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9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Is there a reason we'd assume those roles are V!aligned? I seem to recall Vorros? whatever that dude's name was was Elim the last time. I think there was no Myderaal? AFAICT Amyrlin, Warder, and BM are all not alignment-guaranteed. Only our ta'averen are.

Actually heck Araris if I'm right you played against an E!Vorros and E!Devo team so where that assumption come from?

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well. i am now online. first thoughts. i don't think anyone has given me much to work with. i think that I sleep through the turn over so I don't know how much more I will be able to post this round. i don't think that araris is that suspisios. they are just pointing out the obvious.

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4 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

 i don't think that araris is that suspisios. they are just pointing out the obvious.

Do you think that makes the people pushing araris suspicious? 

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7 hours ago, Stick. said:

not really interested in killing cadcom today - this is their first game in like, what, 5 years? i dont see anything egregiously elimmy about what they said in their first post anyway (maybe i would if i was well versed with the rules to begin with :ph34r:)


Araris (if this is wrong it's mat's fault :ph34r:)


Wierdo hasnt really given me anything to work with lol. As an aside, if araris is red i think aeternum is probably a villager. 


@Aeoryi post something AI so i can godread u 😛 

Last I checked your godread expired on... March 26?


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8 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

This is sort of right. I wanted to see other people’s reactions before giving my own, though I wasn’t planning on jumping on anyone. Personally, I think folks doing role analysis are doing it “honestly”, because it’s too easy to get caught emphasizing certain parts of the rules and doesn’t really have much benefit (as seen here, where I brought it up immediately). I do think that since Warder and Blademaster are defensive roles, it would be a bit more natural for an elim to have them in mind, and then to post something along those lines. In my experience elims requested like to work out a timeline for winning, and the presence/lack of extra lives and protects is very important for that sort of thing. It’s also probably a more natural assumption that Amyrlin and Forsaken are both in the game, since they are less generic than the other two.

I didn't expect you to agree 😛 I meant that it looked like you were setting up CadCom's misexe, but trying to get other people to do it-- note that my statement here is directly contradicted by your vote. I still find that mindset weird but I'm kinda w/e about it regarding your alignment

I suppose the rest mostly makes sense. In my experience elims typically don't start making timelines until a few turns into the game though so I don't really follow that line of reasoning, and imo the thought that the Amyrlin and Forsaken are in the game is just as valid for a villager to have as an elim. 

7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Is there some reason you're attributing Mat with going for Araris when Mat himself is ambivalent?

Eh, I think that's fair. I clearly am side-eying him, ambivalence aside.

Gut reads are landing on v!Stick and e!Kas which is fun, heh. Not putting stock in either of those but they're there.


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7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Is there a reason we'd assume those roles are V!aligned? I seem to recall Vorros? whatever that dude's name was was Elim the last time. I think there was no Myderaal? AFAICT Amyrlin, Warder, and BM are all not alignment-guaranteed. Only our ta'averen are.

You’re right, there’s not much village guarantee. I lean toward there being a Forsaken, which would mean only one other role is elim. I also think the elims would have 2 channelers for balance’s sake.

My main memory of the last run of this game is trauma over knowing Devo was evil and then failing a long sequence of die rolls to kill her.

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1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Last I checked your godread expired on... March 26?


perfect, then you should not have a problem making AI content. Let’s see it! 

57 minutes ago, Mat said:

Gut reads are landing on v!Stick and e!Kas which is fun, heh. Not putting stock in either of those but they're there

yea, i kind of got a vibe from kas’ posting that id describe as more commentator-esque rather than…villagery solving. altho could have something to do with being preoccupied oog like he said which is why i withheld judgement 

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On mobile so forgive formatting. 

It looks like we're at one vote so far for stick, weirdo, CadCom, araris, and aeoryi. 

I think it's best to try to not ex someone with such a small number of people on day 1. Keeping no more than one vote per person will also require the elims to manipulate the vote to get a vote kill tonight. 

