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The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

Born below the ever cloud-capped peaks that gave the mountains their name, the wind blew east, out across the Sand Hills, once the shore of a great ocean, before the Breaking of the World. It gusted and twisted, blowing through the bustling city of Tar Valon. Through an unshuttered window in that shining White Tower, it twisted, carrying idle chatter, gossip, and whispers. Through hallways and into secluded closets, it brought silent secrets along with its currents. Promises and lies, schemes and untruths, along its currents traveled the plans of the Black Ajah.

But there was no one to hear them. It was time again. With a Myrdraal at their side and a Forsaken for their commander, how could they fail? It was time to reduce Tar Valon to blood and bloody ashes.


I, @The Unknown Ajah, formerly The Bald Brandon, TKN, and TUN, will be your GM. @TheRavenHasLanded will by my Co-GM. The wonderful @Elandera will be your IM.

I would also like to warn any potential players, this game is very RNG heavy, with the potential for swinginess. If you don't like RNG very much, this game probably isn't for you.

This is a rerun of LG88, but the rules have been changed rather extensively, so you should definitely refresh your knowledge. You can find the rules here:


You can find the in-forum rules below. 


LG100 - Death is Lighter Than a Feather


  • 48 hour Days and Nights

  • There will be a community execution every Day

  • The exe will have a two vote minimum, meaning that the highest player up for execution must have at least two votes in order to die. If two players are remaining, it decreases to one

  • Ties will result in a coin flip, if the Amyrlin votes on one of them however, the one with the Amyrlin's vote will lose the coin flip/die

  • When an elim links with a villager and disagrees with the villager, it will be more likely for the villager to win

  • This will be role madness, but Aes Sedai counts as a role.

  • PMing requires a physical action. If you use your action to PM, it will allow you to PM anyone freely next turn. You cannot use this to open group PMs, though they may be opened by other means. PMs made during this turn cannot be used in future turns, though if you take the PM action again you may use the same PM for convenience. 

  • ● means night action, ○ means day action, ●/○ means either.



People of the White Tower: You have discovered that the Black Ajah has not only infiltrated the White Tower but also brought a Myrdraal, and that's not counting the Forsaken that rumor says is with them. You must eliminate them from your ranks.

Servants of the Dark One: The Aes Sedai have discovered your existence and alerted their allies in the city. Maybe you shouldn't have tried to bring that Myrdraal into the Tower. And they think you have a Forsaken? Time to overturn the White Tower. You must make it impossible for the People of the White Tower to win. You also have a factional kill each Night and a doc to conspire in.



0-5 each Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. There will be one stat with the value zero or one, two with the value two or three, and one with the value four or five. Spirit is 1 through 5, but completely random comparatively to the rest of the stats.


Air: 3 

Fire: 1 

Water: 4 

Earth: 3 

Spirit: 2



0 100% of success (only available through linking)

1 85% of success 

2 60% of success

3 40% of success 

4 15% of success

5 5% of success 

6 0% of success (only possible to complete when linked)

Weaves with less than three complexity subtract 10 percent, weaves with more than two subtract 20 percent. Physical actions subtract 5 percent.

If you fail on a weave, it will have penalties. A weave failing will simply result in the action not working, but multiple weaves failing on the same turn will have greater results. Two failed weaves will block whatever physical action you used this turn. Three failures will block any other potentially successful weaves you used on that turn. Four or more failed weaves on the same turn will cause you to burn out in addition to all of the earlier effects. If you burn out, you will no longer be able to use weaves. Failed weaves with 4 complexity will count as 2 failures each. Weaves with 5 complexity count as 4 failures, meaning they will always burn you out if they fail.

Example Turn:

Trace 2 60% - 20% - 20% - 5% = 15%

Heal 3 40% - 20% - 10% - 5% = 5%

Earthquake 3 40% - 20% - 10% - 5% = 5%

Amyrlin Vote Manip



There are two kinds of actions that you can take: weave actions and physical actions. Weave actions cannot be made if you possess a role that cannot do so, but otherwise a single weave action allows you to use as many weaves as you like.

You can take either two physical actions or one of each (There is no reason to take two weave actions).

Weave actions can also be modified in one of two ways. The first way is to Concentrate. Concentrating will restrict you to a single weave, and physical actions will not be permitted. Concentrating will then increase your chances of success. Weaves with a complexity of 3 or lower will automatically succeed. Weaves with a higher complexity will have their chance of success raised to 40%, but failure will still have the same cost.

