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Teleportation : A mystery/chaotic RP

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9 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“Ok… a xenosuit would work better, wouldn’t it? Where are you from, anyway? You might have heard of my dad. He discovered the Ferrians.” 

“Don’t know what a xenosuit is.”

4 minutes ago, The Stormfather said:

You all hear a large crash from somewhere to the east. (You don't know that its east, I just needed a direction.)

Then, a rhythmic crashing, breaking of stone and rush of falling sands. You here a loud humming from above you, and a shadow passes above you. It passes quickly. 

For Nick

  Reveal hidden contents

You recognize the shape and sound as some sort of helicopter or propellor.



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 The shadow passes, but the noise of breaking rock and sand continues.

Then... a rumbling. Coming from afar, moving closer and closer until you can vaguely spot the source of the noise.

Something is passing through the sands, under them. Something big. It sprays out sand and rock as it moves, and you can spot some short spines atop a stone-like carapace of some kind of worm-like creature. It passes quickly.

A few minutes later, the breaking of stone halts, and a huge shadow passes above you, and this time you can vaguely see that it's some kind of boxy construction with large blades and drills on the bottom getting carried by a few smaller forms above it.

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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Don’t know what a xenosuit is.”


“I’m wearing a xenosuit right now. It’s designed to help me survive on other planets by-“ he cuts off as the helicopter passes overhead. “You really are serious, aren’t you. That’s probably a helicopter. Those have spinning blades that lift them off the ground.” 

1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Then... a rumbling. Coming from afar, moving closer and closer until you can vaguely spot the source of the noise.

Something is passing through the sands, under them. Something big. It sprays out sand and rock as it moves, and you can spot some short spines atop a stone-like carapace of some kind of worm-like creature. It passes quickly.

A few minutes later, the breaking of stone halts, and a huge shadow passes above you, and this time you can vaguely see that it's some kind of boxy construction with large blades and drills on the bottom getting carried by a few smaller forms above it.

“I’ve got no clue what that thing is, though. SIMON, set my suit to… never mind, forgot we were out of supplies.” He turns back to Kaleb and the others. “Maybe someone down there can help us, if that crazy drill doesn’t shred us by accident first.” 

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1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

“I’m wearing a xenosuit right now. It’s designed to help me survive on other planets by-“ he cuts off as the helicopter passes overhead. “You really are serious, aren’t you. That’s probably a helicopter. Those have spinning blades that lift them off the ground.” 

“I’ve got no clue what that thing is, though. SIMON, set my suit to… never mind, forgot we were out of supplies.” He turns back to Kaleb and the others. “Maybe someone down there can help us, if that crazy drill doesn’t shred us by accident first.” 

“Drill? Helicopter? SHRED US?! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!!!!!”

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5 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“Drill? Helicopter? SHRED US?! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!!!!!”

Nick puts his hands out in a calm down gesture. “We’re all right. We can just go down to the digging machine and ask them for directions. As long as we’re out of the way of where it’s digging, we’ll be fine.” 
He proceeds to do just that. @The Stormfather 

If Aki (@J. Magi) and Larry (@AltonicKeys) want to follow Nick or talk to him before he goes to see what’s happening, feel free. 

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2 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick puts his hands out in a calm down gesture. “We’re all right. We can just go down to the digging machine and ask them for directions. As long as we’re out of the way of where it’s digging, we’ll be fine.” 
He proceeds to do just that. @The Stormfather 

If Aki (@J. Magi) and Larry (@AltonicKeys) want to follow Nick or talk to him before he goes to see what’s happening, feel free. 

Kaleb follows him doubtfully, having absolutely no idea what is going on.

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1 hour ago, The Stormfather said:

Sorry if I didn't clarify, but when the worm thing passed by, the digging thing got carried away by the flying things. It was in a post up above, I believe.

Oh. Ignore what I said above, then. 
“Huh. Maybe this is some kind of machine ecosystem. That’s happened before. SIMON, you’re recording, right?” Turning to the others, he says, “We’re going to see if we can get on to one of those. What do we have to work with?” 
 @J. Magi @AltonicKeys @Ancient Elantrian 

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12 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

A figure stands up from the ground, and walks over to you. As it gets close enough, you can see that the figure is wearing some sort of black jumpsuit that covers his entire body. Some sort of clear substance allows you to see the right eye, but the left is covered in the same fabric the rest of him is. Black strings hang off of the suit, connected to locations in a line along his side. The figure sticks out his hand, and says, “I’m Nick Bryer. Where are we?” 