I'll put a vote on Kasimir for now, in my effort to prevent a build up on anyone. 


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1 hour ago, Stick. said:

i kind of got a vibe from kas’ posting that id describe as more commentator-esque rather than…villagery solving.

Yeah that’s a fairly good way of putting it

40 minutes ago, CadCom said:

On mobile so forgive formatting. 

It looks like we're at one vote so far for stick, weirdo, CadCom, araris, and aeoryi. 

I think it's best to try to not ex someone with such a small number of people on day 1. Keeping no more than one vote per person will also require the elims to manipulate the vote to get a vote kill tonight. 

I'll put a vote on Kasimir for now, in my effort to prevent a build up on anyone. 

Why Kas? Why not just not vote?

Leaving the door open for elim vote manip isn’t a good idea because it won’t actually tell us anything, especially if the vote is split six ways. It’s throwing away the village’s only collective power to use majority to our advantage and guarantees a misexe today at worst, with no information gain at best.

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10 hours ago, Stick. said:

Wierdo hasnt really given me anything to work with lol. As an aside, if araris is red i think aeternum is probably a villager.

Where is this coming from...? My two basically barely related to the game posts? I don't follow your thinking here.

Mat's posting is ok, CadCom's is mehh but I will look again when I'm on my laptop later. No opinion on Kas yet. Araris is hard to read for me. Stick seems mostly cool for now. Aeo is... Aeo. RBM's ok for now. Weirdo is meh for now.

I'll be back later!

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yea the way u communicated ur read on araris isnt how elims talk about teammates, generally speaking 👍


d1'ing kas probably isnt a smart thing to do unless we're very sure he's elim lol so im gonna err on the side of caution there 


RoyalBeeMage is probably an ok exe for today in my opinion. this is not to say im now villa reading araris but royalbeemage's take on araris reads like potential TMI on a villager

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48 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

What if I don't townread Stick


Stick's posting is ok enough for me to lightly townread for now

1 hour ago, Stick. said:

yea the way u communicated ur read on araris isnt how elims talk about teammates, generally speaking 👍


d1'ing kas probably isnt a smart thing to do unless we're very sure he's elim lol so im gonna err on the side of caution there 


RoyalBeeMage is probably an ok exe for today in my opinion. this is not to say im now villa reading araris but royalbeemage's take on araris reads like potential TMI on a villager

Elaborate more on the last part?

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7 hours ago, Stick. said:

Do you think that makes the people pushing araris suspicious? 

Probably not. They are only making their own conclusions about the facts that we currently have. I am wondering about @Wierdo though. A bit quiet for my tastes 

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4 hours ago, Aeternum said:

Aeo is... Aeo

Aeo is a little less Aeo than I’d like. Aeo hasn’t said anything. 

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On 5/26/2024 at 8:13 AM, Stick. said:

hi friends 


ive read the rules doc about three and a half times and i still don’t understand the mech


but maybe i am just stupid 👹

Complaining about rules banter (NAI; performative if e, but also could be genuine regardless)

On 5/26/2024 at 8:52 AM, CadCom said:

Haha I think we'll get it as we go along. 

Mechanically, I don't think we have any plain warders or blademasters. Because there's only 9 people, and some rolls appear as that to a role scan by the keeper. 

Though I suppose it is possible that one of the Lord characters is not in the game. 

I also expect that we'll probably have 2 elims. I don't remember for certain, but I think 4 years ago that we liked to have 20-25% be elims. 2 would be 22ish percent. 


I would role play but I don't have energy at the moment. Perhaps later today or tomorrow. 

Mech stuff. + Town

On 5/26/2024 at 9:40 AM, Araris Valerian said:

As the person that help vet the rules, I can sympathize :P. The gist is that most folks have a bunch of available actions depending on their elemental ratings, but they are inconsistent unless you Concentrate or Link.

Something really important to note is that the Forsaken cannot vote, but can guarantee a single weave to work. For this reason, absolutely everyone should vote every cycle, to force the elims to use Compulsion to hide this.

