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Teleportation : A mystery/chaotic RP

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7 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“That would be fun. Maybe I could learn more about the crazy stuff you know, be almost as smart as you!”

“I’ve just had access to some good teachers. With dedication, you could probably surpass me.” 

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17 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick listens to Aki talk, glad that he’s convinced at least one of his new friends. He nods along, then near the end says, “You’re right, it might not be random. Kami? What are-“ Suddenly: 

Nick pushes away his shock and confusion and tries to approach the situation logically. “SIMON, is the sound coming from any particular direction? We can check for speakers.” @The Stormfather, what’s the result of that? 
Getting up from the floor, he continues. “You’ve got a recording, right?” “Of course.” The audio repeats itself quietly through Nick’s glasses. 
“Ok, let’s see. High tech guy - that’s me if they’re talking about us. No idea? Not sure what that could mean. Odds of safe planets, soul selling, or what’s going on in general, I guess.”
Pacing now, he keeps thinking out loud. “Throwing implies that I’m here on purpose, presumably everyone else is too. And it’s for money.” Sleeper runs off. “OK!” Nick yells after him. @TheRavenHasLanded 

“Meryyn, dad, son. That’s probably the two voices, who are related, although maybe not. There’s bets, and watching. Is this some sort of gladiator area?” 
Aki yells at the sky, and receives an answer: 

“And they can hear us, that’s interesting.” Copying what Aki did, Nick also speaks to the ceiling. “What do you even want? I heard the thing about accidents! I don’t know if you’ll randomly kill me, or the people who start to know how you rigged your betting, but I bet it won’t look very good if you smite me now. You’ll have to fake it, but they’ll know.” 

“Are you really superior? Even if you can move us around, you still make mistakes, you have family members, you need money. You’re a sapient, just like any other! You simply have more tools than us, and you don’t even share them. You aren’t willing to make other people’s lives better. And I don’t know what that thump was, but I doubt it’s good. You’re simply a person, not even an especially nice person, from how you treat me, my friends, your son, and your betting customers.”
Nick’s hands are balled into fists. “I know you’re just a person, and I won’t let you play with me. You can send me places, you can even film me, but I will not let you manipulate me!” 

I am superior in every way, tiny one. I hold the power, I hold all of the cards and you are but a puppet on a screen for me to make money off of, puny One.

17 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Hmm, if they are making whatever this is into entertainment that can be bet on, then wouldn't the likelihood of a dangerous planet be even smaller? It ruins the point of a game if all the contestants die immediately because of random chance." Aki thought out loud.

Darcus, they caught on. You owe me 450.

17 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“Yeah. I think I just made the odds spike. Meryyn and his dad, whoever they are, look even pettier if we get sent to one now, though.” 

There is no response, just some light muttering that you can’t catch.

13 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

he stabs it into the wall with a dagger he pulls out of his boot.


The snake drops dead, but you hear hissing of a few more up the tunnel.

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4 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

I am superior in every way, tiny one. I hold the power, I hold all of the cards and you are but a puppet on a screen for me to make money off of, puny One.

“That’s what you don’t understand. Being superior and holding power are not the same thing. You’re a sapient just like all of us. I’m no more of a puppet than you are.” 

6 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

Darcus, they caught on. You owe me 450.

“Is it time for our ‘acci-‘ now?” 
If this is still the father’s voice: “You cheated, anyway. Darcus, whoever that is, doesn’t owe you anything, because you rigged it by talking to us. Maybe that statement warrants an ‘acci-‘ too.” 

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31 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“That’s what you don’t understand. Being superior and holding power are not the same thing. You’re a sapient just like all of us. I’m no more of a puppet than you are.” 

“Is it time for our ‘acci-‘ now?” 
If this is still the father’s voice: “You cheated, anyway. Darcus, whoever that is, doesn’t owe you anything, because you rigged it by talking to us. Maybe that statement warrants an ‘acci-‘ too.” 


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32 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“That’s what you don’t understand. Being superior and holding power are not the same thing. You’re a sapient just like all of us. I’m no more of a puppet than you are.” 

“Is it time for our ‘acci-‘ now?” 
If this is still the father’s voice: “You cheated, anyway. Darcus, whoever that is, doesn’t owe you anything, because you rigged it by talking to us. Maybe that statement warrants an ‘acci-‘ too.” 

A new, unrecognized voice speaks.

Send him forwards. Alone. If he breaks, I’ll give you your 450 if he survives, you owe it too me.


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1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:


"What?! You're just fighting some snakes, right?" Nick runs off through the tunnel. 

6 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

A new, unrecognized voice speaks.

Send him forwards. Alone. If he breaks, I’ll give you your 450 if he survives, you owe it too me.