"Aki," He replied. What a strange person.

12 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

You all hear a large crash from somewhere to the east. (You don't know that its east, I just needed a direction.)

Then, a rhythmic crashing, breaking of stone and rush of falling sands. You here a loud humming from above you, and a shadow passes above you. It passes quickly. 

For Nick

  Reveal hidden contents

You recognize the shape and sound as some sort of helicopter or propellor.


12 hours ago, The Stormfather said:

 The shadow passes, but the noise of breaking rock and sand continues.

Then... a rumbling. Coming from afar, moving closer and closer until you can vaguely spot the source of the noise.

Something is passing through the sands, under them. Something big. It sprays out sand and rock as it moves, and you can spot some short spines atop a stone-like carapace of some kind of worm-like creature. It passes quickly.

A few minutes later, the breaking of stone halts, and a huge shadow passes above you, and this time you can vaguely see that it's some kind of boxy construction with large blades and drills on the bottom getting carried by a few smaller forms above it.

4 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick puts his hands out in a calm down gesture. “We’re all right. We can just go down to the digging machine and ask them for directions. As long as we’re out of the way of where it’s digging, we’ll be fine.” 
He proceeds to do just that. @The Stormfather 

If Aki (@J. Magi) and Larry (@AltonicKeys) want to follow Nick or talk to him before he goes to see what’s happening, feel free. 

"I liked the jungle better," Aki grumbled, "less weird stuff."

2 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Oh. Ignore what I said above, then. 
“Huh. Maybe this is some kind of machine ecosystem. That’s happened before. SIMON, you’re recording, right?” Turning to the others, he says, “We’re going to see if we can get on to one of those. What do we have to work with?” 
 @J. Magi @AltonicKeys @Ancient Elantrian 

"Onto the flying thing? That doesn't seem safe." And then, after hesitating a bit, "You alright? You were pretty worse for wear a few moments ago. Want another rice ball?"

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12 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

Oh. Ignore what I said above, then. 
“Huh. Maybe this is some kind of machine ecosystem. That’s happened before. SIMON, you’re recording, right?” Turning to the others, he says, “We’re going to see if we can get on to one of those. What do we have to work with?” 
 @J. Magi @AltonicKeys @Ancient Elantrian 

“I can freeze basically anything. If that’s helpful.”

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11 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Aki," He replied. What a strange person

“You’re the one who moved me, right? Thanks for that.” The suit doesn’t allow facial expressions to be seen through it, but he sounds grateful. 

11 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"I liked the jungle better," Aki grumbled, "less weird stuff."

“There was a jungle? How did we get here?” 

11 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Onto the flying thing? That doesn't seem safe." And then, after hesitating a bit, "You alright? You were pretty worse for wear a few moments ago. Want another rice ball?"

“My xenosuit woke me up because it reached enough biomass to have both me and it in a functional state. It’s still gathering more from the air, but it’s just putting it in storage in case I need something. Unless they start to go bad, you should keep your rice balls. The suit can manufacture food for us, but it won’t be particularly appetizing; making a steak instead of protein sludge takes specialized equipment I’m too low on resources to consider growing.” 


“I can freeze basically anything. If that’s helpful.”

@Ancient Elantrian 

“Interesting…” Nick muses, “how does that work? Simply freezing the creature or machine would be helpful, but depending on what exactly happens, I might be able to generate power or construct a machine that requires cooling. Or both. I could make some sort of laser…” 

Edited by Dragonheir
Completely missed Elan’s post
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16 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

“You’re the one who moved me, right? Thanks for that.” The suit doesn’t allow facial expressions to be seen through it, but he sounds grateful. 

“There was a jungle? How did we get here?” 

“My xenosuit woke me up because it reached enough biomass to have both me and it in a functional state. It’s still gathering more from the air, but it’s just putting it in storage in case I need something. Unless they start to go bad, you should keep your rice balls. The suit can manufacture food for us, but it won’t be particularly appetizing; making a steak instead of protein sludge takes specialized equipment I’m too low on resources to consider growing.” 