I'm not sure why it would follow from the fact that the role scan isn't foolproof that there would be no warders/blademasters. Of course we should be wary about assuming any roles exist, and also about any assumptions of alignments of those roles. Still, seems like an odd conclusion, so I'll vote CadCom for now.

Votes Cadcom over being the third person to post and the first person to start thinking about the game really + Elim

But does discuss mech himself. + Town


On 5/26/2024 at 9:58 AM, Mat said:

Doubly closed pms mean they’re actually open, right? 👀 

Performative if elim, potentially genuine either way? Still lean slightly + elim for meta reason

On 5/26/2024 at 10:02 AM, Aeoryi said:

Game Thread, yo


Give me time to read over the thesis of a rules doc

Hey look it's me!

On 5/26/2024 at 10:08 AM, Kasimir said:


Wb sis U_U

As the other person who helped vet the rules, I can also sympathise because I refused to touch it with a ten foot pole until Araris told me I didn't need to care about doublechecking weave interactions :P

I still don't bloody know what the rules do and don't really have the time/energy to go over them until after law class ends but hey in theory the most important thing is Villagering right?

Votes stick (RVS) - NAI

Claims to be also confused despite balancing the game - NAI again

Doesn't know what "The rules do" which seems like a slight slip up, esp since he mentions that he was concerned about a part of the rules in a previous sentence, so this is + Elim

On 5/26/2024 at 10:12 AM, The Unknown Ajah said:

Unfortunately no, but if you get your actions in you can next turn.

Idk what this is refering to. Probably not important? + GM

On 5/26/2024 at 10:23 AM, Aeternum said:

Same lol

Off I go to reread!

I'll be around later today when I'm not working.

Again, banter about the rules is NAI at best and it has been seen multiple times before. - NAI

On 5/26/2024 at 10:50 AM, CadCom said:

Understood. What I mean is that with only 9 players, but 11 listed roles, we don't have all roles. Because certain roles appear as warders and blademasters with a scan already. 

On compulsion, it says change a players vote to whatever you wish. Is this supposed to say to whoever you wish? If can they change a vote to an action? 

Is compulsion the only vote manipulation action or ability? I didn't see any other in my 30 second skim just barely. 

More rules stuff. + Town because everyone else, including the GM, is complaining about the rules

Highlighted part seems like a lie/under exaggeration. Confused about the worry about vote manip, maybe because CadCom is a forsaken? Can't really think of any other reasoning. + elim

On 5/26/2024 at 11:10 AM, The Unknown Ajah said:

That wording means you can Soothe it and make it not count instead of move it if you wish. It also means you can make someone who didn’t vote essentially vote for somebody. 

No. There is also the Amyrlin Seat role.

Clarification which probably means that Cadcom is not the Amyrlin Seat or the Compulsion

On 5/26/2024 at 12:01 PM, Stick. said:

yea id be p surprised if there's any more than 2 elims or any fewer than 2 elims


Weirdo hi! is this ur first SE game?




should probably @Wierdo

Stick votes weirdo and some brief banter about number of elims - yes it's two.  - NAI

On 5/26/2024 at 12:17 PM, The Unknown Ajah said:

Vote Tally

Stick. (1): Kasimir

Wierdo (1): Stick.

CadCom (1): Araris Valerian 

Courtesy of Tallybot. CadCom isn't in the system btw.


On 5/26/2024 at 12:44 PM, Wierdo said:

O h  hi, this is actually my second!

Wierdo clarifies. - NAI

On 5/26/2024 at 1:44 PM, Stick. said:

cool! so now we can brutally murder you without feeling bad 😛

Stick being friendly for some reason is really off-putting. This can go either way really, so - NAI

On 5/26/2024 at 1:52 PM, Wierdo said:

Ruuudeeee  Sure-

2 words. - NAI

On 5/26/2024 at 2:03 PM, Araris Valerian said:

So I understand that both of these statements are true, I just don't really get how they are related. I'll also note that something similar happens with the Amyrlin, which you didn't mention.

