered? @Edema Rue) With her remaining force she used her non-harmed arm to swing around the shardblade, hacking at her ambusher's calves.

Jaksyn throws the rose at Astra. “It has Stormlight!” He picks up his axe and charges KuLaam, aiming for the legs, trying to break bones. 

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7 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

"I do not care about my masters and their plots," the Redspine replied, "I want to survive. And to survive, I must eat." Strangely, it felt a slight kinship with the human.

"I like you," it said, "But my hunger is stronger. We will fight. If you prove yourself, however... I might spare you."

It roared, shooting a crimson spike at Tondon. The weapon his prey held seemed to be made of the same material as Tinker's knife. It would be careful to avoid it. The Redspine was invulnerable. Almost.

The spear of red thorns carves its way through the air, and Tondon puts his shield up to block, slightly too slow. His eyes widen, but the attack stops, splaying as if it hit an invisible wall, then dropping downward and shattering several vials of iron dust. 


You know what happens to spores around iron and steel… Tondon’s carrying around a steel box on his back, which should deflect spore attacks. (The iron vials helped too, and once those are gone he’ll start getting hurt. Three out of five have been broken.) 

“Huh.” Tondon says. “That’s interesting.” He cuts off the end of the projectile (is it like firing quills, or is it more stabbing with something that quickly telescopes to Tondon) with his sickle, the continues, tapping Connection. “You say you want to survive. So do I. And to survive, I need to win. If I can best you, and I can get you food, will you help me win?” 


*causally rides redspine into battle* 

This is such a stupid plan. I love it. 

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14 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn picks himself up off the ground. “I’m still here for you.” He walks over to her and pulls out the rose. Now or never, I guess.

@The Stormfather

"Oh good. At least there's still a few of us. Roy's left. Ran off with a Blade from the casino."

13 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"wait i can? how- nevermind. if you don't want me then I will leave. i wont be a issue or a bother any more. farewell." roy stood up and started to walk away off into the distance - though still in view of the casino.

Mark turns back to where Roy iis walking away, and a solitary tear falls from his eye. "I'm so sorry that you must die." He whispers, not audible to any but himself.

12 hours ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Astra's eyes of shock are engulfed in flames of surprise at first, then, quickly after, sharp pain as the daggers slice open her left shoulder.

So many faces flash across her eyes. Sawyin- Corin- Jaksyn- everyone just silhouettes in the dark red of her mind.

She forced a smile and gasped silently for breath. (can radiants heal in the arena or is that too overpowered? @Edema Rue) With her remaining force she used her non-harmed arm to swing around the shardblade, hacking at her ambusher's calves.

Mark yelps in surprise and picks up a small rock, throwing it hard at the monster's face. "I need a weapon!"

His face changes again, and he falls into a familiar battle stance. am a weapon. He raises his fists.

@Unintelligenius (I think it's you who's running KuLaam?)

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9 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Fine." Tinker shoved the blood-filled jar across the counter towards Corin. "There's your spike. Get me the supplies."

Corin accepts the spike and does so.


So it’s…survival gear and…what else? 


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16 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“Secrets… will you tell them to people? Can the GMs hear us? And are they sending what’s happening out?” he looks around, then says, “I also know about what happened a long time ago. What would your cost be? If I could do it on my own, would it be less? Like one of those spren things, then I have to figure out whatever these ‘ideals’ are.” 

“Hey, Gambler!” Tondon calls, “what would I have to bet to get a spren matched to my personality? Also, would you be up for some low stakes games?” @Ancient Elantrian 

“Your life! Instantly! No chance of escape!”

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9 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Your life! Instantly! No chance of escape!”


Tondon left to go fight the Redspine. When he comes back he’ll do some gambling, though. (Not sure if he’ll take that deal, though. Cryptics are overpriced. Maybe he can gamble, trade, or acquire some collateral.) 


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7 hours ago, LightRinger said:

Jaksyn throws the rose at Astra. “It has Stormlight!” He picks up his axe and charges KuLaam, aiming for the legs, trying to break bones. 

1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

"Oh good. At least there's still a few of us. Roy's left. Ran off with a Blade from the casino."

Mark turns back to where Roy iis walking away, and a solitary tear falls from his eye. "I'm so sorry that you must die." He whispers, not audible to any but himself.

Mark yelps in surprise and picks up a small rock, throwing it hard at the monster's face. "I need a weapon!"

His face changes again, and he falls into a familiar battle stance. am a weapon. He raises his fists.

@Unintelligenius (I think it's you who's running KuLaam?)


I think we should wait until @Lotus Blossom responds to my initial attack, she said she would respond some time today or tomorrow


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23 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:


Tinker grabbed the bag of supplies. He met Corin's eyes, then nodded curtly.

He found a shaded corner of the casino and quickly changed into the new outfit, putting on a warm jacket to protect from the cold. He slid the silver knife into it's sheath and tied that to his belt, then rolled his torn jumpsuit and put it in the survival pack along with his remaining spores and the rods of metal.

Carefully, he opened the door to the casino and peered out, hand on the knife's hilt. He scanned the area for Marewill.

@Spark of Hope

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8 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“No please don’t go. I won’t hurt you.”

She stopped for a moment, though not quite because of Roy. If she ran, how would Tinker find her again?

”How do I know you’re not lying?”

10 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Tinker grabbed the bag of supplies. He met Corin's eyes, then nodded curtly.

He found a shaded corner of the casino and quickly changed into the new outfit, putting on a warm jacket to protect from the cold. He slid the silver knife into it's sheath and tied that to his belt, then rolled his torn jumpsuit and put it in the survival pack along with his remaining spores and the rods of metal.

Carefully, he opened the door to the casino and peered out, hand on the knife's hilt. He scanned the area for Marewill.

@Spark of Hope

She was still in the bushes where he’d left her, but there was someone else there who seemed to be talking to her.

Edited by Spark of Hope
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13 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She was still in the bushes where he’d left her, but there was someone else there who seemed to be talking to her.

Tinker's eyes widened.

Oh no.

He dashed out of the casino, ducking low and hoping the darkness of night would hide him. He pulled a Verdant grenade out of his pocket and put the fuse in his mouth, starting it. Then he threw it at Roy the moment he drew close, vines exploding in the air and reaching towards him.




I don't know how Émeric would interpret that....

@Edema Rue


It is still nighttime, right?


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