Nick turns on his heels, running back. "I think I made them mad. They're sending just me. Kaleb, Aki, Larry. Thank you for being here. And thank Sleeper too." He gives a salute. "See you guys on the other side. I'll win Darcus his 450, and then I'll be back." His suit helmet seals itself up. 

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12 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"What?! You're just fighting some snakes, right?" Nick runs off through the tunnel. 

Nick turns on his heels, running back. "I think I made them mad. They're sending just me. Kaleb, Aki, Larry. Thank you for being here. And thank Sleeper too." He gives a salute. "See you guys on the other side. I'll win Darcus his 450, and then I'll be back." His suit helmet seals itself up. 

"Alright, ill just be over here shanking some snakes."

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2 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

"What?! You're just fighting some snakes, right?" Nick runs off through the tunnel. 

Nick turns on his heels, running back. "I think I made them mad. They're sending just me. Kaleb, Aki, Larry. Thank you for being here. And thank Sleeper too." He gives a salute. "See you guys on the other side. I'll win Darcus his 450, and then I'll be back." His suit helmet seals itself up. 

Yellow energy encompasses you and you are blinded for a few seconds. When the blindness goes away, you are on the side of a sheer mountain. It’s hot. So hot that your Zeno suit can barely withstand it. (Actually I don’t know the capabilities of that thing but it’s hot enough that regular stone would melt.) Energy emanates from the rocks, reddish in hue, and you realize your not on a mountain.

It’s a volcano. A very active one.

(I’m not just going to kill you, you have a very good chance to survive if you make good decisions. There’s about the same chance of dying here as in the jungle, honestly. Killing you would be kinda too Godmoddy, even if the character im playing is literally a Godmod.)

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21 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



really? Alright . . . I'm starting to get it

7 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:


"Um. No."

6 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

"What?! You're just fighting some snakes, right?" Nick runs off through the tunnel. 

Nick turns on his heels, running back. "I think I made them mad. They're sending just me. Kaleb, Aki, Larry. Thank you for being here. And thank Sleeper too." He gives a salute. "See you guys on the other side. I'll win Darcus his 450, and then I'll be back." His suit helmet seals itself up. 

"So . . . they are in charge? Please don't die--" Aki managed to say before he was whisked away.

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23 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

"What?! You're just fighting some snakes, right?" Nick runs off through the tunnel. 

Nick turns on his heels, running back. "I think I made them mad. They're sending just me. Kaleb, Aki, Larry. Thank you for being here. And thank Sleeper too." He gives a salute. "See you guys on the other side. I'll win Darcus his 450, and then I'll be back." His suit helmet seals itself up. 

“Wait, don’t-“ Kaleb tried. Then Nick disappeared. “You had better come back.” He said. “If you don’t, I’m gonna freeze your pants off.”

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On 8/31/2024 at 3:16 PM, The Stormfather said:

Yellow energy encompasses you and you are blinded for a few seconds. When the blindness goes away, you are on the side of a sheer mountain. It’s hot. So hot that your Zeno suit can barely withstand it. (Actually I don’t know the capabilities of that thing but it’s hot enough that regular stone would melt.) Energy emanates from the rocks, reddish in hue, and you realize your not on a mountain.

It’s a volcano. A very active one.

(I’m not just going to kill you, you have a very good chance to survive if you make good decisions. There’s about the same chance of dying here as in the jungle, honestly. Killing you would be kinda too Godmoddy, even if the character im playing is literally a Godmod.)

Nick's suit catches fire, the layers burning off. Nick reaches for the crystal, hoping it can help him. 

SIMON notes the fire and goes into overdrive, shutting down his personality to run dozens of parallel searches. 

Nick says the exorcism incantation as the heat gets through the insulation to his skin. 

Emergency status inventory. Temperature: 1,736 F - lethal to humans. Water: extremely low. Air: semi-breathable, useful compounds. Anti tear layer: destroyed. Force distribution: actively burning. Insulation: overloaded. Main computer chip: overheating. Secondary computer chip: not responding. External speakers: destroyed. AR projector: no further damage. Xenosuit culture: overheating. Secondary biotech cultures: overheating. Air circulation: overheating. Nutrient circulation: leaking. Charge: adrenaline rush, severe burns, various heat related maladies.

Heat drains from the suit, but Nick barely notices. The unfaithful will be burned by the sun along with the earth. 

Emergency status inventory - repeat. Temperature: 1,737 F - lethal to hu- sudden drop in temperature. Causes? Environment: no significant change. Primary memory search? Ongoing xenotech examinations: "moon crystal", "lightsaber". Expand files. "Moon crystal": important religious artifact of moon lord, materiel unknown, given willingly by teleportation subject "Kaleb", reduces or transfers thermal energy (violates laws of thermodynamics), mounted in wing locking port, used as hand activated entropy reversion - likely cause of temperature drop.