(IDK what this refers to)

On 5/26/2024 at 2:20 PM, Mat said:

CadCom’s analysis seemed pretty standard to me, so I’d be inclined to vote Araris over anyone else here, but I’m going to actually read the rules myself before passing any real judgement.

Cadcom/Mat potential pairing?

Claims to have not read the rules - NAI

Wants to vote araris for voting Cadcom because of the "Strange mech analysis conclusion" thingy, which is valid ig + Town

On 5/26/2024 at 3:44 PM, RoyalBeeMage said:

Don’t worry. Even after I just re read them I still don’t understand 

One where not even the people who Veted the rules understand the rules 

More banter about rules that is NAI at best - NAI

23 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Hold on, I just got through explaining why it wasn't standard. He called out Blademaster and Warden as unlikely while ignoring the Amyrlin (who similarly has a role that scans as her), all while not giving a satisfactory reason for the statement. It's a minor thing, but it still seems odd.


I think we understand the rules, but it's not really possible to succinctly sum them up.


So it was a misunderstanding? I feel like e!Araris wouldn't end an argument this way, so + town

Claims that no one really understands the rules, just a vague impression. + Real

23 hours ago, The Unknown Ajah said:

Honestly, I don't think I understand the rules, and I wrote them.

GM confirmation that truly no one understands the rules + GM

22 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

good to know we are in good hands! :)


IDK more banter that's NAI at best maybe I should start taking off points for this kind of stuff - NAI

21 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Speak for yourself 😔

Weird. CadCom should be in of all people. I'll take a look again and try to fix the regex during my spare time.

I'm actually more ? about Mat's defensiveness of CadCom here. I'd note CadCom's at least consistent in Amrylin Seat erasure:

At the same time I'm curious about your theory of the gap, @Araris Valerian. Intuitively I'd expect the Forsaken to be hyperaware of the existence of the Amrylin, since it's kinda hard to ignore a role you scan as.

Edited to add:

@The Unknown Ajah, I've fixed the regex. It tracks CadCom as Cadmium. I've added CadCom as a valid vote.

Tallybot n'est pas marcher: - NAI


(That means Tallybot isn't working)

Glad Kas notices that Mat's kinda defensive of CadCom, but more realistically I think Araris has taken the offensive against cadcom. + town


Intuitively I'd expect the Forsaken to be hyperaware of the existence of the Amrylin, since it's kinda hard to ignore a role you scan as.

Interesting quote, maybe implies kas is Forsaken softing? Idk. - NAI (for now)

20 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

That’s a good point. I’m just here to point out the contradictions, not to say what they mean.

Dislike this post to a fault.

20 hours ago, Kasimir said:

But isn't the point to try to make a read, beyond the contradiction itself?

Edited to add:

Tempted to lean very mild V on Araris. Jumping on this feels just a bit like the sort of thing that comes from an overexcited Villager perspective. Mild because this is Araris and I don't trust myself to read Araris >>

The problem is that Araris doesn't seem like an overexcited villager from tone. That's why this post comes off as paired with araris, above anything else + Elim

19 hours ago, Mat said:

Exactly, that looks like a standard D1 SE analysis post to me :P.

I figured the difference was that Warder/Blademaster have survival abilities, hence his mention of the low player count. A riot is powerful but in a different brand of roles in my head, so it not being mentioned there makes sense to me. I don't necessarily agree with his analysis but it seemed like an odd thing to vote on.

Also. Is saying what they mean not, like, the whole point? This statement reads like you want other people to jump on things you notice so that they are more starkly in the wrong. You did vote CadCom though so /shrug

I mean, again, it's not that I agree with CadCom per say. I just disagree with Araris about CadCom. There's a difference imo.

