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Stormlight: The Musical

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For all my musical theater nerds out there...

Let's have some fun! Imagine a world where a theater producer wants to bring Stormlight to the stage as a musical. What are some moments from the books that could make for good musical numbers? What would the vibe of the music be for those scenes? 

I personally imagine a Les Mis-style slave scene as an introduction to Bridge Four/the Vengeance Pact. I would also love a rock opera version of the events in Rathalas. 

Edited by EdgedancerJacob
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Literally any scene from Singer POV, with consistent musical themes for each Rhythm.

An opening number of The Assassination Night.  Introductions of most major characters and the Parshendi, Szeth as a major movement, then probably flowing into a montage explanation of the Vengeance Pact as a transition while the setting is shifted to the Shattered Plains.  


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1 hour ago, The Stick said:

What do you think Kaladin would sing at Honor's chasm?

A ketek-esk song that starts with Death, Weakness, and Ending themes only to be turned back by Syl's entrance to become about Life, Strength and continued journeys.

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4 hours ago, EdgedancerJacob said:

For all my musical theater nerds out there...

Let's have some fun! Imagine a world where a theater producer wants to bring Stormlight to the stage as a musical. What are some moments from the books that could make for good musical numbers? What would the vibe of the music be for those scenes? 

Please see this (old-ish) thread for additional ideas

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Something like "Master of the House" from Les Mis but for Odium, Sadeas, or Amaram.

"Honor is dead"

"I'm Adolin Kholin and I'm in a Duel"

"We chose!"

A song for every important Oath that's said.

Shallan's "oh no I killed my ____"

"The King's Wit"

All of Hoid's stories.

"How bad can I possibly be" from the Lorax but for Amaram

"The Assassin in White"

"Oh storms... what have we done?" - the prelude

"Unite them"

And finally...

"You. Cannot. Have. My. Pain!"

Bonus track: Moash

He doesn't deserve a punctuation mark. 

Edited by Aredor
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11 hours ago, Aredor said:

Something like "Master of the House" from Les Mis but for Odium, Sadeas, or Amaram.

"Honor is dead"

"I'm Adolin Kholin and I'm in a Duel"

"We chose!"

A song for every important Oath that's said.

Shallan's "oh no I killed my ____"

"The King's Wit"

All of Hoid's stories.

"How bad can I possibly be" from the Lorax but for Amaram

"The Assassin in White"

"Oh storms... what have we done?" - the prelude

"Unite them"

And finally...

"You. Cannot. Have. My. Pain!"

Bonus track: Moash

He doesn't deserve a punctuation mark. 

"oh no I killed my ___" cracked me up in a dark way



Oh and also! I'm trying to write a Taravangian villain song but it ain't happening, mostly because I have no way of writing music and I don't know any music theory. Also don't know what to do.

Edited by S. Stormy
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I wrote an edited version of Javert's Suicide for Nale to sing during the Everstorm with Lift.

Nale Song Stormlight Musical

Who is this girl, what sort of monster am I?

To have me caught in a trap and show me those I made die?

It was her hour at last to put a seal on my fate

Wipe up the past and send me back to that place

All it took was a word from her, this awful lowlife

Ishar was wrong and now I’ve ended life

Damned if I'll live in the debt of a thief

Damned if I'll yield at the end of the chase

I AM THE LAW and the I am not mocked

I'll spit her pity right back in her face

There is nothing on earth that we share

It is either this girl or Ishar

How can I now allow this girl to hold dominion over me?

This criminal child that I have hunted

She broke all the law, she knows no Honor

She should perish at my hand 

It is my Oath

It was my right to die as well

Instead I lived, but live in hell

And my thoughts fly apart

Can this girl be believed?

Shall her crimes be forgiven?

Shall her crimes be reprieved?

And must I now begin to doubt

What I never doubted all those years?

My heart is stone but still it trembles

The Honor I have known

Is now dead in Roshar

Is Ishar any longer sane

And does he know

That guarding the true law today?

This man has fooled me, even so

I am reaching but I fall

And the law is black and cold

As I stare into the Void

Of a world that cannot hold

I'll escape now from that world

From the world of awful Braize

There i

s no where I can turn

Honor is now GONE

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