We occasionally give sacrifices, things we love dearly, to the moon lord, if we are in need. "I don't have anything right now." Nick mumbles. 

'Lightsaber": plasma bladed melee weapon, various unknown materials, traded by teleportation subject "Sleeper" (obtained through "demons": investigate further), cylindrical hilt produces contained blade of high energy plasma if activated (power source unknown, seemingly inexhaustible), tethered to belt, wrapped in energy harvesting layer, biopathway reformatting layer, product- Energy harvesting layer (Reentry microbe) - expand file. High tolerance constructive heat shielding microbes with ability to survive dormant in comparatively low temperatures. Minimum active temperature: ~1000 F. Maximum survivable temperature: ~3000 F. Original habitat: volcanic pl- Temperature? Temperature: 1,724 - lethal to humans, within tolerance of reentry microbe culture. Repair suit with reentry microbe culture - prioritize charge's brain and required xenosuit systems. 

"Nick! I need you to put the lightsaber to your face!" "Ok Kaleb," Nick mumbles deliriously, but does as he was told. 

The reentry microbes, finally placed in their natural habitat, grow fast. Pulling heat and atmosphere from around them, they split and multiply. Within seconds, they spread across Nick's face and down his torso, permeating and rebuilding the suit. The other layers from the project follow suit, consuming reentry microbes and building different structures, different pathways. The remains of the suit's original configuration are fed converted biomolecules and kept insulated by the new outer shell. 

Nick, on the other hand, is not so lucky. His own cells divide a measly human speeds, and depend on each other. Biotech floods through the channels meant for nutrients, sent by SIMON. Burned skin, overheated muscle, boiled blood, and even neurons are consumed and replaced. His heart continues to pump blood, but it isn't hemoglobin any longer. His muscles still work, but they're made completely differently. His brain keeps working the way it did - indeed, it's faster - but it's no longer a human brain. Like a fossil, what Nick had been is replaced by something different - still the same shape, but not the same.

Nick, brought back from the brink at the expense of being 'human' opens his new eyes, and speaks with his new voice box. "SIMON? I'm alive?" He giggles, mostly from sheer shock. "Hah! I won your bet, Darcus! Why I wanted to earn money for a man who just dropped me into a volcano, I'm not sure, but I'm alive!" 


That took me a bit to long to write. Sorry for the delay. 

It's good for Nick that he had that lightsaber. He wouldn't have time to save himself otherwise. And there are much worse places to be teleported to. Ones that don't helpfully recharge your batteries so you can stop them from killing you. 

@The Stormfather, can Nick see beyond the volcano? 

Edited by Dragonheir
Didn't want to double post
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On 9/1/2024 at 10:15 AM, The Stormfather said:

The snakes charge as one unified group, and you notice one snake that looks bigger than the others. (There's 7 of them for no particular reason.)

Aki draws his sword, swinging it to decapitate the nearest one.

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On 9/1/2024 at 2:25 PM, Dragonheir said:

Nick's suit catches fire, the layers burning off. Nick reaches for the crystal, hoping it can help him. 

SIMON notes the fire and goes into overdrive, shutting down his personality to run dozens of parallel searches. 

Nick says the exorcism incantation as the heat gets through the insulation to his skin. 

Emergency status inventory. Temperature: 1,736 F - lethal to humans. Water: extremely low. Air: semi-breathable, useful compounds. Anti tear layer: destroyed. Force distribution: actively burning. Insulation: overloaded. Main computer chip: overheating. Secondary computer chip: not responding. External speakers: destroyed. AR projector: no further damage. Xenosuit culture: overheating. Secondary biotech cultures: overheating. Air circulation: overheating. Nutrient circulation: leaking. Charge: adrenaline rush, severe burns, various heat related maladies.

Heat drains from the suit, but Nick barely notices. The unfaithful will be burned by the sun along with the earth. 

Emergency status inventory - repeat. Temperature: 1,737 F - lethal to hu- sudden drop in temperature. Causes? Environment: no significant change. Primary memory search? Ongoing xenotech examinations: "moon crystal", "lightsaber". Expand files. "Moon crystal": important religious artifact of moon lord, materiel unknown, given willingly by teleportation subject "Kaleb", reduces or transfers thermal energy (violates laws of thermodynamics), mounted in wing locking port, used as hand activated entropy reversion - likely cause of temperature drop.

We occasionally give sacrifices, things we love dearly, to the moon lord, if we are in need. "I don't have anything right now." Nick mumbles. 