The other way to modify your action is by Linking. Linking requires cooperation with other players, but allows you to achieve weaves you otherwise would never be able to accomplish. Linking combines your stats to allow you to accomplish high difficulty weaves, and lowers the complexity to increase your chances of success. For more information on Linking, see Linking.

Weaves (Note that this looks so very ugly in the forums, if you don't want a stroke, check the doc):





Difficulty(Stat Requirements):



Circle of Silence:

Air, Fire, and Water

3, 1, 2,


Create a group PM○/● 

Voice of Power:

Air and Fire

2, 2,


Post an anonymous message○ 


Air and Fire


1, 2


Pierces fog used on you or a player of your choice.○/● 





See who a player of your choice uses physical actions on. ○/● 





See what physical actions were used on a player of your choice ○/● 

Raise Fog:

Air and Water


2, 1


Cloak yourself and another player of your choice from action detection weaves ○/● 

Mirror of Mists:

Air, Fire, and Spirit


2, 2, 2


Make yourself appear to take another action on a player of your choice○/● 

Seal/Ward Against People:

Air, Fire, and Spirit

2, 2, 1


Physicalblock any player who takes a non-lethal action against a player of your choice. Including yourself○/● 

Fold Light/Bending:

Air and Fire

2, 2


Disguise a single physical action from being discovered by a weave○/● 


Air, Water, and Spirit


2, 1, 1,


Give your target player an extra physical action next turn that does not affect their weave limit or difficulty ○/● 

Harden Air:




Physical block a player○/● 


Air, Water, and Spirit

2, 2, 2


Heal a player other than yourself. Any attacks against them will fail ● 


Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Spirit

1, 1, 1, 1, 3


Change a player's vote to whatever you wish from whatever you wish.○ 






Weaveblock a player for two turns or until they break free** or you release them○/●***


Fire, Air

5, 4


Kill a player ● 

Circle of Frost:




Stop all weaves that require water.





Physical block four players other than yourself○/● 

Call Wind:




Redirect two players of your choice's physical actions to any one player. 


Fire and Spirit 

5, 5


Unstoppably kill a player and stop any actions, physical or weave, that they take. 





Remove the ability to use weaves from a player.

Form Maelstrom:

Water, Air, Fire, and Earth 

5, 5, 5, 5


Pick three people. You choose one to be physicalblocked, one to have one action redirected onto themselves, and  one tol die.

Weave Footnotes:


*A player will be notified if Shield and can break free by doing a 1 difficulty 2 complexity pure Spirit action. You cannot use any other weaves on the turn you break free.

**If you Shield the same player twice in a row, it becomes a complexity 2 action 

***The turn after you choose to Shield a player, you may release them for free without taking an action

+ Performing the same weave twice in a turn increases the Complexity by 1 for each repeated weave.

Order of Actions:


When moves occur at the same time, the higher complexity weave wins, weave always beats physical at the same time, and if two weaves of the same complexity at the same time interfere with each other, whoever has the higher combined stat total wins. If all of these conditions are equal, it will be a coin toss to who goes first.

Ward Against People

Roleblocks: Earthquake/Shield/Harden Air/Illuminator Roleblock/Form Maelstrom RB/Sever

Redirects: Call Wind/Form Maelstrom RD

Night Kills: Balefire/Fireball/Form Maelstrom Kill

Protects: Heal/Warder Protect

Others: Renew

Voice of Power

Circle of Silence 

Shield Break

Compulsion/Amyrlin Vote Manip 

Scan Interference: Bending/Mirror of Mists/Raise Fog

Scan Uninterference: Light

Action Scans: Trace/Delve/Keeper Scan




If two or more players state that they intend on linking with each other, they will combine to use the highest stat for each element. The lowest stat will also be raised by one, if multiple stats are tied for lowest, they will all be raised. The complexity of each weave will also decrease by one. When a weave used in a Link fails, only the player whose action was chosen will suffer the consequences. 

Example Link:

Player 1:

I will link with Player 2 and Player 3 in order to attempt to use Fireball on Player 4 and to Heal myself. 


Air: 3 

Fire: 1 

Water: 4 

Earth: 3 

Spirit: 2 

Player 2:

I will link with Player 1 and Player 3 in order to attempt to use Fireball on Player 4.


Air: 5

Fire: 3

Water: 1

Earth: 3

Spirit: 2

Player 3:

I will link with Player 1 and Player 2 in order to attempt to use Fireball on Player 4 and to Mirror of Mists to make it appear I took an extra action on Player 5.