Also also I'm claiming Lord of Luck



CadCom’s analysis seemed pretty standard to me, so I’d be inclined to vote Araris over anyone else here, but I’m going to actually read the rules myself before passing any real judgement. - Mat (Previously)

It fits with the mat worldview so heavy towning this post

19 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I will be very disappointed if you are not because TUA had one (1) chance to do something really funny 😔

I'm going back and forth about it on further reflection. I can empathise because I've had those times when another player does something, I fix on it and think it's Evil and then later think more and go "oh wait nvm" - Araris voting CadCom is consistent with that but I'm not really picking up anything else that feels like a Villager pouncing on a thing they saw.

So I am confusion

I don't understand how that is "Consistent" really. Makes no sense + Elim

The Blue doesn't seem right either + Elim as well

16 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Tempted to V lean Mat 😔

I need to stop being so easy 😔

(Reads as performative but that might just be me) + Elim

16 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

This is sort of right. I wanted to see other people’s reactions before giving my own, though I wasn’t planning on jumping on anyone. Personally, I think folks doing role analysis are doing it “honestly”, because it’s too easy to get caught emphasizing certain parts of the rules and doesn’t really have much benefit (as seen here, where I brought it up immediately). I do think that since Warder and Blademaster are defensive roles, it would be a bit more natural for an elim to have them in mind, and then to post something along those lines. In my experience elims requested like to work out a timeline for winning, and the presence/lack of extra lives and protects is very important for that sort of thing. It’s also probably a more natural assumption that Amyrlin and Forsaken are both in the game, since they are less generic than the other two.

Alright I'm saying it here it's probably Kas/Araris.

This post just... doesn't make sense if you dissect it. 

The defense Araris gives is that "I wanted to see other people's reactions before giving my own." But Araris was the first to jump onto that wagon? It seemed like he was pushing CadCom over anything, and it certainly doesn't seem like he cares about other people's reactions before giving his own.

+ Elim

16 hours ago, Aeternum said:

I said I'd be around later, and then proceeded to lose my mind for 8 hours and now I'm gonna sleep.

I like Araris's thinking there but it is very late and I can't think properly enough to give a coherent actual response.


  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

I need to re-re-reread the ruleset again




If Kas doesn't flip e, this will. + Elim

15 hours ago, Stick. said:

not really interested in killing cadcom today - this is their first game in like, what, 5 years? i dont see anything egregiously elimmy about what they said in their first post anyway (maybe i would if i was well versed with the rules to begin with :ph34r:)


Araris (if this is wrong it's mat's fault :ph34r:)


Wierdo hasnt really given me anything to work with lol. As an aside, if araris is red i think aeternum is probably a villager. 


@Aeoryi post something AI so i can godread u 😛 

Towny ig

As I've said before stick is a bit off-putting because I am genuinely afraid of her e!range

14 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Is there a reason we'd assume those roles are V!aligned? I seem to recall Vorros? whatever that dude's name was was Elim the last time. I think there was no Myderaal? AFAICT Amyrlin, Warder, and BM are all not alignment-guaranteed. Only our ta'averen are.

Is there some reason you're attributing Mat with going for Araris when Mat himself is ambivalent?

Edited to add:

I'll phrase my sentences more differently at some point my brain is just tired and overflowing with law drek rn

Kas recalling the iron age of SE be like:


Meme of Elrond from Lord of the Rings, saying 'I Was There 3000 Years Ago'

The "Mat is ambivalent" stuff is kinda just... null to me


14 hours ago, Stick. said:

im joking xD (mostly)

k - nai

14 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Actually heck Araris if I'm right you played against an E!Vorros and E!Devo team so where that assumption come from?


Meme of Elrond from Lord of the Rings, saying 'I Was There 3000 Years Ago'

12 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

well. i am now online. first thoughts. i don't think anyone has given me much to work with. i think that I sleep through the turn over so I don't know how much more I will be able to post this round. i don't think that araris is that suspisios. they are just pointing out the obvious.

@RoyalBeeMage Curious why you don't find that suspicious?

8 hours ago, Stick. said:

Do you think that makes the people pushing araris suspicious? 