@Ancient Elantrian 

“Interesting…” Nick muses, “how does that work? Simply freezing the creature or machine would be helpful, but depending on what exactly happens, I might be able to generate power or construct a machine that requires cooling. Or both. I could make some sort of laser…” 

"Uh... magic. You just toss a crystal," he holds up a small brown pouch, "And it'll spread a layer of super-strong frost over the thing, immobilizing it for a pretty long time."

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Uh... magic. You just toss a crystal," he holds up a small brown pouch, "And it'll spread a layer of super-strong frost over the thing, immobilizing it for a pretty long time."

Nick’s visible eye widens, “Magic? Can you reuse a crystal? How much frost can one crystal make? Can I have one to look at?” 

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4 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

Nick’s visible eye widens, “Magic? Can you reuse a crystal? How much frost can one crystal make? Can I have one to look at?” 

Kaleb steps back. "Uh... yes? Enough? No. They're holy items blessed by the Lord of the Moon."

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38 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Kaleb steps back. "Uh... yes? Enough? No. They're holy items blessed by the Lord of the Moon."

A message shows up in the corner of Nick’s glasses. It’s from SIMON and says, “whoa whoa whoa Nick, calm down. I know he says it’s magic, but it could just be some sort of precursor tech or a strange organism.” 


I wish I had an AI that could tell me stuff like that… 

Nick grumbles to himself, “Nobody ever lets me mess around with cool stuff. Not a xenosuit seed, and not this, apparently.” Then he continues speaking to Kaleb, “Sorry for asking so many questions. I was just excited; I don’t have any magic. Until just now, I was confident it wasn’t real, but then I showed up in a wasteland with no idea how I got there and a time traveler or something is talking to me, so I’m reconsidering some assumptions I had.” He shrugs, “how much would you be allowed to explain or demonstrate? Would I be allowed to examine the frost? We’re kinda stuck here, and it’s my actual job - or at least it will be once I finish college - to take items or creatures that do interesting things on their own, and build something useful from them. It’s how these suits were made, and it’s how I’m gonna get us out of here.” 

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14 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

A message shows up in the corner of Nick’s glasses. It’s from SIMON and says, “whoa whoa whoa Nick, calm down. I know he says it’s magic, but it could just be some sort of precursor tech or a strange organism.” 

Nick grumbles to himself, “Nobody ever lets me mess around with cool stuff. Not a xenosuit seed, and not this, apparently.” Then he continues speaking to Kaleb, “Sorry for asking so many questions. I was just excited; I don’t have any magic. Until just now, I was confident it wasn’t real, but then I showed up in a wasteland with no idea how I got there and a time traveler or something is talking to me, so I’m reconsidering some assumptions I had.” He shrugs, “how much would you be allowed to explain or demonstrate? Would I be allowed to examine the frost? We’re kinda stuck here, and it’s my actual job - or at least it will be once I finish college - to take items or creatures that do interesting things on their own, and build something useful from them. It’s how these suits were made, and it’s how I’m gonna get us out of here.” 

Kaleb shrugged. “Demonstration…” he pulls out a crystal and throws it at Aki. Immediately a film of whiteish blue frost forms over her, freezing her in place.

”That demonstration enough?”

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12 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Kaleb shrugged. “Demonstration…” he pulls out a crystal and throws it at Aki. Immediately a film of whiteish blue frost forms over her, freezing her in place.

”That demonstration enough?”

SIMON records the demonstration, then goes over it in slow motion, watching for how the frost spreads, where it goes, what happens to the crystal. Nick, on the other hand, appears very startled. “How do we get him out?” He goes over, cuts a xenosuit strip left over from it gathering energy, and tosses it at the ice. If it doesn’t freeze over, he touches the ice with his hand, trying to see if it will melt. (Not that that will do anything. The xenosuit is pretty well insulated.) 


I checked, and J. Magi has been using he/him for Aki. 

Speaking of which, @J. Magi. Kaleb just froze you for an ice crystal demonstration. 

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1 hour ago, Dragonheir said:

SIMON records the demonstration, then goes over it in slow motion, watching for how the frost spreads, where it goes, what happens to the crystal. Nick, on the other hand, appears very startled. “How do we get him out?” He goes over, cuts a xenosuit strip left over from it gathering energy, and tosses it at the ice. If it doesn’t freeze over, he touches the ice with his hand, trying to see if it will melt. (Not that that will do anything. The xenosuit is pretty well insulated.) 