As my physical action, I will open a PM with Player 5 (Doesn’t matter for linking, linking only affects your weaved)


Air: 2

Fire: 4

Water: 1

Earth: 3

Spirit: 5

End Stats:

Player 2's Air: 5

Player 3's Fire: 4

Player 1's Water: 4

Lowest stat raised by 1 Earth: 4

Player 3's Spirit: 5

End Actions:

Lightning on Player 4 4 complexity - 1 for linking = 3 = 40% - 15% = 25% 

Heal on Player 1 3 - 1 for linking = 2 = 55% - 15% = 40%


  • Aes Sedai: You will have elemental stats and can perform weaves.

  • Amyrlin Seat: Your voice can sway a crowd and your power within the tower is utmost. Or it was until these Black Ajah started running around. Change a player's vote to another player. You may change the vote from and to a no-vote as well. ○

  • Keeper of the Chronicles: You have access to the most secret records, but they have mundane uses as well. You can discover anyone's role, and if they used the PM action last turn. The Forsaken will appear to be the Amyrlin, the Myrdddal and the Lord Dragon will appear as a Blademaster. The other two Lords will appear as ??? (Ideas?). 

  • Warder*: You are bonded to an Aes Sedai. If they die, there will be a fifty percent chance that you die. Every other turn, you protect them. On off turns, you protect yourself. You also have a permanent PM with them. ●

  • Illuminator*: You are skilled in the art of crafting illuminations of all kinds. You can both physical and weaveblock a player (they will be informed). ●/○

  • Blademaster*: You have an extra life that will allow you to survive one kill or one daily execution. ●/○

  • Lord Dragon: You have more control of the weaves than you once did, and can now rival even the Forsaken, but you are beginning to go mad. You can use any weave, and a random one will automatically succeed. In addition, you will survive one attack, but once you do so, you will have a 50% chance of going mad (dying). Every turn you use a weave after being attacked, your chance of going mad will increase by 15%.

  • Lord of the Two Rivers*: Your senses are greater and you can smell the emotions and sometimes intentions of those around you. Discover the alignment of a player twice per game. ●

  • Lord of Luck*: The dice always seem to fall in your favor. You can select a player every turn, if one of their weaves fails, it will be rerolled and the new result of that roll will be taken. You also have an odd foxhead medallion that defends you from those pesky Aes Sedai, weaves cannot affect you. ●/○

  • Forsaken: You are a master of the One Power and one of the most powerful channelers in history. You can choose one weave each cycle to automatically succeed. While the seals seem to be weakening, you are still trapped and cannot vote. You may still vote in thread, but it will not count. ●/○

  • Myrddraal*: You don't like to die. You won't die when attacked, instead you will have a 50% chance of dying each turn after that. ○/●

*Can't use weaves

Clarifications (the in-forum Clarifications will not be updated consistently if at all, see the doc for a slightly more updated Clarifications):

  • Weaveblock means to roleblock/stop only weave actions, Physicalblock means to roleblock/stop only physical actions, and Roleblock means to roleblock/stop both physical and weave actions. 

  • You cannot take the same type of weave on the same player on the same turn. 

  • The Amyrlin, the Keeper of the Chronicles, and Forsaken can have Warders

  • Someone can Link while Shielded, but that player's Linked weaves can only be used to break free.










Quick Links:

Sign-ups will end Sunday, May 26th just before 7:30 AM Mountain Time. The game will begin shortly thereafter.

Let's have a great centennial game!

Edited by Elandera
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  • The Unknown Order changed the title to Long Game 100 - Death is Lighter Than a Feather

I would love to play except I’m on holiday for the next two weeks and don’t think I’ll have enough time for this. Put me down as a spectator for now. I am back home on the 12th so I might be able to change to a player before the 9th

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

I would love to play except I’m on holiday for the next two weeks and don’t think I’ll have enough time for this. Put me down as a spectator for now. I am back home on the 12th so I might be able to change to a player before the 9th

All good, and remember, there's a decent chance it starts on the 10th, so you could be standard levels of activity for n1 onward, so pinch-hitting is a valid option. 

Edited by The Unknown Ajah
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On 3/31/2024 at 9:56 AM, The Unknown Ajah said:

All good, and remember, there's a decent chance it starts on the 10th, so you could be standard levels of activity for n1 onward, so pinch-hitting is a valid option. 

I could miss the first day and join during the night… that could work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the current lack of signups, I'm locking/hiding this thread for the time being. We will run a QF or a MR that can handle a smaller player count, and then have the option for this game to reopen in a couple of weeks or so.

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