Okay that's enough live posting

TOWN: Mat, CadCom 

Null: Stick, RBM, Weirdo

ELIM: Araris (for sure), Kas, Aeternum



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23 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

number of elims - yes it's two.

Is this a slip or am I mentally slipping 

I'll read the rest of the wallpost later

Edit for wording  (the italic word)

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Who knows, maybe I did get that elim team-up with Kas that I've been waiting for. :P

27 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

This post just... doesn't make sense if you dissect it. 

I gave a reaction, which is different from giving interpretation/reasoning. Saying "CadCom pointed out thing X" followed by a vote on CadCom shows that I have an opinion, but it doesn't give my reasoning. Logically, the argument goes

P1: CadCom made some odd comments about specific roles

P2: Making odd comments about specific roles makes a person likely an elim

C1: CadCom is likely an elim

But I really just implied P2 without any justification, which was what I was interested in hearing from others (if you take my vote as a statement of the conclusion). Eventually I followed up with my justification for that part of the argument, the thing about a timeline to victory. I actually think a more plausible reason is just that elims are generally more concerned about extra lives than villagers.

27 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Votes Cadcom over being the third person to post and the first person to start thinking about the game really + Elim

I'm curious to hear why you think e!me would be more likely to do this than village me.

I'm also curious why you are certain that I'm elim but are not voting for me. Seems like something a Forsaken would do.

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Alright it's been 4 years, and there's some new lingo. Is misexe a missed execution? Meaning ng executing a villager? 

That's the only question I remember at the moment. 

I'm not gonna ng to quote people bc on mobile again, but I did a deeper re reading of everyone's posts, and want to respond to a few things. 

@stick. If people vote me, I'm fine with that. I'm not brand new, and I have thick skin, so I know it's nothing personal. 

@araris, I see I missed some things in your questioning of me. So the reason I failed to mention the amerlyn as being a potential missing role is simply because I missed it in the rules. Upon further player studying I have decided that it's possible either Lord of luck or Lord of 2 rivers is missing, and then one of the warder/blademaster plain roles is missing. I still think amerlyn is likely to be included though I could be wrong as it's just my intuition.

@mat, you asked why I voted kasimir instead of just not voting. This is per what araris said in his first post, where he voted for me. He also mentioned we should have everyone vote to force elims to use compulsion. I still don't fully understand the reasoning maybe @Araris Valerian(that tag worked)can further explain, but it seemed reasonable. But I wanted to vote for someone who hadn't had votes for them yet.


Now I know I'm at a disadvantage because I haven't played at all with many of you and others were years ago. But I personally didn't like how mat jumped right in to protect me (softly) read like an elim trying to buddy up to a villager to me, so on that note, as mat still has no votes Kasimir, Mat. 


Edit: typed that half hour ago. Forgot to submit

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Yeah, everyone should vote because the Forsaken’s vote gets canceled, so we can force the elims to use Compulsion if they have a Forsaken. If the Forsaken doesn’t use compulsion, we look for the missing vote to get a nice POE. Also, because vote manip exists, we should also aim for a 2 or 3-vote margin if it’s reasonable.

We refer to the vote as an “execution” or the “exe” now, yeah. So if you take the old terminology of lynching and swap in exe everywhere, it should match up pretty well with what we use now.

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There’s the Aeo I know and love! :P Will respond when I’m at a computer. Won’t be for a few hours. Aeoryi. I like how we came to some similar conclusions. I’d also noted Kas/Araris as a pairing but hadn’t said anything cause I wanted to see how it progressed.

I wasn’t protecting you, CadCom, I was disagreeing with Araris. I already said that. I don’t really agree with your mech analysis and don’t see much of a reason to read you either way, but Araris’s push didn’t make sense. Besides. So what if I do v read you, I’m allowed to defend my trusts :P.

That being said, I still really don’t understand your reasoning for your Kas vote. You’re trusting Araris’s (who notably e reads you) offhand comment, when you don’t even really know what he means?