'Lightsaber": plasma bladed melee weapon, various unknown materials, traded by teleportation subject "Sleeper" (obtained through "demons": investigate further), cylindrical hilt produces contained blade of high energy plasma if activated (power source unknown, seemingly inexhaustible), tethered to belt, wrapped in energy harvesting layer, biopathway reformatting layer, product- Energy harvesting layer (Reentry microbe) - expand file. High tolerance constructive heat shielding microbes with ability to survive dormant in comparatively low temperatures. Minimum active temperature: ~1000 F. Maximum survivable temperature: ~3000 F. Original habitat: volcanic pl- Temperature? Temperature: 1,724 - lethal to humans, within tolerance of reentry microbe culture. Repair suit with reentry microbe culture - prioritize charge's brain and required xenosuit systems. 

"Nick! I need you to put the lightsaber to your face!" "Ok Kaleb," Nick mumbles deliriously, but does as he was told. 

The reentry microbes, finally placed in their natural habitat, grow fast. Pulling heat and atmosphere from around them, they split and multiply. Within seconds, they spread across Nick's face and down his torso, permeating and rebuilding the suit. The other layers from the project follow suit, consuming reentry microbes and building different structures, different pathways. The remains of the suit's original configuration are fed converted biomolecules and kept insulated by the new outer shell. 

Nick, on the other hand, is not so lucky. His own cells divide a measly human speeds, and depend on each other. Biotech floods through the channels meant for nutrients, sent by SIMON. Burned skin, overheated muscle, boiled blood, and even neurons are consumed and replaced. His heart continues to pump blood, but it isn't hemoglobin any longer. His muscles still work, but they're made completely differently. His brain keeps working the way it did - indeed, it's faster - but it's no longer a human brain. Like a fossil, what Nick had been is replaced by something different - still the same shape, but not the same.

Nick, brought back from the brink at the expense of being 'human' opens his new eyes, and speaks with his new voice box. "SIMON? I'm alive?" He giggles, mostly from sheer shock. "Hah! I won your bet, Darcus! Why I wanted to earn money for a man who just dropped me into a volcano, I'm not sure, but I'm alive!" 

@The Stormfather, can Nick see beyond the volcano? 



I only slightly understand what just happened

Did he just turn himself into a cyborg by stabbing his own face with a lightsaber?

Also... YAY! Bringing up my religion I made when you're dying! 


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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:


I only slightly understand what just happened

Did he just turn himself into a cyborg by stabbing his own face with a lightsaber?

Also... YAY! Bringing up my religion I made when you're dying! 


So: Nick was harvesting energy from the lightsaber by basically taking a plant that grows from heat and pointing the lightsaber at it. Therefore, he had access to a tool already designed to take high temperatures and transform them into useful biochemicals. Thus, he could use that to repair his suit, and himself. He’s a cyborg now cause A, regrowing human cells fast is hard to do, and B, it gives him something to be upset about, so I get more writing fuel. The lightsaber had to be near his face because his brain was pretty much the only part of him that had to be intact. 
And the religion thing was supposed to be just him being delirious, but I’ve realized he kinda was in need, and had a sacrifice of his humanity in exchange for survival. So… ? 

Nick looks around. Then realizes something. Everyone else is going to come through. “SIMON - get a heat shield suit for everyone.” “I’ll fix your speakers as well.” 

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2 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick looks around. Then realizes something. Everyone else is going to come through. “SIMON - get a heat shield suit for everyone.” “I’ll fix your speakers as well.” 


Wait are we gonna show up where you are?

Cool. I get it. I think.


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2 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Wait are we gonna show up where you are?

Cool. I get it. I think.

2 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

we are gonna get dropped into a volcano?


I believe so. That was the implication of “sending him ahead”. (And anyway better safe than sorry.) 

Nick’s energy microbes spread out on the lava, occupying its surface like algae. The temperature drops a bit as they feed off of the heat, but it’s still at lethal levels. Four sheet-like suit contraptions with struts begin growing. “I hope they can get these set up fast enough. I think they’d be unhappy if I Theseused them all.” “You did what?!” 

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2 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick’s energy microbes spread out on the lava, occupying its surface like algae. The temperature drops a bit as they feed off of the heat, but it’s still at lethal levels. Four sheet-like suit contraptions with struts begin growing. “I hope they can get these set up fast enough. I think they’d be unhappy if I Theseused them all.” “You did what?!” 

@The Stormfather


We gonna land on volcano world?


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8 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Possibly, possibly not. I was kinda vague, but it seemed like they had reserved this world for special cases.


Nick looked to see if this is just one volcano, or if the whole planet is really volcanic. 
Was there any reaction by the Sky Voices?

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11 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

Possibly, possibly not. I was kinda vague, but it seemed like they had reserved this world for special cases.

"Well... how are we gonna get Nick back? Cuz I was kinda starting to like the guy." Kaleb says, freezing one of the snakes.

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