Speaking of which, @J. Magi. Kaleb just froze you for an ice crystal demonstration. 


Oh no.

Not again.

I literally ALWAYS get the wrong Genders for JM's characters.



The frost doesn't spread nor melt. 

"You just need the right incantation, putting your palm up against the statue. Or we could wait a few hours. Or days. Depending on... stuff."

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3 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

The frost doesn't spread nor melt. 

"You just need the right incantation, putting your palm up against the statue. Or we could wait a few hours. Or days. Depending on... stuff."

“Ok… you should probably do that. Is it otherwise unbreakable? I could make a structure from cloth or something, then we could freeze it for armor, or a building, or a hang glider. Would that be allowed?” 
Nick walks over to Larry. “Is that a stormtrooper?” @AltonicKeys

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10 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

“My xenosuit woke me up because it reached enough biomass to have both me and it in a functional state. It’s still gathering more from the air, but it’s just putting it in storage in case I need something. Unless they start to go bad, you should keep your rice balls. The suit can manufacture food for us, but it won’t be particularly appetizing; making a steak instead of protein sludge takes specialized equipment I’m too low on resources to consider growing.” 

"Sooooo . . . ."

"Your not hungry?"

Aki was having a very time understanding the weird man and the weird voice that followed him. Maybe he was possessed with a demon. Wouldn't be the first time Aki'd come across it.

8 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Kaleb shrugged. “Demonstration…” he pulls out a crystal and throws it at Aki. Immediately a film of whiteish blue frost forms over her, freezing her in place.

”That demonstration enough?”

8 hours ago, Dragonheir said:

SIMON records the demonstration, then goes over it in slow motion, watching for how the frost spreads, where it goes, what happens to the crystal. Nick, on the other hand, appears very startled. “How do we get him out?” He goes over, cuts a xenosuit strip left over from it gathering energy, and tosses it at the ice. If it doesn’t freeze over, he touches the ice with his hand, trying to see if it will melt. (Not that that will do anything. The xenosuit is pretty well insulated.) 

Speaking of which, @J. Magi. Kaleb just froze you for an ice crystal demonstration. 


And then he turned blue. 😌




7 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

The frost doesn't spread nor melt. 

"You just need the right incantation, putting your palm up against the statue. Or we could wait a few hours. Or days. Depending on... stuff."

Aki was very upset. And cold. He'd thought the westerner guy was nice but this was just mean.

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11 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Sooooo . . . ."

"Your not hungry?"

Aki was having a very time understanding the weird man and the weird voice that followed him. Maybe he was possessed with a demon. Wouldn't be the first time Aki'd come across it.

“I am hungry, but the suit can convert things that aren’t edible into food for all of us. We should save our good food.” He shuffles in place. “What I really need is a better energy source. Normally, we just plug these things into a fusion reactor and call it a day.”


Certainly unrelated to that, does anyone know what happened to AltonicKeys? Not like I want Larry’s power cell or anything… (but also the interaction would be funny, because Nick has seen Star Wars.) 

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12 hours ago, J. Magi said:

"Sooooo . . . ."

"Your not hungry?"

Aki was having a very time understanding the weird man and the weird voice that followed him. Maybe he was possessed with a demon. Wouldn't be the first time Aki'd come across it.


And then he turned blue. 😌

Aki was very upset. And cold. He'd thought the westerner guy was nice but this was just mean.

Kaleb put his hand on Aki, muttering a few words. The blue disappeared, and a warmth covered him.

Kaleb handed him a mug of hot cocoa. “Sorry about that.”




Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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5 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Kaleb put his hand on Aki, muttering a few words. The blue disappeared, and a warmth covered him.

Kaleb handed him a mug of hot cocoa. “Sorry about that.”


"Where did you even get that?" 

Did you see Nick's plan from earlier? We make stuff from invincible frost. 

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9 minutes ago, Dragonheir said:

"Where did you even get that?" 

Did you see Nick's plan from earlier? We make stuff from invincible frost. 

“Doesn’t matter. No, the whole ‘invincibility armor’ wouldn’t work. It’s been tried, and it just… doesn’t.”

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