And besides, my first question was why you picked Kas over anyone else with no votes. You didn’t even answer that.

Edit: RoyalBeeMage

@The Unknown Ajah

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39 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

P2: Making odd comments about specific roles makes a person likely an elim

Why so?

43 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm curious to hear why you think e!me would be more likely to do this than village me.

It seems like thought repression (for lack of a better term). The idea that if you vote out the people who solve the most often, then the overall solving power of the village goes down. Very Elim-orientated to do.

12 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

We refer to the vote as an “execution” or the “exe” now, yeah. So if you take the old terminology of lynching and swap in exe everywhere, it should match up pretty well with what we use now.

I know some sites (that play FM as well) ban the usage of the term "Lynch" due to negative connotation. Not something really related to this game, but just a cool fact I wanted to share!

41 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm also curious why you are certain that I'm elim but are not voting for me. Seems like something a Forsaken would do.


 You dared me to do it 👀

51 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

Is this a slip or am I mentally slipping 

If you want to chase the three Elim-welcome-to-mylo world, go ahead.

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9 hours ago, Mat said:

Eh, I think that's fair. I clearly am side-eying him, ambivalence aside.

If a player's argument/view on another player washes to a null, I don't take that to be a negative case - citing that as a negative suggests you're not convinced by the nulling and yet you also want to cite it as your entire reason for your read. Doesn't make sense to me.

8 hours ago, Stick. said:

yea, i kind of got a vibe from kas’ posting that id describe as more commentator-esque rather than…villagery solving. altho could have something to do with being preoccupied oog like he said which is why i withheld judgement 

I need to complain about this somewhere, I hate law, I don't understand why people think I'd love it, I love the higher level meta-legal debates and international law is mildly interesting with jus cogens and all that but I'm losing my SAN just trying to deal with statutes and subsections and sections and case law. It is the most anally retentive thing ever and exhausting and I complained to Wyrm and the bastard laughed at me and told me that I should love it because it's the same skillset as philosophy and I s2g I've done a Masters and reading David Chalmers at his most tendentious is nothing like reading dry case law and statutes were not written for human beings no freaking philosopher apart from Horkheimer writes this poorly I'm tired and done already and no I don't mind being exed D1 tbqh.

18 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

This is sort of right. I wanted to see other people’s reactions before giving my own, though I wasn’t planning on jumping on anyone.

Okay, so what are your conclusions?

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Doesn't know what "The rules do" which seems like a slight slip up, esp since he mentions that he was concerned about a part of the rules in a previous sentence, so this is + Elim

Someone remind me how anyone can be so confident with so little actual thinking :thinking:

If I know that there's about 90% of the rules I didn't look at and didn't want to look at, I submit it is eminently reasonable to hold I don't know what the rules do. You may disagree - if so, then you are simply overconfident and did not read the rules as you claim you did.

2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

So I am confusion

Certainly this is consistent with your takes! 😄

Araris is not a player you expect to get emotion off unless he tells you outright. Happy to learn how you have ostensibly played this long and still do not know this. In other words, an obviously ??? moment from Araris is IMO an invitation to try to extrapolate what made him do it. One explanation I considered is a Villager pounce, having done that before. I argue the first statement alone invalidates every single piece of post-reading you claim to be able to do - it doesn't work on Araris.

Anyone who @s me about aggression, I hate it when people are overconfident but can't put up things to remotely support your confidence. You just come across as tacky and arrogant and I am thoroughly okay biting back.

Edited to add: Oh yeah, @The Unknown Ajah - Aet. Feels 180 from Drake's QF.

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2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

So it was a misunderstanding? I feel like e!Araris wouldn't end an argument this way, so + town

Claims that no one really understands the rules, just a vague impression. + Real


2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

ELIM: Araris (for sure)

Are not matching up for me.

Oh but later down you do have more elim points for Araris, it just does NOT match up nicely to me and I dislike that

2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

Clarification which probably means that Cadcom is not the Amyrlin Seat or the Compulsion

The compulsion?

2 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

If Kas doesn't flip e, this will. + Elim

Why Kas not Araris here?

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

I actually think a more plausible reason is just that elims are generally more concerned about extra lives than villagers.

This did not make sense to me in the context of that conversation, but overall makes sense, yeah

1 hour ago, CadCom said:

He also mentioned we should have everyone vote to force elims to use compulsion. I still don't fully understand the reasoning maybe @Araris Valerian(that tag worked)can further explain, but it seemed reasonable. But I wanted to vote for someone who hadn't had votes for them yet.

I like this post from CadCom overall (ignore the quoting, I had a question but the next post answered it lol)

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

Yeah, everyone should vote because the Forsaken’s vote gets canceled, so we can force the elims to use Compulsion if they have a Forsaken. If the Forsaken doesn’t use compulsion, we look for the missing vote to get a nice POE. Also, because vote manip exists, we should also aim for a 2 or 3-vote margin if it’s reasonable.

We refer to the vote as an “execution” or the “exe” now, yeah. So if you take the old terminology of lynching and swap in exe everywhere, it should match up pretty well with what we use now.

Dumb question but how does Compulsion help them with the Forsaken?


Back to reading the ruleset again lol

I agree that we should have a PoE set up tomorrow based on the missing vote.

1 hour ago, Mat said:


I like this post from Mat and you go into the town bin for now! (I'm not quoting all that)

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

If you want to chase the three Elim-welcome-to-mylo world, go ahead

In retrospect, it makes sense to assume 2 elims - just the way you said "yes there is" felt weird.

23 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

If a player's argument/view on another player washes to a null, I don't take that to be a negative case - citing that as a negative suggests you're not convinced by the nulling and yet you also want to cite it as your entire reason for your read. Doesn't make sense to me.

I need to complain about this somewhere, I hate law, I don't understand why people think I'd love it, I love the higher level meta-legal debates and international law is mildly interesting with jus cogens and all that but I'm losing my SAN just trying to deal with statutes and subsections and sections and case law. It is the most anally retentive thing ever and exhausting and I complained to Wyrm and the bastard laughed at me and told me that I should love it because it's the same skillset as philosophy and I s2g I've done a Masters and reading David Chalmers at his most tendentious is nothing like reading dry case law and statutes were not written for human beings no freaking philosopher apart from Horkheimer writes this poorly I'm tired and done already and no I don't mind being exed D1 tbqh.

Okay, so what are your conclusions?

Someone remind me how anyone can be so confident with so little actual thinking :thinking:

If I know that there's about 90% of the rules I didn't look at and didn't want to look at, I submit it is eminently reasonable to hold I don't know what the rules do. You may disagree - if so, then you are simply overconfident and did not read the rules as you claim you did.

Certainly this is consistent with your takes! 😄

Araris is not a player you expect to get emotion off unless he tells you outright. Happy to learn how you have ostensibly played this long and still do not know this. In other words, an obviously ??? moment from Araris is IMO an invitation to try to extrapolate what made him do it. One explanation I considered is a Villager pounce, having done that before. I argue the first statement alone invalidates every single piece of post-reading you claim to be able to do - it doesn't work on Araris.

Anyone who @s me about aggression, I hate it when people are overconfident but can't put up things to remotely support your confidence. You just come across as tacky and arrogant and I am thoroughly okay biting back.

Edited to add: Oh yeah, @The Unknown Ajah - Aet. Feels 180 from Drake's QF.

Quoting this whole one cuz why not

Other than that second paragraph that I completely blanked over, I like this post from Kas (I'll come back to this one tomorrow probs).

And also sorry, I was on mobile all day and it's suuuuper awkward to quote stuff nicely. Tomorrow when I'm back on my laptop, I'll go everything again and actually make more reads, since I only really looked at the most recent posts briefly :)

I might be a little less active than the last QF btw - turns out there's a lot of stuff going on for me this week, sorry.


Aet needs to get back to work and stop getting distracted by forum mafia lol

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